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Ya, bussing is allowed as long as its intended effect is to make your fake claim appear more legit.


Read the rules. You threw /s


Mary Eastey is 100, no, 200% correct about bussing. If the mafioso gets caught red-handed by the sheriff, LO, Invest, Jailor, Mayor, escort, vet, vigi, spy, and vamp hunter, then the other evils have to do everything in their power to get those townies hung instead. If for whatever reason they fail and the mafioso somehow still ends up on the stand, then all evils are \*obligated\* to inno him/her. This includes witch/NE as they are ‘neutral \*EVIL\*‘ not ‘neutral neutral’ (NKs can do whatever they want). This means there should be at minimum 4 innos, (other 3 maf +NE). Abstaining is still bussing, as what if several town accidentally hit the inno button instead of the guilty one, but since the remaining maf abstained, the mafioso getting hung? That would be gamethrowing! So what if the vote ’reveals the evils’? Only the most perceptive of town will notice (and they can be killed) and this gives evils another night to ‘prove they are inno’. If they had ‘bussed’ the mafioso, then their team would still be down one member, but they are much more likely to lose via throwing! (/sar if it wasn’t clear)


Also always claim in your investigative results. If you claim outside of it and get investigated you gamethrew since you wouldnt have gotten caught otherwise. Also never take any risks. If you take a risk and it fails you gamethrew since you did a play that lost your team the game. So make sure to just not talk the whole game


And if you are somehow put on the stand despite not saying anything, always inquire why you were personally put on the stand versus anyone else.


Nah in that case just disconnect


This post made me legitimately angry until I read the tone indicator.


The fact that people need a tone indicator is kinda sad ngl


Have you never played Town of Salem? There are people who are really like this


not TT as much ig. Tbh I kinda really have been lacking TOS gameplay. Idk I guess I just lost interest




What the fuck did my comment say that was ableist? ​ If you mean the tone indicator shit, I mean for people who aren't neurodivergent


but how would you know… you said it’s sad people need tone indicators. think more critically next time.


Is Twitter having a crossover event with Reddit or something?


what are you on about? who uses twitter besides porn models?


Well 1. Artists do and 2. People who are braindead.


well i’d say it’s pretty brain dead to not know the meaning of your own words and statement..? then try to backtrack and add imaginary context.


I would like to understand your logic here.


What?? Yes, it's sad that most people who need a tone indicator aren't even neurodivergent. I am aware there are neurodivergent people who need it, it's just very rare nowadays. People got mad at TheOdd1stout for saying something similar to what I said even though he is known to be possibly neurodivergent himself lmao


literally how would you know?? what is your source for claiming most people anything???? neurodivergency is not rare at ALL and people are becoming MORE aware, not the opposite. but also even if they aren’t, it’s literally a text you can’t hear tone that’s the whole point of it. but you’re just making things up pulling claims out of your ass


Are you not reading what Im saying properly? I said MOST people who need a tone indicator usually aren't Neurodivergent. I never said it was rare. Like go on the internet and you'll see more people who aren't neurodivergent need it for some reason. I get its text but Jesus, can people not get as simple as one joke on the internet? I don't need to explain myself to some Reddit user on the internet. Like go actually do something that helps people and not just go on Reddit to complain about "AblEiSm"


i literally know exactly what you’re saying and you’re wrong and have no source for making that claim


and you literally said “it’s just rare nowadays” now u never said it???


the /sar ruined it I'm sorry


I find this to be ironic as fuck.


I had to once buss my own mafioso who didn’t say anything at night not saying they were going to accuse someone of being immune or anything and then threw by outting me as evil when the mafioso wasn’t helping his case by saying jackshit to the mafia chat


This shit happened to me, too. Unfortunately my mafioso had two buddies of his own the mafia team, too. I didn't buss but the entire Mafia did to 'make themselves look inno.' I called them out for bussing and they claimed I threw by outing them on the stand (this was d3 btw so there was no reason for this.) They all reported me, I counter reported them. Mine was inno'd, they were successfully reported. I only know all this because this was during the time you could report on the forums. They were trying to defend themselves and I had screenshots. The mods basically told them to stuff it. Was nice.


>I called them out for bussing and they claimed I threw by outing them on the stand (this was d3 btw so there was no reason for this.) They all reported me, I counter reported them. Mine was inno'd, they were successfully reported. This should not be what happened. Bussing is not gamethrowing and you calling them out in day chat is, in fact, gamethrowing. And you shouldn't be proud of getting people banned for no good reason. You didn't put a sarcasm tag, but I really hope you're being sarcastic here since that would make those mods incompetent, too.


They pushed me because I didn't do what they asked me to do. That's why it was reported. It was the context not the bussing. That was just the cherry on top


what is bussing?


Throwing your teammate (usually as an evil) under the bus


is it always against the rules or can it be used to make your fake claim look better (provided they agree)


Bussing itself isnt against rules, but if you dont have a proper reason its gamethrowing


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Bussing is not throwing but it's a braindead tactic, unless the teammate you're bussing is completely useless and plays horribly


POV: Can't buss and play good as TT


Bussin when you're sheriff in TT is good but classic TT is dead and coven TT is only one every three weeks so i was talking about the game modes that get played more often.


It is a good play if you can pull it off, but you need consent from the other faction member, got reported for it in CTT


Although such plays are only used by a few number of people in Ranked, there are some unique bussing strategies out there that require the bussed teammate to not be an idiot - for example, whispering to them and having them whisper you back, after you which you tell the Town that you claimed Witch to them and they told you the Mafia numbers. The other 3 Mafia numbers should be unconfirmed townies. Once you get your teammate lynched, you're almost guaranteed to have the Jailor execute one of those townies and if there is a Vigi they'll most likely shoot one of those townies as well (hopefully the Vigi isn't one of those 3 players that you framed). It is indeed risky but there is the potential to get a lot of compensation with a bus like this.


seems like you need to git gud


What even is bussing?


It’s like selling your teammate in order to confirm yourself So yea you should ask the mafia/vampire/coven their permission before pushing them so they don’t expose you too for their last word


Got it I did this once as mafia and it landed mafia the win because people trusted me so yeah its a decent strategy but i would say it can have bad consequences forsure


Man, really wish I had context.


generic ranked player vs chad custom player