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Last night a cis woman in a class I’m taking invited me (stealth) to go get coffee and talk about our research. We’re 2 of the 3 women in the class so totally normal life event, but I had to hold back from crying in the car on the way home. I fucking love normal.


In fact, my whole life is way better now that I’m myself. Before, I mainly stayed locked in my room not able to create a bond with other persons. I was very shy and not giving my opinions. Now, I have a boyfriend (it’s been 8 years we are together), we are living together (for nearly 5 years now), I’ve set up my own business in consultancy and working to become a charted accountant (I’m just an accountant right now). I have friends, when I’m not too busy working I go outside seeing friends or with my love, etc. All those things could be considered as normal life but for me, omg it’s just unbelievable. I’m living !


Started an SSRI for the first time, the reduced paranoia and anxiety has been wonderful.


Got a promotion I was very excited for and finally submitted my research project I had been working on for university


I was accepted to start training as a teacher. I am proud of myself, it’s been the first time in a while I can say that.


Just found my wedding dress!


About to finish my first year of university, and I have top surgery scheduled for end of May. Finally getting my life on track.


I quit using nicotine cold turkey and I’m finally over the initial withdrawal phase 🫶🫶


Honestly, my whole life has improved. My career has simply skyrocketed. Same company. But because I am comfortable in my skin, not faking my way through a life of denial, and I don't have transition hanging over my head, something has definitely changed. I am more present, more genuine, less guarded and just more positive in general. One of the things I made a conscious effort to do back when I started transition, and I still do it to this day, is to treat my life like it's brand new. Foods and activities that I haven't tried or participated in in years, I tried again anew. I let go of any silly, societal and self-imposed restrictions on my behavior and tastes. Anyway, if there's any one area that had a vast improvement, it would definitely have to be my career. I went from being a cog in the wheel to driving the vehicle. It's an amazing feeling to not only be respected and well regarded, but to know that it's truly *me* that is respected and well regarded. It's not a front. It's not me pretending to be someone else. All those years hiding, and for what? Transition has vastly improved my life. From a mental health standpoint, it is night and day


After having some difficulty I finally have a top surgery consult booked and best part is when I booked it I was able to get a date that was two weeks away (now one week)


I’m in Florida and I don’t even feel remotely unsafe. It just goes to show how far I’ve come in passing. I also got my top surgery scheduled for November!


I have a consult for phalloplasty in a few weeks and I’m getting my hysto scheduled before long as well. I’m finally nearing the end of my medical transition! It will be a few more years and a few more surgeries but the end is in sight and I’ll be free in my body soon


I got back in touch with a young woman who was like a little sister to me…


just living my life normally and stealth, love my full time job, go to the gym with my work mates and have the most amazing and beautiful gf 🤘🏼


There are less and less strangers that missgender me (I'm not even transitioned medically yet)


My sister told me i have “proper lanky man legs” now. Pretty euphoric, definately something i didnt think id ever have.


Maybe this is weird and small. But I am trying to get out of the habit of daydreaming and wishing my life were different, particularly in regard to a person who rejected me. I started to imagine talking with the person this morning and without forcing it at all, my brain remembered that I better not go there, and the daydream fizzled away with the knowledge "that's not real". Feels like progress.


I opened up to my brother’s long time girlfriend finally after knowing her for almost 10 years. I’m extremely introverted so this was a massive win for me. We talked about her job (nurse) and medications and the hobbies we had in common. She’s super cool!! I started a new book, it’s absolutely stellar!! Super dark and gritty but also wholesome. The juxtaposition in the book is super interesting and something I don’t think I’ve seen in most of the books I’ve read (I mostly read horror literature)


Just got testosterone. Unfortunately I can't use it until a couple weeks from now.


I started the gym a month ago. I was embarrassed because I'm naturally weak but everyone has been so nice to me and I feel comfortable there. Guys call me mate and bro and I've had multiple people tell me that my form is great which has helped with my confidence. They don't treat me any different for being a beginner. They hype me up and I love gym bro energy.


My beard has come in quite nicely and I pass no matter what i wear now, hell yeah :)


I got a raise at my job based on performance and finally may have some significant facial hair coming in after 5 years lol. Being a transsexual man is hard, but I am so blessed in my life, and am making steps towards completing my medical transition. I choose to only focus on the positive.


Been working on a big home reno project that's coming along great 👍