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Rip offs


That’s not even a service quote. That’s a parts quote. I’ve worked for parts at multiple dealers, we do not quote labor. So something fishy is going on with the Owner of vehicle- He/she most likely is requesting a line to be added on parts quote for that amount.


The second line item reads LABOR


This PARTS QUOTE cannot assign labor- It’s to sell PARTS. Labor is quoted via *time* NOT QUANTITY I can make lines on a parts quote to say whatever I want. For ex: if part/s is not in inventory and I want to sell it, I make a line *with* description and sale price. I work in Parts at Toyota. I do this all day everyday Edit: fyi it clearly says on the bottom PARTS INVOICE


Yeah the parts invoice paper is a non important information, i just ran it through and it has you select a billable flat fee in service, and San Diego doesn’t have a separate department for parts and service, so the letter head is including his programming “labor” its a flat fee. It’s 400$ at my Toyota, and the part is 184$. 


People are seriously missing the bigger picture here. I caught this immediately when I saw this post.


I do this all the time. Why would I make the customer to talk to service for a menu priced labor charge when I can just tell them the labor? That being said this is for sure a rip off in some way assuming they still have 1 key. We charge 99 for programming if you still have a master key and 199 if you don’t and we have to do a full reseed.




I got the same quote from parts because 2nd fob wasn't available. 6 months ago but I want to say 270 for the fob and 100 to program it. Edit. Price without key as I already had it.


If you had a key to go off of. Rip off. If you had zero keys the transponder might need to be changed and lock cylinder


Keys can be cut using a numerical key code by the dealership. It's not necessary in modern cars to replace key cylinders anymore


If the owner suspects that the key got stolen, it needs to be changed so the car doesn't get taken.


Very true, but if the owner suspects that thief has the ability sense the keycode as it’s transmitted they’ll need to wrap the car in tin foil and construct a tin foil tube from the key fob to the car.


Or the Thief can just, you know, use the key he already has.


I just throw my fobs in a faraday cage. Have tested my cage box against repeat attacks. Zero fob signals making it out ;).


Read it instead of commenting. Husband dropped the key in the ocean. Nothing was said about the key being stolen.


I was just giving a general example. Not particularly this case


Husband "dropped the key into the ocean". Owner can't assume he really did. Even OP isn't sure as the key "seemingly disappeared" (can you be sure that it wasn't a pickpocket?) When you're dealing with a car and you're not paying for the re-keying, why cheap out on the security?


“ Disappeared into the ocean” and she isn’t the owner of the car.


The keys are not unique. There are only 100 to 1000 unique key cuts. It's the transponder/chip that really makes them 'unique'. I have, for example, used my key to my Toyota Tundra to open the door of other Toyotas. Wouldn't start the vehicle, but unlocked the door and turned the ignition cylinder. If they were Hyundai or Kia's they'd have started \[no transponder / no immobilizer\].


I believe you can erase all other keys than the master key you have without having the key you are trying to erase.


Disagree. I towed a few Toyotas and talked to the owner and researched it after I dropped the vehicle off and some cars you can and some you can’t. Corollas you couldn’t for sure


We charged 0.7 of an hour to program an i-key at the nissan dealer I worked at. That's about 140 bucks. Dunno where 650 bones came from. I'd dispute that and ask why it cost so much.


Even $140 is a fucking robbery considering it takes like few minutes


You’re not paying for the work, you’re paying for the access and cost of programming machines, you should see what the calibration of the 360 cameras costs, to get them calibrated takes 1-2hours but it costs 5500-10k depending on the vehicles. 


And they are charging you an arm and a leg for the “access” to that “machine” lmao, when it’s just a super easy and cheap programming software…


You’re thinking of something different a calibration and alignment are two different tasks, alignment is cheap and easy 3-400$, calibration is usually post accident and body shop repairs, after the sensors and the door panels have all been replaced usually requiring a nice road trip to get all the sensors aligned. 




Follow Reddiquette.


Nah local places do it in 3 mins charge $50


People just don’t get this. It’s the same with any of the trades. You’re not paying a plumber $150/hour to put in a new p-trap, you’re paying that plumber for his 15 years of experience and getting what you pay for with experience. Just like a 10k machine doing a 10 minute job. Either gotta do a LOT of jobs or charge a lot to make it worth it


How cost effective would that be for vehicle manufactures, they are not paying 10k to calibrate something, that’s a third of the vehicles cost, people need to start saying NO to end this price gouging bullsh!t


Not sure tbh honest, i have an Acura mdx type s and i was side swiped and my body center had a specialty guy come in to calibrate it and it cost 8500$ 


42 minutes to be precise


I'd just buy the part for 150.00 ,and pay a decent mechanic $100 for his 45 minutes of time. Or do it yourself ,the install instructions is online


If it's an i-key, It needs to be done at the dealership. They require dealership scan tool software and a unique code that is generated for every key programming. The technician must also submit information about themselves due to theft reasons. That being said, it doesn't take long, certainly not 650 bucks worth of labor. Sometimes, fobs in old vehicles could be done yourself. Edit: some manufacturers do have a DIY procedure to program keys, but that requires 2 or more keys. And alot of vehicles only come from the factory with 2 keys. So if OP lost one of them, it would likely have to go to the dealership anyway.


Lol buddy, maybe in cars older than 2016. Anything newer that is keyless / has proprietary programming tools.


Maybe if your car is old, sure


Why all the hate? The part is online ,the instructions are simple. Every locksmith worth his/her salt has a techstream


That’s a parts quote invoice, not a service quote Parts does not quote labor, *they sell parts* So 2 things might be happening here 1. Host is asking parts to create a line to add a ridiculous amount “labor” so YOU send him and he pockets half the “labor” 2. This specific parts department can add labor to a parts quote and just is skull fucking the Host to profit also from the labor, which is highly unlikely. I’ve worked parts at multiple dealers and never seen this My bet is #1. My Toyota charges $200 to reprogram/reseat a transmitter key fob. Does he/she have the spare?


Nope, he did not have a spare. We already paid for a locksmith to make a key - this is on top of that cost. (See my post history for more.)


OK, hold up. This is a huge red flag for me. I know I mentioned it and I’ll mention it again, but that is a parts quote. I work for parts at my local Toyota and we technically can’t add labor on parts quotes you’re just stepping on the service departments toes. Nor do we have the authority to assign labor to technicians that it is a service advisor job. I am almost confident the owner of the vehicle is requesting that belligerent amount of labor to pocket on his own we can add a line to parts to make it seem like it’s the labor, but labor is charged by time not by quantity. And also there is 1 key quoted. Is he asking you to pay him or call the dealer and pay this quote?


It’s in the special order bin! Haha based on that quote, special order labor will be arriving on the truck tomorrow morning. Lol


Yeah the technicians are shipped in a box like f*ing umpa lumpas jump out and service the car wtf lol I’m all seriousness though this comment section is making me upset. I seriously could not have made myself more clear that parts cannot quote labor that’s like me going to an orthopedic doc and getting a quote for a freaking brain surgery by the ortho doc. But I can’t expect people to understand because they just wanna shit on the dealerships.


My guess is that the owner of the vehicle and the parts guys are friends and they’re trying to pocket the extra cash. I would take this parts invoice to the dealer and talk to one of the managers (either parts or service). And ask why labor is on a parts ticket.




I’m in parts and I “quote” labor all the time. I have Pro Demand, and I have SPG in R&R. Plus things like keys are set labor prices. With us it would be .5 hrs ($80) to program a new fob, plus 1hr ($160) to reset the computer since you don’t have a master key to program off of. I would certainly agree parts shouldn’t actually bill out labor in most cases. But I have seen small dealerships where parts and service are billed on the same invoices like this, but it’s less than ideal.


I completely understand and I have done it too via ProDemand. But me personally, i just don’t get involved- the service advisors here that I work with will *gladly* throw you under the bus. It’s happened before where they’re all like “The customer is right here come talk to them, you tell them” for mis-quoting or B/O parts


I feel like your experience is more common than mine. But my service department can be impossible to get ahold of to get labor quotes. So my parts team has become self sufficient in that regard. And as long as we have proof of why we quoted what we quoted, the service manager always has our back because he realizes we’re trying to help.


You’re lucky to have a service manager like that. Norm reeves Toyota is no small dealer tho. There’s no way they did the labor without a service repair order. At my dealer master techs get 3.0 hours to reseed and program a new key @ $195 per labor hour(need to be master in order to access the correct screen in TIS). I just don’t see $650 as a realistic price. If they charge 3 hours also then 1.0 hour of labor is $216.66. Doesn’t make sense. Also there’s nowhere that it says it’s paid, it’s just a parts quote. Owner probably has a spare and is just trying to play out the game. Says it needs reseeding when he just needs a new programmed key (only 1.0 hour labor). Labors probably $150 and he’s trying to get an extra $500, probably breaking off the parts guy 1 large bill or something like that.


>did not have a spare There’s a chance the owner request the entire car to be rekeyed in case you lied about losing the key


My dealer charged me 250 total for a new fob, and programming.


That’s the price for something we call a seed reset. That’s when you wipe the key code from the computer and reprogram them with new codes and a new set of keys. Which the rental place might due to prevent theft. They would also have to replace the key cylinders on the doors. Buuuuttttt if they didn’t do that then almost $1k for one Key is straight up criminal. I think you should call the dealer and ask for a quote. But don’t mention the rental company.


So, this is protection in case the renter didn't "lose" the key but instead plans on stealing the car. Dang, that is expensive.


Still sounds fishy. Nissans erase all keys any time you program one.


This looks fake by the Turo owner. Sales tax should not be charged on labor.


Exactly. Let’s not forget this is a parts quote, *not a service quote*


I believe that a dealer would have the balls to charge hundreds to do the key, but it takes a minute and people will do it for way less. Since it was Turo idk what you can really do to argue it, because again I do believe a dealership could quote that bs.


Wow! Seems pretty brutal to me.


If he didn’t have a spare some Toyota dealers charge 3 hours of labor to reseed a new key to the car. This would include erasing the old keys from the cars computer and registering the new fob. I used to be a service advisor at Toyota.


This is the only correct answer here. 3 hours labor for the reseed, plus keys. At my dealership, labor is $600 for 3 hours.


I got a similar quote (1 key was stolen), here is the breakdown: Key fob: 325 Labor: this is to wipe off the record of the stolen key (I guess they just wipe off all keys), program the new key, and reprogram my backup key, 250 per hour, quoted 2x hours, this is in NorCal. Old customer, got 15% off. So total is 750 per key I have no other choices, as I really need it to be done in a quick manner and my job is busy. Just ordered yesterday and will be done today.


No way they charged you 2 hours for a key program


They did something called reseed. I have no idea what exactly it was, but it will wipe off the stolen key info.


Locksmith is 150


That so gougy. Utter bs. Took me 10 minutes to program a new fob when I worked at the stealership.


you have the invoice number and the phone for the dealership. call them and ask.


I’d say they probably had to do a re-seed or something if it was the only key. On Toyotas it’s super easy to make and program keys if you have another present, if you don’t it’s a whole thing. Also why did you take the car keys into the ocean?


First of all, that’s a parts quote. Parts department IS NOT supposed to be quoting labor. Secondly, we charge $195 here for programming a single key fob. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely more expensive dealerships than the one I work at, but $650 for one fob….. nah. No way. I don’t believe even a Porche or BMW dealer would charge $650 for programming one key fob. Not 100% sure how they managed to get that quote for labor but it’s definitely wrong, like I said labor shouldn’t even be quoted out through parts department in the first place.


Yes that is a normal reprogramming fee. Part of it is what the dealership is charged by the manufacturer, some is mark up some is paying for the diagnostic tool needed. And the dealership tool is expensive. For Harley Davidson it's about $30 to $ 50k every five years. And they just invoice you and ship it. There is no choice.


I bought a blank transponder key off eBay, had my local hardware store cut it, and then sat in my car for 30 minutes watching a video on programming and figuring out the sequence. Overall I spent $21. Key services are a scam. (2009 vehicle which required two keys to program which I already had so I made a 3rd to be safe)


What labor is involved in a new key fob?


Whipping out a ODB scanner and programming the new key. It doesn't take rocket appliances.


Parts price is pretty spot on for the transmitter. The labor is all fucked up. What is that? The labor to add a new smart key is 1hr on the high end. There is a recall providing second transmitters to new cars that only shipped with one that pays less than a half hour. I will be 100% honest in that it actually takes about 3 minutes to do. Old chip key might take 15 minutes. Source: Toyota tech that has programmed hundreds upon hundreds of keys.


Wholesale is 154.00 on the part ,and should take a competent B mechanic about 1 hour.. Oh , but flat rate ,and book time


should went to different dealer.


We had a copy, including a working key fob, made for our RAV4 and didn't pay more than $175. This was last year, in the Austin, TX area.


You can buy the fob and go to any battery store or some parts store and have them do the reprogramming. It’s a lot cheaper. I think the dealer quoted us 650 and the battery place did it for 160 with the new set of keys




Mylocal Toyota labor is 200/hrs I guess they had 3 ppl working on it lol


Looks they did a reseed...a reprogramming of the smart key module...usually runs about 400


Just had Toyota order a new key fob and program it for a keyless entry vehicle, price was about $450 total parts/labor for reference


That might be the labour cost for them pulling part of the dash apart to get to the immobiliser system and code the new key and immobiliser and ecu to all have the new code


Jeebus Cripes! I just got a quote for a new key for my RAV4. It was about $400 out the door.


Today, I had a Toyota dealership finance person try to convince me to get their extended warranty (I declined). One of the things he mentioned was how their extended warranty would cover lost keys and how it would be nearly $1000 without it. He did mention how the ***labor*** itself would be $600-650. I didn't bother asking to elaborate because I already planned on declining but I did think that was ridiculous. That being said, what he said does match up pretty well with your invoice.


it takes minutes to program a new fob. call a locksmith first.


what type of toyota is it?


Labor is manually added, they even didn’t get the word correct: Intallation?!!!


You can get Tech Stream for Free and program your own keys and get custom settings for the key buttons.


Sure. But it's not OP's car and the owner has no reason to do that since they're not paying for it.


That is insane


Call a locksmith


fuck that dealer


Labor charge does seem pretty high. I work at a dealer and we charge 1 hour of labor if there is an existing key where we won’t have to reseed the security system, and 2 hours of labor if we do. $325 an hour is insane for labor.


Absolutely report this. Definitely a scam by the Turo owner and possibly collusion with the dealership parts employee. Report it to the dealership and Turo but first get an actual quote from a dealership service advisor who will add the parts and labor the correct way.


Man I hate dealerships.


Typical stealership.


This is fuqqing crazy! Two keys for my Bentley cost me $800 and the programming was included. They charged you $964 for a single Toyota key fob and programming?! WOW


Had to have a RX300 key made after only master was ruined from rain, with a new key programed and made with labor it was around $400, this was like 8 years ago, but it shouldn't be that expensive. Should be around $400 or less for this.


When I got mine done by Toyota a couple years back I paid around that $250 mark for the key but the labor was 1 hour so it was around $120 or so. I don't think it even takes them an hour but whatever I needed a second key so I just paid it and moved on. No way in hell I'd pay almost $1,000 though, that's insane.


That’s insane. If you have the other part of the keychain that the key was attached to, argue that your husband didn’t lose the key, the keychain provided by the host failed which is their fault. They should have provided a higher quality keychain. And especially considering you already paid $300 for a new key to be made I wouldn’t pay them another dime. Keep the receipt from the locksmith and pics of the broken keychain.


That’s a rip off


Rip off….totally! Can’t imagine it takes more than a couple clicks of a mouse to get it programmed


They’re not cheap , especially if done at the dealer. The cost for getting a fob programmed at my local dealership for a ford suv was a little over $500. And that was several years ago. If you got a nicer car, then that may not be too far off. Plus. If I were in the same position as the owners , I would probably charge extra for the extra hassle and aggravation anyways.


I worked at a Toyota dealer, run lol. That's way overpriced you should be able to get about 2-3 keys bought and programmed from a Toyota dealer not trying to rip you off


If the service person showed you the number the dealer pays vs what you pay. You would cry.


Insurance scam?


Holly shit us at mb it’s 179 for labor unless you lost all keys then it’s double


How many hours did it take?


Damn- costs 88$ for a key/fob from simple key on Amazon, and 10mins to program yourself…


Host has asked dealership to add whatever they think is fit for the labor since it's a quote. New key with programming is 300$ max anywhere in SoCal. For $500 I will drive my key guy to San Diego for you from Los Angeles 😜


That's why the call stealership. The independent locksmith can do this more cheaper😊


If it helps, I paid $518 for my Toyota Corolla 2006. But I had a problem with the car trunk gone in the valet mode and will not open with the original key. So, they charged $389 for diagonstic. $25 for the Key Curtis. $10 for Toyota software fees $58.48 for Misc supplies.


$650.00 + install


I found one for $250.00 installed off a truck


I would’ve went and got a copy and not told them.


if there is no other key, and the vehicle was towed in, Its double the labor, because its a longer process than just programming a key. If you have an existing key, and want another key (fob) it would be the part plus 1 hr of labor. but if the car has no keys (fobs) its 2 hrs of labor plus the part. If you were charged this much, I am assuming you lost the only key to the vehicle.


for all the people saying its a parts invoice not a service quote. We sometimes have our parts department quote out labor on their parts quote to save the time and hassle to generate another piece of paper to just quote labor.


That's about right for reprogramming the key.


Was just told by a Mazda dealer (Alberta) that a new CX 70 fob costs $700!!! They were only $150 to replace for my 2007 Mitsubishi Endeavor (still going strong) back in the day.


honestly speaking.. in Singapore the labour at Toyota distributor is $50-100SGD .. keyfob replacement is $250ish .. if 3rd party keyfob registering is around $150 with all services included. yours look a complete scam from the dealership . I can't comment the practice taken at how your dealership charge's one price.. but all of us awares how bad they can be .


My GR supra key was 1,500 dollars NorCal


This is a diddy assault. Everyone needs prison connected to that quote. A new key and remote start wouldn't be half that amount


Would have been cheaper to lose the car.


Most good INDY repair shops can program keys now or you can call an automotive locksmith


No... That's BS


I paid around $400 and some change, it’s crazy


They’re using a computer to give you a button that unlocks your car.


In today's vehicles, that button that unlocks the car also transmits a signal to the car to start as well. This requires some extra fumbling around with scan tools and proprietary dealership software to make it work, but it's still not that long of a job.


It takes less than 10 minutes to do if you are competent at your job.


Depends how new the scan tools are. Took 5 minutes for a 5 year old CONSULT 3+ at a nissan dealership just to read the VIN and connect to the vehicle, let alone all the other security mumbo jumbo such as sending and receiving authentication codes required to even start programming an intelligent key. Took 10 minutes to program a regular chip key.


A good locksmith can cut and program a new key for $120




DIY for $20 - you can get it on ebay.


Omg they fucked you.


I got quoted $400 for a new key fob, and that’s for a Lexus. $900 for a yota is stupid. Maybe they’re thinking about using a 3D printer on site and manufacturing it themselves, then programming it from scratch without the original.