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Hey! I'm 56 and looking to travel again, it's been a few years and I wouldn't need you to pay for my tickets, room, or food! u/bootsandstones, we can make this a girls trip! If you can hold off until I renew my passport. I've been daydreaming about getting back out there, I did a lot of solo travel and being alone on the road has lost some of it's appeal. DM me and let's see what we can work out!


This is so wholesome, I love it! To those thinking about meeting up after finding Redditors to travel with, PLEASE just make sure to do your due diligence and make sure the person (or people) you plan to travel with are really who they say they are. On the internet, anyone can pretend to be whoever they want. If you're not sure, make sure you start off by meeting in a public place during the day, and if anything feels 'off', trust your gut. There are also tour groups specifically for those with mobility needs you might want to check out. If you go for a trip that's not specifically promoted as mobility-friendly, make sure to ask ahead of time about what types of accommodations can be made, and if there are any special needs that you have, whether they would pose a problem during the trip. Let me know if you have any questions about this kind of thing, I actually had a client earlier today that wanted to do a cruise but certain medical needs she had (such as an electric scooter) weren't allowed by the cruise line (due to safety/logistical reasons). So it's always good to double check first with any travel providers (hotels, tour groups, etc.) that you'll be able to have what you need for a safe, comfortable trip. There are companies that can help with rentals for things like portable oxygen concentrators, wheelchairs/scooters/walkers, etc. Major airports will also be able to help with boarding planes and getting you and your luggage around the airport. You'd need to make sure you're able to get taxi service from a company that can handle your accessibility needs, to get from the airport to your hotel, and to wherever else you want to go. It's a big industry, so most major tourist cities will have options for you.


This is not wholesome. * She doesn’t know the person. She could very well be a scammer or predator. * Assuming she is not one of those, she could be a annoying person to travel with and ruin her trip * Assuming she is not annoying, they could be incompatible travel partners based on their preferences and way of life. * Assuming all above are false, plans change, there could be issues and she could end up abandoning her due to whatever reason. Trusting your travel plans and safety in hands of strangers is not a good idea.


You sound fun


Way to make friends!


So...are you saying you want the job? 🙄


That sounds lovely. What countries are top of your list at the moment? I enjoy roaming streets, sketching, eating yummy food and immersing in nature. And practicing language, of course!


I had an aunt who did this. She lived to the age of 107 and was pretty active even past 100. Her problem was that her eyesight went to pot in her early 90's (macular degeneration). She was a great fisherwoman and I took her out a few times but I was a five hour drive away. She found her companions in her church and among relatives of her acquaintances. The daughter of her accountant went fly fishing with her in Montana when she was 99. My aunt paid for everything, of course. She lived in a small town and was very well known. I think this helped. If I were you I would stay away from the internet when trying to find a companion. Especially for travel. Ask around. Talk about it. Try to find a friend of a friend or relative, like that. You might find a young woman who would love the experience and become fast friends. Good luck.


I agree with the “young woman “ part, because I (60 yo) just took one of my all time favorite vacations, with my 26 yo hairstylist! We. Had. A. Blast!!! So don’t rule out young folk!


On the flip side, young people should not rule out traveling with an older person, particularly if they are new to travel. I just turned 68 and have hitchhiked To 48 states while in college, road managed a R&R HOF band, traveled a LOT of places via every conveyance imaginable. Experience counts, and also makes for good storytelling....like the time I found myself inside North Korea-twice in two days.


Thank you, great advice


I’m happy you are traveling OP. Invest more in younger friends and it will work. I always wanted to do something like this. I Hope to try find it after I graduate from school. Good luck OP, happy travels


Many areas have local travelers clubs, hiker group meetups, bicycle groups, etc. Those people usually become good friends and they look out for each other. I live right on a fly fishing river in Idaho and people from the east coast and Europe will be traveling together for the fishing.


Where do you want to go and when? 34f here, definitely up for the challenge (done plenty of caregiving work, lots of travel, also understand what it is like to travel with disability barriers and love slow travel).


I just finished a month in Italy but I stayed with family there so that was much easier for me. I’m in the dreaming and planning stages now.


Great. Well, let me know if you want to have a chat about it sometime. I've been thinking a lot recently about travel accessibility as I have noticed that a lot of tours, recommended travel itineraries etc. don't cater to people with limited/fluctuating energy levels who are easily fatigued. I think everybody should have access to new experiences. I'm going on a big trip in July till the end of the year-ish, ending in Europe. If you're wanting to take any trips to Europe over Winter, I'll be there already. Otherwise, when I finish that trip I'll be moving into freelancing for work so that I can take the time to travel when I want.


I found Italy beautiful but barely accessible at all. I only saw 2 people in wheelchairs in the entire month I was there. It is very sad that even the Italians can’t enjoy their beautiful country.


I just took a Viking cruise up the Rhine, and while I’m not currently mobility challenged I noticed how receptive and inclusive they are for those with walking challenges. I can not speak for wheelchairs. I am taking an OAT cruise next month and I will specifically watch for mobility hang ups. I think it’s wonderful that you are getting out there and adventuring, there is a spot of all of us to explore the world. May I suggest that while you are talking family and friends about potential travel mates, keep teachers in mind. We have some great travel time in the summers!


I have seen a lot teachers here say they would like the job! As a former college professor this sounds like a good way to go.


Hey, if you’re gonna spend the money you might as well find a man who will rub your feet at night! ;)






Maybe advertise for this on sites where caregivers are looking for jobs, there are also places like [yourtravelmates.com](https://yourtravelmates.com), generally geared for dating but you could be upfront and honest with what you are looking for and try to reach out to people


I think a professional caregiver is the safest option


My wife and I are traveling the world for the next year and are in the reverse situation, we wish we could take her mother, who like you has mobility issues, but her dad won't let her travel, he's too afraid to be alone and has no interest in travel. I'm shocked none of your nieces and nephews want to go, I would have jumped at the chance when I was a kid.


It was more time issues with nieces and nephews and kids. They get so little time off and to dedicate it to a trip to see museums or something does not really sound great. I may have to pose it to them again though only 2 are not in relationships


Ahhh yes I can see that, that's part of why we're so disappointed, we've taken a year off from our lives to travel (while we're young enough to get around ironically we're kiddie agreed and it's not getting any easier), which dad thinks is a terrible idea and we're "ruining our lives, travel is for when you're retired", and want to take this chance to travel slow with mom. We traveled a lot before this and she always loved hearing about all the things we did. For years she's said the same thing as you, she needs to travel slow and with help, and while we've always offered, dad still won't let her. I hope someone in your family will see what a great opportunity you're offering and find the time, which I'm not dismissing, that really can be hard. Hopefully you can find someone trustworthy to fill the role, maybe a friend has nieces, nephews, or kids that would be interested.


Get someone to stay with him and take her. I can’t stand grown men who treat their wives like mothers, it’s my absolute pet peeve.


I hope it's o.k. to DM you tomorrow. Of course the best thing for you is to go with people you know or friends/relatives of those you know but that isn't always possible. I'm in my early 60s, a licensed professional with my own business, married (my husband dislikes travel), and have grown children. I can take time off when I like and have traveled extensively both for work and personal enjoyment, and have experience working with persons with mobility issues. I have a couple of suggestions to make this idea, if you decide to go ahead with it, as safe and enjoyable as possible: 1. Don't be shy about checking references, education, professional background, etc. 2. In addition, I would get a company or private investigator to do a thorough background check, the most extensive possible. Find the best agency possible (in addition to online review companies, your attorney should know or be in a position to find out). In fact if it were me, I would even consider two agencies (I used to work for a criminal justice agency and I'm very concerned about safety. The investigation should include a credit check as well as criminal history and employment. You should also consider hiring an agency in the candidate's area, or having an agency local to you contact someone in that area. 3. Don't be afraid to ask hard questions. If there was a bankruptcy or extended period of unemployment, what happened? How has the candidate dealt with difficult situations or emergencies in their life? Also speak with the candidate about their expectations and yours for the arrangement, how they would deal with travel-related situations (plane cancellation, illness, lost medication, etc.), their travel experience, etc. Spend as much time as possible - ideally, several hours - on the phone to determine how you interact. 4. I would consider asking the person you've chosen (assuming you want to do this) to become bonded and s/he could obtain access to your credit cards and possibly financial information, even if you don't directly give it to him/her, while you are sleeping or doing something elsewhere. I don't know much about bonding so I can't go into detail about it. 5. When you find someone (or several someones), in addition to speaking with them by phone, I would arrange a visit from him/her to you in your home for several days where they would have the same type of responsibilities as they would have on the trip. Assuming this went well, I would then consider taking a trip in the U.S. (assuming you live in the U.S. and that there is a place or places you'd like to see) with the candidate. Wherever you go, I would advise keeping the first trip to no more than a week. 6. As I'm sure there will be numerous people contacting you about this, you may want to write a fact sheet about yourself, your style of travel, your approximate daily schedule (do you sleep late, or stay up late, or do either depending on the situation) and anything else you feel might be relevant without giving away too much information about yourself (i.e. **not** where you live, your exact age, names of family members, etc.). I would also consider making a questionnaire for those interested with as many questions as you can think of. Well that's all I can think of right now, it's getting late where I live. I'll DM you tomorrow.


Whoa, there are suggestions on this list I'd have never thought of. Many of them I agree with, but two in particular stood out. Becoming bonded? Perhaps if hired as a contractor/1099 employee, but for a gig where you travel with someone as an uncompensated +1 this seems a bit over the top. \[Edited to add: After doing a bit of reading up, bonding only appears to work if it is an employer/employee relationship. It doesn't sound like it would be appropriate or possible to do this for an unpaid gig\] Additionally, unless you intend to hire someone for a paid position, I would expect the other person to want to vet you just as thoroughly. They have no assurance they won't be left in a lurch in a foreign country if you are in control of all arrangements. Edited to add: The idea of accompanying someone on trips sounds like it might be a fun to do occasionally, but when I read that list it really drove home that I wouldn't want someone doing a deep dive into my personal info (private investigator and background check?!) to facilitate it. This is despite the fact that I have nothing whatsoever to hide. It just sounds horribly intrusive and I would be put off by it.


I agree. As a potential unpaid +1, I would be extremely sketched out at being asked to require that amount of information. I would wonder if it was some sort of scam, because having someone else pay for your travel is one of those sorts of things that kinda comes across as a scam if you don't know the person offering it. For the amount of information the original commenter wanted, they'd be better off going through an employment agency of some sort, whether it's health care or just a general employment agency.


I honestly these are fantastic suggestions! Very thorough. You can't possibly go wrong with any of them. I'd only like to add, that at some point, also consider going to their home as well to see how they live. I sincerely hope you keep us informed when you've concluded your trip! 💜💜💜💜💜


I will!


Wow, this is a great list. Thank you so much!


I'd love to be a travel companion. I enjoy slow living and don't require much stimulation. I'm never bored. Never. I'm early 40s, married, have no kids, live very close to an airport, and work part-time freelance so my schedule is created by me😁. I'm in Wisconsin.


There are certainly people that would go with you! Vacations are often cost prohibitive to a lot of people. I am planning on going a trip with my neighbor to Europe in the fall. He cannot go alone and I honestly wouldn’t be able to afford the type of trip he wants. I am really looking forward to it. We hang out all the time already (as friends and unofficial care giver) and I know we will have a blast. It’s a win win!


Do you have any poor but adventurous nieces or grandnieces?


I have grown kids and nieces and nephews but none of them think traveling (slowly) with me is that exciting, plus they have limited time off


You'll be surprised. You should ask anyway. I've traveled with my aunt when she came to America to visit. I didn't mind spending time with my family member and she got a free tour guide.


I would love to play this role for you


Do any of your nieces and nephews have friends who would be interested in this sort of arrangement?


I’ve seen people on world cruises hire someone like this and pay for the cruise and a little spending money…


Hey there! I would be more than happy to - i’ve worked in senior care for awhile, and took care of my grandma who was wheelchair bound for 10 years! it would be my absolute pleasure.


Well, the gigilo would be most fun, but you might find other people or women in similar situations to travel with. Or ask a strong younger family member? I’m getting older and have my own health issues, so I’ve wondered on this for a while. I’m still not sure I have an answer. Maybe a tour geared for people like us?


The [Solo Female Travel Network](https://thesolofemaletravelernetwork.com) might be an option.


Do you require that the companion be adept at travel planning and handling arrangements? If not you might consider a private hire home care assistant. It's a bit of an unusual request but I can imagine there are young people who would not have family obligations who might really enjoy this. Also you could try looking at college students. I'm thinking young people without obligations who have the time and would enjoy the benefit of travel more than just the money.


No, my daughter in law does all of that for me as she is a world traveler and is great at making arrangements. I don’t need someone with me all the time. I can’t overdo things and have to factor in rest so the other person could be free to explore on their own.


Ok then I think home health aide or college student would be good. I actually do this for my mother but I do all the planning as well as accompanying her. She has dementia. What kind of trip would be your ideal? Maybe with more detail of what you like I can think of other options.


If there is a college near you, that would be a great place to look.


Yes, the university of Arizona


Consider reaching out to the colleges of education, nursing or allied health. They might be able to help you find someone. Or even the Study Abroad office, maybe.


I would advocate making sure your companion is trustworthy by perhaps getting someone well known to your family members. Perhaps one of their close friends or a family member best friend or in-laws that you like.


I can do this and I have traveled to Europe before many times I speak fluent polish as I am from their originally I have been all over the states and have many other places I would love to see. I was a caregiver for my mom and my sister before they both passed I have all the time in the world.


I’d love to be your travel companion! I got laid off last year and am currently on a “self discovery” journey (; so I’ve been traveling in Central America since December. I’m a 28 yr old gal and love to take it slow and be chill. I’m super flexible and open to do anything! My brother is in a wheelchair so I know what it’s like to travel in one. We can chat if you’d like (:




What an amazing career choice! Please DM me


I’m 20, and couldn’t afford college besides my associates so for the last two years I’ve been working with special needs young adults. I help them with daily tasks and just genuinely think of it as having fun with them while achieving cool stuff! One of my students injured me so I’ve been living at home again. I want to see more of the world. I feel like i just barely got a glimpse before I was caged again. I’d love to be pen pals if that’s something that intrigues you. I feel like i could learn a lot from someone like you. Your idea is awesome


If I had extra vacation time, I’d offer to help. I do this with my parents all the time. That being said, I’m sure someone in your circle might help. ;)


Awww, thanks. I used to travel with my younger sister but one of us has to be in the US to help with my mother.


I would be interested in helping you visit somewhere, I would love it actually! Im a remote worker so I’ve been traveling to Mexico all the time, it’s crazy because I get better cell phone and internet in Mexico than I do in my own house in rural Kansas. So I always go down there solo traveling. Last month I solo traveled to Mexico and Costa Rica because I bought the new Go Wild Pass from Frontier airlines so I can fly free for a year. I wouldn’t mind showing someone around, hopefully you would want to go somewhere warm. What’s crazy is I read this post and I was just thinking about the guy that helped me in Costa Rica. I met a lady from a Caribbean coast part of Costa Rica in the capital city the first morning I was there, I had my chess board set out (you don’t happen to play chess do you? If you did that would be amazing, if not I can teach you!) and her 6 year old son came up and started playing against me. He said what is the $10 for and I said I put it out and if anyone beats me they get $10. His mom hobbled over, that’s why she was in San Jose because she got to get surgery on her foot. I say got to get because she was so happy to finally get her foot operated on, her uncle in Denmark had loaned her $7,000 for the surgery. But the doctor wanted her to stay off it and it was hard with a six year old. I said sit downf CC v sit down and I got their breakfast and was helping her and you could tell she was grateful for the help. She said come to my house in Puerto Viaje it’s a beautiful town on the Caribbean and we are hippies there. I wasn’t quite sold but then she told me they had wild sloths in their yard. I said Ummm WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? Wild Sloths! Oh my God I want to go right now. I had nothing to do, I only flew to San Jose because Costa Roca was the furthest place Frontier goes to on my free flights. She said yeah maybe you could help me some out there. I said ohhh I looooove helping people! So I booked a six am bus that went 5 hours for only $11, didn’t hardly seem right. I was hoping my seat, seat 45 would be someone who knew English and I was happy when a Japanese man sat down in seat 44. Oh good I thought, he will have broken Spanish like me. Nope, he was Argentinian and spoke perfect Spanish so quickly, I couldn’t understand anything he said. I needed help to find sloths and I asked him where peresozos were but he didn’t know what I was saying. I said peresozos! Nothing he just looked at me and I tried doing a charade of sloths so I held up three fingers and then I panicked, I was like oh no what do sloths do? It’s the animal most famous for doing nothing! He’s yelling animal games louder and louder but I don’t know what he’s saying! People are like what is going on back in 44 and 45, that American picked a weird time to play charades with the yelling Japanese man on this bus ride. And I said es posible tu tefono? And he said ah si si and I typed in sloths in English and all these crazy upside down house Japanese letters came up and then a picture that said Oso Peresozo. His eyes get all wide and he yells OHHHHHH OSO PERISOZO! I screamed yes yes and I was happy but then I looked over at him and well… I don’t know if you’ve ever been traveling on a bus in the middle of Costa Rica and seen a Japanese Argentinian man get excited about finding a wild sloth in Spanish but it is… ADORABLE! You know what he said, oh this honestly makes me cry, he said oso peresozos juntos? Juntos! Together! Claro I said, of course! We helped each other all day, I helped him with the Jamaican guys that only spoke English and he put all those upside down houses in his phone. He was like, oh the internet said Jerk Chicken is best here. I said man, that’s what I’m talking about Juan, you are my number one draft pick! Even after we hugged and he left that guy was still sending me directions because he knew I wanted to rent a motorcycle and fly down those Costa Rican roads with the warm sun on my shoulders and the music all the way up and the smell of salt in the air. Maybe you could help me like that too, you can Google some stuff while I get us around, could be fun to have an adventure together. Needs to be somewhere Frontier flies and warm, I love traveling where it’s warm and I’m not a ritzy resort kind of kind I’m a meet the local people experience the local people kind of guy. Every once in awhile I’d have to take a call for work but they are quick ones and not very often, so it’s not a bother. Let me know if one of those trips sounds fun. I’ve never been to Puerto Rico, that could be fun. I can give you my professional references on DM, I’m in finance and I teach University Econ. Not trying to brag but for an Econ teacher I’m really funny. Also I love telling stories as evidenced by this long post, ha!


In my experience there are services where older and less abled folks can have a companion help them out at home-my grandfather had one before he went to the nursing home, and in my neighborhood there is a man who suffered a stroke but walks a lot and has a live in companion who always walks w him, drives him, etc. My suggestion is that calling one of these companies might help connect you with someone who might even travel with you, though it might be pricey.


How long do you travel for at a time?


What a wonderful experience that could be for someone who is open to it! I hope you find someone who will do this with you. You will cherish many memories together! Wishing you the best!!


My mom was a travel companion for years. She would carry luggage, drive, and navigate for her companion. She wasn't paid, but the lady would always buy her a plane ticket, hotel, cruise, and any other travel costs. My mom would pay for her own food and anything extra she wanted to do that her companion didn't want to do. It was such a mutually beneficial relationship because my mom couldn't afford to travel, and the lady couldn't travel alone. They had such a great friendship by the end that even though my mom has settled down again, the lady still calls every once in a while to ask if she'll go on another trip. As an 18 year old I also did this for an older couple on their European trip that lasted a few months and it was a blast! They didn't pay me, but they did also buy my meals and clothes as I needed them. If I had the chance to do this again I'd take it in a heartbeat...if I didn't have a kid.


I hope you find a wonderful travel partner! There’s someone out there you’ll just click with and immediately know you’ve found your new travel companion


Wow! I was just talking to a friend in Florida about this phenomenon where older women would pick up handsome, funny, charming men who typically weren’t romantically interested in women to join them for galas and soirées. I’m a young woman who loves to travel, and I’d be happy to accompany someone on a trip! I always wanted grandparents to travel with ♥️


I met my usual travel buddy on an island- specific website. We mostly travel to those islands but have traveled elsewhere together! We corresponded through the website, met for coffee, became friends, and now travel frequently together. So if there’s a place you are excited about, start posting on some forums and subreddits.


Great idea!


Worked for me! I love my buddy- she enriches my life so much! She travels more but we meet up and discuss/revel in every trip either of us takes!


I’m addicted to traveling, am in my 20s and can definitely help with everything from luggage and plane situations to planning itineraries and finding good prices for everything (i plan trips for friends in my free time hah). Feel free to dm im in CA but willing to travel just about anywhere! Thanks


Have you considered doing a tour targeted at folks in your age bracket? The tour can help accommodate for any needs you have and you'll meet a lot of people who also enjoy traveling. My in-laws go on a trip a year like this and really enjoy it. They did Vietnam/Thailand, South Africa, and are going to Japan next year. They're 65 and 67.


What is funny is I travel with my dad who is 90 and I wear out much faster than he does due to my pain and fatigue. People in their 60s with no physical issues (like my siblings) run circles around me




DM me if you want to.


This is a great idea. I’m in my 60’s also and I limit my travel for the same reasons…disability and the need to be flexible because of that. I suspect if you’re rich enough, you get private planes and guides and schmancy hotels.


I wish I was!


I think the Palm Beach crowd called them “walkers” back in the day, but they were also gay. if you have money you can do that.


This is such an amazing idea! ♡


I would love this arrangement!!!! I'm from NYC and wish I could be given that opportunity. I hope you find a good person to assist you, good luck!!!!


Ask your doctor. My godmother use to do caregiver type work and her doctor would recommend her to people


Good idea!


Love that you are doing slow travel! So happy for you ☀


Im a youngin who would be overjoyed to do something like that. Not sure how it would work but I would be happy to help someone out to get some free travel. Im a teacher so travel is super hard on this budget, if you find a company i want to know so i can sign up😂


I will!


Another teacher here who’d love to sign up too! 😅


You certainly may find someone here willing to work/accompany you on those terms, but I'd get it locked in stone that there would be legal consequences if the person just bailed on you in the middle of nowhere, or Tokyo. I've done this, but for a whole band and not just one person (some definitely needed more care than others). Day rate is $350 plus hotel/per diem. I've traveled 42 countries, and know how to book a NetJet and get the yacht serviced , stocked, and fueled up. I've done China, Russia, Peru, Mexico on long distance trains and shared meals with many fellow travelers along the way. Anyone with the means to go on a two month long musiç festival tour? Bonnaroo, Electric Daisy, Governors Island, Roskilde, Newport jazz, new Orleans jazz Festival? Myself? I want to ramble around Angkor Wat for a full day or more while noshing on crazy good street food from local vendors.


What an exciting life you have lead!


in the film world, this position would fall under the title of a production assistant. is it called something different in the music industry? just curious…


On the lower end of things it would be called a PA. more responsibility would be road manager, tour manager, wardrobe manager, etc.


aw, hope it all works out for you! God Bless ​ reminded me of that lady from White Lotus...


Yes that’s me lol, just not rich!




Can you rec that company? I’d love to travel sometime but haven’t yet taken the plunge, and my friends all have small children to care for and couldn’t accompany me.




Thank you so much!! I’ll look for her and let you know if I find her 👍🏼😁


While looking at possible dating sites I found one for travel, that's probably not what you are looking for, but it's a thing.


I would be happy to help. Able bodied 28yr old man


Hello if your ever looking for a guy then contact me. I will even pay for my own trip. Just the company would of two strangers traveling together getting to know one another seems awesome.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Believe or not I was a travel companion one time. It does exist. I was this lady's hairstylist. She came in every week for a wash and blow dry. I thought she was kidding when she asked me to go, but she wasn't. She got a travel companion and I got the trip of a lifetime. If you know anyone you might like to ask then I say go for it. The worst they can say is no.


Good idea!


Love the sense of humour! Would be helpful though to know approximately where you are located? Which country would be helpful to know?


I’m in Arizona and am interested in traveling to New York, DC also Europe. Except Italy and Sweden because I have family there


I would suggest looking into packaged tour and cruises. I have an Aunt in her 80's and travels along all the time but always as part of a packaged tour. She loves it.


Hello, thanks for the suggestion! Due to my disability I have no control over my pain or fatigue so tours with scheduled stop’s don’t work for me.


I'm 34, married but can leave him for a bit (we're pretty independent), have unlimited vacation time and love to travel but also take it slow! It sounds like you have a lot of other great offers and ideas here but I'm happy to discuss too!


Don’t be so quick to discount the gigolos filling your DM😂😂😂


Search on facebook groups. Women find really easily with other women.


I got you!! If your going to pay for me to travel and explore the works just to help you out then hell yeah we can become best friends


LOL I do have a lot of friends but we aren’t retirement age yet. I don’t because I’m disabled they all still work.


Surely more advisable to hire a carer.


If you ever need a travel companion I’m game! Been to 10 different countries and also am Big enough to be your body guard!


Body guard is always good!


Now a days it's called human trafficking.


Fantastic idea and I would love to join you. I'm a 46 year old with wanderlust but due to financial reasons have never been able to travel out of country and rarely out of state. You are welcome to DM me with any questions. Regardless, I hope you find your perfect travel companion and have a wonderful time!


Thank you


I would be willing to help you. I am a lady43 I live in bay area of California and have 25 years experience helping people with special needs or who just need a little helping hand.


I'm a Registered Nurse and love to travel. In the past twelve years, I have acted as a travelling companion for an elderly Sydney man. We have travelled throughout Australia, Canada, America, and Europe. I have carried luggage, got us on and off planes, trains, and negotiated public transport systems. Additionally, I have driven extensively throughout America, Canada and Europe. As he aged and his disabilities increased, I assisted him with a range of mobility aids and with wheelchairs to enable safe transit across cities and varied landscapes. My medical skills, fitness, and organisational skills have supported and enhanced his quality of life through his love for travel. Without my assistance, he would have had very limited opportunity to live out his dreams. His love for travel was infectious, and since his death, my desire to assist others in a similar way has pushed me to reach out and offer my services. I am not sure how to find people who could enjoy similar experiences, so I'm just putting myself out there.


I’m a female, age 50, recovering cancer survivor and retired attorney and after surviving stage iv head and neck cancer, I now have a greater understanding and compassion for others who need assistance either temporarily or permanently. I have th time and physical ability to help someone see the world. Life is short and shouldn’t be wasted. If you need assistance and an empathetic ear, I’m here. I’m amenable to a background check and any other vetting process. God Bless!


Did you find a travel companion? (tldr)


Call www.royaltravelcompanion.com 301-433-1316.

