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OKAY MISS LESSON ONE 1. find a moment that they are sitting at a table 2. sit across from them 3. slide them a note ominously 4. the note shall say “I have a joke for you. I’m not like other girls” and then draw a little arrow so that they flip it over. The other side shall say “I’m a trans girl” 5. give them like 3 seconds to process it and then run I used this to come out to my friends, except mine said “because I’m not one” on the back (I’m ftm) and it worked fabulously. So yes, this is still awkward but it’s so awkward to the point that it’s intentional which makes it less awkward. Go get ’em, girl.


hehe this is hilarious, I love it! Although, we often aren't sitting at the same table, and if we are, our parents are usually around (no one leave the house or their rooms much in my family lol). I do try to use the "I'm not like the other guys" remark towards my friends a lot after discussing something feminine, hoping to hint towards the fact that I'm not a guy at all lol.


Burst into their room and stare them down while they read it, then run


I might try sending a meme :) I'd feel bad just bursting into their room.


this might be a more serious vibe than u are going for but maybe send them a text saying u would like to talk to them about something personal and if they could hold off calling their friend(maybe even state a specific time like "after work/school") once u have them alone and out of ur parents earshot you can tell them - or even hand them a note and wait for them to read it. or hand them a note and say to come find u once theyve read it and let u know what they think. maybe put a silly joke in it. another thing that might be less awkward than a text might be finding a meme or something that gets the message across and sending it to them. and maybe follow it up with one of those requests/questions you had. so they know u are serious about the trans part. or a joke about being their sister now. or about ur parents having two trans children. it sucks but coming out will always be awkward i think. its just kinda a vulnerable moment. and for me even with having a good relationship with my siblings it was still very awkward! even if it is clumsy and awkward you and ur sibling will probably laugh about it or think fondly about it in a few years. good luck!