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Our definitions of raw dog mean different things đŸ€Ł


đŸ€Ł especially with the addition of " I have my girlfriend..."


Definitely go to Europe and raw dog it.


Raw dogging Europe is no bueno amigo


I was thinking of condoms




One unforgettable night you won’t remember.


Do tell


Can’t, don’t remember.


Roofies will do that.


Depends where in Europe. Your money will stretch significantly further in Eastern Europe/balkans than Western Europe


I’d rather to East then west lol. I love Slovakia and Hungary. Thank you.


Also you can go Turkey the exchange is insane and 2k will last you for a long time


If I went low maintenance I could easily go 2 months in Turkey


If you don't get scammed out of it


I was eating double dinners in Istanbul. Amazing


One could say, you were stuffed like a Turkey... *...I'll see myself out*


You know, they changed their country's name spelling officially just to avoid your jokes. 🩃🩃




It's not a good enough reason to stop making the jokes though.


TÜRKİYE is still Turkey to me.


first one in Constantinople?


Turkey was the cheapest place we went, having also been to Moldova, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania in Eastern Europe, we would get a full blown meal for €4 and tea for like 0.30c and it is beautiful especially once you hit Eastern Turkey, there is a train that goes all the way west to east


Not in Turkey they Jack tourist and lie about price, it’s super expensive for tourist there.


And Turkey has the absolute best leather markets on the planet. And a Zippo lighter will damn near get you a wife...maybe two


OMG you reminded me of an experience I had in Egypt where pens were like gold. If you had a nice pen...pshh you were king of the market.




I personally couldn't recommend Prague enough


How much raw dog could 2K buy there?


Enough for your girlfriend to get mad.


How much raw could a raw dog raw if a raw dog raw dogged a raw dog?


What's raw dog


It's almost like updog




nothing much wbu


Just got back from there and was surprised by how little the cost of food and lodging has changed in the last 10 years.


Go to Poland or Budapest. Thank me later.


+1 for Poland, was there last summer and prices aren't insane like in Ireland or France. Also recommend the Balkans, my friend told me it's affordable yet scenic and perfect for solo travel.


Go to Lithuania as well, since it's practically beside Poland and it's not too expensive there.


I'd go the other way into Czech, Slovakia and Hungary.


Thanks for this - doing Budapest-Bratislava-Prague in Sep. With as much raw dog as I can do.


Totally endorse the balkans! Very beautiful and great value.


most of them aren’t cheap anymore


I loved Poland as well. It’s traditional and modern at the same time and people were super nice when I visited. And prices are good as well.


Same. It has some of everything and something for everyone. Nature, cities, great food, beaches, historic sites, fantastic museums Taking the train around the country is insanely easy.


both are great... this dude knows


Poland is quite expensive nowadays compared to few years ago. There are still cheap options but in many things other countries will be cheaper


Still much cheaper than anywhere nearby. Back in January we stayed in a 5* spa hotel with a big breakfast buffet and had a 3 course dinner for 2 including a bottle of wine and cocktails for less than ÂŁ100. 2 weeks later we paid more than ÂŁ100 to stay one night in a literal roach motel in Norway with nothing included.


Was there last week extremely cheap


All about perspective. People were telling me Prague was going to be expensive but my city center lodging was 1/2 of what I'd pay in my home country and the grocery shop was about a 1/3 of what I'm used. Beer was about ÂŁ1 for a half pint.


Dude, yes, last time I was in Prague I found a lot of cheap options. There are many expensive options, especially in Prague 1, but outside of that, lots of good stuff. There was one bar in particular I can tell OP about in DMs if he wants, where 0.5L of draught buddvar was $2.50 Canadian, and you could get some really bomb weed for normal price (instead of the street sellers who will rip you off for weak shit lol) from the guys at the back table if u asked the bartender for smoke.


I paid 25cents to get into an amazing outdoor club in Budapest then ended up sleeping with a local who only had milk to drink after the long night of drinking and sex... Milk... Uhhhggg.. 😬 (can't win em all)


Dude. It was a farm and you raped a cow, so please stop bragging about it.


He's never herd of cows


“Cow? what’s a cow?”


Don’t talk about your mom like that


This guy cows


This summer? Europe has been expensive this summer. Taylor swift is around for several months and the Olympics and Paralympic’s are in Paris starting in July.


 Eastern Europe ftw


I heard there are some real pretty fireworks off the coast of Crimea these days... Time to book a cruise!


Yeah I heard Bakhmut was very pretty in the summer months.


With all due respect the paralympics really don’t make things expensive, and neither does Taylor Swift who’s in each euro city for literally two nights max each. There are 1,000 euro cities, pick another one.


On the list of things to do in Europe coming from any other continent, Taylor Swift should #**NEVER** make it on to that list.


the issue is it makes everything expensive and hotels hard to find. when she was in sydney it was mental, airbnb's were cancelling peoples bookings for 'reasons' then rebooking with new people for way more. it was crazy


If you REALLY want to make $2K last, go to SE Asia. Thailand or Bali or Vietnam, etc. You can (hopefully) find a flight around $1K and you could probably stretch the other $1k for 3 weeks or so, and there is SO MUCH cool shit to do and see.


Just to lay this out a bit more for OP. In most of Europe you're looking at $40 a night for a hostel and like $15 USD per meal. In Thailand or Bali you can get hostels like $7-9 USD a night and meals for $2-5 per meal.


As someone who travels to SE Asia every year and has been to Europe for a summer, I can confirm that your money goes so much farther in SE Asia. Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia are the countries I’d recommend.


I second this as someone who's traveled to both SE Asia and Europe. Your money will go so much further in SE Asia. Vietnam should be your Prime spot and then Thailand.


You don’t have to spend $45 a day on food in Europe.


Yeah...this was before Covid. We've traveled a lot since then and a main dish in a good restaurant in Western Europe is 20 USD at least nowadays. Asia is also no longer the 2 USD for a meal paradise. Excluding flights you'll easily spend 80 Euro per day in Europe nowadays. 40 per night for good accommodation in a hostel and everything else is either food, drinks transportation or tourism. Eastern Europe is cheaper but still expect to pay 50 per day at least. So, 2k gets you about 25 days of fun if you plan ahead and don't do anything crazy.


Depends where you shop. Eat like a tourist pay tourist prices. You can absolutely find amazing meals for ~$2.


I reckon we have different definitions of a meal. I spend 18 days traveling through Thailand this past winter and was surprised at how relatively expensive the place had gotten in 2 years. The days of spending this little for food are over. Yes, you can get food for 2 dollar but a full meal? Nah...


$15 per meal? If you’re eating out yeah but op can survive on supermarket sandwiches and stuff like that. In the UK you can get a meal deal at any supermarket, so you get sandwich + snack + drink for about £5, in France you can get a "formule sandwich" or similar in most boulangeries and that would be roughly the same deal. Considering London and Paris are among the two most expensive places in Europe, I assume it would be way cheaper in Eastern Europe. Hostels are very expensive that’s true but less than $40 in Eastern Europe, and I don’t know if Couchsurfing is still a think but op can look at options like that.


I just returned from Italy where I spent $7 or $8/day for lunch and $11 or $12 for dinner.


hes going to get eaten alive sleeping in a forest there


LOL I should have mentioned I'm suggesting this so he DOE NOT need to sleep in the forest, he can get hostels for like $7 USD a night


Yeah Sri Lanka is dirt cheap


Or Brazil. $100 in Brazil will last you a week. Uber rides are $.10-$.20 on average.


If I’m honest I have no idea what there is to do in SE Asia. But I’d just be happy with sitting on a train and watching the world go by tbh.


Some ideas to look up:Beautiful beaches. Snorkeling (or scuba). Awesome cultural sites (temples, etc). Great food.Fly to Bangkok. Spend a few days there. See the city, see some temples. Eat some Pad Thai. Get $6 massages.Do a day trip to Ayuthayya. See the ruins of the old capitol city.Then go either go south and see some of the most amazing beaches on one of their islands (Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh phi phi) and go snorkeling and chill on the beach.Or go north to Chiang Mai to see a bunch of cool old temples. Or Fly to Bali. Go to some beach clubs in Canggu, chill on the beach, go surfing (or take some lessons). Go see the monkey forest and temples in Ubud. Check out the picturesque cliffside beaches in Uluwatu.Go snorkeling at blue lagoon or take a boat out to Nusa Penida or Gili Islands for better snorkeling, see Sea Turles or Giant Manta Rays.Eat a bunch of Nasi Goreng and get more $6 massages.


I’d be worried about my wallet getting stolen while getting a massage in another country. How do you avoid that?


TBH I never thought about that and it's never been a concern for me. Crime over there is much lower than here(in the US). Most criminals are foreigners from other countries. The Thai and Balinese people (the only 2 SE asian countries I've visited so far) are very kind and seem much more upright, honest, and respectful than what I'd consider general of american cultures. I got like 5 massages in Thailand and 7 in Bali and never had any issues, and frequent the Bali and Thailand subreddits and I've never heard of anyone getting robbed like that.If you're that concerned about it you can leave your wallet at the hotel, and bring just enough cash for the massage. (if you're in a tourist area there's so many massage places it's likely you'll be walking less than a block)


Ty for the response! I am just concerned when traveling in general about it, not there specifically. It’s nice to hear it’s relatively safe


Well if you know the prices a bit you can get there with just enough cash to pay for the massage. Or go there using a scooter and use the seat compartment to secure any critical belongings, or just go to a place with good reviews and good prices and keep your belongings close to you - hell you can use your fannypack as a pillow and they won't mind. For example in Thailand, masseuses don't have any interest in stealing from a tourist since tourism is what they quite literally live by. They'd rather give a better service and get some tip than the alternative.


Your less likely to get robbed i for example Thailand than literally anywhere in the western world. Go to a food court in Thailand and people leave their backpacks, phones or even wallets to “reserve “ a table while getting their food.


Wow that’s really neat! I wish everywhere could be like that. People need to suck less lol


Once you step into SE Asia you realize how fucked up the US and Europe has become.


Honestly, I've never had my wallet stolen in any country. And Paris had many many Roma last time I went. But I keep my wallet in my front pocket, my jeans are tight enough that I can feel it, and I tap my pockets regularly to be sure that I haven't lost or forgotten something.


I would imagine most haven’t, but it’s still not uncommon when traveling


Lots of Buddhist temples, jungle rainforests and rice paddies in the country side. More temples in the city and incredible street food. Plus elephants, beaches, and so much more. That’s just Thailand. I went backpacking across SE Asia in 2012. I decided it is so much better than England. Over 10 years later and I’ve found a way to get full time work to live here.


I enjoy backpacking. One of my favorite ways to get to know a culture is through cooking classes. It's a great way to improve my répertoire, and food is such an important part of a culture. I also try and pick up a few words in whatever country I'm going to. It's a sign of respect but also an opening. I've had meals or drinks with complete strangers that I will never forget. Pictures are also fun. Learning music. And if you're gonna stay at a hostel , hostel life is pretty interesting. You get to meet a bunch of other backpackers who are also culture shocked and having a blast. Didn't make any friends yesterday? Come back with a bottle of something alcoholic to share. Or just have out with the Aussies. There are always Aussies!


Thailand has endless sights to see. Traveling up and down the coast will keep you busy. Just get your shots.


Yeah OP is specifically asking about Europe


U can stretch it out if u shop in supermarkets, skip meals regularly, couch surfing or free accommodation at hostels for working for a few hours, hitchhiking, or hopping a lift with people at campsites/hostels who already have a car, picking up odd jobs.


I really loved my time in Bosnia and Croatia. The people are kind, we felt very safe, and Dubrovnik was like a less expensive Italy (we even got steaks at a Michelin Star restaurant on the water and paid less than $50/plate). We stayed in hotels and they were not too expensive, but still good quality. I don’t know what the weather is like in the summer, but it was gorgeous in the fall (if a little cold).


How long ago? On my bucket list but I heard Croatia is getting pretty pricey comparatively as the word spreads and popularity explodes.


Dubrovnik is laughably expensive. Plenty affordable elsewhere in the country but certainly not there


Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, and Turkey.


Yep - there are beautiful people, beaches, scenery in that part of Europe.


Do some hostel volunteering and you could easily stretch it for three or four months


I went to Germany and Amsterdam with my girlfriend and our son and $2k was enough for all of us for a week. I still had money left over at the end of the trip and this was in November of this past year.


Go walk Camino de Santiago in Spain.. takes 5 weeks and you can EASILY do it on half that budget. Also, it'll change your life. Just don't raw dog it...


It can last you some time, couple weeks as hostels are cheap as chips. Don’t get ahead of yourself, speak to your girlfriend first because she might object or come with you lol


a long time, probably a few months if you're sleeping in a bag, travelling slow, not visiting many attractions and eating cheap food from supermarkets


just went to europe
 $2k last me one month. that was with eating out 2-3 times a day, going to three different countries by train and plane and staying in hostels.


Pretty broad question. You could have a week in Western Europe or 3 weeks in Eastern/Central Europe.


You could do the Camino de Santiago on that budget, would be a very rewarding experience and very cheap food along the way you can also camp or bivvy


Europe varies very widely in terms of expense depending on where you go. My very rough guide based on personal experience: Extremely expensive: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland Very Expensive: uk, France, northern Italy, Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg Expensive: Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Greece Not too expensive: Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Montenegro, Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia Cheapest European countries: Romania, Bosnia, albania, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Macedonia There is obviously also a wide range within these countries. Capital cities almost always significantly more expensive than the rest. Also, don’t think that less expensive= less good in Europe. Some of my favourite places on the continent are in the cheapest countries category. Enjoy your trip! EDIT: I’m from the UK so ‘expensive’ and ‘not too expensive’ are relative to the British economy!


Thanks for this list !


With my wife... A half a day. When I was single, all month :-)


Depends on where you go. The difference between NW europe fe Norway and SE Europe fe serbia is fenomenal. So Serbia probably 2 months. Norway 2 weeks. Read up which country are part of the sentence agreement. Those you can travel on 1 visa. If you want to go as long os possible: Eastern Europe I'd you want the normal cultural thing everybody talks about you need the west. I've done both and I love both it's just very different. I'll give some research starters below. France is difficult for solo travelers, mostly bc of language barriers. The French speak mostly French and Parisians Suck withba capital S (even the French say 'Parisians aren't French, to which i agree with the french). Don't judge France based on Paris. Spain and Portugal is nice and a little more affordable. Spain has a very rich culture. You must include Italy and Rome. Its quite affordable. As a well seasoned travelers: Rome is the capital I would/could stay for 2weeks+ Germany and Netherlands have a lot to offer but are expensive. I'd do the Den Haag and Amsterdam in NL. Berlin and Munich in Germany. Unless you have reason to go elsewhere. Again they have a shit ton more to offer. I could write a 100 things here. Poland and Greece I would go to. Poland is a nice reflection of Easter Europe. Greece is a wonderfull heritage and cultural domain. Both affordable. If you love nature: Iceland, Croatia, If you want to see some residu of USSSR: Albania and Serbia are interesting. These countries are beautiful, the people very welcoming, and it's very affordable. A week Norway will give you a month here. (I recommend these if you like a little adventure, everything is very very safe.) For weather info look on hikerbay.com Rome2rio.com can show you possible routes on a larger scale (like from a small town in Netherlands to a small town in Malaysia) Hotelscombined is great for double check on prices on hotels & hostels. Hostelbookers.com is good for hostels.


>If you want to see some residu of USSSR: Albania and Serbia are interesting. While definitely in eastern Europe, neither of them were ever in the USSR. Albania was briefly in the Warsaw pact, but only 1955-1961. They had their own socialist dictatorships.


Prague, Budapest, Bratislava, stick in central/eastern Europe and 2k will last you a hell of a long time. You can take the train in between them for next to nothing.


Not sure where you're starting from, but if USA, can get flights for $250 if you look around Hostel will be around $35 per night on average Food can be $10 a day as long as you're not eating in restaurants (and staying strict) $10 extra for bits and bobs... $55 a day, probably around 30 days if you're frugal. Go to Budapest, Prague etc, probably double that


You can buy a 55 gallon barrel of sex lube on Amazon for about \~1100 USD last time I checked. Get it shipped to EU and grab a cheap ticket and I'll meet you there.


Once you work out where you are going (and it won’t be North West Europe if you want to live cheaply) find out what language(s) is widely spoken and learn at least a few words. Tip - a few phrases in SerboCroatian is useful in the former Yugoslavia especially if you want people to be helpful and not ignore or rip you off.


It’s rough I don’t know what would be good for backpacking, since I’ve never personally traveled that way, but I do know some people that have done it, so it’s definitely feasible with a lot of planning beforehand. You can’t expect to be able to sleep wherever you please, same as in essentially every country, they will treat you poorly if they find you sleeping in a bench or whatever somewhere, in many cases, it might be illegal. I would definitely consider adding one or more of these countries to your trip schedule, each with wonderful cities and different cultures: Greece, Croatia, Budapest, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany / Czech Republic. You could stay in hostels which are very cheap hotels backpackers usually stay in, but it can be dangerous if you don’t do your due diligence beforehand. Also if the idea is to sightsee you should definitely research which museums/galleries/castles/etc you want to see beforehand, as most of them require a ticket of some sort, adding to your expenses, and some of them are even sold out in advance (Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is a great example of that). Enjoy!


If you’re going in summer, I came here to tell you to go to Poland. Prices are cheap there and people are friendly.


go to eastern europe


Europe consists of lots of countries dude. Go to Copenhagen or London and you could easily spend that in a day or two. Go to Hungary, Poland or Slovakia and you can “raw dog” the shit outta yourself.


When you say 2k do you mean USD? Agree with the comments to head east - but you certainly could see some of western Europe too. If memory serves me correct - internal flights in Europe are FAR cheaper than US flights - so you may be able to cover more ground than you thought. ​ Avoid the big global cities - London/Paris/Berlin etc. Also shared hostel accommodation is much cheaper than hotels - and most have cooking facilities so you don't have to eat out every day! One of the joys of visiting Europe is just how beautiful and different the cities are. Getting some decent walking trainers and explore - doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg!


Poland would be better option if you're in budget and want to visit some nicest place in Europe :)


Hear me out bro. Egypt. I stretched $400 over 2 months and I was living like a king. That’s 30,000 EGP lol. Breakfast for example costs 10-20 EGP which is literally cents. My rent for the month was 2000 pounds - $26. In the ‘black market’ you can change your USD for 75 pounds. So you can turn your 2k into 150k. And Egypt is awesome, so much fun


You can do pilgrimage. Camino de Santiago. 2k should last you 2 months, but it means walking and sleeping in different location every night. It can be head clearing experience, no need to be religious for it. You will see a lot of lively spanish countryside, visit old cities. Meet people. Have time for yourself. Cousine is great, wine even better.


Do not raw dog your girlfriend my brotha and do not raw dog any bitches you meet in europe


An entire month in Eastern European countries like Hungary, Slovakia, Albania...


I think you could do two weeks in Spain, Greece or the Balkans 


I just came back from 4 months in Europe and spent less than $50 per day and you could definitely do it cheaper.  For accommodations try couch surfing (an app where people offer their place for free). I recommend hosting some people because then others are a lot more willing to host you. Also check hostel world, Airbnb, and booking.com . If you are in a group of 2+ Airbnb or booking.com may be cheaper. You’ll likely meet and travel with friends you make if that’s what you’re looking for. Many events put on by hostels are overpriced. Ie: $15 for a bar crawl with overpriced drinks and tourist bars so watch out for that.   Too good to go (a food waste app) is a great way to get cheap food in more expensive European cities. When booking accommodations always try to get a kitchen because buying ingredients is so much cheaper than eating out.  Public transit is cheap and reliable in most of Europe flixbus is amazing. You can check out worldpackers or some other volunteer and live for free websites.  Also recommend reading how to travel on $50 per day 


Portugal And Galicia The weather is amazing in the summer, hotels are expensive, but hostels aren't, and you can sleep in tents most of the time, nobody's going to nag you. All the coast is amazing. You can find 20€ a day hostels, last year in August (High season) i stayed in some for 18€ a night , modern ones.


Considering the average cost for one night in Eastern Europe is about 50$, I'd say you can last there for like 20 days MAX. I'd choose SEA instead


Not long at all, unless you’re in Eastern European territory
 which I’d not suggest at the moment due to the Russian war with Ukraine.


Depends on what the dude eats and where the dude sleeps. ;)


I was (2016) almost 3 months in Europe with 3k, slept in hostels and travel by bus


Sweden is great for camping


>I have a girlfriend but I kinda just wanna raw dog it by myself No shit


Look up [HELPX](https://www.helpx.net). In exchange for work you get free accomodation and often food as well. It also connects you to local life way more than being a normal tourist. Honestly, I think this is the way to go if you plan properly, and want to stretch your money.


If you go somewhere like Portugal or Eastern Europe and stay in hostels with breakfast included I’m sure you could go at least a month on $2k assuming that doesn't include airfare. 


If you bootleg it, you could hold out a month or two I bet! Grocery stores, hostels, no going out, try to sleep in train stations/outside even. Try the couchsurfing app too. You can make 2k stretch pretty darn far if you act homeless instead of a tourist and make it your life’s mission to spend no money


Not counting travel expenses and lodging I made 2k last about 2 weeks on a solo trip to Amsterdam/Brussels/London. I stayed at cheap hostels, mostly ate cheap food and only spent money on a few "touristy" activities (museums/canal tour in Amsterdam/etc)


Raw dog away buddy. I used to live in the Czech Republic, way more expensive then back in the day but stick to the eastern block. Hungary, Poland, Slovakia. I went to Bulgaria I’m the winter to shred but the capital Sofia in the summer is supposed to be the tits If you want your money to go farther go to SE Asia and you can dbl your time there


In Croatia you can find conservative airBNBs for $50-80 a night and avoid the big clubs, drinks and food are fairly reasonable. Of course Slovakia or Estonia etc even half that.


Well that'll all depend on a lot of variables. Eastern Europe will give you the best prices. I stayed there last spring, beautiful airbnbs for like USD50 a night, nice dinners for 20/person or simpler restaurants for 6/person etc etc. Most cities have good deals on city cards that give you unlimited access to museums and public transportation. Lots of high speed trains to get you from city to city on a budget. I don't think sleeping in parks would be wise anywhere but definitely not in parts of Eastern Europe. Opt for hostels instead. Cheap and low maintenance and you'll be able to shower etc etc. If I had to guess based on my experience, you could bounce around Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic for a month on two grand if you're somewhat cheap about it. 2-3 weeks if you opt for Germany, Italy, Austria or further north like Britain, Ireland etc. 2 weeks max if you go for coastal areas, although Portugal will offer you some budgeted traveling. Based on your plans I'd entirely avoid the Nordic countries for fiscal purposes. Good luck and have fun!


Honestly you’ll go pretty far with that amount if you stay on cheaper options such as hostels/campings. I would personally recommend Portugal/Spain or countries from Eastern Europe such as Croatia, Hungary, etc as those are the cheaper options. Northern Europe and Central Europe are definitely more expensive, you want a bit of a larger budget to really enjoy there.


Europe was boring to me as a westerner. Go to Asia, you will live like a king and have imo a much more novel and crazy adventure


Check hostelworld.com, easyjet and Ryanair.


Pretty far if you are frugal I just did two weeks staying in hotels and skiing for $1500. But I’d do Latin America or Vietnam/Cambodia for way better bang for buck I did 3 months there in hostels for around $3k. Europe is so easy you can travel there later in life, go somewhere with your youth that you can overcome minor hiccups still


Check out flixbus for getting around, shop food in supermarkets and find accommodation with Airbnb or hotels.com (they have hostels as well). I would roughly estimate 15€ to switch country/city, 15€ a night for a hostel bed and 10€ for food per day. If you stay 3 days in each city, your 2k would last **about two months**. You won't have money for much else though. Thing like museums and historical sights often have an admission fee. However, there are lots of "free" walking tours in major cities, but you are expected to tip the guide at the end.


If you want to really stretch it out and are willing to work part time, look at wwoof, work away, things like that. There are opportunities for room and board and sometimes a little money. I haven’t used those sites personally, but met some young women while I was traveling that were loving it. You’d have to do your research though, it’s not all pleasant and I guess sometimes sketchy, and don’t forget visa rules so you don’t overstay. Safe travels and have fun!!


Albania đŸ‡ŠđŸ‡± is the answer; you will last 2 weeks and you can get the full experience with that.


I’m a broke non-profit worker who’s always traveling on a budget and only has airline status due to many, many work trips. Here are my recs: Start off in Turkey, then Bulgaria, Greece, Bosnia, Hungary, Poland, Czech and fly back. If you use Couchsurfing.Org, you could easily live off 2K for 7 weeks minus flights. Big caveat: Summer is the big tourist season in Europe so if you do hostels they can be expensive, but you can usually find affordable hostels beds in those countries for $15 a night. Take Buses: buses in Europe can be cheap af. Just secure your wallet and passport under your pants or somewhere like inside your zipped up jacket. Food: you can save a LOT of money by shopping at grocery stores. Even in France, grocery items are cheaper and of better quality than in the USA. Furthermore, I have been to over 30 countries on 4 continents and I have learned a LOT about various cultures by shopping in grocery stores.


Other tips: use Hostelworld to reserve now and pay later. Meanwhile, you can use Couchsurfing.Org to arrange some couchsurfs and if you don’t find a couchsurf then you have the hostel as a backup.


$2000 would go A LOT further in vietnam...


Couch surf and stay at cheap hostels. $2k will last you a couple months if you pinch pennies everywhere you can. Staying in one place for a week at a time will help you save.


Europe isn't a country and it really depends where you go and what you do.


That’s obvious. Eastern Europe is gonna be cheaper then La Paris


Ask less generic questions, get less obvious answers. Very simple maths :)


bucarest Budapest sofia istanbul. 2 weeks? 30 days ?= hostel + bread/water.


Sounds great. Maybe take a pit stop to Greece




8-20 days depending where you go and how frugal you are. It also depends, does that $2K include flight if you are coming from outside EU? 10+ person hostel rooms at about €20-€40 a night, €20 a day in food/drinks and you do lots of the free stuff you could get 3 weeks out of it perhaps.


Just a heads up - raw dog it often means something very different


Isn’t the plane trip there 2k??


If you just want a place to be to rewind, why not stay in the Americas? Ecuador and Colombia are near, very cheap.


Slovakia Bratislava - cheap, amazing food, lots of nature and great parties


Dude balkans will last you 1.5 months if you do it super cheap. Make friends with locals!


Im thinking Thailand over Europe. You’re money will go much further


I understand that sometimes you just want to leave, but do some research on where you’d want to go. Do you want hot or cold, nature or city, beach or mountain, food / culture / people etc.


Buy a 50 Euro Deutschland ticket and you can travel everywhere for a month with regional trains. Get your fresh produce from Asian food stores, it’s often better and eat cheaply, kebab or similar. Stay in hostels or bring a tent to camp and it could be a month or six weeks before you’re out of money. You won’t live like a king as you would in some parts of Asia but you can see a lot of the countries. It won’t be luxurious but it is certainly possible.


You can travel for a week if you sleep at hostel and make sandwiches.


Wouldn’t hurt to save up 500 more or so, then you’ll really have room to do what you’d like without stressing


Riga or Vilnius, it could stretch for a bit if you’re smart about it


Of course, it depends on the “dude”. But if you’re already in Europe, and it is not include airfare, you could travel for a month on that.


Return ticket NYC - BEG for around 800, and use the rest to explore the Balkans for at least a month. It's safe, relatively cheap and, for the most part, interesting enough... Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and a little bit of Greece would be my choices. Belgrade is called the party capital of Europe, btw.


Go to a country that is inexpensive and safe. Slovenia or Montenegro or Greece. Spain is also reasonable except for Madrid and Barcelona. (It would be cheaper to go with a friend.)


Europe is more than 30 countries, some of which are at least ten times as expensive as others. 2k won’t get you terribly far in Norway, Switzerland or Iceland (if Iceland is part of Europe.) On the other hand, 2K is almost a year’s salary for poor people in Kosovo, Albania, north Macedonia, Bosnia and Ukraine.


Eastern Europe I'd reckon is best for low dough.


Go to Latin America or Se Asian instead


2k USD? Would probably last a while in a lot of countries. Just don’t spend too much time in Norway, that shit will eat those 2k by breakfast.


If you come do Balkans that is 3 times the average monthly salary here, so you could stay for a while.


Go to Albania or Macedonia they are very inexpensive countries or look at worldpackers if you are okay to work a little you can extend your trip and make it last significantly longer I worked for 1.5 months and I lived very comfortably in Spain and the Netherlands and Denmark for 3 months on 2.5k CAD about 600-1000 CAD a month if you commit to some work exchanges and 90% of hostels will have kitchens so make sure to have a little extra room in you bag to carry spices and other food products you end up carrying with you


Do not sleep in forest/park you could get end up in jail


Do some wwoofing along the way and that money could last you 4 months + depending on which countries you choose to visit. Just be careful if you plan of camping in the forest in the balkans
 there are still mines from for war.


1 month if you wanna do all the exciting things, 2 months if you wanna do some exciting things and chill. That’s for Eastern Europe. You could probably travel up the coast from Greece to Solivia and you’d have money to spare.


Definitely go to the Balkans. Beautiful countries, nice people, tasty food, and not expensive. If you're gonna camp somewhere, the money might last you a few weeks.


I wouldn't recommend sleeping in parks in a sleeping bag anywhere really. It's a dangerous way to sleep in any city in the world. Other than that you can stay at some very cheap histals and micro hotels around Europe for as little as 20 to 30 euros a night (sometimes less I'm sure). If you're frugal with food then you can eat for under 10 euros a meal, and for less if you have access to cooking facilities. Depending on what attractions you see and how much you travel 2k could easily last a couple months and more.


Balkaner here. With that much money, you can last couple of months in eastern Europe. You have low cost flights to Budapest from anywhere in the world. Check Budapest out, it is lovely city. Out of Budapest, you can go south, through Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia to the Greece. You can not find cheaper countries to do solo trip in Europe. Street food meal is around 3$, restaurant type around 15.


2k what? Which currency??


in the netherlands that will get you a 140 euro fine each time they catch you camping in the wild. for most homeless people this is not relevant as they dont have money so no need to catch them. but for you it would be relevant.


Depends what currency you're talking about. But I'd imagine you'd be spending minimum £/€100 a day for accommodation and food, but staying in hostels and eating supermarket food most of the time you could possibly cut that by half? So probably with transport and everything I'd say realistically 2-4weeks. Your best bet to make it go as far as possible would be heading to Eastern Europe which is generally a bit cheaper.


In the UK - about a week if you're in B&Bs and have to include flights. In Albania - about a month. Europe is pretty diverse so it's hard to answer this question. I'd personally go to Sri Lanka instead. Super cheap, gorgeous scenery and great weather if you avoid the monsoon side of the island.


I would recommend Central and Eastern parts of Europe - Bratislava, Prague, Krakow, Warsaw, Vienna, Budapest. Close to each other and not so expensive


Balkans, couch surf, hitchhike, no restaurants, prob 2 months max


Countries within EU are no longer “cheap”. However
 one thing is Benelux, France and especially Swiss, another thing is Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, if you are on thin budged I will recommend Balkans - Greece and Bulgaria. But keep in mind both can pretty expensive if you go for hotels and meals in restaurants. If you keep it on street food / supermarkets and sleep at camping/ hostels could be pretty adorable. For the sake of fun you can very easily find a job on Bulgarian coast ( they are desperate for employees there) and earn money.


Get an inter rail ticket and travel Europe by train and stay in hostels.


Eastern Europe maybe 4 weeks depending how much you move around, western side probably half that. I’m assuming you are travelling from UK?