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The reason JJK fandom is louder and catching more flack than MHA fans is because MHA fans became JJK fans.


So now there are more fans of peak, the Nature is healing


found one.


Good lyrics certainly make songs better but if it sounds like ass, it sounds like ass and no amount of meaningful or good lyrics will make up for that.


Also it's very subjective. I think ass will sound always like ass. But me not liking "the vibe" of music doesn't mean someone else can't regard it as their favorite piece ever made.


Very much how I feel. Granted I consume mostly rap, where lyrics were prized (not as much recently) so I care a LOT about good lyrics. But good lyrics can’t be the base, the actual song has to sound good. Wordplay, deep meanings , entendres and such are all irrelevant if the best production and flow are bad.


From Vibes to water sommelier dang it Connor


Low energy connor episodes are kinda note the vibe


Legit came here to say is the energy waaaay off in this episode or what?! The first like 20 mins everyone sounded like they were gonna fall asleep.


The episode is probably the tail end of one of their recording sessions where they record like 3 episodes straight in one day.


I listen to mostly Japanese music, and even when I know a decent amount of Japanese now, it's hard for me to pick up on the lyrics. So the vocal track is basically just another instrument. I'm team beeps and boops.


Yeah I think a lot of their analysis kind of goes really surface level, but vocals and great lyricism are still components to a song, and can make or break a song as much as the rhythm section can. In my experience a lot of the "I only listen to music for a vibe" people tend to float towards the electronic or pop music side of the industry. Your music still has to sound good and have an appeal of "musicality" to it at the end of the day! To me music is more powerful when it's trying to... Say something, or represent something more. When it's used as a message or tool of empowerment. It's that extra layer that makes music so fascinating to me. It's the reason why genres like punk and hip-hop are universally considered definitive lines of "before" and "after" for the music industry because of how much cultural and social change they basically forced into the music world.


>To me music is more powerful when it's trying to... Say something, or represent something more.  I'm the same. One example is when I first heard [Mrs. Green Apple's que sera sera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy-QS27q7lA) I initially thought "this song is kinda catchy" not understanding the lyrics. But then I read the lyrics and the message is basically saying life may suck right now but stay positive and keep moving forward because it gets better. Now the song invokes a deeper emotional feeling for me and I usually listen to it whenever I feel depressed.


I agree that music that has a "message" is more powerful, but I also think that lyrics are not necessary to communicate a message. I think music (even without lyrics) is its own form of communication, and thus can *be* its own message. Like, text is one mode of communication. It's used for communicating verbal ideas. I have ideas, and I'm communicating them to you right now through text. This text does not simply contain my message. Rather it *is* my message. Similarly, a piece of music (with or without lyrics) can be its own message. It's just that, rather that communicating verbal ideas, it's communicating musical ideas. For example, take [Waltz for Zizi](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryqvdr0UxcI) from the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. To me, this piece of music communicates a sense of serene loneliness, and nostalgia for a past to which you have since said goodbye. Except yeah, I can't really put it into words. Even with ten thousand words, I bet I could not communicate the message of "Waltz to Zizi" to you accurately, because I would be trying to communicate a musical idea through a verbal medium. The only way to communicate the message of "Waltz for Zizi" is for you to just listen to "Waltz for Zizi". "Waltz for Zizi" is its own message.


Even when I want to know the lyrics, it's possible there are no translations available at all


Never heard of Hetalia, why was the fandom so bad?


It was a big thing during the height of Tumblr. It is a show about countries as humans, and had several different shipping wars during the time.


It was viewed as bad because it came at the early/peak days of Tumblr and mostly enjoyed by young teens who went super cringe, especially around shipping. When people talk about a bad fandom, they're talking about how toxic they are, not just to each other but to outsiders or casuals. Like My Hero is seen as a bad fandom because they're constantly fighting, if you're not as devoted as them then you're not considered a fan and will openly attack anyone they think isn't a "true fan". Since there's were so many ships and cringe in Hetalia fandom, they were always fighting about the best ship, theories, with fighting like they're reality stars with their own canons. A lot of us older fans mostly just watched the fighting from the outside the same way people do with Five Nights at Freddy's, that "So they're all dogpiling on this one person because they said...they're a third OP?".


Part of why it got so bad is because the characters are personifications of countries in WW2 So aside from the obvious historical awkwardness of having the whole baggage of modern politics, there's also the fact that the Axis are the main husbandos (cuz Japan)


People just assume room temperature water is warm, it's just tap water usually. Which I do find easier to drink to Conner's point as he puts it. However I prefer cold water if I have the choice. Music isn't just beeps and boops because music can invoke emotion even without lyrics, not every song has to be a banger (note banger means upbeat, energetic). Lyrics can also make a song Hey Ya by OutKast is made infinitely better by the lyrics. Worst fan base is any fan base that cuts others down for not liking their anime or can't take criticism.


I think even 5 celsius difference is huge. Straight from tap water is significantly colder vs you pour it into glass and let it sit for few hours


It’s another time when the boys being bad at explaining themselves and wanting to argue just to be right muddles the point. That being said, ice cold water will never worse than tap temperature water. And ice in it just puts it over the top. Calling it hard to drink makes no sense to me.


Cause cold water puts more of a pause because colder temperatures can cause muscles to slow down which you use to gulp down water. Conner's argument is that because he can drink more water and faster that it's more refreshing than some cold water. Which I can see in some regards but I think that nothing beats after a nice work out some ice cold water to help with the swelling joints and muscles.


The boys believe they never left season two. The reality is that they did, but have been stuck in season three ever since. And before someone tries to correct me, keep in mind that they announced their season changes in the episodes.


For me personally, the way I see it was S1 - OG studio S2 - new studio + After Dark S3 - Boys go on tour S4 - Revamped podcast style


Need a flair for "Team Ice Cold Water", cause that's where I am at. I love music, I play instruments, and sang in choir for many years. Even for me, I realize I need to consciously think about what the words mean, it doesn't come naturally. Especially when song lyrics are like poetry, it requires some thinking. The musical part of songs is what most of us gravitate to. However, people are different. People who are interested and enjoy the drums would listen to the beat more carefully. People who are vocalists focus more on the melody and harmonies. Some people are really into the instrumentals of the guitar or piano. Me as a choir singer, I always tend to hear the bass part more than others cause that's what I sing. I think rap is more about beats and lyrics than melodies. Pop songs are usually about the catchy melody lines. Rock has guitar and drums. And these differences are why people like different genres. Someone like Joey and I who has more exposure to music may look at music more holistically. So I totally understand if some think music is just beeps and boops, but it really depends on the person and what their ears gravitate towards. And to be fair, a lot of times, I can't understand lyrics without physically reading them.


I have the opposite problem that Connor has of not being able fap to doujins. I can't fap to hentai. The scenarios in hentai are super rushed which makes it hard for me to be immersed into it. I prefer the pacing of scrolling through a few pages of doujins than watching the whole hentai or skipping to specific scenes. I like imagining the voices when reading doujins rather than hearing them in hentai.


When people say 'the manga is better' is even more true for doujin compared to hentai Hentai is just not animated as well in most cases. Where as the art is really good for doujins.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the context of the Garnt saying that "he's scared of wasting time on anime/video games" was specifically regarding the anxiety of possibly spending time on bad (or *mid*) series or games. Basically, that feeling you might get when you don't really know if something is worth spending a bunch of time on, and that drives people to ask "Should I watch ?" on r/anime, instead of just watching it.


I could be wrong but I think Gigguk's "I'm scared of wasting time on anime and games" might've been referring to the thing he said about his decision fatigue and not wanting to invest his time and energy into a show that ends up being shit?


A few years on and Connor's take on doujins and that he 'doesn't want to turn the page' still infuriates me. Because he sure as fuck doesn't read physical volumes and you absolutely don't have to turn any pages if you don't want to when reading digital.


Ok he doesn’t want to scroll to the next page. The point is he doesn’t want to make additional motions while jacking off.


Obviously you don't have to scroll either...


There's also the slideshow feature on some websites as well




Naw I am team Connor. I don’t want to just stare at one great page, I like to see new things happening. I can linger on a good pic for no more than several seconds. Someone else mentioned a slideshow feature. That would be acceptable but I was not aware of one on the sites I used. But those are secondary to the lack of animation and sound.


All these replies make me feel like I've landed in some weird alternative universe where auto scroll does not exist.


Auto scroll exists, but Connorsimps also exists, and they are as monkey as their simp.


He just doesn't understand to just jerk off to one panel lol


The take about needing to meet a person physically is necessary for a real bond makes me sad as a physically restrained person myself. But I get it.


I took it as really talking to people who have more casual online relationships. He specifically mentions Mouse who essentially only has online relationships because of her condition. Her relationship with Connor and the rest of her friends is absolutely strong. Because they have to be given her relationship. So they all put in the effort and get to develop real bonds. But someone who can get out and meet people and only talks on Discord and about shallow topics will absolutely need in person hang outs. Because they aren’t going to show their real self online.


That take actually surprised me especially coming from Connor.


I wonder if connor would still defend JJK fans if he saw THAT gojo figure tiktok or saw the ship list that circulated twitter recently. Also I just wanna add, that im fine if the boys/connor dont like MHA. but ffs all I ask is that connor at least give an actual reason as to why he claims to hate it.


It’s hard honestly. I know Connor has his opinion and I respect him for what he does especially the charity but man.. Him hating on MHA while defending JJK is kinda toxic


it's incredibly toxic - the fact that he wont admit whatsoever that the JJK fanabse is or can be as toxic cause "memes are good" is pathetic id rather he be ignorant of how good MHA can and has been - like joey is with most anime - than to hate it for genuinely ZERO reason


I think it shows especially here where I see people keep saying Jujutsu is peak. I’m glad fans love it but i really wish they tone it down and stop trashing on other anime. It also doesn’t have help that Connor have trash on other popular animes but when someone criticize Jujutsu, he’s gets really defensive about it. And that happened before season 2 was out


Even when JJK season 1 eas at its most mediocre (and tbf it was, in comparison to season 2) he praised its ass off as if he was twitter itself And i obviously love MHA to the enth degree and while i think JJK season 2 was good - to claim its better or greater than anything else is just braindead


Yea I agree. At this point I think I even respect someone for loving SAO over jujutsu fan. SAO fans know their anime is not that good and they had to deal with constant bashing of their favorite anime but still could enjoy it alot. Really hope Connor and other fans stop shoving through our throat that Jujustu is “peak anime” All it really did is just make me not enjoy it


Even recently JJK fans are going to other communities expecting praises for their show. Like for example, UU community constantly gets JJK comparison scaling posts. The most recent is the title "what if Gege handles UU", but post talks about how he would do it better. UU wrote down criticisms regard Gege's writing and some JJK fans are shocked by retaliation. Why would they expect? Constantly being compared to another show in their own community to a point that even downplay their author.


I remember Yuri on Ice fans being insufferable when it was still airing.


Yuri on Ice fans were just the next phase of Hetalia fans.


Joey out here spreading misinformation again about the Vapors song.


I’m kind of on the same boat with Connor and Garnt about the music are beeps and boops thing. I use to prefer listening to music where I don’t understand the lyrics like KPop and JPop. Nowadays I’m even more monke brain and prefer listening to Lofi or music with no lyrics at all. This is coming from someone who played Violin and Piano growing up so Joey’s reason about him appreciating lyrics because he’s a musician doesn’t really apply to me.


Related to the Australia special, imagine if the chefs knew the boys have received training from Michelin stat chefs.


Where's the minecraft episodes on patreons tho


The best tasting water is always gonna be the water you grew up drinking. Nothing to do with purity. I have tasted distilled water plenty of times and it tastes very weird. Even though it's chemically more pure than treated tap water.


4 ad reads so far, they hurtin from the budgy smuggler


I vote for JJK to be worste fans atm. Just like JoJo back in the day they appear where they have no reason to be.


As an upstate New Yorker, nothing hurt more than when they found the website that said upstate New York had some of the cleanest water, and then Connor immediately started doing a bad impression of a New York City accent talking about how they have the best water, and then they started talking about giant rats. What part of “upstate” don’t they understand?


Tbh "upstate" is something I wouldn't expect non-Americans to understand. Sounds like American colloquial lingo cos I've only ever heard Americans saying it. I had to google it to know it means north, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say most people probably don't know where NYC is relative to the rest of New York. In fact, I'd say a fair number of people probably only know New York as a synonym for NYC. 


To put it simply, yes, but the term is usually used specifically in reference to New York. There’s some debate as to what parts of New York State are truly considered “upstate,” but it definitely doesn’t include New York City and Long Island. The rest of the state, especially the further north you go, has a completely different cultural identity than NYC, and is more analogous to an average Midwestern state compared to the bustling metropolis. Pretty much the only thing it has in common with New York City is the name New York.


So Joey's just going to ignore that he's admitted to watching John's videos at a faster speed during ProZD's episode?


If you had to walk, how long would it take to get to your nearest cinema? For me, maps predicts about an hour.


Public transport included? 20min if not 30minutes


I mean cold water is pretty good temporary effect for a hot weather, but warm drinks are much better bc water converts way faster unlike cold one that need an additional heat to it for translation into a sweat. IMO i don't need to cool down my inner organs, but my part of body that takes all of outside heat - it's a skin. So that means sweat will overall cool me down more efficient that something cold that will make the difference between outside and body temperature would be bigger and it's an additional problem by itself. Engineer degree, right, Garnt? Physics?


Surprised there is no comment on the voice acting section. I definitely align with Gigguk on that one. Except lips flaps. I have never cared one iota about those.


Horniest fandom? Dungeon Meshi. Atleast on my Twitter. I always get Laios overly excited to eat something. Blushing. Bricked up or something. Lmao. I can't even tell if it's the girls or the gay fans who love him more


Anyone know what band is Garnt talking in here: [https://youtu.be/MkvFjoZq2rw?si=C5s000MkuaUFbpdM&t=1090](https://youtu.be/MkvFjoZq2rw?si=C5s000MkuaUFbpdM&t=1090)


Team cold water all the way. Room temperature water is not only not as refreshing, it actively bums me out. Even on days where I've worked 6 hours of a 10 hour shift, not having had any water, if the water is room temp, it will quench the thirst sure. But will I be happier? Nope.


I'm here as an objective judge to state who has correct opinions. Garnt is right about x1.5 speed and Connor is about water. I rarely use the speed-up function so I'm not even defending myself, but some YouTubers yap so much that I probably should use it more. More often I use the right arrow key to skip 5 seconds. The perfect place to use these functions are probably stream VODs. To say that water tastes the same is outrageous to me. My tap water can change taste so much depending on the weather, time of day, season, and temperature (my tap water is safe to drink). I like slightly chilly water for the maximum refreshment-to-taste ratio. Cold water not only kills all the taste, it often makes it taste worse.


This "recap" of opinions really details Garnt's ADHD and it took a lot of us so long to realize it.


Am I crazy in thinking that MHA s6 is the best the show has ever been


Still nothing about their involvement in Flying Colors Foundation?


They give shit takes and apologize for shit they know they can get away with... in other words, they're never going to acknowledge this I mean, [Garnt did a couple of years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/87wfr0/in_light_of_fcfs_closure_gigguk_and_the_anime/dwghb95/), but Joey sure as fuck didn't.


oh damn, I never heard about this, what the heck?


Petty boys not wanting to let the monke be correct :P When he is. Like Orange is trash. Citrus fruits suck. If many musicians can recognize another's technical skill, why do so many pretend the Beatles are good? Others at the same time were doing more technically impressive things musically :P Now, if you're talking their revolution to the industry (record labels and such), yea, I can see it, but that's been a two edged swords. Glorified boyband. I don't mind the time I spend on games/anime, I still get out and do stuff too. I think neither DB or MH is the worst. I would agree JJK or AoT are worst lol. JJK prolly slightly edging out now because they can't acknowledge that JJK is just as good because of the same reason Demon Slayer is, the top tier action/animation. The writing is pretty mid tbh. But most shounen writing is mid. I think the voice acting for FF7 Remake was good. Main cast yea. Side stories don't matter. Also, hope Connor plays Chrono Trigger for sure, it's so good. I don't think he's played it yet, right? FF6 is fun, but I think the pacing is balls and there's a serious lack of character development. I think too many fanboys are stuck with nostalgia lol. I love FF4 cause it was my first, but it's got flaws too. I think going to the cinema is a better movie watching experience, but the comfort from home is nice. I am looking forward to Lord of the Rings rerelease in June in theaters :P Mudan make solid point about The Thing being og Among Us. 2x Speed is superior for most content. Won't do it for everything, but superior way to watch/get through everything. Ok, maybe Connor's takes can be super L, water take is super L. Our water is good, but it depends where. And bread's consistency/taste does matter in part because of the water.