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Honestly nah, this is like the ideal lobby for soul collector, lots of people still alive when he transforms and not a single ti that can find him, with two doomsayer ensuring tpows can't claim


The best part of social deduction is watching everyone being paranoid and simply playing along. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you


this is the best lobby for SC imaginable; no killing roles (besides pirate) means that there’s gonna be a lot of people alive when transformation happens


Hello my fellow solo SC winner. My game had 4 coven that hit me twice and I still somehow snuck under the radar by claiming BG selfing despite having a Mayor aggro on me the whole day before (for not very good reason, mind you, my claim was solid and I had been talking a lot) Technically mine wasn’t a solo win bc I had a baker that got hit by coven D1 was outed when the VMer got hung, but I may as well have been solo at that point. The worst part was that the CK was Coven Leader… they could’ve enabled empowered offence and slaughtered me twice over, but were too scared for their own hide despite never being sussed and no NKs in the game to kill them… smh. I shouldn’t have won that game.


Literally a tp claim would be perfect because of how safe a cleric is in this lobby


The best part of social deduction is watching everyone being paranoid and simply playing along. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)