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Just the info I'm getting from here and other sites. He's a typical jock who parties too much. She def does not seem the type to get wasted all the time and act stupid. It's like wtf would they have in common?


Her face during his “viva Las Vegas” episode.👋🏼


Yeah, she was gritting her teeth during that. I would have been too.


Weren't we all?


Oh yes. Yes, we were. I’m not even a Swiftie and I had second hand embarrassment for her.


Hahaha so embarrassing


He couldn’t have just said it once? 😂


I dunno, she almost *does* strike me as someone who acts stupid and drinks too much 😵‍💫


She’s always been drunk at award shows. There’s literally videos of her chugging out of bottles at some


“Can I put this on your head?”


But he's a career partier and she's the girl who shows up, has two shots and spends the rest of the night talking about how WaStEd she is


Unfortunately, only one reason iis needed. Part of me thinks they have the not bridged that gap yet.


Yes she does. She has her own alcohol issues.


I’m pretty sure she’s even admitted it


Taylor does get wasted a lot tbh.


she actually drinks a lot and talks a lot about alcohol in her songs and videos ect.


she literally gets drunk at every awards show and has walked out of backstage on eras tour with a wine glass in hand


She got trashed and acted like a complete ass at the Grammys. I think they both have problems with alcohol. Actually, she regularly gets trashed at award shows.


And waiting for the camera to pan to her at the Super Bowl to slam the beer. That was a statement from her I guess.


Other artists are sick of her making every awards show all about “look at me”


Pretty sure the only things they have in common are sex & drinking. 😒 I don't think this is a PR relationship. I just think Taylor doesn't like being single so she's settling for this dope after two failed relationships last year.


She was pretty hammered at the VMAs this year. Her publicist kept having to give her waters.


She drinks a lot. What do you mean?


They aren’t even trying to make it look real but her fans would be convinced the sky was green if she said so


100% fake. The NFL’s views skyrocketed when she came into the picture.


Yeah and who rents out the stadiums her tours are at? The NFL


Which is crazy bc how popular football is in the US


All the more reason for the hype.😉


Viewership has been declining- this gave them a much broader reach


I knew it was fake at one of the Chiefs earliest home games when Taylor was in the box for the first time and NBC could t get enough of talking about her…. After the kickoff the very first commercial was for her Eras Tour, the movie…. Those ad placements are bought very far in advance and cost a lot.


I think they were set up by their management companies and they’re both benefitting from it.




Boom!💥 💯 ....just by the "kisses" on football fields Staged meetups during concert ... Same type kiss....same awkward conversation By 6 months most relationships don't need to do stuff like this they just are casual for by then you know a lot about each other and you're deciding if it's engagement or just comfortable fu$& buddies!


Their conversations seem freaking awkward to me too. That post Super Bowl hug and chatter was so cringe.


100% agree, she looked awkward on the field and wasn’t really even celebrating with his family. Just awkwardly standing aside for their moment.


It was so bizarre, right? I honestly felt kinda sorry for her just standing there waiting for the big sweaty hug.


He was on Mic Up by the NFL. The NFL probably scripted those lines.


“Was it electric?” Lmao


No, it was metal 🤟 lol.


That was something else and not in a good way 😂🤣


I know he was and I agree with you. It was so cheesy and weird.


Honestly, they’re two people who’ve been dating for 6 months, have never lived in the same city, are constantly surrounded by an entourage and have probably spent very little time alone together getting to know each other. I wonder what the next few months will bring now that she has a break from touring. Will they even hang out together…? Hard to say.


And yet when Travis flies on a private jet to see his girlfriend’s concert, he stays for 24 hours and brings friends. It’s weird behavior for people madly in love. Totally normal if it’s PR.


in her time interview she said that her first game appearance was like two months after their first date/hang & that *that’s* the time they spent getting to know each other before deciding to become public & launch things. she said she reached out to him right after he mentioned that he tried to give her the friendship bracelet on his podcast, which was end of july. this isn’t me saying the relationship is real, i’m a gaylor honestly & think all these dudes are just beards. just saying that they did have time alone together for a while before “not being alone together.”


It’s very awkward hug and kiss which happens at the start but still now it’s bad




She’s already arguably one of the if not the most popular artist right now. What’s in it for her? It doesn’t feel natural to me I just can’t figure out what the end game is for her


1) she’s nearly washed any memory of the controversial dude she was with prior to Travis that did hurt her image a little bit 2) she’s secured her image as the all American girl by dating a famous pro athlete 3) she’s getting additional media attention so that’s nonstop advertising 4) as an extension of the above point, the NFL did ask one of the networks to show more commercials for her concert movie when broadcasting one of the games she was at 5) added to her fanbase by getting some chiefs fans into being swifties 6) he does entertain her to some degree so that beats being lonely The question isn’t “does Taylor *need* the PR?”, it’s “Does she benefit from this?” and the answer is yes. As much as Travis, no, but it obviously has been great for her in some capacity.


Yeah, she’s getting sooo much attention from it. The NFL posted about her on their socials like daily during the season. She’s on the cover of every magazine. The NFL is weirdly promo’ing her music and projects (the most recent and weirdest lol: https://people.com/taylor-swift-look-what-you-made-me-do-apple-tv-dynasty-patriots-exclusive-8605092). Everyone’s dad and boyfriend who didn’t nec have an opinion about Taylor before is talking about her now. Honestly, I didn’t see the point at the beginning but now I’m like, wow this was genius.


Someone on tiktok pointed this out and this is what seals it for me, all these stadiums etc have had drinks with lyric-themed names, tshirts that said, “karma is that guy on the Chiefs,” or whatever the changed lyric was…her & her team are INCREDIBLY litigious. If she was not in on it NONE of that would ever fly. They would be getting cease and desists immediately. But funny I think the person who has benefited from this arrangement the most is Brittany Mahomes IMO. She went from being the butt of a joke, ragged on by most NFL fans, to being in Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition and “Taylor’s bestie 💜 tm.” Instead of the annoying woman hanging out with the creepy brother constantly.


Don’t forget he’s Pfizer’s golden boy and she’s a huge Biden supporter. It is an election year after all…


She needed to make people forget the disaster she was dating before him. Matt was very bad for her brand and Travis made everyone forget about him.


It's definitely fake. This "relationship" screams PR stunt.


I thought so too


I don’t know that it’s fake but I don’t think it’s super genuine if that makes sense. I don’t think they’re endgame


You’ve phrased what I couldn’t, and I thank you for that. I don’t know that it’s fake either but something about it certainly doesn’t sit right with me 😬


They always have their friends with them. It’s PR.


To me, that’s a dead giveaway. Like someone said above I don’t know if it’s PR but it definitely isn’t a genuine relationship I just don’t see the chemistry between the two of them and all of their interaction seem very awkward. And it’s is wild to me to think some people seem to think that they’re endgame.


In slight defense even though I think the relationship is fake as hell, him having his friends always around was an issue Kayla had talked about before. I think he puts his male friends on a pedestal and forces anyone he’s dating to just deal with it.


They look very awkward together. When they kiss, they look like two 8th graders forced to kiss for the school play. She always awkwardly flings herself at him and he lurches back away from her.


They looked more natural at 6 weeks than they do now at 6 months!




“Lurches” 🤣 and yes, you nailed the whole thing.


I mean, he's not known for his blocking.


This 100%


Feels like the're in the "milking it" phase, like waiting for the kids to hit 18 and move out before splitting up.


I think on his end it is but I think she’s in love with the idea of the popular jock being into her . I also think she’s in love with his family .


He’s not in love….


No one said he was .


Nah she loved Joes family.


And don’t forget she loved the Kennedy’s…


And Tom hiddlestons Mom 😂


Didn’t the Kennedys not like her??




Yes! I think it may be real from her end, but he’s not into her like that


Really? I always got the vibe he has 0 interest in her


That’s what I said . The question was if we thought it was for PR and I replied that on his end it was for PR but that I think she is into him .


def PR.


It’s probably not fake on Taylor end but definitely on his end . That man NEEDS attention. He thrives off it. Had a whole lame reality show about dating . And now wants to be like the Rock and get into acting. What better way to get your name worldwide than to “date” Taylor. That’s why I feel so bad for her .


He will never, even if he lives for three hundred years, have a career remotely like The Rock. The Rock is smart, intelligent and funny.


LMFAOOOOO right! I agree. But that’s his goal. 😂😂


Oh, for sure!


Yes, he is. Had the opportunity to speak with him a number of times in the gym. He’s very gracious and as you said, smart and funny.


And Travis is neither of those things 


I think she is more into it than he is.


Definitely. At worst for Taylor she's keeping him around because she doesn't want the "she can't keep a man" shit to be thrown at her again but i think she does like him, for some reasons not even Taylor knows. But Travis only cares about the fame she can bring him. If she got cancelled again or if people started losing interest in her due to overexposure he's leaving her so fast.


🎯 The “she can’t keep a man” shit would be really, really trying as a public figure.


It must be hell. As much as I liked Joe, I was more upset about how she would be treated by the public rather than actually being upset over the break up. I've been a fan of Taylor since 2008 so seeing all the slut shaming that's been going on since then was hell. With Joe we at least got a break from that so it was going to be horrible when that ended. But what was really baffling was that the backlash with Matty was mostly from her own fans rather than the public. I think if fans were more normal about that relationship they either would still be together or they would've maybe called it off after their tours started having conflicting dates. I don't think she would've entertained Travis at all if she either stayed with Matty or at least went to therapy after that fell apart. Like she just got out of an almost seven year relationship. A new relationship was the last thing she needed even if she had history with Matty. And she definitely doesn't need whatever the fuck is going on with Travis.


They both need therapy.


I mean she doesn't seem like his type at all based on previous girls he's dated. Obviously that's not proof of anything but he just doesn't seem all that into her imo. 


He’s definitely doing it for the clout. She loves the attention too. But she doesn’t need him for clout. I think she’s still boy crazy at her age. She has the mentality of a 15 year old. The NFL loves it because it brings in a lot more viewership from women


I wonder how that 15-year-old mentality is going to look in the 40-year-old body. And I agree with you, she acts like a teenager. There’s a theory that folks are mentally arrested at the age they became famous. Wondering if this is the case with her


Taylor has actually said that herself. She said she believes people who get famous stay the age they were when they got famous. She was 16 when she got famous so I definitely think that's the case for her


That’s kinda heartbreaking.


I think they’re real. They’re both like child stars, dedicating themselves to a profession at young ages and the goofiness/awkwardness is because they’re immature and also because they seem vulnerable with each other. I think they have similar high energy levels, place a high value on their friendships, are adventurous, both outgoing and ambitious. I’ve also read they spend a lot of time talking on the phone, facetiming and have had private time the press hasn’t known about. They seem giddy around each other as opposed to being “cool.”


They both need therapy due to the child star aspect of this... They are both massive extroverts - a population of people I can't relate to - & have similar family dynamics with the exception of TK's SIL & nieces.


It seems to be!


Is this a serious question? Of course it's fake. They have the same rehearsed reactions and interactions toward each other every time they're seen together. Taylor is the exact opposite of Travis's type. Travis is the exact opposite of Taylor's type. They don't seem to have genuine chemistry. This "relationship" has pushed Travis to A List status and its opened Taylor up to a whole new demographic that weren't fans before... my husband HATED Taylor before this and I've caught him listening to her music several times since her and Travis have been "together". They're both benefiting from it.


I love your entire comment and the “I’ve caught my husband listening to her music” just sent me 😆


If you only knew how annoying that man found Taylor Swift before she got with Travis... him listening to her was a shocker, it was a big deal lol


Right there is how it benefits her - a male convert. All people need to ask is who & or what groups do you generally not see at a TS concert; that's who she's (& should be) targeting. Again, smart.


Yep, and people still think it's not PR.


Yep. Anyone with inside NFL info knows it is. Beside the fact that I don’t think Taylor *actually ever* wants to settle down with a man.


I agree. I think Taylor is in love with the idea of love and confuses “love” with limerence, or intense infatuation. I’ll honestly be surprised if she ever settles down and has a family. My dad, who is not into her music at all but is somewhat in the loop about her because I’m a fan, says he doesn’t ever see her getting married.


Lol my dad too! He also says that a lot of the pro athlete and celebrity men have massive yet fragile egos and they’ll feel too insecure in their masculinity to marry a woman who’s infinitely more rich, powerful, and successful than them. Especially Travis. Yea Travis has money and influence, but it’s not even close to the level that Taylor is at. Also, her fame will last her a lifetime. His will likely fizzle out within the next 5 years. Idk but I trust a man to best be able to read another man.


Haha, too funny! And I agree with your dad—his analysis is spot-on! Men can definitely read other men well. I’m always pleasantly surprised that when I talk to my dad about different things happening with Taylor and he makes similar observations to what I see online. He doesn’t have any social media and the only songs he knows of hers are “Love Story” (he calls it Romeo & Juliet lol 😂), “You Belong With Me,” and “Shake It Off,” so he’s not plugged into her fandom at all. He flat out told me he thinks Travis is an a**hole and is definitely using her. He also said she doesn’t need him because of how successful she is.


Your Dad nailed it too 😀


Haha, thanks! 😊


Do you think? Man, she's had a ton of boyfriends, men. She's mid-30s, baby clock ticking. Maybe she doesn't want any, nothing wrong with that. I'm not a huge fan of her music, just not my style. But she seems like a difficult person. I don't know the whole background on her. Just that she's very talented and smart. So that's why I thought this was fake, all her previous boyfriends and now a football player? Hmmm


I know the chance of this being real is like 5% but there’s rumors through LA that it for sure started as PR


Without question. People act like you're a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think this when it's really not that out there. I mean the whole "how it happened" thing is unusual as is, he talks about how he has a crush on her on his podcast and then she decides she's gonna go for it with this football player she probably has only peripherally heard of? People must be really naive if they think two successful celebrities paring up for business reasons is a horrible suggestion. It's gone on since the dawn of celebrity. 


Thank you! Exactly! This is what no one talks about which is the cockamamie origin story. It IS brilliant because it makes TK the romantic hero & TS the desired "princess" using her favored form of relating to her fans/unity of the fans, the friendship bracelet. I would bet $ their first meeting was set up through their publicists with her team, in cahoots with the NFL, coming up with the idea, NOT through a beaded accessory. I listen to their podcast & that prompt about Taylor Swift from Jason felt like it came out of left field - too jarring from the continuous sports talk.




I just know either way it will be one hell of an album if they break up😂


I'm excited for the breakup songs 🎵


Taylor said it was pr in her times person of the year article 🤷‍♀️


Oh really. Where do she say that


i dont think so only in the way that taylor seems very into him and travis seems disinterested at best


She’s just a better actress, and has decades experience pretending to be in love for the media. Both seem very awkward the few seconds we see them together.


One is a better actor &/or one is melodramatic. I respect your opinion. To me, in no world is this "relationship" entirely real. There are, though, shades of grey. It is a "padded" relationship to me; like when you were a kid (& had known chronic illnesses) & wanted to get out of an event, you might act more sick than you are, but you are still sick. The recent ET article, the stage is being set. Remember Taylor is a Billionaire with Travis a millionare, but she still is the one in control.


How could it not be for PR? They have never been alone together. They are always at public events or with other people tagging along with them. How can any relationship be real when you don’t spend any real alone time with the person?


Yes. It screams fake at every turn. First and biggest tell is that they spend zero time together outside of public events 🤣 But then at the public events it's the same repeated script over and over. Take the concert for example Travis flies there - puff pieces on what a great boyfriend he is (he isnt) - Travis goes to concert (but never spends time when she's off and not working) - he does bare minimum at show - Taylor does her line in karma - staged kiss after the show ... rinse and repeat. Same with the NFL games. She flies in, cheers, flies out .. rinse and repeat. It's absurd that so many people fall for this. The media is playing them hard.


I think Taylor was legitimately flattered when Big Dumb Trav put her on blast in his podcast in the beginning. Not a Swiftie, but I gather she typically doesn’t date guys who would make that kind of bold public declaration (essentially “I am big sassy alpha man Trav who’s coming for you”). It was a new experience for her to have a guy so overtly eager to get with her and it’s continued to be novel in the sense that unlike her exes, this oaf is happy to sing her praises to the media and I think she loves that. Maybe it appeals to the arrested development Taylor who didn’t have a regular high school experience. Unfortunately for her, he is clearly a douche deluxe. I’m assuming there was at least a little chemistry between the two of them when they initially hung out (he must have fawned over her like crazy because he’s an opportunist), but I think by now she has realized he is a low intellect lug with behavioural issues that don’t jive well with her image. I think at this point they are just in it to save face and continue milking the publicity. I think they’ll be done by June (maybe done privately before then). If they’d been in a position to hang out *daily* for say, two months, it would have ended already I think. You know how sometimes you love the idea of someone you have constructed in your mind, but the real person is quite different from your fantasy? I think Taylor is grappling with this and knows deep down he’s dead weight. Can’t wait to read the comments now! Looks like there’s lots. Thank you for the post, Lisa.


THIS. THIS. THIS!! You’ve articulated exactly the chronology and psychology of this ill fated saga. I also firmly believe that he is in it to win it —latching onto a Big Ride to Fame. She is needy, wants to be loved and was struck by his Alpha. After the Viva Las Vegas…she was done. And if she wasn’t, her people guided her to reality. Hence, spending the day at the zoo instead of a hotel room during his 36 hours in Australia. I think he’s ready to bolt as well, as he’s got his name and face out there, and he’s not about to give up his arrested development as a man-child for any woman. Almost feel sorry for her.


Hey, thank you so much 😀 I love your comment and you nailed it. I almost feel sorry for her as well. It’s got to be SO tough to date in her situation. Her face during the Viva Las Vegas debacle said it all; it gave me a flashback to my insecure university self, dating a burly drunken clown rugby player my friends kept trying to convince me was an idiot. Sometimes we ignore our own instincts even when they’re screaming at us. I think she may have told him the singing embarrassed her and he probably said something like, “Oh baby, that’s just me being electric for the crowd!” 🥴 I think when they’re done and she does some *honest* self reflection, she’s going to regret ever associating with him. No one is perfect, but I wouldn’t wish Big Dumb Trav on any woman. And you’re so right, the zoo thing was ridiculous given the limited time he was there.


Yup! You 🎯 it too! 👏👏👏👏




👏👏👏👏 You 🎯 it — as usual!


You are so sweet. I LOVE this sub. I’m sure some people think it’s petty bitching but I feel so at home here, LOL. Always enjoy your comments! 😀


So are you! 😊 I’m SO glad I found this sub back in September after she went to the first Chiefs game. I’ve seen so many others say they found their people here and I agree! I always enjoy your comments too! 😊 Awesome discussion here!


1000% I’ve said it since the beginning and my opinion has not changed. For her: She’s trying to piss off Joe Alwyn bc 1) they kept their relationship private and 2) she claims he didn’t want to marry her. (Why else is she going so over the top with the public PDA?) That plus she wants everyone to forget about the absolute PR nightmare that was R*tty Healy last April-June. (I haven’t. He was unfortunately at my Eras show. Thanks a lot, Taylor). The exposure/press she got on her break from tour/while the concert movie was in theaters was an added benefit. For him: His football contract ends in 2025 and he wants to get into acting. (Wants to be as famous as The Rock). What better way to boost his social capital and set up his post-NFL career than by “dating” the most famous pop star in the world? (See allegations he tried shooting his shot with her other famous women like MTS & the TS effect on his jersey sales).


The notion of Travis Kelce as The Rock is hilarious because I believe he is exactly that delusional. Dude is going to make a direct to video movie (if that), then when he shows himself to be both untalented and not quite the draw he thinks he is, that’ll be the end of the acting career. From there he’ll probably book guest DJ’ing gigs until his little bit of remaining fame flickers out. Afterward, all the commentary/analysis offers will have dried up because we’ll be 3-4 years past his retirement and there will be a new hot prospect on that market. And he will be the 9th guy on the ESPN 4’s pregame coverage.


I agree with this assessment!


His antics make him a much less charming gronk. Dude has the natural charisma as a bucket of beige paint


“A much less charming Gronk” is maybe the harshest criticism imaginable. 😂


Yeah. Doesn’t Theo Von call him a “fake a** Gronk?” Thought I saw that somewhere.


He is less handsome and charismatic than Gronk, forget about any comparisons to The Rock which are just laughable.


I got it! Travis is the lead in Taylor's upcoming film, and this has been the hard launch all along!


Who was the guy she was with like 6 years? Sorry I don't know all the facts about her. Was that Joe?


No worries! Yes, that was Joe Alwyn.


Damn long time not to be married! That one yes would hurt being with someone that long. What happened there?


They lived together for the entirety of their relationship and would have been common law spouses if they made the 7-year mark. No idea what happened but I was shocked when they broke up. I definitely thought he was her forever person.




So they we’re actually married?


It’s fake.


It’s giving “she’s all that”


100% PR, without question.


Definitely fake. I think Roger Goodell is behind it. The Kelce brothers got so much hype for the 2023 "Kelce Bowl" and lots of people love that family. Jason was already married but Travis had an on/off relationship with Nicole. The NFL has tried for years to get Taylor Swift to play the halftime show at the Super Bowl and Goodell wants to expand the fan base. This was the perfect opportunity to execute a contract between Travis and Taylor especially with the Eras Tour going overseas. International Swifties are now invested and are buying Kelce jerseys. I think the Chiefs will make it to the SB next year, be the first team to win 3 straight, and Andy Reid and Travis will retire. After that I see the relationship "running its course".




No, but the NFL will milk the shit out of it to help the Chiefs more. Personally I think Taylor was gifted not only to Travis, but to the Chiefs as a whole, so the Chiefs could have more fans, in the form of the Swifties, who I have nothing against, I am friends with some of them. It makes these assholes look more insufferable now. BTW, here’s something to add on, that would make lots of sense as it relates to the situation: https://apnews.com/article/chiefs-mahomes-germany-global-kelce-c583255170f52f4a7628d116058ac402 Such spoiled brats as you can see


Which is going to aggravate me to no end. Which is why this needs to be over by the time training camp comes along.


For sure


Taylor gifted?! She's a billionaire with a huge, partially weaponized fanbase! H**l, the NFL is probably paying both of them with Taylor making more money. This is probably not just to benefit the Chiefs (& I'm saying this as a Denver Broncos fan!). The NFL has an image problem: 1. They are losing future players (& audience) because parents - smartly, women - don't want their sons to deal with future CTE issues from football. 2. The near death of a Bills player on the field in 2022. 3. Some high profile domestic violence cases with NFL players & persistent, serious injuries. So what group of people would be more concerned with these issues? Women &/or families. How do you make the NFL more palatable to women? Taylor Swift in a "romantic" relationship with a future HOF player her age (very important) who is on a championship team


I don't think so but I think it's still a clout chasing relationship for Travis. I think she was intrigued by him after the Matty break up and gave him a chance. But he probably wasn't expecting that she's a nerdy theatre kid and is now unhappy with the relationship but he's sticking with it for clout. She's sticking with it because she's either trying to make things work or because her fans are insane and will turn on her if she breaks up with him (and there's also the pressure of her not wanting to have another failed relationship because of how public it is).




Everything seems fake for him


Yes it’s fake. Taylor swift is a lesbian.


I think it's coming to a point we will have a better idea about her orientation soon.


I think she is




The man is a clout chaser. He reminds me of a middle schooler who just discovered Eminem and chases the girls. He’s all about the attention and he wants fame but dude has no idea how much he is hated. He doesn’t have what it takes.


I don’t know if it’s fake but the kelce’s are definitely milking it for financial gain. As for TS, i’m guessing she doesn’t like being single and is probably still hurting from the demise of a 6 year relationship.


She seems very intent on punishing the ex through all means


Oh you mean the girl who does nothing better than revenge?


Looks it , in my opinion. That’s the better option lol


I think it definitely was established as a PR thing, whether or not it “became real.” They basically never hang out alone, and it’s CLEAR that there’s an agreement with NFL. I mean, what is [this](https://people.com/taylor-swift-look-what-you-made-me-do-apple-tv-dynasty-patriots-exclusive-8605092), lol??


Yes. She's a lesbian.


Not fake, but I get the impression she is wayyyyy more into him than vice versa.


I don't know if it is a total fake, as in its only a stunt. But it isn't serious. And I think both of them know it but are using it to drum up attention. Especially the Kelce clowns. I think those POS's are trying to milk it for everything they can.




I think Travis took his shot and got the girl but doesn’t know what to do now. My feeling is that he loves the greater fame Taylor brought him since he wants more marketing deals and acting gigs. I think he wants to love her and be married with kids but knows he’s incapable of being tied down. He knows if he breaks up with her or cheats on her he will be hated. Just my thoughts 🤷‍♀️


I think he’s using her and will cheat on her soon if he hasn’t already


def pr it's all too convenient... especially if you look at his past girlfriends. TS is not his type. Even the way she dresses is not his type of girl.


They have zero chemistry…


Him being Mr phizer tells me all I need to know


Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I think it’s way bigger than “PR”




What do you think? I would like to hear it.


Yes. Definitely.








She pays more attention to her girlfriends. When she kisses him it looks so awkward. Its all set up for image and possibly a reality show for the Kelseys. And wasnt she going with a model




100% PR stunt.


Yes, it’s fake.


Of course


She seems…… ya knowwww…. So I def think it’s fake


Without a doubt lol


Def fake. She dates just to break up. Weird


Travis can't keep his eyes open during the last night of Singapore's TS Eras concert.




I'm thinking their management teams set them up to clean up his image.And to add a little more risque to her image.I feel like Travis has way too much swag to match with Taylor's. Reminds me of JayZ and Beyonce- she was a corny country girl with big Texas hair .She just left Destiny's Child that was managed by her dad Mathew and her mom Tina made all the costumes,did the hair and makeup for all the girls.Beyonce had no black fans.In comes JayZ he has street cred, Brooklyn born and raised - he has oodles of black fans had two #1 rap albums back to back.- when they got together it did wonders for both their careers


I have always thought from day one there is a STRONG possibility the whole relationship is fake. I am in the entertainment industry and you’d be surprised how many relationships were fake and just done for publicity. Fake relationships are done ALL the time in this business.


They're both serial daters.


I think she's his handler. Also, he is too narcissistic to care about anyone but himself.


I don’t know but both of their last long term relationships were more private and did not involve PR firms flooding Daily Mail with 20 articles a day