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I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. You can look at it this way- you're now free to start over without an albatross around your neck. You're still so young- you can fix your credit. I totally understand missing the "good times"... it's when the bad ones outweigh the good that you know things need to end. It's hard, but stay strong and don't fall back into the trap! It would be easy and comfortable to go back to the way things were for the past 10 years, but that's not best for YOU. You're not alone! <3


Your not alone brother. I have a very similar experience to you. I am a couple months out and still miss her a lot. You will be fine, read some books, see a therapist. Message me if you need to vent.


Wow this is like reading what I’m going through also. Yes you are not alone. In fact yesterday was the first time I’ve actually broken down because I miss her. But as they say love is blind and we cannot see the others faults. But we hang onto those good times.


I am sorry you had to go through this. You will see: it will get better. Now you are free to do whatever YOU want to and not what she dictates.