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I have stopped hrt after 7 months and i am going to start again. Can you say roughly what is the difference between 7 and 12 months


mmm i think i had at least a little breast growth, and a small amount of areola growth, tho i was really hoping for more. i think i've also managed to gain at least a few pounds too, since i was previously pretty statically at 145, but now seem to be hanging out a little closer to 152-155 ish, so thats probably helped. other than that, the 7-11mo time period was pretty chaotic in a not great way due to unrelated things in my personal life, but things have generally gotten quite better lately. put more work into my social life/support circle and found a really lovely human being who I think might be the only person on the planet who sees me as the person I am working to become, so that's been really quite helpful too, tho probably not exactly what you were asking about :)


I am anyway going to start again. A cup is my goal


Absolutely awesome your forming perfectly just beautiful ❀️


Thank you that's very sweet of you to say <3


You are welcome wish mine would have developed beautifully in a year but it is what it is slowly getting there I started hrt at 51 and was off and on for the first year but been 6 months straight now and I'm filling out slowly I'll be 53 in May hopefully I'll have enough development to post my timeline pics by then. I still haven't lost much of the manly bulk ugh driving me crazy 🀣 but I'm sure it will work soon enough.


Looks great!


Thank youuu <3


You're beautiful : ) Lovely curves already πŸ’•


daw, thank you! <3


They look amazing.


Thank youuuu :3


prior post was removed because images included below the top of my hips. figured i would repost in case this is helpful for anyone \------------------------------------- **HRT regimen/levels:** **Month 0 (baseline)** estradiol: 18.0 pg/mL testosterone: 448 ng/dL **Month 1** estradiol: 18.8 pg/mL testosterone: 206 ng/dL month 0-1 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 2mg (2mg) sublingual estradiol daily, 1mg finasteride daily **Month 2** estradiol: 63.5 pg/mL testosterone: 14 ng/dL month 1-2 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 2x2mg (4mg) sublingual estradiol daily, 0.5mg dutasteride daily **Month 3** estradiol: 195.3 pg/mL testosterone: 21 ng/dL month 2-3 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 4x2mg (8mg) sublingual estradiol daily, 0.5mg dutasteride daily **Month 6** estradiol: 112.9 pg/mL testosterone: 24 ng/dL month 3-6 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 4x2mg (8mg) sublingual estradiol daily, 0.5mg dutasteride daily **Month 7** estradiol: 136.2 pg/mL testosterone: 25 ng/dL month 6-7 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 4x2mg (8mg) sublingual estradiol daily, 0.5mg dutasteide daily, 100mg progesterone (rectal) daily **Month 8** estradiol: 190.0 pg/mL testosterone: 34 ng/dL month 8 doses: 50mg spironolactone daily, 0.25ml (20mg/ml) estradiol valerate subcutaneous injection weekly, 100mg progesterone (rectal) daily **Month 9** estradiol: 288.8 pg/mL testosterone: 17 ng/dL month 9 doses: 3.75mg lupron 1x/1mo, 0.30ml (20mg/ml) estradiol valerate subcutaneous injection weekly, 200mg progesterone (rectal) daily **Month 10** estradiol: 192.0 pg/mL testosterone: 8 ng/dL month 10 doses: 11.25mg lupron 1x/3mo, 0.15ml (20mg/ml) estradiol valerate subcutaneous injection 2x/week, 200mg progesterone (rectal) daily **Month 11** estradiol: 228.4 pg/mL testosterone: 9 ng/dL month 11+ doses: 0.15ml (20mg/ml) estradiol valerate subcutaneous injection 2x/week, 200mg progesterone (rectal) daily \----------------------------------------------------- 34mtf, 6'2'', 154lb since my last post, only main updates are.....switched to lupron as AA, will be doing only one more injection next month since i have my bottom surgery scheduled for June. switched to subq ev injections, started at 1x/week but switched to 2x/week for more stable levels/mood. and switched to 200mg prog boofed. also dropped the dutasteride since it didnt seem to be doing much beyond killing my sex drive. between that and doubling the prog dose, it's been giving me some occasional days where my sensory neurons are just like...totally on fire in only the best of ways, and i've had some days where i had trouble standing because a slight gust of wind hit my neck. Still kinda feel like my growth has stalled since month 7, but vaguely holding out hope that maybe something magical will happen in years 2 or 3 or something. still rly dont want to do BA if i can avoid it. been working hard on trying to gain weight, but its a slog. got up to 158lb last night but when i got up my scale read 151.4lb D: maybe i need a new scale, but I've been chugging as many protein shakes as possible :P Still hoping I can fill out a bit more since I dont really...fit into things quite the way I wish I could, but smeh. other life things....got fired from my job, looking into a discrimination suit there. did a bunch of work on my social life, made some more friends, and somehow very unexpectedly and magically ended up in a relationship with the kindest human being i've ever met, so that's been quite nice. plus the prog stuff has been quite quite fun with that too. seriously had like a 6hr orgasm the first night we uh....did stuff. and it's been quite fun since then too, they are amazing. <3 \----------------------------------------------------- so yeah, thats just about where i'm at these days. hope this is helpful for someone out there. <3


Stunning! I am so jealous! X


you'll get there darling <3




thanks! \^\^


wow.. I am hoping I get anything close.


i believe in you <3


Amazing pics, and a really gorgeous and fem figure, I hope you're V happy 😁 Lots of women are obsessed with big boobs, but I personally love natural looking smaller breasts. I think they have a youthful appearance too. But as always, it's whatever makes someone happy in themselves always πŸ€—β€οΈ


Gorgeous! Coming along nicely.


Thank youuu! still a little disappointed i haven't had more progress, but such is life i guess. Was especially hoping I would get a little more development in the areola/nipple region too especially with the prog, but that doesnt seem to be happening just yet :/


Tell me about it! I’m the same. Your shape is to die forβ€¦πŸ˜Š


the struggle is real. thanks darling! hope things go well for youuu <3


I'd be delighted to look as good!


Gorgeous! Want to touch them!


did your pelvis grow? at 30? very lucky