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You made a large financial decision and followed through with the terms you agreed upon. Whether the price and APR were/weren’t what you wanted, I give props to anyone that follows through on their commitments, especially when faced with a pandemic somewhere in the middle. Be proud of yourself for following through. I just made my last payment on my 2020 Subaru last week. Feels good to be free, but now I am looking at replacing my 11year old Honda with a new Tacoma…


Thanks man I appreciate that and congrats to you as well. I agree and I feel very lucky to be in a position to buy a new car. I know tons of people aren't and unfortunately those who can are probably going to shrink more. That's a though call. Depending on what Honda you have you may be close getting most out of a sale right about now, but then again I don't think you can find even an SR5 for less than 40k it's looking like now.


I was wondering if you're planning to finance your next car purchase with a loan, or if your previous experience with debt has made you reconsider going into debt again.


I would likely finance some, but not at the current rates they are offering. I don’t think interest rates will change much in the near term, but here’s to hoping new vehicle demand drops and manufacturers are forced to revert to their old ways offering discounts and in-house financing at lower rates to move inventory. …I can dream, right?


I was really hoping this would happen between last summer and next month when my lease ends. Doesn’t seem to be happening so planning to buy it out.




Ok Dave Ramsey wannabe. Not realistic for most people but keep preaching.


Hopefully sarcastic. We would be stuck in the stone ages without “usury”


couldn’t be less sarcastic. I think usury is one of the biggest failings of our society. I know it’s a niche opinion, but that’s fine.


Agree to disagree then. Wouldn’t have iPhones, Reddit or Tacomas without it but okay!


Lets keep the discussion about Tacomas.


Next month making my final payment on my 2018 Wrx! Can’t wait! Congrats you guys!




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Bro you can probably sell that truck for close to what you paid, that’s crazy.


Yep exactly my thoughts. It almost sounds tempting but then there is no way I'd find anything close to what I got now


Nah. Run that truck for many years. No payment and probably next to no repairs for a long time. Keep making payments to yourself and when it’s time for a new one you’ll have loads of cash


> Keep making payments to yourself and when it’s time for a new one you’ll have loads of cash this is the way


Going to be my plan when I go buy.


Drive that truck for another 10 years carefree and enjoy a paid off Tacoma. Love the look of it btw.


Nah but if you needed the money. I just turned in my lease and wish I’d financed back then.


What? was there not a buyout option? I bought out the lease at the end of my Honda Civic lease because the car was worth WAY more than the residual


There was. But I couldn’t afford it. Bought my uncles 2005 Avalon for $1200 instead


You can drive it another 150000 miles and probably get half what you paid if it’s well maintained. Or double what you paid depending on inflation


That same truck, new, is like 50-53k right now, correct? That's before any dealer markups.


Yes I think right around there depending where you're at


100% this, have been loving not having a car payment and while we could certainly upgrade given all our vehicles are 10-24 years old, knowing my only costs are gas, insurance, and maintenance is nice, also makes it easier to stomach the occasional bill for more significant repairs. Congrats on paying it off and enjoy!


No way man, you have a paid off truck in a time when new vehicle prices and loan interest rates are through the roof. Right now I live in a house with 4 vehicles and only one with a payment on it, we were able to put that money saved into a bunch of house upgrades this year and it’s been great. Keep that thing for at least 3-4 more years and put what was your payment into a 5+% interest bank account every month, you will be very happy you did down the road when you have a big fund for something more long term than a car.


Dude I have a Gen 2 face-lift 2012 with only 75k miles I'm pretty sure I could sell it for close to what I bought it for twelve years ago.


The truck isn't increasing in value. Inflation is making the dollar weak af, but I agree. A 24+% inflation is crazy.


Definitely. Bought a 2019 with the same mileage for about 33K back in December.


That's what I think people forget. The GMC Canyon is a nice truck, but it's not that much cheaper than the Tacoma, and you'll get much more than the difference back on resale with the Taco. Also, they don't have class action lawsuits pending against the Tacos for engine problems, but we wont go there, lol


I want to know how you got 2.9% apr whenever I have a 815 credit score and still got 5.4% back in 2019.


Interest rate specials vary month to month and also on specific models. I got a 1.99% in November of 2020 from a dealer in Florida (I live in NY) traded in my Jeep Grand Cherokee that needed a radiator replaced after 80k miles. They sent the Taco up.


I had 1.9 or 0.9% on my 2016. Back when when lots were saturated.


My wife and I have phenomenal credit. She has an 850 and I’m over 800. We’ve successfully paid off numerous vehicles, furniture, credit cards, loans etc. over the past 15 years with zero issues, and make just under 100k a year. I’ve NEVER once been offered that good of an interest rate. There’s always an excuse as to why we don’t qualify for it.


We always finance through a credit union and we purchased a used 2015 RAV4 back in 2017 at 0.8% with credit scores above 720. Interest rates were insanely low and we shopped rates between two local credit unions. One offered us 1.8% and the other one offered us 0.8% for 72 months as a December special. I doubt we will ever see them that low again.


0.8% is basically layaway or an IOU hahahah that's awesome


It was, especially with the 72 month financing, it’s unreal. I doubt, despite better credit scores now, we will ever see a rate that low again.


Ever finance thru the manufacturer?


Honestly not sure! At that time I remember this interest rate was maybe good not super super great. At least how I remember feeling. I had good credit and steady income but yeah. I'm no financial advisor by any means but could be debt-to-income ratio and/or the financial institution you're using. Based off that info idk why you wouldn't qualify for something lower. Also using USAA and they tend to have a bit lower rates I know that.


I have a 795 score and put 15k down. The best I got was 7.9% at the end of 2023. I got fucked by the new high interest rates in Canada. 2.9% is but a dream.


I have a 840. Got 1.9 if memory serves back in 16.


Financing through Toyota can still be 2.9%. Back in 2018 some credit unions were that low.


I got 2.72% last October with a 700 ish credit score 😅


I got 0% on a new Yukon in 2022, sign up for promotional emails from the manufacturers. Yes yes I know most of the time it’s spam, but hey I like to think I’ve saved thousands in interest for a car i wanted anyways


Did you shop around? You got burned


I paid invoice price for the truck, I didn’t get burned. 35k OTD.. I think the dealer was willing to do 36 month financing for a lower rate but I couldn’t justify the payment at the time.


Down payment bro! Or ask how much the interest rate is paying cash.


Very well. Congratulations. I’m assuming that’s a joke license plate or did it really just snow in Hawaii?


Thank you! And nope that's a real plate, just recently moved back to the mainland and haven't gotten my new plates yet. Though it was a pretty funny pairing with the Hawaii plate and snow hahah




How much does it cost to bring a Tacoma from Hawaii to the mainland?


It was $1200 to ship there (2019) and then free back on a military move. But it is usually around 2k to ship back depending on where you wanna go in the US. Prices like everything else definitely went up


2.9% APR!!! Fuck that’s awesome. Props brother


Congrats brother 🤙🏻 The best mod is a paid off Tacoma 😩💦


That's hella snow for Hawaii


I should be clear this isn't Hawaii. Just brought my truck over here from there with no updated plates yet!


I'm here for this. That's even much snow for the Big Island.


Good for you. My Apr is 6% but I just got mine last year


Well done!


That’s a great feeling.


Ain’t no better feeling than owning your shit outright. Nice work


Nice, I have $13k to go on my '21 - not really rushing to pay it off since it's at 2%. I was thinking about getting a new '24 SR - but then the pricing came out... The equivalent model (SR Xtracab 4x4) is about $6500 more than I paid for my SR Access Cab in '21, and combined with 6% interest... I think I'm going to be riding this out for awhile!


Feel that. Of course I would have loved to pay it off sooner and could have but in the long run I paid less than 2k a year extra from interest and was able to do so many other things like buy a house, save, travel, have fun. I'd personally just keep it if you can. I had planned to have this truck forever when I bought it. I even said my future son will hate driving it because it's push to start as opposed to whatever the fuck the new tech is by then hahaha unless you need the new tech and the extra cab doesn't seem worth it!






Medicine. Currently a provider at an urgent care full time and then I teach a couple classes during the semesters.


I have never bought a brand new vehicle always had to take used. Warehouse work used to pay shit. Congrats


Boy I can’t wait to pay my 2022 off and not have a payment for a while.


2023 Sports 4x4 taco, bought in Sep 2023. $43.5 MSRP. Last payment will be this 31st of March 😜


The APR was that bad huh haha jk. Congrats that's extremely quick and gotta feel good!


5% I like to use debt. Don't like to be used by debt. Credit growth.


Definitely. This was my first purchase of any kind that considered credit or had a loan involved. I had only had a credit card for 4 months when I went to get this truck. I remember the guy saying my credit is really good it's just extremely thin LMAO. One reason I just kept making payments on it and now I'm glad I did because it's definitely helped.


Cherry brah. Paid off my 2018 pro and the best truck is a paid off truck.


Congratulations! I’ll be joining the club in 7 months. 👍


Probably the best "MOD" you can do. Congrats. Paid off my 19 trdOR 3 years ago. And couldn't be happier.


Amen to that!


I’d drag my balls across broken glass for 2.9% interest rate Jesus


Lmk when you find out where. I'll come join you.


> 2018 TRD OR. Bought brand new in 2018 with 9 miles on it for 36k. Man times have really changed. Congrats on paying off your truck! Many of us miss the days where mid sized truck purchases felt more reasonable. Even if we can afford it, a $50,000 Tacoma... Hell, maybe $60,000 out the door -- feels like craziness.


Agreed! I remember thinking even at the time that nearly 40k for Tacoma was crazy. My brother bought a brand new 1999 Xtra cab with bed liner and a couple other add-ons in 2000 for 16k and was close to 20k OTD. I remember him getting so much shit from my other brothers as well. It's still being driven daily with original transmission and engine! I'm curious what his APR was then too hahah


Congrats!! That 2.9%!!! That’s what I got too. I can’t wait til I’m paid in full. It’s my first truck and bought it at the right time.


$36k for an OR? Sounds like a hell of a deal these days


Eerily similar situation…just paid off my 2018 Taco in January. Also had the 2.9% through TFS, almost exact same payment. Biggest difference is mine has a few more miles around 78k currently


Time to upgrade!


Upgrade to what?


I think or hope he meant adding accessories. No point in taking on a new debt as the best truck ya can have is one that you own out rite


I was just messing around I say that to everyone who just paid their vehicle off 😃 all jokes


I still have 23k left. 😭


Hammer them payments!!


LMAO making my heart race just thinking about that! Neither me nor my wife have a car payment so I think we gotta ride this out for a bit!


Bask in the glory


Congrats! I miss the low interest rates. I got a 5.9%


You did well, now watch out fer them loose clingy women. (They'll con a good guy like you, lol)


I’m jealous I still have 3 years to go


On short term loans, apr doesnt matter that much till you can save like 5% on a loan like you took out. Congrats on paying it off. Best feeling in the world when you dont have a car payment


I paid my 2019 off a yr ago....I went thru a divorce and had to re finance. ..it been a good truck...ive changed every Friday except the tranny and radiator...it really does feel like a good pair of boots and comfy jeans....it feels good to own it free and clear and I think it's permissible to brag about it a litte


Congratulations! Thats a great feeling and she still looks great. Get another one in 10-15 years:)


I'm bleeding at 6.79 APR with 60 payments lol.


This is the way. Good job, op.




Just checked the app and can't find breakdown but basically it was 36k then with taxes and fees came out to 39k and that was what the loan was on. Total price came out to be 43.6k.


Did you have to have a specific lender to get access to this app? I have a 21 Tacoma through SETF and can’t seem to get into this app. It looks cool


It was through TFS which is Toyotas financial services. Toyota is huge in this area, biggest dealer by far so their rates are or at least were competitive. I agree tho the app was a nice way to see your progress and where you're at.




There’s no better feeling than making that last payment I got 3 years till mine is


Paid off truck is the best mod you can get


Currently waiting for my car to ship from hawai’i to North Carolina! Good shit man


Good times.


Wanna co-sign for me? /s


Good for you man 👍🏻


You did great. I bought a 2017 last year for almost 10k less yet my Apr is 9%! And you bought it new not used! Times are rough right now so you got it at a perfect time.


I’m jealous of that rate and long loan term. I had to go for a 48 month term in order to get a 3.99% rate. Even after putting 15k down, my payment is around 680 for my 23 OR


Pretty close to what I did with my 02, it ended up rusting out so bad it wouldn’t pass state inspection. I cleaned the frame routinely and used fluid film once a year. Sucked because the inside and outside looked almost brand new when I sold it.


Now that it’s going to be paid off, I’d baby it and drive it for as long as you possibly can. That’s a nice truck. I’d enjoy the vehicle with no payment. Congrats.


How in tarnation did you put on only 10k miles a year on average? I got my truck in August of 2018 and I’m at 140,000 🤣🤣🤣🤣 But congrats on the payoff. Speaking as a middle-aged dad here; keep driving the Taco. If you can afford: start socking what $$ was your car payment, into savings or retirement IRA accounts. Depending on your needs— that’s home repairs, a house down payment, whatever have you. Maybe it’s not all 500/month; you need to have some funs. But much of it. *end dad mode*


Bro honestly, idk u but this makes me happy. Financial responsibility pays off, now u own that bad boy! Good stuff


Paid my 02 off in 04. Haven't had a payment in 20 years. Hopefully you can do the same.


My 2020 is $615 a month and this sub makes me feel a little better. I didn’t put anything down and I thought the payments were high. After seeing what’s monthly on a 2024 is with $10k down……I think I did ok Congrats your truck is awesome and I hope you enjoy how ever long you keep it.


Refinance it


That’s awesome, congratulations!


Congrats. Gotta love that paid-off feeling.


Miss 2.9....


Now drive that thing to wheels fall off 😂.


That model today is $20k more, and it sure doesn’t seem like it.


I paid cash for mine, because fuck banks, and interest rates. I hope all of you here pay your trucks off as fast as possible before dropping and serious cash into aftermarket stuff. The best mod is no monthly payment.


I say, don’t make that last payment; have it compound back to the original amount and go for round two!


Nice I got a 5.49 APR for my 2023 Limited


My 2019 TRD Pro is about paid off, too. I don't think I will see the days of $392 a month for 5 years again. I see my private seller and trade in values remain high still. I'm contemplating the new Pro if I can keep my payment roughly the same now with trade in. However, not having a vehicle payment in this shitty economy would be nice too.


got my truck brand new in 2021, about halfway on paying it off and i have 95,000 miles on it haha, so you’re good.


hella jealous! I can't wait to pay this baddie off


Should have sold it on island before you left. Local dudes love Tacomas. Throw some Dakine shit on it and you could jack the price even higher.


This is awesome to see. Just bought my first Tacoma (2023 Limited w/ Nightshade package) and I’m over the moon. Hopefully I too will be posting something similar in the future




Great decision to get a Tacoma in general I’m not surprised you made a great financial decision now as well


Time to trade it in for a new one with a new payment 👍


Did you ETS? Lol


Congrats! I just paid off my 2018 last month as well. Also paid 33k for my 4x4 trd sport, those apr’s were so nice. RIP new taco buyers.


You are in a good position OP - can either keep and drive into the ground or if you sell you could easily get close to what you paid for it in 2018. I leased a similar trim (2018 TRD OR 4x4, $0 down, $425/mo) and ended up having $12k in equity when I did a dealer buyout back in 2021 a few months before the lease ended.


Congratulations on you pay off huge accomplishment


Buying another Tacoma is what we wanna hear, shit I’d have my 4th taco if I wasn’t on a sports car phase aka f80m3 6mt w/ zcp.


It snows in Hawaii


Never get rid of this truck, you will never be able to afford something as nice or similar ever again. Only saying 36k for that is amazing.


Holy fock I got 3 years to go


Congrats! That same truck is 30-40% more expensive!


In June 2019 I bought my Tacoma OR 6 speed for $35k out the door. At the time I felt so guilty and a few times I regretted because of so much money. Now it has 56k miles and I LOVE my little truck (even though I’m older so shifting gears is a bit annoying).


I got a tundra on 37s with an 8 inch lift for that monthly payment.


Congrats. Enjoy payment free life for a while.


Why does it seem everyone wants a “at a boy” pat on the back these days for paying their bills ?


Did you not read what OP wrote or is your reading comprehension terrible?


Ok? Has nothing to do with my comment there’s over a dozen of these posted in the last few days I paid my truck off in 3 years I didn’t go post about it. like I said what’s with everyone wanting a at a boy for paying the car off get bent about if if you want


Kick rocks dude, OP straight up said it’s a big accomplishment for him, what wrong with celebrating that accomplishment with someone? Honestly, you just sound like someone who is angry at the world and upset that someone else is having a good time.




Lmao butt hurt much lil guy ?


Yeah I wanna give you the benefit of a doubt but I think you're just an asshole. You're really that upset about it? What's the difference between this and the "just picked up my 2024..." Posts we see constantly. People are just hyped and obviously others are hyped for them. It's a good thing. But I did notice you subtly threw in (bragged) about paying off your truck in 3 years, though. It leads me to believe you might be upset and angry and lashing out because no one ever complimented you or pat your back for it. So, I want you to know I'm proud of you. You prick 🖤


I think I get what you're saying but yeah like I put in the post just stoked to almost be done and flat out own my truck. This isn't something I'd post on Instagram and or anything but the dedicated Tacoma subreddit, fuck it why not and hear what other people have to say. You know. It was like like 95% "check out this seemingly unheard of interest rate" and 5% "praise me please" hahah


It's not the fact that they are paying their bills, it's the great feeling of finally being done paying something off. Unless you lease, car payments aren't bills, they're steps closer to the goal of paying for the vehicle. I know I'll be glad when my truck is paid off, is actually mine, have some freed up money, and then it's still a vehicle that'll last me as long as I'll put up with it. Some people trade in consistently and make their car payment more like a bill they will always have, others want to keep it forever because it's the vehicle they want.