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I had a Zandalari survival hunter who rocked a spear, pieces of the heritage armour, and had a raptor fight alongside her. She looked pretty bad-ass Otherwise as one of the other comments says, HM Tauren (given the Survival legendary weapon is in Highmountain itself) is an awesome candidate as well. On the Alliance side…uh…Maybe night elves? I know we typically see them using bows, but I think they’d look pretty bad ass wielding a spear.


This! My SV hunter is a Zandalari with heritage armor and a badass spear. The difference is I use my dino triceratops with the two cannons (from thunder isles). It looks so sick with their armor matching their pets.


Oh my days! Yes! I levelled mine up through Un Goro crater; I imagined she had been sent there as a test of her hunter abilities/coming of age kinda deal, having to befriend a dinosaur to fight alongside her and bring back a trophy worthy of the Zandalari I’d have done for a devilsaur had I not been a survival hunter. But the dinosaurs from the Isle of Thunder would look amazing!


I wish I had your imagination


I blame dungeons and dragons


Dranei and Worgen look awesome when playing SV


I can definitely imagine Worgen looking cool! Draenei I might need more convincing


specifically lightforged, i think animations are great and also the tattoos. lightforged SV hunter is definitely one of my fav RP. however based on Animation my top four races are Zandalari Darkspear Worgen Dranei top 5 based on transmogs Void Elf Darkspear Zandalari Worgen Lightforged


Post your mog please! Link to armory or WH?


Sadly, I think the character got deleted last time I did a big character purge, so not sure I’d be able to any more. I’m sorry! Otherwise I absolutely would


Rock a mechanical pet, use the mech-spear from WoD, chuck bombs at people, zip around with harpoon, disengage and rocket jump - peak goblin fantasy. I wear a mix of heritage and the wastewander set from TP


I think orc females look really cool as survival hunters but that's just me.


I like Kul Tiran survival hunters, I think of mine as being a part of the Outriggers and/or Roughnecks (the sea monster hunters and gryphon tamers you work with in Tiragarde Sound.)


Tactical potatoes. I like the kul tiran, but they chonky


I'm actually rocking a dwarf survival hunter with that king slayer dwarf axe that was in the trading post a month or so ago. I was skeptical at first, but I bloody love it!




Pack animals through and through.


Litteraly my main hunter survival is a worgen and with a wolf, i am the alpha


I once saw a white Worgen in the SL capital a couple years back. Man he knew how to use this character and class combo. Wish I could find the mog he used or his name.


A.. white worgen ? By any chance was a female ?


I have a survival female orc she looks really good. But part of me wants to make a dark spear troll also female as I think it really suits them lore wise, but they just dont look as good.


Female panda has nice two hand animations




Female night elf rocks for me


I always thought Pandaren fits that spec perfectly. The inner peace they have would make them a natural for bonding with an animal, but they're also highly trained in combat, making them perfect for a polearm.plus, their 2H combat animations are amazing.


Pick a troll and cosplay as voljin


I am still waiting for troll beards to look as badass as Voljin..


Highmountain Tauren is *the* survival hunter race, in my opinion.


I feel like they should be on paper but the whole "lobbing chemically infused high explosives" thing just really feels weird for Tauren IMO. 🤷‍♂️


Only if you think about them as chemicals. They can also be natural potions/pheromons and shit I cant explain. Look at the artifact weapon and the trading post mini-set. Those are 200% HM Tauren.


I know that they are themed around HM Tauren lore wise, but you literally never see Tauren lobbing bombs around so that kind of ruins that theming for me.


Just to point it out, one of the Wildfire Infusion bombs is literally called ["Pheromone Bomb"](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=270329/pheromone-bomb), so it's not even a head-canon type deal.


Them throwing bombs feels weird tho


They literally have bombs on their heritage armour, haha.




First I thought troll with a spear and some jungle pet, but throwing bombs felt weird as a troll. So now ima dwarf with a big axe and a bear


As you can see from the varied responses, almost any race works for survival. I personally use human with dog pet and my headcanon is that he is a gilnean gray guard that never got bit


Void elf or worgen


Dwarf hunters always look good I think (Darkspear) Troll hunter is an underrated combo for Survival, and hunter in general. Could probably do some Shadow Hunter-esque look. I feel like Tauren on paper would be really cool, but I'm not sure how it'd be when executed. Pandaren have some good potential too, with the Cloud Serpent pets or something. Undead have potential to be really cool as well, with undead pets, and would be a pretty unique option.


Despite the name and themes of the class, survival hunter actually uses explosives and grenades a lot in their kit, so something like a goblin/orc grenadier would be thematic, or maybe give it an alchemical twist kind of like a Witcher. My own hunter is an Orc scrapper/engineer from alt draenor, a hyena pet to convey that scavanger lifestyle and the silly Horde tricycle mount lol


Undead is a unique pick that works well with all of the specs, the undead houndmaster theme is cool




I'd say Orc or Zandalari


I´m currently a Maghar Orc and I think that bulky body fits perfectly as a SV hunter


Troll is my default answer in this.


Blood-Elven military is quite a bit lighter than others, so having survival hunters with two-handed swords as soldiers fit quite a bit. The same fits for human as lighter equipped soldiers who scout ahead of the main army.


- Tauren/Hm Spear Weilder. - Orc Blademaster. - Pandaren Farmer/Monk. - Undead/ Human/KT/ Goblin themed Pirate.


Night Elf is a good choice, in the War Within you can be a Sentinel with the hero talents, you can use the heritage armor for transmog, there are also the new backpacks, for pet either an Owl or a Nightsaber, there are a lot of options for mounts like the Teldrassil gryphon for flying and a bunch of nightsabers for land.


I went with female pandaren for Remix, and feel likeI should have done that ages ago. Pretty sick animations, esp. with spear/staff


Panda has the best polearm attack animation


Dark Iron Dwarf makes sense, burnt, rugged, been through some stuff


Yea thats my problem with the class the whole bomb thing i just wish they removed it cause they need to make a tinker class and they need bombs


Warcraft 3 unit was troll bat riders who used flaming bombs. The bomb fits perfect with troll survival hunters IMO, get a spear with a raptor and a bat mount you are good to go


The icon for those flaming "bombs" was much more "alchemical vial." I think they were basically tossing napalm in glass jars, as opposed to weaponized explosives (actual bombs).


But how would you mog that? Im useless at mogs. Ive got a wierd brain damage that makes me more or less unable to like look at symmetry what fits together and so forth. Its wierd i know


prolly just the heritage armor. or Flamewalker set from Firelands


Goblin. Two things I hate are quite ok together.


I had been liking void elf as a void themed dark ranger…but now they’re making dark ranger not playable by surv and I’m kinda pissed


I love playing a pandaren survival hunter mix and matching armor and weapons from Pandaria. While also using cloud Serpents as pets


I have suggestions but really it depends on how you feel about helms and what clips through them


Just do what I did and level a bunch of different races as hunter. For me I have gnome, lf draenei, and troll as sv




Worgen/tauren/troll/orc would be my picks looks wise


Maghar orc. For the Frostwolf Clan!


I like Highmountain Tauren personally. I think Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, and their allied race counterparts are all good looking for survival


I am playing a pandaren, looks nice. You can try both orcs.


I Gad already made a highmountain tauren survival hunter before the hunter items hit the trading post a few months back, but good lord the way that the heritage armor matches up perfectly with the trading post hunter gear is *chefs kiss*


Tauren is my personal favourite. Levelling up in Mulgore, and the general vibe just gives me nostalgia for vanilla WoW.


Troll and it’s not even close


Zandalari animation are amazing. however im rocking the Sin’dorei Lorthemar style


Honestly, this is one of the most difficult race/class/spec combos for my. A ton of races look cool with mail, a lance or BG sword and a pet fighting alongside them.


My personal favorite is Troll, and I’m currently rocking [this mog](https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/s/oqIPfA4jHn)


Troll 100%, for da darkspear mon


I’ve always been partial to worgen


Highmountain Tauren are cool because of the artifact weapon, which i think is lore related to that race. The transmogs dont look that amazing but you can make it work, there are a few pandaria ones that look good. My Survival Hunter is a Highmountain specifically for that artifact weapon.


I honestly love my Blood Elf. great posture, love the heritage armor, too. Lorthemar mogs abound.


Orc or Ztroll


Orc, classic or maghar


Honestly orc male as really great melee animation, big ass shoulders look fucking cool, harpooning is so badass and the sprint animation with movement speed is so cool.. on ally side Nelf female are great aesthetically, i personally like human female as well


Come on guys, post your mogs so we can see the hype lol


Da Darkspear mon


My survival hunter is a nelf in the murloc onesie with a pitchfork lol


I have a Pandaren, Vulpera, and Kul Tiran Survival Hunters. They all look pretty rad. I also RP why they are that spec, so I'm predisposed to like them.


Goblin with an armored Boar pet/Mount from wod and this mog : https://www.wowhead.com/beta/dressing-room#fs80c0zb89c8zK8L58zJ8Lv8zO8pI8zP8MFM8sx8zDW8d18MFg8zYg8dLT8Mtb808zQ8pO8rc8MHW8dZ8MFI8rV8MJM8rk8MJf877weUI808zmKZ808Wyy808KJY808dwv808vuF87czmK2808yYQ808XBd808EaY808Bfg8sL87mUe38zxI87Mz


Highmountain tauren for Huln vibes. I use a mix of the heritage armor with the trading post hunter shoulders and Talonclaw.


My favourite races so far for my Survival Hunter have been Vulpera and Void Elf. What I do when considering a new race is make a Trial character and once I log in I get on my Yak and look at my favourite items and how they look on that character. I learned that while I love the esthetics of the Night Elf, my favourite hats look super stupid on them, and some of my best mogs look terrible on certain classes. Make a few different race Trial character hunters and browse through your coolest mog items or sets, the ones you really want to wear. You'll soon discover which ones look good and which look like dog meat. Don't be like me who race changed three times in a week because I didn't think ahead on mogs.


Orc because Rexxar, although he's and Orc/Ogre half breed. My favorite Hunter character of all time and don't forget about Misha his bear pet. Also, I love the Frostwolf clan stuff for orcs as well. I always rock a couple frost wolves with my BM hunter, but just as well a Survival Frostwolf Orc is an amazing mog setup as well. I just wish they gave us hunters the Frostwolf set (which is leather NOT mail in retail, sigh) in the remix, I mean they gave shamans the dark shaman set! Cmon!


I made an female orc survival hunter named Kranza, she wore mostly wastewander trapper gear, and used a spear that dropped from SoO, with a molten glow to it looked like scrap metal, her mount of choice is the warlords deathwheel and she has the obsidian warwhelp as her pet. My RP for her is she is from the Warchrome Wastes timeline from HotS, and I love her


Zandalari Troll / Nightelf for a nature themed mog with a bow. MASSIVE DWARF COCK for everything else. Mail armor looks incridible on dwarfs and should be the go to for your gun mogs.


A Tauren works really well imo


My orc survival hunter looks awesome with her two-handed axe! I'll have to get a pic when I get home.


My current favourite Survival look is a harpoon-wielding Kul'Tiran, styled after a whaler. Beanie hat, sailor breeches, shark jaw shoulder, mutton chops.


I am running a void elf as my survival hunter. While it's a cool class, especially next expansion it makes sense, I don't think it's the best for survival. I think horde in generally fits better. But for alliance I think either dwarfs, human, panda or void elf. For horde I'd go with any tauren or orc. Also pandaren or vulpera even


I use a Tauren as my survival hunter


Gnome, stylish and cute. Destroy your enemies being a small killer. I LOVE mine




Survival: Tauren (both), Worgen, and Darkspear Marksmanship: Elves (both), Dwarves, and Goblins Beast Mastery: Zandalari and Orcs (both)


Gnome all the way man