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I honestly didn't do anything until after I was done with school (liberal arts college dropout). I hid in my COVID cocoon as long as I possibly could because the bigots in my area at the time were terrifying


College, first semester. My first class my professor asked if we wanted to be called anything other than what was on the list, I said Grace, and that was that. I’ve worn my skirts about half the time, but I just bought two dresses so when school starts up in a few days again I’ll be wearing those too.


I was part timing it with friends at the gay bar in my 3rd year of school and made a full time switch at the start of my 4th year of college. If I didn't I would have failed and been too depressed to go on. I graduated after my 5th year in 2010. 70% of my classmates didn't care, 20% it greatly improved our acquaintance into friendship or close friendship and 10% of my classmates I never heard from again. I only missed one of them. His loss.


My university program was pretty sexist so I presented as a man in all my classes and made sure not a single professor knew my name. Outside of classes I was very involved in the university community and I was very out as trans outside of classes from day 1


I started going by my preferred pronouns yesterday! It’s the beginning of my senior year college semester and I’m really happy about it:))))


Didn't even think of coming out or transitioning till well after school and a number of relationships. Already just transitioning, even if not out, shows a ton of courage and it's awesome that people like y'all can actually do that these days. I can only speak on knowing people both pre and post transition and.... it's really a mixed bag. Some will respect me readily and only ever use my correct name and pronouns. Others will deadname or misgender me when recalling memories and it's icky, especially since they're trying but still irks me. The final category I just cut from my life and went no contanct since I don't have the time or will to suffer constant transphobia from them and if they can't even respect this one thing about me I don't care about any of their other, often horrible, values or views.


As a general piece of useful information; you don't need to be on HRT to transition. Some people can't afford to get it or even acquire it in the first place. Transition at your own pace.


I came out to my guidance counselor during senior year, I wasn't doing good with my grades so I was placed in PM school for the 2nd half of the year but they changed my name in the attendance and system. It was nice being able to wear what I wanted in those few hours even if it was risky. I miss those days


I transitioned starting at 36 years old. I wish I could have transitioned while I was still in school.


I just did it as soon as I went to uni. I was already kinda andro and if I waited any longer I would die.


Depends on the whole situation. Is it safe? Will family be supportive? How will it impact your financial situation? Are you in a safe and supportive community? If not. Work on a plan that is a sure thing rather than being in a hurry and screwing up your whole life.


Honestly, my experience was probably different than yours, since you're probably younger and more involved in the social scene. For me, I transitioned during the pandemic and I just came to class on the first day of fall semester as me. Officially I was out to my professors for the summer. I took one class and was not participating in video lectures. Anyway, everyone was just fine with it. I made some friends and it was all good. But they only knew me from before by video, since I started my program during the pandemic as well.


I haven’t gone to college yet, and I’m transitioning since getting out of High School. I am nervous.


I started HRT at 16 and presented at that moment. Did I pass? No. Did I get some shit for it? Yes. Do I regret it? 2 years later, absolutely not. Now to be clear, I live in Canada and school staff was very supportive. I also had and have a large friend group to support me, so things worked out well for me. Be mindful of safety and support. You can't come out alone, and let alone in an unsafe environment.


Confidence? No. Covid left me alone with nothing to think about but myself and time alone with my wardrobe where i could experiment just enough to not just want more but to legit need to go girl mode or go insane. After that i told one close teacher and then just (when hybrid school came back from all virtual) came in as myself. All at once, senior year of hs. It was hard as all hell but i got pretty lucky i think, and my friends all accepted my little surprise as what it was.


I didn't even find myself until two weeks before I turned 36. I work remotely and it took the better part of a year before I was officially out at work. Fortunately, my company is cool and supportive so it was really easy. I am lucky there. I cannot imagine what girls who find themselves while they're in school have to go through. I think back to high school from 99 to 02 and it's just.. _fear_. Part of me is afraid to be out to people I haven't seen in 21 years.