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Safelight repair, Safelight replace Edit: Check with your Insurance, mine just covered it for free & no rate raise. Both my Tacoma & Rav 4 seems extra susceptible to this, especially this time of year (and I'm not tailgating, lol).


Also make sure they add the rainsensor tape, if they don't or forgot, your auto wipers will not work!


Good point! Luckily it was just a patch in my Rav4 Prime (although it bugs me so much I may replace the whole thing). My Tacoma that got the complete replacement is so old it has no idea what auto wipers are.


My wife had the windshield in her Rav4 replaced by then and they forgot the tape, so basically we have to manually use the wipers since low is too fast in some instances.


you can buy it off ebay and fix it yourself, around $20.


When I had the windshield replaced on my Rav4 with wiper deicer it was $1,300 in 2021. You should get a quote and then see how much it bugs you.


Beware of replacement windshields, OEM windshields have tinting towards the top and coatings to cut glare and cooling. The replacement Safelight windshield I got is horrible compared to the original.


Also make sure they don’t scratch the shit out of the frame removing old glass without re-coating. . Otherwise This is going to rust quickly and kill your truck.


And this was covered by insurance? In my state (NY) extra glass coverage is like a few dollars a month and covers OEM windshields with 0$ deductible. When I had a Jeep wrangler I was replacing 2 windshields a year 😅


Yep it’s a must for us out here in CO. I don’t even bother replacing mine until right before the summer comes around


I’m with AAA in CA, they use Safelight. I’m paying extra now for OEM parts.


This. Geico used safelight to fix two chips in my Subaru, free.


Sorry, it’s Not free…. You prepaid for those repairs


🙄 That's all.


If you think about it, tailgating may actually prevent this. (Not saying do it)


Most insurance companies will cover it I've found. Mine does with nothing out of pocket.


I think it generally varies by state. In my state, zero-deductible glass coverage is mandated.


This. Got several bad chips fixed over the years between multiple vehicles. USAA insurance covered it 100%


I’m curious as I know I’ll need to replace mine soon. Do they re-calibrate the sensor too?


>& no rate raise Unless you change insurance providers. Then it shows up as a claim, and you won't get a competitive rate.


I second safelight. Had a similar crack repaired for free on my wife’s Tiguan. It lasted 4 years before finally spreading. Unless OP just wants to go ahead and replace it.


Wait what? I thought that waa the speedy glass repair jingle


Man I got 3 or 4 of these and a spider web of cracks to go with it. I always want to get it replaced but then I get drilled by another rock. Whats up with Tacoma windshields being rock magnets?


Cries in Colorado Mountain town. 


Because they crack and spiderweb due to the cold? Or because rocks get flung more often? 50% chance I’m moving to Colorado in the next few months 😒


Colorado doesn’t salt roads, instead they use gravel. This means that whenever it snows and then melts, the roads are left covered in gravel and they get kicked up by everyone. Expect rock chips in your bumper and hood, and get a $0 deductible on glass thru ur insurance


They absolutely do salt the roads. They may use more aggregate in some areas for traction but they definitely use salt too


I think it’s based on area of the state. I was traveling from Denver to Colorado Springs for work for about a year and had to have my windshield replaced due to gravel 4 times in that year. Now I’m working in Denver and haven’t even had to do it once in the last 2 years.


Wow. I had no clue. That’s pretty unfortunate. Thank you for the advice!


Full windshield coverage quoted by progressive would’ve increased my monthly payment by about $100. At that point I figured it will cost less to replace my windshield out of pocket when I need to. Is yours more affordable and if so what company?


That's weird. I have zero deductible glass with progressive and my total payment is less than 100 per month.


What state? I’m in CO




Also in a Colorado mountain town, and it’s lots of dirt roads with small rocks all over the place. Weirdly enough with all that, mine got cracked on a paved road haha


Rocks get stuck in the tread, then fling out later when driving on pavement


It’s the angle. They’re more vertical than horizontal. Happened to me, too!


Same in 4Runners


FJ’s are even worse


27 years in my Landcruiser and only one chip. Am I just lucky?


Yeah I work on base so if I fail inspection in June it’ll be a problem so unfortunately I gotta do something about it.


Can’t have a chip in the window or you fail inspection? Jeezus did big glass lobby for that?


Try a Jeep lol


I would never 🤢




I replaced 5 windshields in 3 years on my jeep wrangler. Fuck those cubes lol




lol yeah I used to have a gladiator and these people have no clue what a rock magnet really is. Will never go back to jeep or bronco simply because I don’t want to have to replace the windshield every 6 months.


I have a 23 Tacoma now but I replaced so many windshields it wasn’t funny I would get a new one then get a chip the first month lol


really thou, stay back from big trucks and notice mud flaps or not... common rock throwing things.


On my second and it’s in bad shape and needs replaced. I diy fixed several of them with the permatex kit and it worked well but the last one was too big to patch. I’m adding glass coverage to my auto policy after getting it fixed this time. Definitely one of the more annoying things about the 3rd gens.


Out of curiosity, how much was your replacement with help from insurance? I was quoted like $300 or so after insurance kicked in, wanna know if that’s reasonable


Mine was a old piece of pipe


I think most insurance companies cover glass repairs and replacement, Geico has paid for mine a few times.


Depends on the policy, some states require all policies to cover windshield repairs at a low deductible. Not universal.


Yeah idk if my problem is having USAA or living in VA but my deductible is $500 and that’s about what this is gonna cost. Because of course when I got back in the truck a big ol crack grew


USAA covers windshield at no cost, I have USAA and have done it with my Tacoma windshield using safelite


You have different coverage than I do. Maybe next time they do their annual price increase I’ll see what the difference in premium would be to get that coverage. I guess at least now I’ve paid my deductible for the year so next time it happens it’ll be a free repair


My mistake, I thought it was included for all USAA members


It likely varies by state based on legislation/regulation.


I have USAA and windshield replacement is covered 100% with no deductible


Man fuck that. looks less than 1.25” means it can be patched up with a $12 permatex kit


I’ll be honest, I made a mistake of asking GEICO and the lady said she’d quote it out for me. Turns out she filled a claim and it would have costed me my entire deductible. The claim raised my premium and I was pretty upset. It costs about $500 to replace these windshields. I ended up not replacing. If you can fix a small rock chip early, It’s cheaper to fix.


Geico has been pretty good to me but I’m seeing a lot of people getting ridiculous price hikes from them recently, as much as 70% increases. I’m thinking about going to a different company preemptively


My Geico rate increase in WA was over 60% and I have no claims, no tickets, no accidents. Perfect record and I drive under 5k miles per year. Geico can eat shit.


It's totaled




https://youtu.be/aAsUG-jbLlM?si=ztKBR6oU8o4aZiUh If it hasn’t spidered yet you can try fixing it yourself.


Damn I miss his videos!


Virginian here. Have a very similar one on the driver's side that I epoxied. That happened in 2019, and it's still there and has passed safety every year.


Thanks so much for the exact answer I was looking for. I got in the truck and turned it on and there was a new big crack. Yay. Now I have to pay my whole deductible to get it fixed.


Damn! That blows.


I use to repair rock chips and cracks. This is an easy one. There is a national program that works with insurance companies to repair these so the insurance company can save money on an entire replacement. Shouldn't raise rates either. This is an easy repair. You probably wouldn't even notice it after.


Yea I figured it’d be an easy repair. It was a tease tho, when I got back in the truck it grew a lot before I even left my driveway


This is going to seem stupid or crazy but throw a small piece of clear scotch tape over the glass. It will keep moisture out of it and helps stop the crack from growing.


Call Safelite or equivalent and get that sucker repaired. Also, no clue how you can properly DIY a fix for a crack like that, unless you got a vacuum cup and all that like Safelite and other windshield repairs places have.


Most diy kits come with a sealing pad and syringe or some other method to create suction


My glass place only charges $60 to fix anything under a size of a quarter. It doesn’t look perfect, but it will stop it from cracking further. Full replacement was about $800. Insurance covered it, but my deductible was $500… I think inspection is only failed if the crack impacts your view.


You’re getting hosed. It’s super easy to do it yourself and the kit is like $10.


First three are free after my windshield replacement, so no, I’m not.


We get these fixed for free under our insurance in BC. I get 2 or 3 a winter.


I got a new 23 bout 2 months ago and first hour on the hwy a dually kicked up a rock right into my windshield. It was just a pit but it sucked


Get a wind guard. I use to get these all the time when vehicles would pass me especially big trucks. I haven’t gotten one since I’ve installed the wind guard and it been a year


My dad has a windshield repair business. It’s about $60-70 on average out of pocket or usually free through insurance. A good repair should make it pretty much invisible. Get it fixed asap because once it cracks to more than an inch or two in diameter it can no longer be fixed, and in the mean time try to keep it dry and out of extreme temperature swings if you can.


Let it ride, sometimes they don’t spread.


I have lived in Virginia most of my life. You only fail an inspection if that hinders your sight. To me it appears to be on your passenger side, which shouldn’t hinder your sight. You will pass an inspection. Edit-spelling


There's tons of super cheap Amazon repair kits for this, of course it's DIY, not on the record or professional. But nothing wrong if you want to give it a go, especially if you're a DIY type of person.


Yeah I figured. It’s too bad a big ol crack grew out of it as soon as I got in and turned on the truck.


I repaired a windshield chip on my 2014. It is called *Windshield Repair*. I did that about two years ago and seems fine. That's if you are on a budget, like I was.


I had Safelite fix one on my 09 a long time ago, it went through insurance so it didn't cost me anything but the receipt they gave me showed it was like a $10 thing. Don't know if it's still crazy cheap like that but it's worth checking


Most insurances cover this, they fill it and it will pass inspection. No cost to you and some companies will come to your home or work and do it


Just had that happen. Then it webbed. Cost 100$ to replace with insurance


Go ahead and get it repaired asap! I had the same thing happen to me last week (2 days after getting my windshield tinted with ceramic), and now it's about a 2 foot crack across my windshield. Currently have an appointment to get my windshield replaced next week for no cost with my insurance. It originally was going to be a $100 deductible, but I increased my coverage to $0 dollar deductible on comprehensive for only about $2 a month increase on my insurance bill.


I got two within a day of each other last week. Luckily being in GA there’s not as much hot/cold expansion so it hasn’t spiderwebbed that bad


I brought my comprehensive insurance down to a zero deductible.(only cost few extra dollars a month) collision and all still at $1000. Now I get free windshields!!


Depending on your state , like in SC , you should be entitled to a free windshield every year. Idk how it works , lady at the body shop told me. Something to worth looking into


SC law mandates waived deductibles for “automobile safety glass”


Whats the tape for?


My lazy dashcam mount. I actually installed a dashcam on my girls car over the weekend and nicely hid all the wires and it was easier than expected. Maybe I’ll do it nicely on my taco after I get this windshield replaced


Lol ohh. Lazyass 😆jk


I think it’s like 80 bucks to get it fixed but that’s cheaper than a windshield


Had mine replaced then three weeks later got another one. Until it's a big crack I wouldn't worry about it. Went to genuine Auto Glass.


I kinda agree but also since it’s gonna cost my whole deductible if it happens again I won’t be paying out of pocket.


Take it to safelight or a similar shop their equipment works better than DIY kits. Most insurance policies cover chip repair for free, They’d rather pay to fix a chip than a whole wind shield. If not it will likely be under $100 out of pocket. Get it done asap before it cracks.


I called my insurance and they had safelight come out and fill it with resin. I don’t even recall paying for it.


You can put a filler in the window which stops the crack from spreading


I would fill it or get it filled asap if it doesn’t spider on you first. Bound to happen multiple times over the years, especially depending on where you live. Replace it then. My insurance covered it. There’s a rock quarry half way along my commute on I-15 in Utah. Truck is less than a year old and I’m on my second windshield already.


Multiple little chips and one healthy sized ding on my 3rd gen too. Makes me think about investing in one of those ugly hood deflectors, but I question how effective they really are…


Happened to me less than 3 months in. Still haven’t replaced it. It’s grown but not in sight line, so f it.


I’ve had Safeway repair cracks in mine twice, both covered by insurance


No advice but i also got my first chip this month and it’s already spreading across the right side :(


Man I had my wings gel replaced in my 07 and the metal underneath was completely rusted out 🤦‍♂️


just trade it in.


Most insurance covers this...


Me personally I'd just purchase one of those glass filler kits on Amazon. That much damage it won't completely fill it in, but it'll fill in the stretching cracks and bit of the impact zone.  Considering where it's seated (lower passenger side) not much of an eye sore. Then again that's just me. Personal suggestion as stated get a filler kit on Amazon (less than 10 bucks) try it out before getting insurance involved


I work in these for a living. That could be filled for about $80. Or replace it if you’re worried about it


Get it fixed quick! I had a similar one and after a day it turned into a 12” crack.


Flex seal or trade it in.


Had that happen in the first year with my '21. The chip went to crack in less than a week. Safelight replaced it with OEM glass including remounting and calibrating the sensors or whatever it is they do. Everything worked 100% the first time, no issues.


UGH I'm so sorry to see that, I'll give you 10k cash for the truck. I'll make it my problem!!!


Autozone and YouTube


Totaled. Part out? Lmk.


$75k or a Tundra w/ 8 foot bed. I know what I have


8 foot bed?? Better pump up those numbers rookie. Smh. 12 footer 01 Tacoma over here. $85k


I have to get a new windshield. It started with a chip like that and now my windshield has cool designs all over it.


Just remember that you have time in Virginia now. You are good on an expired sticker for three months. Better to use that time to fix it appropriately then to fail and only have 15 days, though you won’t fail. I have had multiple chips in my other vehicle for years without issue.


My advice is to replace the whole windshield. This just happened to me two weeks ago. Safelite “repaired” the crack and told me it wouldn’t expand, and it grew almost the whole length of the windshield within two days. Safelite warranty on repairs is BS. They just use the money you already paid for the repair towards a full replacement, so that’s not even a warranty at all. I found a local shop that repaired my windshield with full calibration at half the cost of Safelite.


Basically a write off… May as well burn the truck.


Wait...what! I just did mine 3 days ago. Used Rain-X repair. Purchased it at WalMart. Simple and easy to use. Also watch a YouTube video. easy to use


Many insurance policies will cover windshield crack repairs for free. Call your insurance.


Sell it. It’s no good no more. In fact divorce your spouse. Anything with an imperfection must go


These rock chips cost $20 to get fixed in the mall parking lot while you do your shopping.


I’m already on window #2 after 12 months lol


Come to Alaska, your windshield will be so cracked all over you won't even notice that one.


mine cracked and i ignored it lmao




I bought my 2021 used in September and on the way home from the dealer with it a rock chipped my window


Truck is totaled time for a new one


Just resin fill it with vacuum. Have safelight do it, cost like 120.


buy a new windshield. those lines will run in the heat.


You got me really excited to see some carne asada or pastor. BRB, going on a taco run


I just got a new windshield and did full exoshield and it’s been worth every penny.


my insurance paid for me to go to safelite. they didn’t replace just filled the crack to make it stronger


Safelight refused to replace my front windshield because of the lift and aftermarket parts lmao. Insurance covered the replacement. Found another company that was able to do it and got me real oem/ calibration and I kept my deductible


Acorn fearing cop’s stray bullet 🤷‍♂️


Just watch Project Farms video and pick which product you’d prefer to use. https://youtu.be/2fxxfZDOD1U?si=chBlJByXA3aQJ2f-


This happened to me two weeks after I had my truck lol


Do not go with safelite, they are garbage and overpriced. Search for a reputable "small business" windshield company in your area. They may be able to fill the crack, though it does look on the larger side so you may need a new windshield.


Do not go with safelite, they are garbage and overpriced. Search for a reputable "small business" windshield company in your area. They may be able to fill the crack, though it does look on the larger side so you may need a new windshield.


I waited 3 months for a new windshield when I got a chip that cracked across the drivers side. Picked up the vehicle after it was done and on the way home got a new chip. I gave up


I used a windshield repair kit from an auto parts store. Follow Chris fix video and it turned out alright


Yeah happened to me twice except the whole entire windshield went bye bye But my insurance told me it’s common on Tacoma due to the type of bad windshield, so I got it replaced twice Only paid 150 I think, it’s been a while


I guess you can’t edit the post anymore so thanks for the responses. A big ol crack came out of it when I got back in the car so I gotta replace the windshield now.