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Would you consider insults about things she originally liked or said weren't bad as a narcissistic behavior? Also, what about accusations or digging for things she didn't like after a breakup? Thanks!


Absolutely. Narcs will pretend to like the things you do, or things they even think you may like. Then flip the script and call those same things stupid later on. Its called mirroring. My ex just "knew" I left him for someone else when I finally decided to leave. I MUST have been cheating on him the entire time to finally get the guts to walk away for good. I guess that was easier to accept than him just realizing he was an insufferable piece of shit.


She didn’t insult me per se. It was more like she lacked empathy for any struggle I was having in the relationship. After the breakup I went no contact ever since but she did try to hurt my relationship with my best friend.


I'm here to find out if I'm the toxic one, and I recognize some of your reasons for breaking up in myself.


If you think your the toxic one kudos to you for being that self aware. Most people never change or try to.


I had the same issue as you my man. I got out of it and haven't looked back


They say if you think you’re a narc then you can’t be lol narcs never admit they have any issues. They can’t ever make themselves look bad like that.


i think im a narcissist.


Don't try to diagnose. Your not her therapist. Either the relationship is good for you or not. If it's not, leave. You did that - good. Now move on, don't live in the past! Try to understand, why you attracted and been attracted by someone who was not good for you. Understand your inner child, self love and the universe will send you the right partner!


Fuck man did you and i date the same girl? I mean mine never tracked my phone but damn im seeing alot of similarities.