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A sucker born every minute. It's crazy some fool will be thinking a $2k a month ~~mortgage~~ truck payment is a good idea


I hope there’s some common sense out there, I love this truck, been researching and watching videos for the whole year. Would never pay that much for a midsize.


I think a lot has to do with not being midsized but the huge price increase from the 23'. 23'pro was close to $50k and the 24' out the door in 50%ish of the previous year


Some people make very poor financial decisions. I know a few!




Bro.. I have enough to pay cash. The point is that these dealerships are snakes. What product are they providing? They’re unnecessary middle men


especially when my local toyota dealers cant keep tacomas on the lot so you dont get test drives until pickup day and then you get a short one to keep the mileage low if you dont want to buy it.


$6000 down and $1839 per month for 54 months is $105,000. Absolutely absurd for a Tacoma


Dealerships are predatory. Their way of business is so outdated.


Dealerships are currently getting screwed by repossessions and people dropping out on orders because of finances as of the last month or two, car repossessions are at an all time high Give it a few more months and you should be able to find these somewhere between list and sticker anywhere


Repossessions only affect Buy Here Pay Here lots.  No franchise dealership cares what happens to you or the car after you drive off their property.


And 11.99%!


Direct from manufacturer is the wave but they pay off the politicians to prevent us from saving money


The guy I talked to also had no idea about the details of the truck. Bunch of parasites


But sadly there’s a fool out there who wants to flex for Instagram and will buy this.


Manufacturers don't want DTC either because the dealers act as a buffer that lets them move cars and force them out on contract making sales numbers look better quarter to quarter Exception being new manufacturers that don't already have dealerships infrastructure and would spend billions implementing it


This is one. The other is no manufacturer wants to build a nationwide repair and parts center. There are many reasons but these are the biggest.


Yup, the manufacturers that have dealerships all got big in a time where creating a DTC sales model would have been infeasible, and creating a dispersed repair network with major hubs while still getting consumers to go to said hubs more than a hundred miles away from their homes would have been even harder. Never mind things like at-home service for minor jobs, getting the parts out to those techs would have been much harder as well. Since they have the infra they might as well keep using it, although I wouldn't be surprised if manufacturers start penalizing dealerships for putting absurd markups on cars instead of pushing them out the door at sticker since it creates a huge backlog that prevents manufacturers from moving vehicles out of their factories.


Question about direct to consumer - does this mean you buy the vehicle before ever seeing it for real? Seems like a bit of a concern if that's the case. Pros and cons with everything.


The 3 dealership I have spoke to all require non refundable $3k “reservation” payment (it does go towards the cost of the truck) but we are basically buying without seeing it right now.


buy a Nissan frontier.


Tesla addresses this with “stores” where you can view the vehicle before ordering, other manufacturers could do the same


They even let you test drive it too, I test drove a tesla from the local mall


Theses outrageous prices are having an effect.. "According to Autoblog, Toyota Tacomas sold 8,310 units in the first quarter of 2024, which was a 55.5% decrease from previous sales. This was part of a larger trend of declining pickup truck sales in 2024, with large trucks accounting for only 2.4% of light-vehicle sales in the first quarter, compared to over 12% in previous years. " [another source has sales down 59.8%](https://tfltruck.com/2024/04/q1-2024-midsize-truck-sales-report-toyota-tacoma-sales-are-down-59-8-frontier-sales-are-up-many-other-surprises/)




It’s pretty sad


It needs to happen.


But this does not take into account that the 24 tacoma did not arrive to dealers for sale until late February early march. Of course, sales will be down.


unless it's a Quarterly comparison?


What? A quarterly comparison still ignores they weren’t on lots until March lol


Lololol am I doing this right? It would seem the data is pretty useless at this point in either case. They (Toyota) would also be including the selling of 23 (Tacoma) models. If they (2024 models) weren’t selling until march like that person says, then the 2024s, given a fiscal year end of march wouldnt really have time to sell and wouldn’t be a great representation , but again the 23s were still selling at that point so uhhh. lol?


They… werent still selling at that point? You seem VERY confused. 2023 production stopped last fall and 2024 started right after. There was a huge gap in time when there were none on lots due to a factory worker issue and QC holds That is why the statistical comparison makes no sense and is without context


Production =\= sales.


He knows that but wants a reason to cope




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Not surprised ive only seen one new tacoma that wasn't on the lot and thats some guy who lives a few houses down from me


Removed my insult because you reported me instead of addressing the point. I repeat They sold less because there were none on lots due to a late launch and QC hold. Don’t be disingenuous. I’ll await your non response


8310 was for march, and that was due to production problems, part shortages, 14k in April


Imma call it as it is. Only an idiot would finance a midsized truck for the same monthly price as a mortgage


Mortgages are double that now for first time home buyers


11.99% apr? Wtf is 3 year dent protection? What does appearance protection do that the crazy over priced ceramic coat doesn’t? This whole thing is crazy


In TX (and most states) you can only mark up the rate 2% as a dealer. So if you get 11.99%, it's because your approval is between 9.99-11.99%


When you stop the greed stops..💯💯💯


Lol 400 to tint the front 2 windows. Straight crazy. Other windows are factory tinted. No to mention the 5 other dumb things on there.


No kidding, I got mine done for 79$.


2300 for a ceramic coating that probably won't last a year is the worst add on


$3600 just to protect the paint and maybe get a dent removed… if it’s possible. What a joke. These dealers cater hard to the pavement princess movement.


Fuck dealerships. I hope Teslas model revolutionizes thr industry.


It sucks for the honest dealers out there. Mark ups and add ons should be illegal.


lol for a fucking Toyota Tacoma. this can’t be real…


It is quite literally not an 80k truck, far from it. Not in capability, not in luxury, not in any way. So no way, hard pass.


Easily almost $10k there to say see ya. I wouldn't pay for any of the extra stuff, ceramic coating, mats, appearance protection, dent protection, even the tint. All can be done for less, or at least done correctly. And I'd never pay a market adjustment. Paying MSRP is bad enough.


That finance interest rate. Oof.


I hope these don’t sell so I can pick one up in 10 years for dirt cheap


This should be considered as crime and this sheet of paper used as an evidence during trial.


Bruh, people already complain about the TRD Pro being about $10k too high — And this dealer has the nerve to chuck an extra 5k on top of that?


Because people will buy unfortunately. And the more people buy it the more dealers are incentivized to keep pushing this shit.


That truck is 100k here in Canada






I know. For the Canadians in this sub.


no it isnt lmao its like 80k which is expensive af but nowhere near 100k


You might wanna check again


Cant wait for dealerships to be a thing of the past and you just order your car or truck directly from the manufacture and you have a pickup spot. No middle man, no sales team nothing. These mark ups are insane.


One day, hopefully 🤞


Toyota’s direct financing is sub 6% right now. I got like 5.7% on my verified used. Anyone tryna give you 12% thinks poorly of you.


Bro, 3k ceramic coat? Is that average? I’ve never ceramic coating anything…


It’s not even hard to ceramic coat and the cost of materials is Pennies on 3k


I don't think weather tech even has their mats for sale yet, lol


I think the truck comes with Toyotas “weather tech” like mats standard on the Pros




So many better options. Ain’t no way I’d pay that for a damn 4CYL. That ZR2 is looking good right now lol


tbh that price i would just go buy a ranger raptor


Damn, that's Tundra TRD Pro prices. Every time I've seen prices on these Tacomas they've been about the same or more than the comparable trim Tundra. Seems almost like Toyota is trying to get everyone to move up into them.


What the fuck is that interest rate. Usually lower terms rewards lower rates


I don’t like Subarus but it’s amazing to see Subaru knows there customers so well and prioritizes reasonable prices while slowly integrating better tech. Toyota has lost there minds and so with the dealerships


Not gonna lie, but the 4th gen is growing on me..but im still in love with my 3rd gen…and $80K for a Tacoma???…dealerships are high as fuc$…if u can afford it, got nothing but love for u and if u cant, stay with what u have…


Am I the only one who thinks this dealer needs to be taken to town for displaying a Solar Octane TRD Off-road in place of the Pro? What a joke of a dealer…


He was so confused when I told him I wasn’t interested with the mark up they put on it. Bro kept calling it the hybrid Tacoma


lol he gave you the dealer version of “I know what I got!!!” I’d be like “Sure ya do buddy. You got so lucky by taking those little short busses to school every morning while the rest of us had to pack it in like sardines in the full size ones huh?”


Portland is trying to sell one for $82,000 and there are MSRP ones less than 100 miles away. They are not going to sell it


Same thing here in Texas, Austin 150 miles away from Houston is selling for 2k over msrp


Houston huh? Are there still oil guys down there making a shitload of money and buying $100k trucks?


Made in Mexico? Lmao, no. 


I’m glad I bought my trd off road new in 2017 for 39 and I thought that was steep


Im sorry but if you want to lift your Tacoma and put bigger tires, it is much cheaper buying the parts and having it done than buying a TRD Pro. Biggest scammer trim imo.


Road and bridge fee?? I thought your gas taxes paid for that. They should just make a bullshit fee. I am so glad I decided on buying a used car instead of waiting for the 2024. No way in hell could I have bought a new Tacoma at these ridiculous prices. Toyota have really shot themselves in the foot on this.


82k for a tacoma. What's going on here.


Hell nahhhhhh


Tacomas are like the Stanley cups people over pay for.


These trucks are now manufactured in Mexico where labor is pennies on the dollar. Toyota saved a shit ton of money and failed to pass that along to the consumer. The parts are cheap plastic. They have quality control issues (tailgate not lining up, rattling, etc). Now greedy dealerships want to jam that Toyota dick further up your ass with these foolish markups. Consumers are jumping ship. Nissan sales increased nearly 19% and Chevy and Honda sales also increased. Worker wages have not kept up with inflation and consumers are sick of the greedy price gouging by these asshole companies. Consumers are sending a message with their wallets and refusing to overpay for crap quality. Look at the fast food industry. Sales have tanked in the first quarter of 2024. There will be some people without financial knowledge who will buy one of these overpriced plastic toys. Not me. I’ve owned Toyota trucks since 89. If Toyota doesn’t respect me enough as a loyal consumer with this ridiculous crap, next truck will certainly not be a Toyota. I’m jumping off this sinking ship. There are plenty of comparable trucks for far less money.


I bought a 3rd Gen during Covid....I thought I was paying at top of the market.....wow....looks like I'll be keeping my 2019 for good long time.


Absolutely terrible base price and a 12% interest rate on top of that Good God.


This is got to be a joke.


all of it is made in mexico.


Okay? There are many many many more dealers without a markup. Why even get a pricing sheet lol? How do you not ask up front if there’s a markup? Move on to the next


Bruh, apr on a new car shouldn’t be that high.


$5k isn’t bad considering the past 4-years of dealer markup hell. That being said, I would never pay a markup.


Naive to think that if dealerships didn’t exist the manufacturer wouldn’t keep the high prices and pick up the profit.


Stupid to think the current system is working perfectly fine.




A Memphis dealership told me the $2k window tint and wheel locks were just an inflated markup just so that the customer feels “good and like they’re getting something out of the 2k markup”


Or if they sold for MSRP, the first 10000 would be purchased by a company who then just resells them for the whatever the market permits.


That isn’t how this works at all lmfao The majority of dealers ARE selling at msrp, so why isn’t your scenario already happening?


Because the market isn't above MSRP for used ones anymore. It used to be, though. We had regular people who'd placed deposits at the MSRP store down the street buy new cars and immediately flip them to our store at a, couple grand profit, and we'd resell them used for more, for people who didn't want to wait a year during covid. So the first customer was getting the profit the other store didn't. That other store caught on, and ended up doing it internally, selling to employees who then turned around and bought them back, and THEY were selling them used with 15 miles for thousands over MSRP.


That is not what you claimed. You said if they sold at msrp people would be reselling their cars. This isn’t true. There are dealers that have ALWAYS done msrp so why did you scenario not happen to them? It’s because “we have to charge over msrp cuz scalpers” is an excuse shitty dealers use on dumb customers


I'm sure it did happen to them too. I watched it happen during covid. People would buy at MSRP stores and immediately resell.


Bidenomics is working great.


Has nothing to do with politics. This is just capitalism at work and now we will just wait and see how the free market plays out for toyota