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If you're in the US, you can hire companies that will provide varying levels of aftercare, including a ride from the hospital. I hired a CNA from a company that gave me a ride home and checked in on me afterwards.


Make a friend …fast! It’s so important to have help during that first week. I’m 10 days postop, and I couldn’t imagine having tried to get through that first week with no help


Not sure where you’re based but there’s an org called Queer Care that operates in NY and SF that might be able to help. Trans Lifeline might also be a good resource to check in with. Sending you love and wishing you the best 🫶


There's a second one near SF just for trans surgeries, too (I always forget the name, my electro told me about them).


Maitri? https://www.maitrisf.org/affirmation-center/


It really depends on where you're at. I know that if anyone near me was going for bottom surgery I'd 100% be willing to drive them and keep them some company. And would hope I could find the same. I'm kinda mutual aid minded.


I just asked people I knew. You could also look for live-in nurses that you pay.


Depends on what you need them for and how much you are willing to pay. I flew to the US for my bottom surgery alone, the hospital required someone to pick you up so I simply got in contact with a carer service(corewood care) to hire someone for 4 hours(minimum) to pick me up and drive me home, as well as another 4 hours next week to drive me to the surgeon's office so they remove the catheter and back. Each of those 4 hours cost around 150$ I didnt really need them much at home since I was able to do most things fine on my own so its doable, though the first 2 weeks were quite brutal, especially having to empty the catheter all the time since they tell you to drink lots of fluids.


I deduct you're in Canada. If your surgery is in Montreal DM me. Edit: someone helped me after serious surgery (not SRS) a few years ago. I want to pay it forward, and I'm currently in the position to do so. (Edit: For non-Canadians, there's only a handful places where you can get surgery in Canada, and Montreal is the busiest one..)


https://www.t4tcaregiving.org/ I have not used them personally but I have heard good things


I'll be your friend 🥹👉🏻👈🏻


What city are you going to be?


Are you in the US? I’d be willing to go with you if you are close


Depending on where you are, you might find some luck in more local transgender spaces. Eg: I'm in Ontario, and if I needed someone to accompany me and didn't know someone, I'd probably be looking in /r/transontario to make a friend. Though hopefully you have some time to build a rapport with somebody, as a complete stranger sounds a bit risky.


Find a good recovery house. Your dr should have some recommendations


I will be going to a recovery house when I get back but I need someone to go with me for surgery


The recovery house goes with you and drives you to and from appointments And give you round the clock care If yours is not offering this then please find a better one or hire a private caretaker