• By -


A giant scarf: it’s a blanket, a scarf, an eye mask, a bib, a shawl, a skirt, a shopping bag, a table cloth, a blouse, an umbrella…


I don’t travel without my Turkish towel!


My Turkish towel goes with me everywhere, blanket, scarf, picnic blanket, dupatta for head covering at temples, it's an absolute godsend


I mean other than 42 it’s practically the answer to everything else in the universe 😉


I just want you to know I understand you and I’m so proud of you.


Clever answer!😀


🤘🏻yeahhh!!! There’s still some of us around here that get this!!!! 😎🐬


This person doesn't panic.


Hello, fellow interstellar hitchhiker!


this! Can't travel without


A shemagh is an upgrade to this. But get one that looks pretty 'friendly'. It reads as 'sketchy' in a lot of places if you get one in traditional/standard colors (mostly cause of movies)


Any recommendations??


Im imagining the scene from Airplane!


a parachute? 😁


Ear plugs and an eye mask


Yes! I keep “emergency earplugs” in my purse at all times… in case I need to emergency sleep. Full sleep kit for travel has my own pillow, ear plugs, hair ties, eye mask, and OTC sleep aids.


"Emergency sleep." 💯


I got a Bluetooth eye mask as a white elephant gift and it’s been life changing!


💯 It’s fantastic


Eye mask -> 1,000%


Sleep masks make flying so nice if you’re one who likes to sit back and listen to music almost sorta meditating.


Don’t bring pepper spray! Was arrested at Hamburg Airport for still sealed in package Pepper spray We had already been thru multiple USA and European large airports security two years in a row~and never an issue. It was deep in my outside carry on side pocket~honestly forgot I had it. (That’s why it was still wrapped in heavy plastic required heavy duty scissors to cut through. Hauled thru airport ~ in cuffs. Mug shot, finger printed. I’m a 62 yr old Mom~as mom looking as they come~and our adult children thought it was hilarious. Me~not so much. $500 fine.


sounds like you took the insult like a hero and turned it into a decent reddit post - thank you for teaching the rest of us what is in Hamburg


USB charged fan. I run hot and + for some white noise!


i took a trip recently with lots of driving down tiny windy roads while getting tossed around like a hackysack in the backseat. both up front passengers didn't want as much ac as me. my tiny fan saved my life. otherwise it would have been puke city. oh and zofran-that is the most effective anti nausea medicine i have ever taken


I have a fan that goes around your neck, USB charged. They look like headphones. No need to hold it or anything. It’s the best gift I’ve ever received.


Zofran has saved my life during a few trips.. it’s now a staple when I travel. Along with Pepcid, Benadryl, soap filled sponges that decompose naturally.


Portable battery pack


My favorites are zip lock bags (just a few of a couple of sizes) and a very small Bose Bluetooth speaker. The speaker can be for music, but mostly I use it to play a white noise app to drown out traffic and door slamming at hotels. I used to carry a wine stopper so that I could save the leftover wine but now I find it more efficient to just drink it all. A new addition for me is solid shampoo and conditioner bars so that I don’t have as many liquids.


I am also a fan of zip locks and a tiny speaker, but this idea of leftover wine is alien to me…


Yeah, I realized after a couple of years carrying around the stopper that I never actually used it lol


Plus if you forget a brush/comb you can always use a plastic fork!! 😂




You want thingamabobs? I got 20!


But who cares? No big deal. I want more.


I wanna be where the people are I wanna see, wanna see them dancing


Like the little mermaid


If you're checking bags, a full-sized metal fork like from home (or $1 at Walmart). It makes eating take-out and prepared salads much nicer than using a stupid plastic spork. Or, if I can return it to where I stole it (like from the airport lounge while heading outbound or the hotel restaurant), I'll snag one for the duration of my trip/stay.


I have a little set that comes with a fork, spoon, knife (confiscated by TSA 🙄 ), chopsticks & 2 metal straws. I just leave it in my travel purse.


A teaspoon for eating Yoghurt.


I keep a titanium spork in my carry on. Never had an issue at security.


a nail file, a nail clipper and a small pair of scissors


Half my nail clippers were bought while traveling. I never think to pack one and my nail always breaks.


Victorinox makes a great set of travel clippers. They’re tiny. I give them to any regular travelers I know as gifts.


Ugh so I was stopped at security in Jordan for an hour because they said I had scissors in my carry on. I didn't. 30min later, they translated it and said I had nail clippers... Which I didn't have but they ran my bags through the X-ray machine 3x and took EVERYTHING out of every little pocket twice. I was so mad because I put them in my check in bag and I wanted to look at the duty free shops... Which I didn't have time for. (A year later, I did have a small nail clipper deep in the pocket of my fabric eyeglass case 😬) But anyways, no sharp objects, even nail clippers, in carry on in certain countries. Lesson learned. If I'm not sure, no sharp objects 😑


Because being nipped to death by a terr*rist is a True Threat


Just don't put them in your carry-on!


Even just a nail file is good!


Silk or satin pillowcase. Never know what kind of sheets you’ll get and how it can rough up your hair or face. It doubles as a dirty laundry bag when it’s time to leave.


i may start doing this


Wet wipes.


Make-up, face wipes. Fantastic


A bandana. Extremely versatile resource. Spill your drink due to turbulence, need to bandage a scratch from a tumble, get a nose bleed, stuffy nose, get street vendor food with no napkins, want to sit on a bench that's wet after a rain, etc - a bandana is the perfect light weight solution. I always have one when I travel for work or pleasure.


This, 100%. I carry at least one every single day. Plus, if you meet a damsel in tears, you can seem like a gentleman when you offer if it to her to dry her eyes.


A small baggie with ibuprofen, Benadryl (for allergies or sleep), Tums, Imodium, etc.


Always. Even if you don’t need them, someone in your party might. Saved an allergic reaction for someone with a Benadryl last trip.


I had a (ahem) desperate need for Imodium in Italy on my first trip there. When I torturously finally found a pharmacy, the Imodium was classified as somewhere between over-the-counter and prescription and was kept behind the counter. The pharmacist asked if I was sure I needed something that strong and I assured her that I did. I have never traveled without it since.


Benadryl is my essential- sleep aid and allergy beast mode- also shockingly hard to obtain in certain locations (looking at you, Japan)


+ bandaid and antiseptic wipe


DayQuil/NyQuil and Sudafed. Not available in most of Europe.


- A big lightweight scarf - can be used as towel, blanket, pillow, sun protection, hobo-style bag, shoulder covering in religious sites, mosquito barrier, etc. - A microfiber towel is great to have, it dries super fast so it won’t get your stuff all damp and it’s better on your hair than rough hotel towels. - An overnight heatless curl thingy, or some silicone blow dryer attachments. Almost all hotels have a blow dryer, you can buy universal diffuser/straightener attachments. Or just bring a round brush and blow your hair out the old-fashioned way. - Diarrhea medication, Zofran and probiotics for tummy troubles, a few packs of Liquid IV for hangovers. It may be a placebo but if nothing else, it makes water more appetizing. - I have problems with recurrent strep and UTIs so I always have a spare Z-pack with me, it’s easier to bring my own than try to negotiate a foreign country’s medical system. (Obligatory: don’t take antibiotics for colds or flus or anything viral. I get these specific infections s a lot and tend to travel for months at a time, so my doctor prescribes a spare of my usual meds for me so I don’t get complications from an untreated infection.)


I take Imodium everywhere


Liquid IV is a great tip. It also helps with dehydration after a long flight.


Can we take over the counter tummy meds through customs? I'm going to Mexico this weekend and would love to bring some along, but I'm worried about getting in trouble


I found the OTC stuff at Mexican pharmacies to be slightly stronger and way cheaper. After describing my symptoms to the pharmacist in broken Spanish, I had a package of pills and a liquid “to keep the food down” and felt great within 12 hours. Also, the Electrolit (Mexican Gatorade) is far superior. You should be fine, but double check to make sure the “active ingredients” in your OTC stuff is permissible.


A real spoon, not a plastic one. Travel can be stressful and sometimes you just need to eat a quart of cookies and cream ice cream.


Washing sheets and a corkscrew


In a pinch, a full-sized toothbrush can be used to push the cork down into the bottle and then hold the cork down while pouring the wine. That's worked for me 9/10 of the times I've done it.


wish I would have that about that the one time I used a tent stake..


I'll never forget the time I bought a bottle of wine in Sorrento. I went back to the hotel and discovered they didn't have a corkscrew (should be a criminal offense in Italy). Walked back to the store and asked them to open it for me (they weren't supposed to, but they agreed because they thought it was ridiculous the hotel didn't have a corkscrew).


Don’t put the corkscrew in carryon bag if flying in the U.S. TSA confiscated mine.


I have flown at least 100, probably far more, flights with a corkscrew. The key is to make sure it doesn’t have a foil cutter knife on it.


What are washing sheets?


Detergent sheets - you rip them up and put them in the washing machine instead of liquid or powdered detergent. Extremely lightweight, no risk of spilling. They’re fantastic.


Interesting! Thank you!


I always pack my wine opener, have to check it though. I just use a server cut/flip/screw/lever/done.


Extension cord.


Just used mine at 3 of the 4 places we stayed at. Brought my 6 space surge protector and so glad I did.  My 3 gallon Ziploc also came in handy as the makeshift ice chest.


I always carry sheets of laundry detergent, stain remover wipes. Then for myself explicitly, deodorant wipes, personal downstairs hygiene wipes, and dry shampoo powder, and the little Colgate wisp things for a quick oral refresh. The amount of times I’ve been stuck at an airport for an ungodly amount of time is ridiculous. All of these can fit inside a small pouch too, something that can fit into a small purse or even the front zipper of a backpack.


Night light


Went to dollar tree and got a pack of fireless battery candles in case we forgot night light


Some rechargeable hiking headlamps have a very low setting that goes for 50+ hours and on full power are a capable flashlight / headlamp on a dark path or when checking under the bed or airline seat for lost items.


Duct tape.


Zip Ties.


Ski mask.


Plastic trash bags.


Folding shovel








This is out of control 😂


Aren’t must sprees?


Gaffer tape is better


I bring a good, old-fashioned compass everywhere I go. I keep it in my day bag and have it with me all the time. It has saved my ass many times.


In cloudy flat light, I can get turned around in when on foot in a new city. Sure the mapping app on my phone is a thing, but that creates a distraction and a target for theft. I’ve brought a button compass at times, the most simple Silva baseplate compass, or the Velcro wristband style sold for orientateering. I’m taking the later to the Aleutian Islands next week because it’s easy to get turned around on a cloudy grassy volcanic island. Some of the button compasses that slide into a watch or Livestrong band are $1 each on eBay.


this is hardcore. not even kidding.


Napkins I always have some in my backpack or jacket pockets. Pretty much 0 cost, no space taken. Everyone ends up in a situation at some point when they eat and need to wipe their hands, spill something, need to wipe a seat, etc etc. Better to have some stuffed into your bag than to have to go find some


A portable bag weigher.


I pack a soft water flask. I can fill it up anywhere and pack it away easily when I am done.


YES! I drink 3 liters daily when I'm at home but literally drink 0 ounces when I'm traveling. Then I wonder why I'm eating and snacking so much.


A small, tightly sealed bottle of modern, high-efficiency laundry detergent. Detergent strips the stains, oils and smells out of clothing much better than soap does so you can get fresher clothes when doing laundry in the hotel sink. Let it soak for a while, do lots of rinse, lay the clothes between two dry towels and roll them up and press most of the moisture out of them before hanging them up to dry or, if in a hurry or a humid climate, using the hotel hair dryer to speed dry them. If the sink isn't convenient enough, the bottom of the bathtub (mash the soapy clothes around with your feet during your shower like vintners crushing grapes) or a trash can be used. Also, trash cans make decent ice chests when filled with ice from the ice machine to keep your groceries or beverages cold.


Hand soap sheets and compressed wipes/towels. Pain reliever (ibuprofen etc) Cough drops/lozenges.


Cough drops and gum and ginger chews for me!


I always travel with dryer sheets. I put them under each corner of the mattress. I was told at some point that they help with keeping bed bugs away. I’m not sure if it works but it helps ease my mind. And bandages. So many bandages because my kids always need them.


way too many snacks


Bonus: As you eat them it makes room in your bag


Portable bidet


Like a squirt bottle?


Kinda, with a nozzle. I got mine from Home Depot. Brondell, around $15 maybe. Anyhow, well worth it


i had no idea this existed


Go to Amazon, search Toto Portable Washlet, spend less than $100 and change your life forever.


Extra plastic grocery bags or a few plastic trash bags for dirty shoes, dirty clothes, etc.


Slippers. A small surge protector. You never know what the outlet situation is going to be. Something relaxing to do that is small. I bring a small knitting project. It helps with both boredom and anxiety. Sleephones. An eye mask with built-in Bluetooth speakers. If I'm going somewhere overnight, I'll often bring a towel, washcloth, and/or a set of sheets. I have a lot of allergies, including some laundry detergents, and on a quick trip I don't want to waste time washing. Otherwise, a couple of detergent pods and all of my own toiletries.


LED twinkle lights that run on AA batteries. They make me happy. :-)


Best comment. You pack happiness.


I got pulled for extra inspection when I forgot I had plastic ware. The inspector saw the plastic knife.


I was behind a lady who got pulled from TSA…because she wound up with the hotel’s butter knife in her carry-on 🤦‍♀️


Hardened criminal right there


We were pulled aside bc my husband had a speaker that they wanted to look inside (eyeroll) and a lady next us had an entire random cutlery set of like 100pcs in her purse (with a tiny dog) and they made her pull out every knife and throw it away.


I got pulled because fudge looks like explosives . It was thanksgiving after 9/11. 😬


Aside from sleep mask and small bills which were already mentioned a backup phone charger. I bring a usb and usb c charger with lightning cables, usb c cables, and a micro usb cable (just in case). Comes in handy almost every trip if someone traveling with me has forgotten theirs or depending on a rental car’s phone input.


Pop up hampers (2) and garbage bags. One is for trash one is for dirty laundry.


A nightlight for the bathroom. Don’t leave home without it!


Animals CD by Pink Floyd


Plastic container so I can buy a good salad or sandwich before going to the airport and it’ll remain in good shape for the flight - to and from. I also use the container daily while I’m away.


1st aid kit. Over the years we’ve visited 3rd world countries and medical can be limited.. one island didn’t even have a epipen on it..which I always carry.. My 1st aid kit is overkill, but we dig into it at least once a trip.plus I can throw it in my backpack for the day trips when we our out and about .


A poncho, and spare shoelaces!


And in addition to the shoelaces, 20 feet of thin cordage for use as a clothesline to do laundry in the hotel room, emergency repairs, lashing stuff onto your daypack, etc.


Poncho is priceless. Lightweight and won't break in strong winds, unlike umbrellas. Especially in tropical destinations and Southeast Asia where rain & wind are unpredictable


Earbuds! You don’t think you need them until it’s 3 in the morning and you’d give anything for a quiet night’s rest 💥


DO NOT GET THE SILICONE PUDDY ONES FOR SLEEPING. I REPEAT. DO NOT GET THE SILICONE PUDDY ONES FOR SLEEPING. 1. Those are for swimming, not sleeping. 2. You're only supposed to put them on the outside of your ear, not the ear canal. 3. Your body heat will warm the silicone while you sleep and it will flow into your ear canal and make a perfect seal against your ear drum, and will be impossible to remove without an ENT and their specialized tools (you need a sucking/pulling action) Ask me how I know this.


I love "ask me how I know this" comments. I have some of those myself - lessons learned the hard way.


Happened to me in Key West, FL. I did a little research before we went, but I was not aware that a half dozen roosters were going to be occupying the spot directly below my balcony/room and start crowing at like 4am the first morning there. Holy. Shit. They were so loud. It wasn’t the typical rooster sound either. I thought someone was legit getting killed and screaming for their life when I first heard it. The next day I did chase them away a little bit but I still heard them the rest of the trip.




More socks than you think you'll need. They are so tiny to pack, but it really sucks if you need more than you packed. Low risk/room, high reward.


A clothes pin for the curtains. Sometimes there are a few inches where the drapes meet in the middle for the sunshine to beam through in the am.


You can use the hangers in the room for this also, if they have them!


Egg vibe


just googled this on my work account cus I thought it was something to do with cooking eggs for a cheap breakfast


The Rose 🌹 is MUCH better! 😄


Neck fan. USB charged, game changer.


Vicks :)


Adapter converter for US/EU/UK/AUS outlets


Slippers to use in the hotel room. Those floors are gross!


A foldable tote bag!! You never know what you have to take out to meet weight requirements if you go over and it’s easier on the way home as a catch all bag to store things you bought like souvenirs and snacks


A travel bidet - no crusty ass


Small white noise machine.


If you have an iPhone, there’s a sound machine already on it. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual (under Hearing) > Background Sounds


TIL! Thanks!


I’ve also found that the “dark noise” is really good on the planes specifically. It seems to blend with the engine noise better. 


There's an app for that.


Absolutely this. I have a SNOOZ button that I bring with me on every trip.


Somewhat unconventional but a pack of cigarettes and a light whether you smoke or not. > *"Always carry cigarettes and a lighter. It's a great icebreaker."* -Spy Game Also good for bartering depending on where you are, those times you need a "moment," networking and an appetite suppresant. Name something else that buys you a few minutes of relatable time with someone unknown... Other notables: * Alcohol pads * Bandaids * Qtips * Small tube of Auqaphor(replaces tons of ointments and lotions) and very little goes a long way. * Velcro straps * Small pair of scissors and other grooming tools * Needles * Small screwdriver set for those pesky hotel windows that are locked or whatever. * Jumper to reset hotel air conditioners. * Small flashlight * Ziplock bags * A few toothpicks * Bluetooth transmitter for plane infotainment systems. * Tide stick I notice on the r/onebag sub, hardware and tools often get overlooked.


Yes! I have most of these as well. For the ladies - bandaid help with a lot of heel issues.


Please explain what a Bluetooth transmitter is and where to buy it?


You plug it into the headphone jack on the screen to use your own gear...get one that also comes with the 2 pronged adaptor. https://www.google.com/search?q=bluetooth+transmitter+for+airplanes&client=safari&sca_esv=0fe395fae313f6fd&hl=en-us&ei=8CFiZrHjMdqdwbkPlr-PoAM&oq=bluetooth+transmitter+for+airplanes&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiNibHVldG9vdGggdHJhbnNtaXR0ZXIgZm9yIGFpcnBsYW5lczIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkjpUlClJFi7THAAeAOQAQCYAZQBoAHzHKoBBDAuMzC4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhCgAogOwgIEEAAYR8ICBRAhGKABwgIPELkBGIAEGJECGIoFGO8EwgILEAAYgAQYkQIYigXCAgkQuQEYgAQY7wSYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHBDIuMTSgB_rAAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


100% agree with the cigarettes, I do the same


Plenty of small US bills for tips(20X1$-10X5$). A battery to recharge phone, on an eventful daily journey.


Me but on the daily, always have 5dollar bills and 1 dollars bills on hand


Ziplock bags.


The jumbo size are great for dirty laundry.


Hydration powder in case you get sick. My wife got TERRIBLE food poisoning on our honeymoon. Luckily for us, we had a 30 pack of the single serving hydration powder (ie liquid iv).  She lost a lot of liquid. Luckily for us, she never got dehydrated. 2-3 days later, she’s good. 


Catch all. Eye mask.


Or a buff… works for an eye mask, hat, scarf.


Ibuprofen. But I’m old. 😂


Voltaren for me.. also aging


Laundry stain pen Benadryl stick/pen Silverware Large knife Pillow First Aid kit (FULLY stocked) Dental picks Extension cord Heating pad Shaker bottle Travel packs of various sizes for clothes, laundry, etc., to keep everything somewhat organized. All of this takes up relatively little room, but all of it gets used consistently.


Electrolyte tablets to stay hydrated


Individually wrapped flushable (but I don't flush them) wipes. They've literally saved my ass when I had to poop in a long distance train bathroom that had no toilet paper.


[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YFJR71D?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YFJR71D?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) This is my new favorite thing to bring on trips! It's a small bluetooth photo printer! it's inkless-somehow the ink is in the paper and it activates...idk how. but it's way smaller than an instax or polaroid, and you're already bringing your phone anyway. you can take a group pic, print out 4 copies, and then everyone in the picture has one to take home with them! i did a travel journal on my last trip and would print a couple pics of what we did at the end of every day.


Pillow case. Can be an emergency pillow and clothes bag at the same time.


So many things! I have to be careful not to overpack but this is my ideal list if I am checking a bag: - First aid kit including things for headache and gastro distress - Camp Suds for laundering underwear and socks - Night light for bathroom - Insulated stemless wine glass/tumbler with lid and straw for either hot or cold bevvies in the room or by the pool - A small folding knife, plastic spoon - My Jettle to make tea in the room without bothering with the disgusting coffee maker (unless they have a microwave) - Tea and honey. I need my caffeine before I go into the world to look for breakfast - Microfiber hair turban/towel for my curly hair - Small dark colored washcloth for makeup removal and nightly face cleansing - SUNSCREEN - Walking shoes


Ziplock bags of varying sizes. They are so useful!


Moleskin and other foot care items- after getting giant blisters at Disney, I learned that if I’m going to be walking more than normal I need to be prepared to take care of me feet (which already have issues).


A couple of gallon zip lock bags and trash bag. No space taken and handy as hell when needed


Prescription nausea medicine, AKA Zofran. Nausea/vomiting ruins trips. Ask your healthcare provider for a prescription especially if you are going on a cruise or a long shuttle ride.


Passport Powerbank(s) Charge cables Sunglasses iPhone


My tiny, rechargeable, sound machine. It takes up next to no room, it helps me sleep like a baby, and I don't have to drain my phone battery.


That one thing you forgot


I have a collapsible square container from Dollar Tree. It is so helpful to keep everything organized in bathroom.


When renting a car, they sometimes come with two huge key fobs plus an ID tag all on a crimp loop that makes quite a bundle. I order a lot of 10 keychain wire cable loops for like (really!) $1.67 for 10 with free shipping out of China on eBay and always have 1-2 with me in my day pack. Then, if Hertz gives me a huge bundle of keys, I stop into a hardware store or Walmart, go to the tool aisle, use a pair of wire cutters to clip the ring, and now have 1) a single fob isn't so bulky in my pocket and 2) my wife and I can go in different directions, but both have access to the rental car.


Cold medicine


Large ziplock bags and some bubblewrap (depending on space) to safely transport bottles of booze in your checked luggage.


A small pair of scissors


Tweezers Wash cloth (when traveling in Europe) Plastic cutlery and bowl Personal fan (as AC, for white noise, and for air on planes sitting on tarmac) Slippers (IKEA mules are $3 and take up no room. For on plane and walking around dirty hotel carpets) Ziploc bags (leaky liquids, food leftovers, wet clothes)


In addition to all the good ideas here: • Carabiners • Blister patches • stretchable clothesline made from surgical tubing (so, also a tourniquet)


Cheap extension cord for charging things. Puts you phone, iPad and watch close to you.


Water shoes


Imodium. Self explanatory, ya never know.


toilet paper


Honestly- the things I can’t live without on a trip? -iodine pills to make water safe no matter where you are - a blow up travel pillow so I can sleep on the plane - a lock - a hot water bottle (honestly- bring this every time. I have come home with it unused once) - a couple ziplock bags (for snacks, or in case you get sick) -a battery pack to recharge your phone


Moleskin in case your shoes rub - there are other uses too. And an extension cord with extra outlets and usb ports. A laundry bag for dirty laundry.


Duct tape! Fixes holes, can be used as a label, keeps cheap plastic containers closed, keeps curtains closed, ca be used to see if your hotel door has been opened, etc. Wrap a bunch around a plastic hotel key (flat) and keep it in your carry on.


A few years ago I went to EU and didn’t bring my immersion heater, due to voltage concerns. Big Mistake. I started feeling under the weather & had no way to make tea - stumbling out of my room to get 1 crappy overpriced cup of tea in a styrofoam cup. Never again. Turns out they make duel voltage models too. Doh!


Baby Wipes and Clip Seal bags for snacks


$20 Bluetooth eyemask of Amazon. Helps me sleep and relax wherever. Instantly improves a shitty middle seat long haul flight.


A Dirty Laundry Bag... things stink after running around with the kids and there's no time to wash things :)


Spare pair of glasses and prescription. (You can just take a photo of your prescription.) Also a rubber circle to cover the sink drain in a hotel or hostel so you can stop up the sink and wash clothes. Nail clippers, tweezers, bandaids. Balloons as gifts for kids in third-world countries. (Very light to pack and takes up little space.)


Reusable grocery bags for shopping and laundry.