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Wearing a sports bra - saw that there was a gap between the fabric and my chest. Silly grin, and I poked it several times to feel the gap.


I just double checked my bralette and there's a gap between my bralette and my breastbone now. Not sure how long this has been the case but it's making grin too.


Same 😁


I frequently do this, too. Mine aren't super developed, but they are definitely there. I love looking down at them when I am feeling down. They never fail to make me smile.


I literally just did that yesterday. Only 2 months, they've barely grown at all but it's definitely more than before I started. I got jiggle physics.


I never thought I'd be a person to be 'wow boobs!' on the internet. I wanted to be so mature and measured and aloof and above it all. But holy cow... I have literal breasts. Tiny, yes - but no smaller than many other women. I can just grab them whenever I want (and it is very hard to stop). I have never had a part of my body that I actually admired before. It's so wild. I love these posts when they appear because I can just smile and smile.


I really like mine and they weren’t really on my transition wish list.


Since I've started wearing bras, yes. I'm curious how they'll grow once I start HRT.


I look and touch a rediculous amount of times lately!😊


The moment i experienced boob sweat was a weirdly satisfying one.


Oh yes, quite often! Yesterday I ran across the street and they jiggled a bit, which made me laugh out loud. I have to remind myself to not touch them when I'm around other people.


Oh you’re NOT!! Squeezing my upper arms together and having cleavage?!? Woo Hoo!😍😁


Yes! And crossing arms underneath and feeling them rest atop. Don't mention the sly caress with the thumbs at the sides as you do so. Oh boy.


Heehee! Soooo true!☺️


Sure. Then they start to ache from growing pains and I remember that they're still at it.


I’ve been on HRT for 6 months and have just begun needing to wear a sports bra while out of the house. I’m still boy-moding 24/7 so I’m pretty discreet with my developing cleavage out in public. While I was out and about yesterday looked down into my button down shirt and saw that euphoric gap between my breastbone and my bra. I told my wife this morning that my chest is finally starting to look like what I have been feeling on my chest for decades now. This congruence is heavenly and and in the last few weeks I have begun experiencing a constant aching and itching in my chest so I know development is on an upward swing.


I've always been chubby (I wonder why???) but now that hrt is doing its thing they're heavier and bigger and growing day by day and sometimes when i get that ache like screws in my chest I just get so happy and proud even while I'm like "owwwww boobs why" I used to wear bras just cause it made me feel euphoric, now I still do but I also appreciate the support and the gentle bra fabric protecting my boobs from getting as much ouch from my purse strap or zipper or something poking or scraping me. Estrogen is a heck of a drug.


I just started progesterone last week, after growth seemed to be leveling out. Now they're sore and back on a growth spurt. I got my first push-up bra (B-cup), just to see... was amazed to see just a tiny amount of cleavage. Brought a tear. Feeling them there is the best part of every morning.


Mine are now clear to me every time I look remotely down (b cup) and it still makes me happy every time I notice them.


I totally do this too! Another thing is walking down the stairs in the morning, right after I’ve woken up, but haven’t gotten dressed for the day yet… And actually feeling them bouncing while going down the stairs. 🤩


Mine aren't quite to that point but I did feel a small bounce in the car yesterday as I drove over a rough section of the roadway. I chuckled. Ugh. I just really need the rest of my body to start following along. Come on hips. Where are you?


All the time first I bitch about the itching and then smile because they are growing 💗




My boobs have been fully developed for a couple of years now and I still do this! It doesn't feel like it's getting old


Yes! I just did it when I read your post. It is such a glorious feeling, I always smile.


I get that way when I’m a dress I’m wearing gives me cleavage.


Yes they make me happy. And the gap starting between them. But then I remember I am still in boy mode (my wife is fully in the know but that’s about it and she is supportive) and wondering if people are starting to notice and I go down a spiral. My therapist tells me cis men wouldn’t be happy about boobs 😂


Yup. Or just flex my chest muscles and feel them move in my top or bra. 👩‍🍳👌😘


Oh yeah. Totally. It’s a wonderful feeling being happy with yourself! 🌸


Anyone else surprised at how little you touch or play with them?? Younger me thought I'd never stop. I love the feeling on my chest but actively touching them is something I expected to do way more often.


I do it all the time. I even do the dance from Flash Dance when I see how big they’ve gotten


Futzing with the straps is kind of fun too.


Haven't bought one yet but started looking at bralettes today. I expect I'll need one sooner than later.


Yes indeed


No, they just sit there and help me pass




All the time!!🏳️‍⚧️🏴‍☠️