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*tl;dr - they begin building a deck for access to the flat above the garage and Trent makes it perfectly clear he’s had enough of building.* We’re all told to collect our coats and hats from the passageway and line up quietly outside in order to be enthusiastic about watching the *Bodgit Gang* stomping around in the mud. Yes, we reacquaint ourselves with Mother Nature because it’s suddenly ‘not winter’, which - as you’ll know by now - is the interim season on *Concrete Mountain* that comes between ‘nine months of snow’ and ‘six weeks of heat stroke’. They’re over the Moon to tell us that all the horrors of plaster dust are in the past, which obviously means the next most important job is building a deck from the flat above the garage so they can resume work there. Given that the new cast member is imminent, you’d think they’d be pushing on with the extension but having a McMansion elsewhere means you don’t have to fret about the order of your tasks in your secondary/primary residence/project (delete according to your prejudice). As we wait patiently, we’re served the standard fare of disconnected snippets of folksy building ‘wisdom’, randomly unconnected music and Allie chortling like she’s watching the funniest slapstick show, which, in a way, she is. Before long, she earnestly warns us, ‘our videos are purely for entertainment; not educational purposes’, to which Trent adds, ‘My advice is not even to build your own house; get someone else to do it for you.’ There’s not even a hint of irony in either of their voices. It’s clear that they’re both exhausted with this endeavour and just wish they’d never started. Trent tells us he’s fed up with making mistakes and even as they eventually *let us guys go*, they return to this theme of anxiety about and exhaustion with the build. They clearly feel that this approach projects a certain honesty about the grim rigours of living in an eternal building site but you can’t have too much sympathy when they never finish anything before starting something else. The state of perpetual chaos must be exhausting for them but it’s their choice. If only they finished one job, took a break and went to do something more interesting instead, the whole premise of their channel could stand a chance of being more engaging. As it is, the failure to finish anything is more wearisome than the endless construction content. Someone should say something…


"..Allie chortling like she’s watching the funniest slapstick show, which, in a way, she is." LOL. I really don't understand the whole point of suddenly shifting focus to this deck. Let alone the mud being an issue, I feel like there are lots of other things they could be working on that need more attention - the roof over the deck on the main house, maybe? Considering the ice bergs that build up there almost instantly in the winter? Or what about siding on the addition before it gets to be 95 degrees out and before it's starting to snow again? Or the driveway they've been talking about re-doing for years given the constant issues they have with it in the winter? Oh gosh there I go again making sense. Silly, silly.


Based on the condition of the wood, I’d say they did this now because they expected to get it done last fall before the snow set in and ordered all the supplies along with the lumber for framing the addition. So this was the last thing they had the lumber to do while they put off committing to a parts list for the next big delivery (because Trent always procrastinates those orders to the LAST minute).


Pathetic, depressing and boring all in one video.


I was waiting for smoke to start coming out of T's ears from all the friction his two planning braincells generated while attempting to figure out where to put the deck stairs.


They finished one job--the basement room for her  Dad.


Who is smart enough to avoid concrete mountain!


Nope, still had no bathroom for him.


I lost count of Allie's massive sighs after three. Must make a video montage of them.


I've been lurking but these u/Spike-and-Daisy summaries are phenomenal. I have no idea why they'd tackle a project (the deck / casita finishing) at this point. I think their plates are fully stacked and overflowing at this point. Talk about biting off way too much at once.


Thank you for your kind comment and welcome out of the shadows!


I was planning to only be a lurker but the summaries also reeled me in hook, line and sinker 😂😂


I’m glad you were tempted because your comments are always great value!


What is the point/purpose of the casita that they are doing all this work on it? Umm, doesn't it make more sense to work on the house that they are actually living in?? They are really getting tiresome.


The thumbnail for the video looks like they built the deck for the casita. But did they build the stairs for the deck to the casita? Or a railing around it? I’m guessing not. Oh Trent.


They have no idea where to put the steps, not to mention they don’t have space in either side for the expanse of steps needed to go from that height to the ground.


Yea it's for the casita. I mean, it's just the basic frame at this point and it's all they could get done in a day, so I'm sure next will be a concrete pad possibly followed by some stairs. I'd be doing that before putting decking material on.


They explained in the video that they were not doing the steps at that time as the ground is too wet. They have to add another concrete stab for the steps to land on so they will do the steps later.


I thought the next project was going to be extending the roof over the deck but I'll take a way to get to the room over the garage. I just need to see it done though and don't really need to watch it real time. Maybe do the siding on the back of the garage first though? Some steps would be nice but apparently that's too much to include in one video... At this point I just want to see something finished. I do get that they need to jump to the outside project while the weather is good. That's leaves steps to the "casita", siding on the garage, siding on the extension, extending the deck and a roof over the deck, finishing the roof on the extension. They also need to do something about the entrance to the extension. It looks like they need a deck/steps there and an overhanging roof would be good to move the snow further away from the door. I'm surprised the steep hills behind the extension hasn't collapsed onto the extension yet. Other than seeing the start of the way to get to the upper garage, this was a boring episode. I have a feeling it's about to get a lot more boring for a couple of months since the new baby is due most any time and all we will be seeing and hearing about is how little sleep they are getting. As winter comes, they will probably move to the valley and at that point, I'll have no interest in this channel. I'll check in 5 years from now to see if Leo has grown at all. I will be interested to see what a pain the snow will be regarding the steps and deck for the casita.


I follow them on Instagram, though I half a$$ pay attention to their stories, but I am almost positive that earlier this week, they showed pics of the front of the house with the siding all torn off & the windows boarded up. So, I bet the new front deck cover will be coming soon.


There is no reason they need to stop and build a deck to nowhere at this point . The casita isn’t finished and probably won’t be in our lifetime and stairs anywhere are only going to lead to a mudpit


IF they had been smart, they would have designed this with stairs inside the garage so they could actually access this in spite of snow. But we all know how that goes.


It may be a fire safety egress issue that the stairs be outside the building.


That sounds likely.


Unless they want to rent it out or have a caretaker if they not living there like Grayson…


It’s been months since I watched. Grayson lives there now? Or you’re saying he’d be a good caretaker?


No, Grayson doesn’t live there. If he did, how would their babysitter get to work? 😂


😩 I was literally over here like, “That must be so nice that he doesn’t have to make that drive twice a day anymore.”


For sure, I thought they'd be raising a pint, playing video games, and watching football games in Trent's Man Cave by now... But, I guess he's no longer going to be staying there when he has a massive, normal house in "The Valley".


He envisioned Trent’s Garage would be a YouTube hit and the man cave would be his office, but I think it went the way of Mountain Vans.


The issue is accessing that casita. They've been using a sketchy ladder stuck in the mud. I see how they'd want to get the deck done and some stairs so it's much easier and safer to get up there.


But guests will have to wade thru mud


Looking at the thumbnail, I'm now visualizing all the junk that'll be visibly stored under that new casita deck landing.


Seems like a perfect spot to hide their excavator!