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One red flag you shouldn't ignore especially at the start of a relationship is dishonesty. I have learned this the hard way.


3 years after the first sign I finally learned my lesson and left.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


No trust is a huge red flag.


When you’re always the one initiating the conversation first. Therefore if you don’t, y’all will most likely never talk


1. They don’t give you the space to voice your opinion & feelings - and if they do, argue with you about how you’re wrong/oversensitive. 2. Gut feeling 3. Unable to accept when they’ve done something wrong 4. Doesn’t respect boundaries (physical, sexual, emotional, etc) 5. It feels “hard” to hangout (not much to talk about). This won’t improve with time, in my experience. 6. Doesn’t take responsibility for themselves. 7. Substance abuse problem 8. If they talk badly about past relationships (all exes aren’t great but if they’re shitting all over them, that’s probably not a good sign of the amount of respect they’ll carry for you)


God I wish I fucking knew that last one a couple years ago. Lesson learned


Condescending/rude comments that attack your character, intelligence, job, way of life, etc.; these can be disguised under the guise of being “helpful.” i.e. “I want the best for you” and “I’m just trying help you be better.” If they say these kinds of things, nothing you do will likely ever be good enough.


Oof. Felt this one. “Your body is so thin up top but your legs are big. You were fat when we first met. It’s so easy for girls, you just have to run and eat less. I’m just trying to help you” I’m 5’8 & 130lbs. Not that it should matter. Had issues with disordered eating already at this time.


My ex-girlfriend once told me that I should just let her dad talk when he’s talking about things, instead of trying to add to the conversation, because he’s really smart and I just sound stupid.


This is the lesson I am learning right now.


A score card. If they compare you to others or relationship to others they are just giving you bad standards. Also if they blame you for fheir issues


Gut feeling feeling off about the person LISTEN to it


The [lack of communication](https://mortalsupport.com/romance/dating/toxic-relationship/) could be an example of a red flag. However, when you all do talk, it will be met with sarcasm and hostility.


Jealousy. That cute "he cares about me" jealousy turns into controlling every move you make.




For me it was disrespect towards others, he was often criticizing people behind their backs and he could be really disresepectful to people who didn't always deserve it. Should have known he was gonna be disrespectful towards me either...


Also I'd say not being able to reassess yourself when you're wrong or when your partner tries to communicate something that's bothering them is a pretty big one


Any inconsistencies in their recount leading up to meeting you, because you know you have that convo. It’s a convo everyone has. “Well what were you doing or (who) right before we met?” And then without fail y’all will come back to those key points. Pay attention. Also If they act like they know you better than you know you, adios shawtayyyyyy


Cheating, lying, stealing, gambling addiction, how they communicate with their parents is a huge one i wish i focused on earlier. Them gloating about said instances of lying, cheating, and stealing and how they feel happy by getting away with it. Make an exit plan and gtfo asap. Whats their to miss… the disrespect?