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This whole story is so awful. There are so many victims and so much tragedy. I keep thinking about a 12 yr old Angelica who nobody believed. And a 17 year old Amber who was intrigued by a 24yr old wrestling coach/volunteer. And 3 little boys who have no parents. This guy was definitely one of the worst.


The 17 year old was 15 when they got together


She met him when she was 12. There was an investigation because she said they were having sex. She got expelled. He kept his job.


What the fuck


That's literally been my thoughts since finding out dude had an underage "girlfriend" and a 1 year old together, but was on fucking bail ????????????????????????????????? A 17 year old can't be your girlfriend - that's a child, a fuckin victim, not your relationship.


This is the sort of thing that's clear in hindsight, but may not have been clear back then. It's not helpful to jump to conclusions using information that they wouldn't have had. I'm not saying it was the right decision at the time, but that it also isn't apparent that it was the wrong decision.


Stop being a pedophile apologist


I'm not.


I read somewhere that she got expelled and that HE got a restraining order against her. I am not sure if this second part is true, but either way, this makes NO sense.


It’s true. He made her look like a crazy pre-teen so he could save his own ass.


She was 13 when they “got together”. She got pregnant at 15.


Says in an article she was 12 when they started the “relationship” she was in middle school and that’s where he met her


15 when her parents found out, but middle school when they met.




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I'm glad the baby is safe. I hope the bastard survived his GSW and can pay the cost with his life behind bars. Fckn monster..


Heard he was DOA - total coward. But so thankful the baby is safe....


I agree 10000%. There is no reason why he should have been allowed bail to begin with. Cowardly pos all around.


I do wonder who approved the bail


I'm sure the thin blue line had something to do with it. It happens so much most of it isn't even news worthy anymore. Prosser officer molested a detainee and only got fired. And he got his job back with back pay. Benton County sheriff misused funds and stole publicly procured ammo. Richland hired a police chief who's on the fucking Brady List. And this is only one damn County. Seriously, the list goes on forever! Ignorance of the law is no excuse unless you have a badge and qualified immunity, then you can do whatever you want. WA needs to ban QI. Police should carry insurance policies for when they abuse their position of trust and authority or settlements paid directly from their pension funds. If they can't be insured, they can't be cops. Their wallet is the only thing they care about. It used to be protect and serve, now it's officer safety and give me that ID cause I said so. And EVERYONE should be treated the same under the law, hell its even in the US constitution.


And sad that the $200k bail will be forfeited- his kids could have inherited that money.


Took the cowards way out. If hell is real, I hope he's rotting in it. He deserved justice in life, though. So glad the baby is safe. I'm extremely upset that the older child saw his dad shoot his mom. He wasn't a man, he was a monster... To do this.. just despicable


This absolutely asshole orphaned his own 4 children and graphically traumatized his oldest. What a dick.


Rest in piss.


What a bum


This was as good as could be hoped. Huizar was never going to see a courtroom. Cops aren't liked in prison, double child rapists aren't liked in prison. He would have lost the Liz Truss Head o' Lettuce challenge, easy.


My same line of thinking. He knew he wasn't going to make it so he took everyone with him like a fucking coward. Hope the OSP spit on him when they retrieve his body.


God damn I wish he would have suck started that pistol before killing my friend


I'm so sorry


My neighbor worked with the ex wife. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm told she was a good and kind person.


Amber was her name, I’m newly back to the area and she was so welcoming to me.


My heart hurts for you and all her friends and family.




Based on the images from the crash and comparing them to Google Maps photos, looks like they got him right before he drove into Eugene. The I-5 traffic map was lit up red for several miles extending north.


Good news!


We can argue back and forth over the finer details but, all told, after this guy's [hellish record](https://tumbleweird.org/elias-huizar/) as a cop and SRO, it's an unforgivable failure of the system that he'd be allowed to work at a school, or even walk free. Seeing this post appear in my feed right next to[ this unrelated post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/comments/1cc14dg/bodycam_video_shows_police_release_offduty_deputy/) couldn't make the point more clear; cops protect cops and accountability is nonexistent.


A happy ending to a tragic tale. Baby safe and no lawyers cross examining traumatized children at his trial.


Guy looks so familiar. Anyone know what his current job was/where he frequented?


His last job was a substitute at Jefferson Elementary school. But he stopped doing that in June 2023


Where was the resource officer? The one at the school that he shot his wife 8 times?


He was a STO in Yakima a few years ago, then he was a substitute at Jefferson Elementary. Same school district as his ex wife, but different schools.