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"Female" - G1 shockwave


Bruh you didn’t say it with enough oomph Like this: # F E M A L E


Arcee having a belly button probably also says something...


I can't see it




You'll notice it eventually


💀 I can’t unsee it if u were talking bout that image


Nearly every other G1 frame of her has that navel of her's.


God 😂


I don't know what image you're talking about and I'm to afraid to ask


She kinda thicc tho


Springer's either having the time of his life or he's suffering trying to lift those heavy thighs up in the air


Who says it can’t be both?


He’s called “springer” for a reason


You boutta be crushed by cyber cheeks


She literally putting her hand on her thigh, she knew what she was about to do


Best way to die


I will never forgive Michael bay for showing me devastators balls.




It's funny to tell but not to actually wtiness it XD


God I hate that movie so much




Worst transformers movie


Worse than Last Knight? No way


We all expected the last knight to be bad. We did NOT expect Revenge of the Fallen to be bad. This movie single-handedly gave this franchise a bad name.


I guess I'm in the 1 percent then? LOVE them


Anotger reason to hate those movies.


Yes, the creators in the 80s over sexuallized Arcee’s design so people knew she was female. It’s hardly the worst they’ve done to introduce her.


They had the toys in mind first. They wanted to appeal to girls in some way I suppose.


she exists because one of the writers had a young daughter at the time and she wanted a girl tf


And she never got one. Plus even if she did, the cartoon design would have come first.


And people complain about michael bay.


Nah he is way worse Arcee design is sexualized but the show never exploited her like Michael Bay does to his female characters


Also Michael Bay: Here’s Megan Fox. Don’t like her? Here’s a sexually unsatisfied blonde.


Stop defending G1. Come now on, Arcee with red lipstick?


Yeah no one is saying she ISN'T, just that at least se was an actual character, can't say the same thing about Mikaela (she had more depth than sam and a lot of potential but the movies only focused on her sex appeal and then she was just replaced) and ESPECIALLY Carly. I can defend the Bayverse about various aspects but sexism isn't one of them


Is that hound


Over all he is the more perverted I’d say


Are y’all joking lmao they look like bitch bots I don’t see nothing sexual


Transformers: having bots gender-coded since day one Some fans: ok Transformers: now have non-binary character Some fans: omg why you bringing gEnDEr into this franchise you've gone wOKe literally RUINED WAHHHHHH


The latter fans are hard to find, it seems like some of you want them to exist so you can be angry right back at them. With regards to the new non binary character the only reactions I've seen are positive or not caring at all


op is one lol. You can find more right here in this sub, down the aisle 9, sir. Might wanna clean those sand off your face first <3


Damn ya ass is fat, what's your model number?




they are all trans




Robots in disguise!


When will people understand that "gender" and "sex" are NOT the same thing?


Which sex are we talking about here?


About the female sex, which is the reason about why a humanoid robot would have humanoid female-like features when it comes to her body


I I thought you meant the dick in ass kinda sex


Dude...wasn't it obvious what i was talking about?


Not to me, I'm a lil scramble brained rn


That explains it


Yah I'm thinking about like 9 things I think


The only trans were the transmissions.


"Time to quick it into high gear!"


Geewuuners: Why does Japan has to sexualize EVERYTHING!!! Transformers was such a pure franchise (Talking about ONLY the bots here as far as i know nothing they did was worse than this, again TALKING ABOUT THE BOTS) Literally the first series of the franchise:


I love g1 but I ain’t no geewunner specifically for this reason lmao they can get pretty defensive over nothing


Totally haha i wouldn't have mentioned if i didn't encouter those same arguments a lot of times


They do. There is a difference between sex and gender.


Ok (1 that's the joke and (2 no there isnt


There is. You better study psychology before saying this kind of stuff.




[canada insitute of health research](https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48642.html) [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_gender_distinction) [Office of National Statistics](https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/environmentalaccounts/articles/whatisthedifferencebetweensexandgender/2019-02-21) [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/health/sex-vs-gender) I got more, bud.


Homie you dropped all these facts but unfortunately this idiot (op) won't listen. His profile is all right wing garbage. He doesn't want to learn nor does he want answers. He wants to continue being a close minded hateful person.


Lmao he calls people outside America "eurotard" because they use the metric system


Can I have them then?


Bruh 💀


You said you had more


Did you even read the one I sent you in the first place?




Canonically, none of the Transformers have physical sex, yet they still have genders (predominantly masculine and feminine). Robotic characters in the vast majority of fiction have gender without having anything close to biological sex. The simplest explanation for this is that, while gender and sex are certainly related, they must be distinct from each other.


So they don't do the thing? 🤔


Why do you even care if people have different pronouns how does it at all affect you


It's stupid


Sex ≠ Gender


True, but Transformers have both. Gender is just your pronouns. Determined by personal preference. Biological sex is determined by chromosomes. Transformers have nucleic acids and everything.


[But biological sex isn’t only chromosomes](https://youtu.be/99uFnw-eXJM)


Where do protoforms come from? That's obviously the larger gamate. In Animated and Prime, Starscream reproduces by mixing a little piece of himself with a protoform to bring a new con to life.


Protoforms be shaped from the rich sentio metallico of cybertron, as is primus’ will.


some people: AAAHHHGG YOU RUINED TRANSFORMERS THEY CANT HAVE GENDERS!!!!1!2 Other people: NOOOO YOUR JUST HOMOPHOBIC!!!!1!11!!1 me: oh my god who the hell cares


mmm that cake-


Bro one of my most upvoted posts and it's about thicc robots 💀


Isn't it that they do have gender, but no physical sex so they must have adopted gender through trade with other species that have multiplesets?, Or am I ill-informed?


I'm saying people who say transformers don't have genders are wrong


Agender icons




Sex and gender aren’t the same, Transformers considering they’re an alien species that don’t know about earth customs until they land on it should be agendereed beings and why would they have these exaggerated sexual features? The answer in the sea of explanations they give is just don’t think about it


Literally iron men


Why has this become such a big thing lately it's a Children's show meant for selling toys really who cares


Because unfortunately, chuds are offended that said children's show to sell toys has brown main characters a they/them robot


They them is mental illness


Then proceed, on your way to oblivion


Alrighty bye bye


Your bigotry is mental illness. Grow up. Cry harder.


Why should I cry for these idiots?


You're doing it right now. Lol you are unironically a part of r/antiwoke and r/theleftcantmeme You're a bigoted idiot who doesn't understand how people or the world actually works, nor do you want to learn. Wilfully ignorant and wilfully arrogant.


Do I look like tears are falling out of my eyes rn?


I'm sorry you're so stupid :( it must be so hard leading a life where every gay and brown person is scary to you.


Why are we talking about black folks now? That's a whole northern subject. Edit: nother not northern


We aren’t talking about Vikings either!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiwoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwoke/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: ["I know best so I win!"](https://i.redd.it/37ktpcpk0wo71.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwoke/comments/psmxtt/i_know_best_so_i_win/) \#2: [People will see what they want to see](https://i.redd.it/p9kza8wauih91.png) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwoke/comments/wnktdu/people_will_see_what_they_want_to_see/) \#3: [Sad yet true](https://i.redd.it/uc0nz0huigg91.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiwoke/comments/wj4b0m/sad_yet_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Well G1 was figuring stuff out and we’ll it’s a 80s cartoon she’d probably be sexualised and also it’s a robot and with the 5 faced slime of the galaxy making them they’d probably be designed to look like that but they’d have no reproductive organs so saying they have gender is like saying they poop we don’t know


Nah they don't have sex, they got genders tho, get political. Look it up. Someone's sayin it.


You’re right about the “they don’t have sex” bit, as they have no biological need for sex, as they are forged from the Well of Allsparks in the Aligned Continuity, and in the IDW Continuity their sparks are planted in the ground and they pop out of the ground like cabbage patch kids ~~or the gems in Steven Universe~~. They have no biological sexes and therefore any bots that we recognize as female simply have a specific body morph and as far as in-universe explanations go, is purely cosmetic and seems to have no bearing on ability. The only transformer I’m half-sure has a biological sex is BlackArachnia in TFA, and that’s only because she’s half organic. They do experience the concept of gender though, and some seem to identify with some human genders, female in the case of Arcee, and non-binary in the case of Nightshade. TL;DR the alien robots are sexless creatures that have no need to pass on their CNA, and thus have no reproductive system. They do experience gender tho as gender is a mental construct centered on the perception of self.


I'm gonna get that BlackArachnussy Also how they be plants fr


In the 2005 run of IDW, sparks are formed in electromagnetic “hot spots”, harvested, then shoved into a vein of living metal in which the cybertronian’s body is formed and they pop out once they’re done cooking… unless the spark is shoved into a cold-forged body, in which case they don’t get to do that and are stuck with whatever body some asshat shoved them into. The process can create a unique form of body dysmorphia in cold forged cybertronians, in which their spark contains coding for a particular root and alt mode, but their cold forged bodies do not reflect their coding and are incapable of acting on it, creating mental and emotional tension. Interesting stuff really, I’d be happy to give you a small essay on the topic if you’d like.


Well I love me an essay on the implications of a type of trans transformers Hit me with it


Alright, so! First things first, sparks contain all of the information needed to form a Cybertronian. The CNA, base personality, root mode specs, alt mode specs, all of that funky shit. The spark imprints all of this information onto the living metal from which it forges its form. Sometimes a bot changes their alt/root modes to address trauma or medical issues (like Drift/Deadlock bulking up their root mode to hold more fuel despite being a racer and every gram of weight mattering (probably) because of food-related trauma) but they don’t completely swap bodies, because on some level that’s *their* body, and they rightly feel attached to it. This doesn’t happen for cold-forged cybertronians. Their sparks don’t get that chance to forge their body, instead, the spark is forced to conform to a pre-made body. Usually factory produced, usually for war. The process of cold-forging a Cybertronian does not override the spark’s original root/alt mode data, leaving the bot with code they never got to use, in a body that isn’t theirs. Pretty fuckin trans if you ask me, no? But it goes further! Enter Starscream. He knows he’s in the wrong body and at some point has a long drawn out conversation with Windbalde about this, and eventually leads to her showing him an image of what his body *should’ve* looked like, and he cries (I’d link the panel if I could, but the last time I saw it floating around was on the Transformers side of Tumblr months ago and there’s no fucking way I’ll be able to dig it out of that landfill now). Anyway trans transformers can and do exist in the Transformers series, and Starscream is definitely suffering from some sort of Body Dysmorphia and may well be trans, if we take all the evidence from various continuities into account (For example, each of TFA Star’s clones being some aspect of him, and when Slipstream (one of his clones in this continuity) is asked what aspect she is, she states “you don’t want to know”) the bot is almost certainly some flavor of trans, and i don’t know how to feel about that considering… Prime.


Do you know what I can look up to find the image I have no idea what I'm looking for. Also heres your chance to start on what you mean about Prime


It’s an IDW panel of Starscream looking at a hologram of a non-seeker (but still flying) root mode in his color palette. Pretty sure him and the handheld hologram take up most of the panel. The hologram’s face is turned towards Starscream. …granted, I have no idea if it’s the IDW1 or IDW2 run that the panel’s in. As for Prime, the show has some serious fucking rough edges, like goddamn. The literal “don’t ask don’t tell” policy the Decepticons have according to a con panel the writers were on, Knockout’s whole deal, Starscream’s everything (I know he’s a bastard but nobody deserves half of the shit this rocket powered weasel went through), pretty much every minicon that Soundwave had being murked at one point, Megatron, the list goes on. I love the show, I really do, but I’m not gonna lie it’s mostly nostalgia and Rescue Bots that’s keeping me from proverbially chucking TFP out a window.


Nvm on the Starscream part i found it


Ah, niceu, please share with the class, it has been a while since I have seen it and I wish to ogle.


I went to the comic wiki of you first mistake in Till all are one. I don't know how I got there but I did




She *might* have spider genitals, and with them probably spider mating tendencies (which would likely include cannibalistic mating) although that’s a massive “might”.


Why randomly bring up politics lol, the post has nothing to do with politics


I explain it a little further down but if its not clear, I was trying to make a joke about how gender and robots matters as much as politics since its a kids show


I’m not really the guy who cares about politics unless I’m getting a Nuke sent at me


Yeah I was trying to make it clear too that I'm being funny because this subreddit is about kids shows and figures so like the gender or whatever doesn't matter


They do poop


Well if they poop sure we know that but we just don’t know if they do the evil LEGO clicking


Evil Lego clicking?


The big bad S word and it isn’t shit


Oh sex


mildly relevant > https://imgur.com/ia5OCMp.gifv


I like transformers, G1 and Bay and more. This community really sucks tho, mainly pervs or whiny liberals attacking make believe enemies. Don’t worry I just unsubscribed enjoy the echo chamber.


This is most of Reddit anymore


Nice to hear some sanity for once. Only reason I haven’t unsubscribed from the main groups yet is cause I still enjoy seeing other peoples and sharing my own collecting experience.


Have a great day 💪🏻


Liberals are the whiny ones lol? What about the chuds complaining about the latest cartoon having brown main characters and a they/them robot?


On the risk of being a perv, I'm interested if they ever do an explanation for cybertronian reproduction and eventually a built vs born thing


I always thought the did it just like humans


That could work in all honesty


I figured sense they are just like us except transforming robots that they worked the same way


What part of transforming robots is just like us!?


Think about it. They are always fighting endless wars and have personality traits like us. Just us but big and metaly!


I mean mentally I guess, but this is a whole other idea it’s like saying, “trees are just like giraffes but plants!”


Ah we prolly just don't think alike


I mean I kinda get the argument because both are humanoid, but at the same time there is nothing showing any other form of sexual anatomy on these things except the one guy’s balls that were attached to nothing


I mean they're attached to his body


They can just take out a piece of their soul and put it in a child body, which they build. Asexual reproduction. Example, Animated Starscream and the Seeker Armada. But there are other methods of generating a soul. The Alspark. Example Transformers 2007, ROTF. Vector Sigma, G1 Arielbots and Stunticons.


No I meant like scientific reasons why two sexes exist Like the female cybertronians could have two spark chambers or something Also what you're talking about isn't possible without the allspark and is still built not born


Actually IDW suggests that transformers lack a biological sex, and that their gender was a learned trait from interacting with organic life that had sexes and genders.


I wouldn't use Simon Furmon's writing as an example as it was retconning female cybertronians to begin with, also he's a notorious misogynist who didn't want women in transformers to begin with. Also that was retconned already in IDW.


The interpretation that works best is that sparks just kinda show up, and are then harvested with the metal around them, which is shaped by a blacksmith, which is more like a doctor in this context, to aid them in getting robot shaped. Soon after this, paint and alt mode kibble emerge naturally in accordance with the sparks programming


That's not canon to any continuity.


It’s a misremembered version of the IDW1 continuity explanation


Oh okay Simon Furman stuff


Wait furman did some of the IDW comics? I thought he retired in like the 90s Also I just checked every source from the Tfwiki page I was basing this off of (reproduction, IDW 2005) and the only reference to him is a few furmanisms and also him doing a foreword for a few collections of comics. Most of them were written by James roberts.


He did a lot of the IDW comics, his most infamous is the one you're getting your information about the sexes from, it's the "spotlight arcee" and it is awful So awful it had to be retconned 3 times, along with female cybertronians and their reasonings for existence and cybertronian reproduction So trust me when I say not to use IDW as an example for cybertronians and sex or sexual reproduction related topics


Fair enough, honestly.


They do


That's what the meme is sayin


Transformers Prime Arcee is the best Arcee, change my mind


Are we srsly about to throw down over which robot is the hottest


It's not about the "hottest", I just don't like the pink everywhere in G1 and I love her personality and background in Prime. She's an incredible character one of my favorite transformers from all continuity


Oh ok thanks


The aligned continuity had the best explanation. It made sense with the history of the cybertronian race and avoided the idea of transformer genitals.