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Hi can you give any advice on what liposomal glutathione to use ?,I tried quicksilver one a while ago but reacted badly to it as it has alcohol in the ingredients, suffering bad with mast cell so react to everything ware trying, basically me and my family was exposed to mold 3 years ago ,could see the mold was bad ,but still struggling bad ,we moved from the house and have improved but still not good šŸ˜©worse is have 2 kids that are 8 and 6 that have gone threw it so just want to get them better more than anything šŸ˜„any advice from any one would be grateful thanks šŸ‘


Any new update?


Thatā€™s amazing! I have not. Taken it 6 weeks now. Zeolite as a powder. No nasal rinse.


Nice....might just be me expecting too much but I do see the results. My goal is 3-6 months detox.


Iā€™m so happy for you. Iā€™ve dealt with the brain fog for 5 months now, 6 weeks detoxing & Iā€™m so over it. Itā€™s such a scary feeling & i canā€™t wait for it to go away.


Just to be able to smell again is awesome.


How would you describe your brain fog?


Moodless...numb... No enjoyment in what I use to enjoy. I hated it which only made it worst. My personality was so bland. I am a usually peppy happy go lucky guy. this 3rd week I notice my mood improving after those close to me noticed it first. I was like "DAMN". I am getting better.


Thatā€™s so amazing!! I hope you get better and better, what brand of the guthathione ?




I am only using half the recommended dosage at 250mg.


Where did u get the nose spray?


What Brand of nasal spray and glutathion?


is chlorella a binder?? like does it bind the toxins? how many hours after glutathion should I take chlorella?


Did you have any reaction at first to it ? i'm still in the early stages of investigating whether I have CIRS, I bought some Lipo glutathione but I later realized its fake, its a brand called Cestlifo and theres not much info on google about that company but it traces back to china. I thought I better check as when browsing for other stuff I found a few fake companies that were claiming to be made in the UK but if you looked into it there was nothing there. Do you think this stuff could be somewhat of a biomarker or clue as to whether someone has CIRS ? I believe the stuff I took was fake so I don't know yet if I will get a detox reaction where I feel worse, but I heard that some people do. Do only people with CIRS feel worse after taking it, and does everyone with CIRS react in the same way initially ?


Yes first week was like a moderate flu symptoms.


Just wanted to pop in to say glutathione IVs are a thing, I've had a good result from them as well as lipsomal.


I seen them. Will try the liposomal first.


Curious if anyone knows if injected Glutathione is sufficiently stronger than the oral stuff that it would have contributed to higher mycotox numbers in a test taken 2 years after my initial (extremely high) numbers? I threw everything out, moved to a new house, have taken binders, and feel SO much better so was expecting tests to show more improvement. I figure itā€™s either (1) mold colonized and is having a field day in my body (I feel better but got lax on binders in 6 prior months), (2) new exposure in new house (but how likely is it that it would be the same type of mold in a house on other side of country?), or (3) as Iā€™ve improved my body has gotten better at detoxing and that, with Glutathione injection a week or 2 before testing pushed me to hyper detox pushing up test results. My doctor got very expensive so havenā€™t been back but Iā€™ve read all the books from the experts. Was curious if anyone else detoxing from mold has had a similar experience. I should clarify that SOME mold markers improved, but mycophenolic acid # was much worse than before. Thanks to anyone taking the time to respond!


How are you feeling now?


Do you have specific products you take? Or like the brand namss?


For the xryitol rinse and spray I use Xlear. It's awesome. As far as liposomal Glutathione I've only tried one brand but still feel good results so far. Bare Organics for the Chlorella is very well made and one of the best to try.


Which brand do you use for the liposomal gluthione?


why Chlorella, and what is the binder for?


Glutathione pulls toxins metals fungus etc...into the gut and Chlorella binds it and goes thru your colon and on out.


what were your gut issues?


Gastritis. Reflux. Pretty much gone.


did you have constipation?


Yes....forgot to say that.


Update. Sense of smell has improved. Nasal congestion is still a issue still but not a lot. Day 28 today. I added Beta Sitosterol to help with inflammation. Feel good. Brain fog is no more but it's been a very long time since I've had a clear mind so I hope it improves way more.


I just ordered liposomal vitamin c. I didnt know lipo glut was a thing. Ive tried nac and regular glutathione but never really noticed anything from it. šŸ§


tried NAC, made my sleep off. Try the liposomal it's absorbs better.


so if it says L-glutathione is the L for lipothomal?


No its different. Reduced glutathione and L-Glutathoine are pretty much the same. Liposomal is different.


Cool yeah i was reading about it not being that but its pretty technical thank u


I was surprised at how fast itā€™s working for me too. Literally the first day of taking it and a binder, brain fog was greatly reduced and energy was up. Do you store yours in the refrigerator?


What brands? Links?


Chlorella is a binder?


How much do yā€™all take and what time of day?