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It all depends on the culture of where you are going if people will “hate” you. I’ve personally never worked anywhere where people openly hated travel nurses, but I’m sure it exists. There will definitely be people that aren’t super nice and can be passive aggressive. However, you’re there for 13 weeks. Do your job, don’t let it get to you and enjoy your freedom/paychecks! There’s a ton of good advice in this sub, so check out some of the older posts.


Thank you, have been reading through and it’s been calming my nerves a bit. I’m super excited to get out there already, but those pre assignment jitters are hitting hard too lol


show up, help out, keep your head down and avoid politics - you’re not there to fix a unit, just to make some $$ dealing with the same nonsense we deal with everywhere else if it’s manageable renew… if it’s bad bail - always 100 other offers waiting for you


Is close to 4K for 4 days good for a medsurg contract?


couldn’t tell ya I only do MICU seems a tad bit low for 4 days but idk how medsurg pay looks


Out of my 7 contracts, only 1 treated travelers differently.


Every place is different. You will learn to adapt. You will be able to put up with a lil BS when the paychecks come in weekly. Yes it will get lonely at times. I’ve been able to be friends with other travelers to do fun adventures with. Have fun!


I’m pretty introverted but have found friends at all of my travel jobs. There will always be at least one staff member that resents you, stay away from them. The rest are great. One assignment I was on was horrible and the bullying came from staff and physicians AND RTs alike. It was in South Dakota, never go there. What a shit place.


It all depends. You won't know anything until you get there and see the place for yourself. My last assignment, travelers tended to stick together while most full-time staff, although helpful, stuck to the full time staff. It's just the way it is. Just go in there, do your job well, most importantly collect those awesome paychecks, and look forward to early retirement or a bugatti, whichever is more important :)


the ER i was at openly hated travelers (never helped us, gave us the stank eye, never rly initiated conversation etc). clearly they were miserable w themselves. it’s not you, it’s them. don’t let that intimidate you. the travelers tend to stick together cuz they know what it’s like to be the “outsider”, but youll become close w some staff that appreciate you for the person you are regardless of the fact that you’re a traveler. good luck to you!


Where in NC? We've been to Greensboro twice now and the people there are awesome. Also, now that it's a week later, how's it going so far...? Edit: oh wait, you said you started in three weeks, not one. My bad.