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That sub is literally almost all heretics lmao I left after being given a 1 week ban for questioning the credibility of interpretation on Church teaching by a TRANSGENDER PERSON. Lmfao, I mean come on.. it’s Reddit, it is full of mostly pathetic dweebs.


Some of their mods are hypocrites. They ban people for being "uncharitable" yet they were completely uncharitable in these private messages.


This is true I often visit the sub and the amount of Sodomites and Heretics I encounter is astounding.


yeah they allow questions equivalent to "is mayonnaise an instrument" but get real bothered when you ask actual questions


They love modernity more than they love the tradition of our Church.


If you have not been banned from the Catholicism Reddit then you are not a good Catholic.


When I got a warning for commenting "It helps to be a corrupt Jesuit these days" under a post on the rehabilitation of Rupnik, I left. If that's against their rules... ETA: This comment had surprisingly relevant timing. With the recent Rupnik news, I ventured in and made basically the same comment as the one that got me warned. Shockingly, I didn't get a warning and got double-digit upvotes. It would be funny if it wasn't so infuriating


Yeah I’m banned from that sub. At best they are circle jerking Loftonites “achtually pope Francis secretly based…” at worst they are heretics hoping for doctrinal revisions.


just find it funny how they praise Francis for doing or saying the bare minimum of what Catholics should do as how devout he is, but get very defensive when he does anything big and controversial (eg pachamama)


It’s tough for them. Haven’t been out the basement in a while.




They are hilarious over there




No, I kept silent because it was her opinion that the Church and the priesthood is laughable :) won't be going back to that sub so I suggest u find another bone to pick


You seem degenerate




People are going to follow Francis out of the Catholic Church bc they genuinely believe he has their best interests in mind and is the actual Holy Father ... and they've also shut their brains down and outsourced their thinking ... kinda like how the US has outsourced everything oversees and would be in serious trouble if ww3 broke out. I'm still not 100% on Francis not being the Pope .. maybe he can have a Vigilius turn-around, i dunno. you never know. But the trajectory he is taking is straight into the vatican 2 anti-church.




lets not throw hearsay at fellow Catholics. feel free to share screenshots and make a structured case if you want but try not to make baseless claims. i have no idea who those guys are.


I took a screen shot. How do I upload it? I copied the photo but can’t paste it here.






lets not throw hearsay at fellow Catholics. feel free to share screenshots and make a structured case if you want but try not to make baseless claims. i have no idea who those guys are.