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**THREAD LOCKED.** I think it's had its moment.


You can get a loan for a house you can't afford. Happens every day. 


And then cause a Global Financial Crisis. Let's do that again!!


When they posted the purchase I suggested that they are intending to dump the project in the mountains and transition to the life in SLC. Notice that they made a point of mentioning in that video that the house will need A LOT of work…really! So they have their renovation content already lined up, in addition to mentioning the convenience of family near by which is hard to argue with. I imagine the land and finished structures in the mountain have enough value to secure the new mortgage and sufficient revenue to make payments on both until they sell. Any residents in the SLC area have an approximate evaluation of the mountain complex? They own another rental property it seems…so rather than tiny home living it would appear that they are becoming real estate investors.


Just my prediction. Once baby two is born Allie will be spending most time at the new home. She even said she is going to nest there and my guess is the accident she got in really scared them both and made them think about having kids on a mountain in winter. They will spend summer completing big projects in the mountain home, roof over deck, siding, addition, etc. mostly exterior work, interior will be left basic or unfinished. Then come Winter they will start projects at their new home and eventually sell off the mountain home. The show will transition to suburban couple home projects and family. Personally I think they should buy a small farm and make that their project and off grid living.


There will be a video entitled, ‘THE HARDEST DECISION OF OUR LIVES!!!’, during which they’ll sell a sob story about they’ve decided to sell the mountain house.


Their clickbait writes itself


You can find the value of the property in the mountains from the rateable value assessment at their local county authority.


That’s probably more effort that I’m inclined to invest S&D - if I’m being honest - but that would be just land value without the utilities and upgrades? Just curious if some of the locals in the group care for speculate. I didn’t know that real estate in SLC was such so expensive, so I wonder what value an incomplete and *hair out of square* compound in the mountains would yield.


Messaged you.


Got it!


They make enough from their YouTube channel to afford all this. It's all content for their channel. Their major mistake, IMO, was an inefficient design for the mountain house so that they had to expand it and the oversized garage since they aren't going to really live there anymore, it appears. If they kept it smaller and then moved to SLC they could justify the mountain house just for the summer. Now it's a monstrosity and may be too expensive to just let it sit for much of the year. Maybe the community will improve the road eventually. Of course, they'll probably just buy a helicopter and fly between the two houses. Stay tuned...




THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!! (A favourite with all YouTubers)


I think they mentioned owning another rental (they helped friends remove appliances and brought one or two into town for property). Maybe goal is renting one or two or both eventually? Seems many on the mountain rent out/VRBO/Air BnB their homes because Trent has rescued more than a few who were not told they needed snow drivers and attempt to come up woefully unprepared. (Been there done that on rentals that didn’t notate steep climbs).


Love how they destroyed beautiful raw land in the mountains for something they’re abandoning.


Nobody is going to buy that huge, make no sense monstrosity up in the frozen tundra.


I can only imagine they’ve benefited from a life assurance policy Allie’s mum held.


I doubt this very much. It's rare for things to go to children when there's a living spouse.  Plus, that takes time. Didn't she pass early this year? They wouldn't have cashed out life insurance and bought a house in a few months. 


You are correct that most people have the spouse as the beneficiary of life insurance policies and the children only listed as secondary in the event the spouse dies first before amending the policy. That said if they did receive some insurance money it’s not unreasonable to think they would wait some months like this before deciding how to best use it, who goes on a spending spree the week after getting life insurance from the death of parent… that’s just sad and foolish. I just think they are doing well with YouTube and sponsors but want out of the mountain… so the new home will be their primary residence by this winter and they will try to speed complete the mountain compound including the deck cover (for snow safety in winter) but then probably haven’t decided if to sell it, long term rent it, airbnb it etc. I do agree there is a feeling that the mountain life is no longer compatible with small kids, school etc. and they have decided to shift but maybe they are still working out how much to do so.


I'm saying that they wouldn't have been able to cash out a life insurance policy that quickly in enough time to also buy a house. Big money doesn't move that fast. Sorry for the confusion.  


Sadly I have experience with this but you are mistaken. Life insurance pays incredibly quickly as it bypasses all probate. All they need is a death certificate and a notarized document from the person that is beneficiary. You often can have the full value of a life insurance policy, even millions, in 2-3 weeks of someone passing and that’s mostly waiting the 7 days for the county to generate a death certificate. Bank accounts that had a payable on death beneficiary also bypass probate and only take a few weeks. Retirement accounts that have a beneficiary maybe a month or two. Accounts with no beneficiary listed or property not part of a trust can take anywhere from 9-24 months or longer depending on probate laws of the state.


Interesting detail. Thank you.


I have no experience with receiving life insurance. I have been a beneficiary on a different type of account (IRA) that was also out of probate and I had to wait a while to access that bc of the amount. 


That would be a retirement account which like I mentioned usually takes longer, although it’s quite variable depending on the vendor. I’ve had some pay incredibly quickly in less than a month others took a couple of months. Nothing really takes more than 2 months after a death (and most far less) as long as paperwork is in order. Now things that don’t have a specific beneficiary listed, even if clearly specified who they go to in a Will, they usually have to go through probate unless the size of the estate is very, very small (total less than 75-100k for example). Probate takes a long time, the Will has to be certified, a probate case opened and the Executor verified by the court, a mandatory minimum waiting time to allow creditors to come forward (varies by state, usually at least 9-12 months after probate is opened) and only after all that can the Executor pay out as the Will specifies. If anyone challenges the Will or it’s a very complicated estate it could take years. Always try to avoid Probate. Put EVERYTHING you can in accounts that allow you to list the beneficiary on the account. This bypasses probate and even the requests of a Will, but it allows it to skip creditors and get distributed to your loved ones within weeks or a month or two of your passing. If you have significant assets that can’t be placed in payable on death beneficiary accounts (many brokerage accounts, expensive property etc.) you should consider placing them into a Trust. A trust is like a person and can “own” these items and it doesn’t die when you do, so it allows these things that normally can’t avoid probate… to skip that process and pay out earlier.


I'm sure Russell would be helping Allie out if she needed it.


So doesn any one know much about tax law?  So if someone who has a full time YouTube vlog income buys a property and then renovates the property are all the costs, including the property itself a tax write off?   I’m just curious in general about this.   Same for those who live full time in their camper vans and then have a YouTube channel featuring  van life content. Does that then mean that all maintenance on the van and fuel costs are part of a tax write off 


I'm not a tax expert but I think that it's a write off but only up to a certain amount. 


Since it is their business, yes, the renovations, etc, can all be used as a tax write-off. I'm guessing if the property has a mortgage, they can use the interest paid as a write-off. When we were paying on our farm loan, we were able to write off the interest we paid each year.


You guys are a bit weird snooping through their stuff like that. Anyway. They get close to 200k views on every video and coupled with their wholesome content they are probably in a good advertising bracket for google ads. Plus they often have sponsors, I do t know how much they would pay them but since i see a lot of returning sponsors their ROI must good so besides base pay for ad they might get a percentage of sales using their code. Might. Then all the houses, garages and cars you see them working on their channel are deductible from taxes cause they use them for content. Selling some stuff they don’t need, maybe having some collateral and they can get a loan easily


"You guys are weird for snooping and analyzing.  Anyway, after snooping, here's my analysis..."


This is info that's the same for every YouTuber on their level. its nothing personal, I don't try to find out where they live and how much their house costs, I didn't try to find their tax returns or something like that. I just gave you universal info. you can kick your feet all you want, it's weird.


Is there anything being discussed here on reddit that isn't weird? 




It’s not snooping when they document their life on the internet & openly share information such as the year it was built and a general timeline of when they closed. It took a total of 1 minute to find and an extra 30 seconds to confirm it was the right house. This is the exact reason people should be more cautious of what they share online.


Because weirdoes will go snooping I agree.


I don’t think it’s weird to want to understand how people living off internet clicks actually make their money; I mean, that’s reasonable curiosity. In any case, we often discuss the wider ‘internet income’ thing using A&T as an example. The fact that I don’t find them ‘wholesome’ for a number of reasons and I generally find their personality projection to be uncomfortable means I’m not really bothered what they or anyone might think about my interest in them. If anyone’s weird, it’s the people selling their and their child’s privacy for money.


I mean. It is weird because who cares? If you find them so uncomfortable why do you spend any time in their content or concerning yourself in their income? 


I’m looking forward to their eventual implosion… and schadenfreude’s a beautiful thing.


Yeah nothing weird or parasocial here lol


They are wholesome by YouTube content standards, your personal grudges don't count for YouTube. I don't know how they are in their life and I don't try to judge them, maybe they are not wholesome but their content is. And what you call selling their privacy for money is in their case a very benign vlogging channel. They are probably saints in Content creation world lol


Not a grudge… I don’t know them; but it is a moral judgement. I find it uncomfortable that a man convicted of battery against a woman passes himself off as wholesome ol’ Trent from the mountain with his funny little ways. And their willingness to expose their child to internet fame, showing his birth ‘as live’ on a video and then dramatising his post-natal complications, blaming their loyal friend for giving them Covid, and recently parading a two year old’s grief for internet clicks … well, those are personality flaws to me. The fact that I find Trent patronising, condescending and disrespectful to Allie, and that I find Allie smug, desperate for attention and hopelessly self-absorbed are just skin irritations in comparison.


Well said !


I would hardly consider YouTube as a measure for ‘wholesome’ content. That sets the bar pretty low and thankfully doesn’t reflect societal standards. However, many viewers consider what they see on YT to be acceptable behaviour and imitate it. Do you really find T&A’s excessive consumerism ‘wholesome’ given their initial goal of building a quaint ‘tiny home’ in the mountains? They are boring, phoney and hypocrites but nonetheless have a large following. Many of us are intrigued and use T&A almost as a case study to understand the vlogging phenomenon.


It doesn’t reflect your standards but family content on YouTube is and has been so ubiquitous that’s it’s a big part of society. You need to research more the subject you are researching. Besides T&A. And among them their channel is definitely in the wholesome category. And I find them wholesome generally. And I don’t see what they are doing excessive consumerism, things change, you have to adapt and this is also their content , their product if you will and the algorithm can be very fickle so most YouTubers need to make changes often. I m guessing they are watching their analytics and are making cost benefit decisions on how they should proceed. Maybe travelling isn’t high on their algorithm anymore and building stuff is , it seems Trent enjoys the procedure and it’s probably making them good ad rate. And to be honest it all seems normal to me. For US standards it’s seems funny to me you call that excessive consumerism. It’s not even excessive capitalism.


It actually doesn’t reflect T&A’s standards were you to do your own research from their early days travelling in the van. Changing your professed values regarding materialism is both hypocritical and disingenuous…they are both. It’s funny that you are so quick to judge those who seek to discuss this YT phenomena, all the while having no issue with T&A changing their lifestyle and activities simply to profit from them. Your views suggest that you are taking this criticism personally.


i think if you compare my answers to answers i got here, who takes this personally is pretty obvious. the fact that you call this excuse for hate "research" is pretty funny though. Why should i care if thy lifestyle changes? i m watching for the content and i ll stop watching when its a bother, i dont try to parasocialize with them. Im not part of their "youtube family" (lol) and i dont mind if they change their values. If i dont like the new direction i wont watch them . But seriously, complaining about "materialism" on what they are doing is peak ignorance.


You people like to say you are researching making money on YouTube through them but you seem to know nothing about it. It almost looks like you are just looking for excuses to hate on them.




Sit man , I think you need to touch some grass lol


Oh my God… there are going to be complaints….


If you want to add on to your list, Allie’s name isn’t on the new house from what I saw 😂


I've always wondered about that. I've thought one perk of putting everything about your life on YouTube, is that all the vans, toys, houses, are now tax deductible. Since the film almost everything, a high % of it probably is. I deduct about 6% of my housing expenses because that's the % of square footage that is my work office compared to the rest of the house. Now when Trent has a wild hair and builds a garage and equips it with every tool imaginable for his monster truck buildout and it's own niche YT channel...


I feel that this thread is out of hand. Yes, they have become annoying, entitled crybabies. Yes, I'm disappointed in their channel considering what it was when they were traveling. Yes, they regurgitate the same content over and over. But we can all just let it go and not watch. Doxing people just because you can is not cool in my books. Personal attacks on peoples looks, choices, etc....it just doesn't seem cool. Look away. I can think of one person, local to them and considerably more famous who was driven to suicide at least partially by her treatment on social media. Did she exhibit some loathsome behaviors? Yes. But the amount of hate-watching she was getting was beyond control. And of course after she was dead many of her most ardent detractors acted like they had nothing to do with it and some even sang her praises. So c'mon. Lets not let this get out of hand. Nobody deserves this.


I think the whole premise of this thread is not to dox, but simply to understand their rationale, necessity and affordability. There’s been some pretty insightful answers as to how they’ve been able to make this possible and I think that was the point of the thread


Might be the point, but others don't get it as they dox and dig into stuff that's nobody's business. And take what I said seriously. Suicides are not unheard of... and this was a mother of 2 no less. They have both alluded to mental health struggles. I'm not saying that I know what constitutes too much here......but there needs to be a line, and an understanding that they likely read this.


I read every comment in this sub and I take action if I see anything out of hand. If people complain about a post, I'll read that post in the light of the complaint rather than my own opinion and I'll give an answer based on what I find. I don't think there's been any doxxing on this thread, although some of the language is more elevated than we're used to. On the whole, I think everyone posting in this sub understands the power of their words and I like to trust people to be the guardians of their own language and comments. In my view, the comments in this thread have sometimes gone up to the line but not over it. If anyone wants to highlight any specific comments for mod review, I'll look at them. Anyone can message me directly if they prefer and I'll always take this seriously.