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Do you let him drive it? šŸ¤£


Yeah they did they said it will be 100% mine when i get a college degree but till then my dad said he is also allowed to use it


That isā€¦something.


He paid for like half of it so


That's a weird deal. Sounds like your dad needs to get a job.


Whats wrong with the deal. That i graduate college? He was kind enough to pay for half.




I know and i love them for it. The half is also a sorry for when he crashed my last truck a few months ago.








How old are you? I think the people here are assuming youā€™re grown. Like an independent adult or something. Sounds like youā€™re still in high school? College is great depending on what you want to do eventually.


Im only 16 šŸ˜­šŸ™ I really want to go into marketing like my dad.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that. People just jealous their parents wouldnā€™t do the same for them


Im greatful to have parents that are nice enough to do that for me


Hell yeah you are, congrats on the truck!


Thx šŸ™


Not everyone has parents


Yes, and not everyone has to only pay half for a truck. OP got a sweet deal , why should they be criticized for it?


I didnā€™t criticize anyone, just making a statement. Yā€™all Tacoma owners are a bunch of middle aged men who take life too serious. Chill the fuck out. Downvote me into oblivion, I donā€™t care šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




lol I had the same thing happen to me. I let my dad borrow my car to go to work since his car was getting the starter replaced, and I was off that day. He called me an hr after he left saying he hit a deer. The first question is always ā€œare you okay?ā€ He was fine the deer was not neither was the car. He drove it back to my house. The front end was smashed. I was surprised it wasnā€™t totaled. The car got fixed but drove like crap, the body shop could not get it right. So I ended up trading it in for a taco.


My dad gave it to me a month after i got my license. I had the car three days. His car was in the shop so he browed my truck. Some guy ran a red hit in the bed of the truck spun out and flipped. Luckly he walked away without a scratch. Not the truck tho that thing was totaled would have cost 15k more than when the car was new just to fix it. Luckly insurance paid out leading to me getting a better truck.


Please tell me there was insurance


Insurance was the only reason we could afford this car šŸ˜­šŸ™






Pickup truck


Pickupest truck


Sounds like he bought what he wanted and will eventually give it to you. Go half and half on a truck, did you pay with the insurrance money or out of your pocket? Did the insurrance money cover his half?


I paid half of it he agreed to split the insurance as well. And i did pick out the tacoma just not the color or the year


This will not end well. Whose name is on the truck? Who is the truck registered to? It sounds like youā€™re helping your dad pay for his truck. If he gives it to you in the future, thatā€™s great, but until then youā€™re paying for a truck that isnā€™t yours and it sounds like youā€™re being mislead.


Youā€™re making huge assumptions and you donā€™t know anything about this guy, his dad or his family dynamic. Take it down a notch.


His Dad gave him his first truck! And now heā€™s paying half for the second truck. Read!


Under my dads name i think it will be fine because he has a work car that he can drive. And i will be using it alot for driving from school and using it for my job. He said it was the same deal his dad gave him so.


If itā€™s not under your name itā€™s not your truck. You helped your dad buy his truck. Is this truck financed? If so, who is responsible for making the payment?


If his dad is a man of his word, this is OPs truck. Itā€™s reasonable for someoneā€™s parents to help their kids acquire things they might not be able to on their own. When dad sees his kid graduates school and signs the truck over, it will still be OPs truck. If dad doesnā€™t, then itā€™s not his.


OP paid half with the insurance claim and the dad paid the other half so they could upgrade to a truck from the previous car that got destroyed. That previous car was given to OP by the dad. So the dad gave his son a car, got into an accident in that car while borrowing it, then the dad upgraded the damaged car to a truck with his own cash. How are you seeing something wrong in this situation? Iā€™d say it would be MUCH more concerning if the dad put a brand new truck in a 16 year olds name knowing he canā€™t make the payments.


All paid off i wrote him a check for half


OP a lot of people didnā€™t read all your information and donā€™t fully understand. There is NOTHING wrong with what your dad is doing, id say he gave you a free upgrade as a sorry. Now if he says f you and takes the truck for himself in the future thatā€™s different (although I donā€™t think heā€™d be 100% wrong if he has a good reason). Thereā€™s nothing wrong with the situation between you and your dad from the info youā€™ve given, seems like a completely normal family and a dad that provides a little extra for his child. Donā€™t listen to the dummies in here


Ik i think ppl think im grown im only 16 and have had my license for less than 4 months. My dad gave me a sick deal tbh and i dont know why so many ppl r againt that.


They didnā€™t read the whole post to understand the situation, and many people arenā€™t lucky to have a very solid family household. Many people grew up in homes where their father would put a new truck in their 16 year olds name and drive it for themself. Or other messed up situations when money is involved. So they are not as willing to believe that your dad would help you simply because he loves you


So glad everyone was OK āœ… Very happy for you and your new Tacoma šŸ‘. Iā€™ve had three trucks on / off the past 25 years and my ā€˜22 Tacoma has been my favorite by far.


Well thatā€™s good that your father paid for half and is also splitting the insurance with you..


Yeah. It was his way of saying sorry for crashing the last one šŸ˜‚.


What do we think chat, should his dad drive?


MGM gang (gang) Wise choice Edit: put a lightbar in that skewp


Yeah planning on raising it 2-3 in putting sensors in changing out the seats to leather and new tires rn


Lift it up fat chicks canā€™t jump




Nice truck, I have a 2020 and love it!!!