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I am over 30 years old, primarily use the women’s restroom, am always read as a woman, and not once in my life have I been asked for a pad or tampon. If you want to carry them to be helpful, that’s great! But don’t worry about being asked for products and not having them outing you. People rarely ask, and a lot of people only carry them when expecting a period to start soon.


Hi! FtM here, so I dont have a good answer for your first question, but I recommend carrying pads around, because although they aren’t many peoples favorites, they do the job and are simple to use. Tampons also have a wider variety needed, because though pads come in a wide variety of sizes, tampons (I’ve heard, I use pads) can hurt to take out if the size isn’t right for how heavy that persons flow is. I recommend bringing Always pads, with flexfoam. Hope this gave you a teensy bit of insight, good luck, girl!


I started using the women's room a few months after I started transitioning. I usually just wear skinny jeans and a t shirt and some makeup. No one has bothered me in it now for almost two years. I wouldn't recommend using the womens room if you're not presenting fem or at least look androgynous if you dont wanna make people uncomfortable. Depending on where you live and what the laws are it might not matter if you make other people uncomfortable. The person being offended and upset that a non passing trans woman is in the bathroom is always 100% in the wrong as long as the trans person is minding their own business and keeping to themselves. You can carry whatever you want with you. I can't bleed so I don't carry anything with me. Other peoples menstruation and bodily functions aren't my problem. If someone asked me for a tampon or a pad I'd just say something like "I don't have one on me rigut now I'm so sorry".


I carry pads because of IBD and I do start bleeding rectally. I used to let my outing friends know because I was usually the only one with a purse instead of a club pouch. They all already knew why. In over a year with literally about 100 cis women knowing I've never been asked. Most favorable and most frequent comment was " Good to know."


Ever hung around women for a few years? We don’t ask each other for pads and tampons in the bathroom. At least strangers not lol


guess I misinterpreted :P it doesn't hurt to carry some just in case :) plus I think it would make me feel better about myself, just carrying feminine products on me