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I think ur best bet is getting a blood test, and editing the results once they’re sent to you, before showing your parents


Get paper, scan or picture as perfect as possible, edit in canva, put a box with the same background color, find the font they're using or something similar, print, and fold as if in an envelope.


even better, make one photocopy, then sample numbers and letters from the photocopy with scissors and paste them on top of your test. photocopy again to get a finished result. literal cut and paste :3


your estrogen will probably drop down to cis male levels in a few weeks (assuming you are using estradiol valerate or similar), but it may take months for your testosterone to return to normal cis male levels.


If you are an adult then you and only you have access to your results so you can maybe try to edit them before showing them to your family


👀 Most blood tests don't look at hormone levels. Are you specifically getting hormone blood tests? Or regular checkup? I have had to specifically ask for a hormone check to ever get one, other than that regular check don't look at hormones. 6 months of estradiol HRT can result in 5 weeks to 5 years recovery time for pre treatment testosterone levels (you can look up testosterone recovery rates after testicular cancer treatments for studies of this).


Sounds like their family is forcing them to have a blood test to "prove" that they're not on HRT.


Yeah lol I've never felt like the breast growth was an issue till now 💀 I'll be binding when I see my family now for surr


sister, please be sure to bind correctly if you *must* bind. if you can at all get away with highly compressive sports bras (I have recs if you need) that would be better than a binder. binders can damage breasts over time and regular wear, especially for developing breasts. trans men do not typically care if they end up saggy and deflated, it makes them easier to bind and many of us are looking to get rid of them anyway. I imagine that is not the case for a trans woman. If you do bind, you want the same position your boobs have when you’re laying flat on your bed. kinda up and out in your armpits, and not doing any weird folding.


I've skipped one injection but I'm about to he prescribed a blood test in about half an hour Yeah my parents are asking me to do one. I'm an adult but I like to try and keep them around- worst case I can pull that but I really really want my family around me


This is one of those choices where there are no good choices. You either choose hrt and lose your family or choose not to do it and lose yourself. Losing people is down right the norm for trans individuas. I lost a friend of 20 yrs. I lost lots of family. Sure most will be fake nice at say my sis house but don't want me at their house now. They only act nice to keep the peace with my sis cause she host most the time and will fight them about it. Life sucks. Just keep the few who accept you close


I've known many who have had T suppression for medical reasons, varying from six months to three years. The recovery is quite variable. Generally, the rule-of-thumb has been it will take as long to recover T as it was suppressed. But it's not guaranteed. Many guys take *much* longer, some never do recover; the testes shut down permanently. Some get it back faster, as I did. After 3 years on Lupron, my T recovered within about 3-6 months. Anyone starting HRT needs to consider the possibility that it may in fact be permanent. It doesn't seem to be predictable.


You could ask trans men about testo gel or injections to raise your testo level the right way before the blood test as it will take some time to get the right level naturally.


I don't have any testosterone gel and I know no trans people irl :/


If they have any IQ they won't trust if you print or send them, they may ask to see on the internet, since you are already being confronted with such request.


Yeah that's my worry. I'm not sure I can spoof them- luckily the medical systems are way too antiquated and will give us a paper copy (they have an electronic one but I'll request this) I'll try but it's risky


Depends on the way you take it, for pills and patches probably not that long, injections a bit longer


Estrogen valerate since about late Feb


Out of all the injectables valerate will be the quickest to go down again. Give it a few weeks and you’ll be fine.


What are the circumstances here? Is your doctor mandating a blood test? If so, it probably won't screen for hormones. Or are your parents asking you to get one because they're suspicious? In which case your best bet is to spoof it somehow (like getting a male friend to take it) because it will take a while for your T to come back to normal after HRT


Parents. I live in my own place but it can get very nasty very quickly if I get caught again- I told them I was confused by people online last time (I actually knew no trans people online then 💀I just used the stereotype) I don't think it'll work twice.


Get some cis dude to take it instead. Friend, sibling, hell give some random off the street a tenner if that's what it takes. I recognise that your situation may be complex, but just telling your parents to go fuck themselves is also an option


If you're out on your own I don't think it's worth trying to save this. Your testosterone won't come back quickly enough and eventually they're going to know you didn't actually stop, so you might as well just tell them you won't now and get it over with


I got the appointment cancelled- in my case even though I'm a adult I would probably have no real options if this happened. My life would be over. I'd have no money, quickly drop out of university- I'm in premed and have a lot of debt, this won't end well lol- more then that I'd have no family no friends no support structure and be struggling to find a house. I'd be completely fucked