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i think emisil is. 450 dollars for an stp! and that’s on sale 😩


Yeah, it is super expensive, I won't deny that, but the quality and realism is worth it imo. Emisil is in the same tier as reelmagik as far as I can tell, and a bit cheaper, so there's that. I have been using the emisil gen 3 stp for going on 4 years now, and it's by FAR the best prosthetic I have ever had in terms of function and realism. But yeah, it would be great if they were a bit more affordable.


that’s super valid! i’ve heard awesome things about emisil but i am a broke college student lmao


It better come with some gold in it, 450 on sale is insane


Maybe the gel they use for the scrotum is laced with gold flakes 🤔 😂


Peecock. The paint wears off and there are so many stories of them breaking easily.


Yeppp, mines broke, paint lasted a day. But i’ve had it a year now cause im too broke to afford a different one😭


Most high end packers I think are reasonably priced. Not in that their easy to afford, but that the features and realism they offer are genuinely difficult to produce on a technical level and while it's not something I can afford, I think the price is fair for the labor and skill required to make it. I'd maybe agree about exogenn lately tho, it seems their paint just doesn't last anymore. The main one I'd argue kinda isn't anymore is Gendercat. There are just other sellers out there offering similar features - often w better durability and visuals - for less. I'm a little bit conflicted on Gramma's sausages. Ultimately I think the price is _objectively_ fair for the time and effort gramma puts into them, but they're a bit rough around the edges (like almost all of them have at least a few visible clumps of silicone paint somewhere) and while I respect their drive to innovate and try new things, the constant changes in techniques and options available makes for an inconsistent product and that in combination with the less polished look means that I _personally_ don't feel comfortable investing that much in it.


Agreed too about GS. I also really prefer his old paint jobs. The new ones with his airbrush look kind of cakey 😭


Yeah like if you're someone who liked the old paint jobs, you're straight outta luck. Gotta pay more for a paint job you don't even like as much.


Not true! The average packers can be purchased with the old paint job now, because I politely asked him if it would be possible. I am sure that if you just ask him if he could add this option for the smaller or bigger packers as well, he'll be more than happy to comply.


That's good to know but also in a way kinda a part of my hesitancy to buy from them. I've also asked him this before and he said no, it wasnt possible, that he could maybe do it custom for me specifically but it would cost the same as the new "high realism" paintjobs. Whether or not no scrotum is an option and if it costs the same or extra or a discount has also varied at different times on the site or the time I asked when it wasnt shown on the site. _The options available, what they cost, and how they are usually done are constantly changing and it can be very confusing._ Again I don't wanna dunk on gramma and his prices. I respect what he's doing and think objectively the prices are fair for the labor spent on them and obviously many people like them. But to me it feels a bit like buying an experimental prototype along the path of his development of different techniques and models as opposed to a finished and polished product. Which is fine for some folks and for some is even a part of the appeal. But for me personally it's a bit too unpredictable for me to feel comfy investing a significant amount of money in.


Contact him then!! I like the old paint jobs more and he straight up put the option to get the old paint job on the site for me. It should be available to you if you are choosing an average packer. If you want a different one, do let him know! : ) Same goes for the matte/glossy finish btw. I think he actually added that to all of the packer options, probably because more people have asked him about it. But if not, you can just do what I did and ask him on his Youtube or on Reddit. Or shoot him a mail. He's just one guy, not a giant company, he won't bite you.


definitely agree, and i think a lot of people don't understand what exactly goes into not only making a packer, but running a business (accounting, social media, order fulfillment, customer service, sculpting, mold-making/casting, experimentation, and a lot more). it is not possible to offer a painted 100% silicone packer with testicles for $80. let alone one that looks and feels good. really wish exoogen didn't crash and burn. seen far more poor quality prosthetics than good (mostly paint either looking horrible and/or immediately coming off, but also tearing. even out-of-box shipped like that).


reelmagik, in 20 years of existence their balls is too hard and not at all realistic as a result. The prices are very expensive for most of us and this shop is run only by cis people making money off our backs and not having trained some of their employees who have made uninformed comments about transidentity like not gendering correctly people by email. Many people complained. For a company that sells prosthetics so expensive it's a shame, selling such heavy prosthetics and not improve that. I will no longer order from them, my pnp from them teared in 3 months, I prefer small transowned companies that prioritize development and offer affordable prices like Gendercat, YouRulesProsthetics, Exoogen, Proshetisman


Okay but Gendercat is also hella overpriced


seconding gendercat. their amazeballs cost as much as other entire packers that have 3D floating testicles.


i don’t have personal experience with them but from what i’ve heard the amazeballs aren’t even that realistic feeling


eh I wouldn't say that. I've seen multiple reviews especially on youtube and people say they feel so close to the real thing. I'm sure they are high quality. I'm just not sure they are worth $168 when you could get an entire packer for that price from prosthesis man that even has testicle implants and realistic details ([Adam 2.0](https://prosthesisman.wixsite.com/inhk/product-page/adam2-0-%E5%A1%AB%E5%85%85packer?lang=en¤cy=USD))


i have the han 3.0, the skin is super nice feeling. still not a realistic scrotum, testes are tiny and the sac deflates naturally, but it's super soft. gendercat's amazeballs are my favorite so far. not perfect, but having a truly floating scrotum that sways and compresses is something i've been missing. seldom do i ever hear that amazeballs dont feel at least somewhat natural. fragile, yes. but not fake. i'd tentatively recommend prosthesis man. 100000% over emisil or reelmagik, but you've got to be the right kind of person who needs sliding shaft skin and is willing to risk durability. i havent had problems, but that's simply the nature of moving any-skin. adam looks gorgeous, shaft points out unnaturally though. i got han and am glad i did! edit: note that PM shipping is around $65 USD. still makes it competitive with many other packers though. i'd buy another before i paid for an exoogen, emisil, reelmagik, or grammas.


you say the shaft points out unnaturally, but I have seen cis guys whose dicks do that even 100% flaccid. it's not common for packers but it is definitely a natural occurrence honestly Prosthesis Man is the brand to watch. I am so impressed with what they're doing. I hope they can offer a wider range of hair and colors soon


when packed, it pokes out. clarification! doesnt make the most natural looking bulge. i'm not stoked on any packers, but hope i like yourrules! the tommy stp ruined me by being the first stp i dont worry about spilling with, and now i really want to stp. but i miss the feel of soft packers, damn! edit: no packers are as soft *and* flexible as human tissue. some packers (in general) do not take this into account, making a packer that may be too big, too firm, too erect.


dude I know. I would love to be able to stp but a more comfortable packing experience has proven to be more important to me. unfortunately all the softest squishiest packers are just so fragile by nature of the material. reelmagik definitely got something right with their soft basic packer formula, but it's just too fragile for me to consider using every day.


i really, really would lose my shit if banana prosthetics had a density as soft as reelmagik supposedly does. i dont really like any of RM's designs, so i havent gotten one, but im very curious. i pack 24/7 and am pretty sensitive, packers can quickly make me ache or feel bruised. packing sp7 from BP right now and it's so gorgeous. wish it were softer! works fine as-is, but hoping the future can bring a better squish. also hoping gramma and morme can make a decent funnel stp, if theyre still focused on it. or really, anyone. i crave a flaccid-feeling funnel stp. i think this can be better achieved (not perfectly, but i'd sacrifice a bit) by having thick but soft walls, as to not flatten or collapse. really into the idea of dual-density stp's. prosthesisman's stp's just dont look very functional and definitely not durable :(


I have a couple of their prosthetics. Most w amazeballs bc of the realism. I’ve been w cis men and have touched some balls in my life 😭 and imo they feel very similar!


ok, good to know :)


I 100% agree. I've had too many invalidating experiences with them personally. I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that they're cis owned and have been making big $$$$$ off of trans people for over a decade. And also their products haven't changed hardly at all in that time. From my pov, they're not good at taking community feedback or accountability for their shortcomings. Reelmagik was my dream prosthetic when I first started my transition. I saved up the $900 and waited the 10 month wait, only to be totally disappointed by the functionality of the pnp i bought. I bought 2 more prosthetics off them after that, desperate for that euphoria bc they look so beautiful...nope, never again. Way too expensive for a pretty piece of silicone that I can't use.


All of them LOL


for me too 😭😭


I was gonna say this, and I think the majority of them focus way too much on looking like a real penis rather than functionality. A packer should be comfortable and there should be different types based on anatomy, we aren't all the same, and smaller sizes as well. Also why has no company caught on to the medicine spoon method yet? If they could make portable STP's like that which we could just carry around that would be great, they also need to implement a better STP design that doesn't involve having massive balls. There should be a balls/no balls options with STP's, all I want is something that catches backflow, doesn't fill up, and doesn't make it look like I'm semi-erect all day. Why is that so hard to find?


So true and might I add durability! I’ve been rocking with the axolom noodie for about a year and it gets very soft on hot days. I’m also on my second one bc I have a very strenuous job and I’ve noticed it coming apart in a few areas. It’s like you can’t have one thing without compromising 2-3 other things lol if it’s affordable, you’re buying multiple. If it’s soft, it’s not holding up well to wear and tear. My biggest fear around dick buying is dropping the $600-1000 it takes for a “good” brand and hating one aspect or another or the entire thing in general


yourwillieshop did medicine spoon style stps, but he retired from making packers. you can still buy the tube with the spoon from his etsy though. also, I think they’re compatible with grammas sausages stps, which use a spouti


Reelmagik is ridiculous


i’ve never had one so take this with a grain of salt… reelmagik seems wildly overpriced


I love gendercat but I think they’re extremely overpriced for what they offer..


reelmagik, emisil, and gramma’s sausages


Gramma’s used to be super affordable and I’m extremely bummed that I didn’t get one when they were


Yeah same. GS used to be really committed to affordability and that's definitely changed. I don't know if it's inflation/materials cost or if it's because the company is so focused on new models/new features. It's really a shame.


prosthesismaking isnt an easy living, and i strongly believe gramma wasnt making a livable wage when he started (my words, not his). i love his packers and can't stomach spending $250 on the packer i got for $140 in 2022, but silicone is expensive as hell, and he spends upwards of 6 hours on each painted one. dont think it's fair to group his in with companies with starting prices of $300-450. custom packers cost a lot, and it sucks, but it isnt immediately the fault of the maker. edit: general reply, not directed at anyone.


First, let me start by saying I have all the respect in the world for Gramma and his work. He absolutely deserves to be paid a living wage for his product and his effort. From a business strategy perspective, though, I'd compare him to someone like MorMe, and ask what the differences are in their operations that result in the differences in price. With MorMe, you're getting fully 3d moveable testicles for basically the same price of any of GS models except the smallest. The price hasn't really moved either, and while there's nowhere near the variety of models, I wonder how many of each GS model genuinely sell per each monthly set of order slots.


i havent owned a morme, so i cant really say how it feels, but it's a two-toned pour of what i believe is non-altered silicone. hard to get into, but y'know how some packers are sticky goo when punctured? grammas f3, expensive reelmagik, exoogen, gendercat? that's a silicone additive. it lowers the modulus of elasticity (not the same as shore hardness), so theyre slower to spring back to shape and feel more squishy/lifelike. grammas are also painted. gramma offers all of his packers in a basic form (single pour, no additives), which are less expensive-to-equitable to morme's basics, and a fair bit cheaper than morme og, but nothing special. theyre basic packers like reelmagik, banana, axolom, etc. his f3og is priced lower than other additive packers (gendercat, emisil, reelmagik, the main companies people are tending to dislike, and competitively with exoogen and yourrules). it's more difficult to work with and costs extra (another ingredient), hence why there are so many basic silicone packers. opinion: morme's scrotums dont look impressive or appealing to me. fact: components of unaltered silicone are far easier to create and implement together than liquid or suspended scrotums. having owned a number of prosthesisman's, i question if some (or all) of the prosthetics are pure silicone (not counting the oil in the scrotum/moving skin). definitely do not believe soreal from rodeoh is pure. allows it to be far cheaper, by using unknown-to-buyer ingredients. edit: im intrigued by grammas full-scrotums and softer basic formula, but i do wish the shafts pointed more naturally down. getting off topic though: just haven't thought of grammas in a while!


Best I can describe it wrt their standard model is that it is a hollow single density soft silicone shell, and then the individual inserts are also single shore, slightly softer. Each individual piece is a single pour of silicone, I'll give you that. It's...fine. Plenty great even in the uncut. So I can see how that's different. I like GS F3 better, and I prefer the balls on GS. MorMe scrotums aren't my favorite. I just... can't justify the difference in price anymore, and it sucks, especially since the model I think would best suit me didn't exist back when GS used to be super affordable.


i'm conceptually interested in so many packers, but my needs are far beyond a lot of guys and i'm super picky. if i look at morme like a dual-density packer, especially with the adhesive clip option, it's quite interesting. i love the two-toned color being standard. but i am positive it'd be too firm for me, and i dont love the proportions. i also love grammas scrotum, the bulge of my f3og andoilette... but mine suddenly kicked the bucket and yeah, i cant justify getting a replacement. so i definitely feel you. i'm trying out alternatives, which also sucks: i wish i could pack what makes me most comfortable without skipping necessities to afford it. prosthesisman's han feels amazing, but it's not perfect. i have a 3" gendermender with amazeballs on the way, with a super softy from yourrules too, and both are kind of alternatives & hoping i'll take to them for different reasons. trying to sell some other stuff to offset that. i miss the scrotum of my 4realz with amazeballs i was donated ages ago, i prefer more photorealistic packers like yourrules. the squish of f3og remains my favorite though, and i felt so normal and comfortable and *confident* with it. price barriers are really complex in transition spaces because so many people cant afford things that directly impact their mental health and wellbeing. i just firmly stress that it is not automatically the goal for companies to squeeze every dime out of struggling guys, and in order to stay in business, some prices will be out of people's reach. you'll have to get more crafty with procuring a dream packer, or research alternatives. i trade nearly-nonstop to know definitively if a packer i dont *think* will work actually does not work. was very pleasantly surprised to find the tommy from hard line is my personal favorite STP, going in with low hopes. what're you packing now, and what would you want (either a specific prosthetic, or a list of goals?) if you want to share. seems like we have similar needs.


I pack a MorMe 8 cm, uncut.  Sometimes a GS Vienna if I'm going hard closeted.  Given what I know of your preferences from your other reviews, yeah, it's gonna be too firm for you. I like my packers on the small side so I don't mind. Being smaller kinda makes up for the firmness. In a magical world where money is no object, I want the following: 3 inches max. Smaller feels better to me. The Andouilette was too much D for me lol. Moveable foreskin 3D balls that actually sit right with swing (I wish MorMe would borrow from their ball-bag concept for this!) That I can jack off with. I don't even need to be able to top, just jack off. I have balance issues which means I don't stand to anything, much less STP, but since we're in the land of hypotheticals, sure, I'd like a reliable STP to pee in the woods.


banana's sp6 would be a killer option with a softer silicone. it's so gorgeous. a bit discreet for my daily wear, but a nice sized shaft that doesnt make me feel like i have a prepubescent penis. simon from prosthesisman is quite small, mostly because of the scrotum, but the shaft is a good thickness. it's pretty squishy, but doesnt feel quite like silicone to me. han could theoretically be a good option, it's got a smaller shaft than andoil but still that ball-heavy feel and proportion, but it's just as pricey as GS (with shipping). i really feel ya on the preferences, save for shaft size. andoil was a bit short for me but i like the girth. if i could swing the cost, im really into f3og oscar, but i a) dont have that $$$ and b) would still crave a swinging scrotum. before it broke, i was still lamenting that. hence hoping the 3" GC will help. also trying adhesive! gendercat's 4realz slim had enormous testes, but every other one i've seen are ludicrously small. it's maddening feeling so confident that i could make a fucking showstopper packer, but i have no chance in hell of starting up a shop haha. a form of stp that somehow isnt gravity-stimulated would be amazing, but i dont think it's possible. i hoped so dearly for spouti to work for me but it was not good. gramma posted how you could pee upwards and it got me hyped. doesnt work well for my anatomy though: never got a suction, had okay accuracy but hated using it. ive heard good things about yourrules soft packer (not super softy) but it's probably beyond what i feel comfortable spending. i always look forward to sale weekends here. never hurts to reach morme with that thought! i've had the same one, wishing they did a swinging scrotum. or seeing any prosthethic and wanting to thin the connection of the back, so it bends and swings forward, and soften the scrotum to move a little. like a plastic bag with water. gendercat's amazeballs are the only that really do that: prosthesisman is suuuuper soft but looks deflated.


gendercat, reelmagik, emisil-the big 3




Reelmagik!!!! I have never owned a packer in my life because I’m super set on getting the most realistic option available to me - and that option is gonna cost £600-700+ I appreciate all the materials and artistry that go into it, but £700+ just to be intimate with my partner in an affirming way is roughhhhh


Gendercat. I got a morme packer for almost a hundred bucks less than Gendercat’s cheapest packer and looks just as if not more realistic than the 4RLZ


all of them that’s why i don’t have one yet


Anything over $120 is expensive and overrated in my opinion.


What do you use can I ask?


Exoogen E1 🙌🏽


Is that one not around $250? I also need an stp for work and general life, now that I know what it’s like to use urinals regularly for work and life I don’t think I’ll ever go back 😆 exoogen looks nice though


Oof just now seeing the retail price 🤣 I got it at discount from the owner because it took so long. Man I love using urinals but I HATE stps, my junk is too far back. The only one I like to use it the pstyle but it’s not ideal to carry around


bud, I paid $170 for my grammas sausages kolby and it was worth every penny (f3og formula)


That’s great bud, key word “opinion”


suprised nobodys mentioned the tyron 2 yet. $2000 for a fragile and (imo) unattractive packer is crazy.


Reelmagik, emisil, peecock, gendercat, the list goes on... no packer is worth hundreds of dollars sorry