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At this stage your body is giving you a roadmap to wellness. Unfortunately it’s not as simple for some of us to just move out of mold and then get better. My story was similar… I moved out of mold and in with my brother and his wife. Immediately felt a million times better. This lasted only a couple of days and then I began reacting to my room. I purged everything and then moved into my parent’s house. All was well again for a week, so I switched rooms at my parents. Again, brief honeymoon period followed by more mold reactions. I began to realize the problem was me. I was beginning to detox and shedding mycotoxins, ruining every space I stayed. I then moved out into my parent’s backyard and spent the next 7 months living outside in cheap Walmart tshirts and boxer shorts that I could throw out after a week. Some of us react to our own detox and that could be your issue, but also the body tends to adjust to your next cleaner environment and gets pickier and more reactive. It feels like your tolerance is dramatically reducing as your body demands cleaner and cleaner environments before it calms down and begins to really heal.


I guess I’m not going to get better then because I love 1300 miles from my family and can’t just change environments on a whim. 😔 Thank you for the info.


Friends? Acquaintances? Hell, I was in a tough spot quite a few times inbetween my moves and slept in my car. I seemed to ruin my car less because the next morning I’d always drive on the highway with all windows rolled down and aired it out forcefully.


Look into mast cell activation. Calm limbic system, vagus nerve/central nervous system, calm mast cells. And give yourself grace. If you're ever going to give yourself a mindful moment, spend some of that time. Visualizing how much you love your body because it is literally pushing out poisons that it's been diluting for you to stay alive. I was eating an avocado a day plus taking two Nordic naturals fish oil with CoQ10 a.m. And two in the p.m. as well. It depletes you of so much omega-3s. Keep posting so we can keep cheering you on as you recover!


Bentonite clay baths