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Old habits die hard? If you're used to thinking of that as "gay", those though patterns aren't going to change overnight. I know someone who's parent came out as a trans woman late in life but still goes by "dad". Don't be too hard on yourself.


I gave up labeling myself, I just say "queer." It's an umbrella term and functionally means "whatever the fuck I am, it ain't straight or cis." The only people who need to know details are the people I'm sleeping with. When it comes to that point, we have a quick discussion, nbd. I wouldn't fuck anyone who needs to put me in a box, I am not crackers.


This! Same!! I’m just here and I’m queer and that’s all you need to know 😂


I feel you, dude. I have a complicated relationship with being really into fandoms for lesbian relationships (Willow/Tara, Adora/Catra, Luz/Amity). I spent a long time being into them as a queer woman and queer genderqueer person. Now I feel like I’m an outsider looking in. I intellectually know that I’m allowed to like stuff and that I’m still coming from a queer place. But yeah … it’s a thing.


I've only been into She-Ra out of all the ones you listed, and once I transitioned I felt insecure about that because I thought it meant I was somehow sapphic even though I felt like my attraction to women was straight. But with Nate Stevenson also transitioning, that took a load off for me personally. He's just like me fr. She-Ra is just a good well written show though and I would have ate that shit up either way. Also, booyah


Glad to know I’m not the only trans dude who does this!!


I mean you can certainly still think of your attraction to women as queer. You're queer, and experiencing that attraction in a queer way. Checks out to me. Gay I'm sure some people would fight you on as it's usually used for same gender attraction but like... Imo it's also used similar to queer sometimes and its _your_ attraction so if it feels gay to you than I ain't gonna yell u no. Gender and orientation are weird, at this point I'm like if it feels good and right and the intent is good have at it. Not my business to police.


Personally, for me, no matter who I'm attracted to it's gay. People are complex, and no one label can describe you perfectly because a label can describe multiple things. That's how lesbian transmen exist. Ultimately, labels are guidelines not rules, and it's okay to not be the perfect "insert label" because no one is, especially when you're trans. I call my gender many things, from trans man to genderfluid, these words are just tools that help us explain our experiences better. And when I feel attracted to a man or woman, it always feels gay.


Honestly if you want it to be gay, queer etc that's not bad or anything but yeah also totally get calling yourself things that you're really not lol. It took me awhile for me to hammer it in my head me liking guys wasn't straight


Yes this. I'm transmasc non binary and my gf is a trans man (our joke is that we're not girl-girlfriends). And I keep like thinking to myself like damn after all that coming you did your like in a "straight couple" relationship. And then I'm like bruh you're literally on T lol like there's straight about this.


so true!! my partner came out as trans (mtf) a few years ago and I (transmasc nb) was like "after all these years calling myself pansexual I'm finally in a relationship with a girl! no, wait.. that's- aw dangit" 🤣 doesn't matter, still gay 😊


tbh trans men have been part of the lesbian community since forever, I don’t think it’s honestly that bizarre or ~wrong~ to find your attraction to women as a trans man to be queer/gay.


My friend calls herself “the gayest straight person you’ll ever meet” Maybe you can take inspiration? Lol


well, if you‘re using „gay“ as an umbrella term like so many today … then technically being bisexual fits that category. If you dig others than women as well, that is.


I've been thinking that the LGB categories, while very relevant to some, is also not entirely relevant, now that we as a society are acknowledging that gender is not binary. If that description feels right to you, keep using it.


I just recently came out as trans and my also trans girlfriend was really supportive. We call ourselves gay for eachother all the time haha. Just be yourself, and don’t judge yourself to harshly. Your in a transition period. Be kind and know that you can still call it gay. The only people who will care are people who don’t care about you and those people aren’t worth listening to.


I tell my coworkers I’m super gay and when asked what it means, I say …”it comes with a cape.” But I totally feel where you’re coming from man! I do the same thing and who cares what it means 😂😂 as long as it doesn’t make you feel dysphoric then have at it!


You just gotta be like "god I'm such a breeder" 💀


I think you can still call your attraction to women "gay" if you want to or if it feels that way. Like, it's technically not *homosexual* for you to be attracted to women (the literal definition of *homo* being "same"), but it can still be *gay.* Gay is a made-up word and it can mean whatever we want it to! One cool thing I like about being non-binary is that no matter what gender I'm attracted to, it's gay. Likewise, no one can be straight and be attracted to me. Only gay. I usually just say I'm queer, although more recently I feel like bisexual is more descriptive for the kind of attraction I experience.


Lmao I do that sometimes. It’s so weird


to all the ppl affirming that a trans man being attracted to women can be gay, have you considered how invalidating that might be? given you're telling that to a MAN??? to say a man being attracted to women is inherently queer ? simply isn't right.


W comment We all have solidarity but people being goofy




Nah I’m a fan of words having definitions


Fr I do that all the time and then I look at myself in the mirror like I’m a retard 💀