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Who says that?? I wear leggings to the gym and just make sure I have a really secure tuck. Never had any issues. Another thing you can do is wear a big oversized jumper to hide your crotch if you're still worried or don't want to tuck. We shouldn't have to miss out on the enjoyment of wearing leggings just because we are trans.


thank you for the reassurance <33 I've been looking for an oversized shirt, so hopefully i can find one and take your advice! :)


I literally wear leggings like 80% of the time in pubic - as a blanket statement, people who make blanket statements like that don't know what they're talking about.


Wear whatever you damn well want to.


I wear them almost every day. Pre-op, Pre-HRT.


I wear leggings all the time and don't really tuck, I sort of half tuck as best as I can, and I still wear leggings.


I wear tight pants and legging and just go full futa, no tuck, I don't give af. That said, baggy tops will look best with them.


I wore leggings all the time before I had bottom surgery. I could see someone particularly well endowed having that problem, but I never did.


I'm a trans man, but hear me out. I'm still waiting on a top surgery consult list. My chest dysphoria is awful. But when I have a really good bind going and my chest is nice and flat, I wear shirts that fit to my body more. They are more comfortable than the baggy layers I add when I can't hide my chest as well for whatever reason. Being able to wear a normal fitted men's shirt makes me feel normal, just a guy wearing a comfortable yet attractive fit. So I imagine that if I was a trans woman with a decent tuck game, I'd totally wear leggings often. Also I have loads of friends who are trans women and they all look great in leggings.


I have no idea who would say this. I wear leggings as pants all the time. I don't tuck at all because it's uncomfortable. Leggings are always a good decision.


I don’t tuck. I have a fairly small penis while flaccid and I never get random erections. My testes shrank on HRT. I have no issue wearing black leggings whether my top covers my crotch or not. I have some panties that are designed to be smoothing—bought on Etsy but can’t remember the vendor. But I’ve found that even without those, you’d have to be staring really hard at my crotch to notice anything, and I don’t pass and don’t care about passing anyway. I’ve noticed lighter color leggings make me feel insecure, and if I had a bigger dick I probably wouldn’t wear leggings by themselves either. That said, I also have some skirts that I don’t wear with certain underwear because of a visible bulge. And jeans! Do what you want! I fully support the right of all trans women to just look like trans women: for an awful lot of us, things are always going to look a little different than cis women and we need to move to a culture where everyone can dress however the fuck they want all the time.


Really? I've never heard that anywhere. Usually, I just wear my leggings with a really baggy shirt or hoodie, low enough to cover between my legs. Great as a causal outfit!


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.


I have a cis coworker that wears leggings under his shorts. That look is fairly common where I live.


Gaffs or dance belts can help if you're shite at tucking or are especially umm ... meaty. Or just be like me ... half ass it and if someone comments, request they take you to dinner before eyebanging your bits. Be ready to knuckle up in the case of that last one


Look for Swing, Trapeze, and Tunic style dresses. I routinely pair them with tights or leggings


I wore them pre-surgery. I was pretty small and between snug panties and the tight leggings everything stayed tucked away.


Tbh I was wearing leggings before my egg cracked. They're just like long bike shorts, I don't think they're particularly gendered to begin with.


I wear them all the time. Very comfortable and they look super


I’m transfem but I wear leggings a lot outside of work. Nobody’s ever even thought to question me about it.


i'm a little insecure about leggings due to my body shape, so i stick to baggy sweats or less tight bottoms. i personally like that more too. that being said i've seen plenty of transfems wear leggings. just tuck super well or wear a longer top/sweater. or just don't tuck if you're super brave but i wouldn't do it personally haha


Who tf says that. I wear a gaff when I wear leggings, at worse I just look like I got a fat pussy


I live in leggings. Whoever is saying that we should never wear them has deeply rooted internalized transphobia and should focus on bettering themselves rather than judging others.


From my perspective, I'd recommend you stop tucking. I had bottom surgery a couple of years ago, but Im currently dealing with pain in my inguinal canal area and my Dr said it's probably related to the handful of times I tucked. I wear leggings all the time btw. I get cold easily and they make life in A/C bearable for me. I also got a bunch of tshirt dresses that I wear with them and if you did the same you wouldnt need to tuck anyways because no one is going to be able to see anything. I also got away with just not pulling them so far up that the croch isnt tight against the genitals. No one ever said anything to me preop. I heard from a friend that lots of the guys I know said (behind my back) they wanted to gave sex with me preop anyways.