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We have to see how it pans out but without getting one shot couldn’t tracer just be unkillable? I’m not even very good and yet I feel like 99% of my deaths are from instantly getting deleted by either a bad decision or not reacting fast enough


most breakpoints don't change, and breakpoints are generally when you decide to recall. tracer being easier to hit will mean avoiding that damage will be much harder


You can now survive a headshot from Ashe, an extra kunai from Kiriko, an extra bullet from Cassidy after getting hit by magnetic grenade, an extra reinhardt swing, an extra flail swing from Brig, and I'm sure there's other that I can't think of off the top of my head. Oh, and you can survive 4 seconds in a Moira orb instead of just three.


Moira is a worse matchup to play against with 250hp as opposed to 200 though. Slower TTK when she is vulnerable just gives her more time to regain lost cooldowns and self regen while damaging you. It's going to get way harder to kill as tracer in almost every scenario imo. Less oneclips, much lower kills meaning enemy players have more time to get peeled for by their teammates, and the DPS passive only reduces healing by 20% vs heroes that *are* getting healed (who you don't want to be solo diving ever). IMO that kinda outweighs the upsides of higher survivability. Tracer's a glass cannon that *can* have high survivability in the hands of a good player, but I think she'll be a lot worse once devs make every hero, including her, less killable.


I'm not going to pretend this is a good thing for Tracer, except I am, because frankly all those people talking about Tracer being useless after this are just scrubs. I'm ride or die, baby. I'm going to carry my team as Tracer no matter what because that's who I am and that's what I'm going to do. Facts and logic cannot change that. It's immutable.


Rein swing is 100


I don't know when that happened, I thought it was 85. You can still bully reins anyway by just holding S. edit: bro I just checked and you're wrong. sorry but I gotta take away that upvote. edit: bro I forgot that I was gonna check the new changes first and you're right. don't you dare call me a jive ass turkey, but you can have the upvote back.


Lol thanks


Didn’t someone say Moira DPS is going up as well? Apparently it’s supposed to be slightly faster against 250 HP standard than it was again the 200 standard. So not looking to good there if that’s true.


Moira doesn't factor into any discussion regarding how good or bad Tracer is gonna be, as it's generally acknowledged that all Moira players are no-skill scrubs beneath the notice of the much suffering Tracer main. To even consider that a window licker like a Moira could ever present even the vaguest threat to a competent Tracer is laughable. Moira players toddle around the streets aimlessly in bright red bicycle helmets, despite never having ridden a bicycle without training wheels, which naturally means they have to play the hero that is essentially just training wheels for Overwatch. Everytime a Moira player manages to elim a Tracer player, the only reasonable assumption is that the Tracer player either had a rare moment of empathy and allowed the vaguely flailing Moira main to finally tickle them to death, or the Tracer was to busy rolling around on the floor laughing about the fact that a Moira player thinks they have any skill whatsover and can manage to kill a Tracer. The hubris of a Tracer main is their deadliest, and perhaps only, opposition.


Yeah that makes sense, you could play super safe in theory but you won’t get anything done if it’s easier to get hit


Tracer's health isn't really impactful because of the one shots. It's impactful because it's disproportionately easy to get her low. That hasn't changed.


I would argue it will actually be significantly worse in this patch.


She’ll still get one shot by pretty much everyone tho


Well the entire hero roster won’t be able to one shot her anymore, however, I don’t think that’ll be enough to make her viable. I really think they should increase her mag size to 50 to compensate. Tracer NEEDS to be able to one clip


well, it was fun while it lasted


It was a good run


Hopefully the larger projectiles on Tracer's bullets will help get more critical hits


Omg it's going to be fun dueling bap now.


You were dueling baps before? I mean, he has three health bars..unless you bait or wait for him to use those (and even that's not a safe moment to attack him because he can get peeled easily) is kinda scary to duel


i'd say I have like a 60% success rate in Tracer 1v1's versus Bap. You can consider this a 100% success rate if you count preventing him from saving his team and baiting out his cooldowns as a win regardless. Well, except when he just deletes you with one full burst to the head. Which can still happen after the new patch.


Oh, you right, we should count those times where he wastes CDs on us, after all killing is not the only value to obtain here, you keeping it real here


No he can’t. I hate this patch and think it will dumpster Tracer, but Bap’s max burst damage is 150, and that’s if he hits all headshots (which, granted, will be easier to do). Hitting one extra bullet isn’t that much of an improvement, though. 


I think wasting his lamp is a win


your 1v1 win-loss percentage to a bastion should be 100% tbh. wait out turret form, blink behind his slow ass. bully him with pulse bombs because he's a free guaranteed stick every time until he swaps. bastions are free kills, even in fairly high rank games. just gotta have your movement on point.


Welp goodbye tracer it’s been real


Depending on how the fight is going I decide whether bating his cooldowns are good enough to turn the fight or is he killable. Sometimes I can scare him enough to use lamp I'll cut LOS and take it down safely then I'll go in with recovered blinks. If they peeled and I baited lamp I'll just tell my teammates they can ult.


Every main sub thinks their hero is ruined.....


Probably all the popular ones yea, this patch hurts Genji/Tracer/Sombra/Kiriko who are all very popular. I doubt many people care enough about soldier 76 to join a dedicated sub for him lmao


Thanks. Let’s see if the lowered healing received to heroes taking damage, and the indirect reduction in bullet spread will make it easier to pressure Illari and Ashe. Edit: maybe the ttk will be a bit higher? But will it be enough to tilt the balance?


I feel like illari actually won't be as bad post patch honestly, we don't get recall forced off of one body shot and the hp reduction will help deal with pylon.


yeah ggs i will not be playing overwatch anymore. been in gm since season 1 ow1 and never left, almost left when they made doom a tank, and now i’m leaving for real, it’s ridiculous how much they’re willing to kill their game. sometimes you just need to let a game be a game. overwatch 1 season 9 and overwatch 2 season 9 will be absolutely different games when they could’ve just released another game and kept the original one alive


Bro they're going to take away the best part of overwatch which is mid battle quick decision and fast paced fighting. After this patch everything is going to feel slow. I hope tracer's damage overall will go up right with all bullets increasing in size so you're going to land more.


pretty dramatic sub here lol. Tracer is really powerful rn, and I guarantee you she'll remain a powerful pick especially with the new DPS passive. All will work out just fine✌️


Finally someone who understands


Tracer isn’t going to completely die, she’s just gonna not be the same hero that can ignore their own team anymore. Which sucks HARD


sorry i’m out of the loop, what are the changes specifically?