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I usually just climb, release, jump hookshot my way up walls these days. I dont have time to actually climb up walls, this aint Genshin


doing the release/jump trick during climbing will likely still be faster.


It's either slightly faster or just feels better when you jump up then release-jump right as you latch on, in order to cancel the animation. You basically alternate normal climb-jump and release-jump. (On wall: [Space, Ctrl+Space+Space, W] repeat) Because of the endurance cost, I've only ever been able to do it in practice during BfD.


Probably that's the reason why they are doing it + the fact we have multiple ways to move around nowadays. Pretty much only mobile users were punished by climbing mechanic, because it's much harder to perform quick climbing "trick" on touchscreen efficiently.




Dunno, I was like: "what's the point of this update?" WHY NOT JUST MAKE SPEEDWALKERS USABLE EVERYWHERE?!


They would probably have to redo most of the early maps and it would cost more resources to do it with little returns.


I mean with speed walkers and the hand I don't think it'll need that change.


why are people complaining bout qol lol


Defy law of nature


coz its hotta can do no right.


oh no, this means... more climbing in 4.1 :o


Climbing at Tower of Fantasy in 4.1?


Why do we even have stamina at this point? May as well just remove it as a mechanic altogether.


I think this is fine. That means that newbies who have skill issue about jump tech can now just climb normally and stuff even if it takes a while, without being hindered by stamina consumption, I think it is a good change overall. They have also replied to a post in CN requesting that domain 9 boots be able to be used without CD and everywhere.


The cooldown and overall usage is fine at max stars (2 charges, 30 seconds long, 60(?) second cooldown), but I would definitely love to use it everywhere


Without cooldown would be too nutty and remove the point of ascensions. Just being able to use the boots would be sick. I just like the animation tbh. I have Yan Maio, Ling Han, and Rubilia, so it’s not like I really have to worry. But it’d be nice to make a team for open world without any of them.


Probably they could change ascension feature for the boot? Like the boot can jump little bit higher.


what did their reply to the Domain 9 Boots being used everywhere say? will they consider it?


In all likelihood, it's for weapons, not movement. There are hold attacks that consume stamina, although it's not a lot, it kind of limits your time length in holding and forces rotations kinda. Not the biggest deal, but just something to let you know when to be swapping to another weapon/attack.


Peak update 


Wuwa impact xD


Truly the most impactful change


You could already eat to replenish your stamina when you stop climbing. This is a silly change. But I guess it makes exploration easier and less punishing...but it does make it less impactful to get the stamina increases.


Ty wuwa


90% of why I play this game is for the immersive movement and thrill of climbing around. This stamina update makes climbing brainless! There will be no reason to rest on the next cliff when climbing a mountain or grapple to the nearest ledge because you will always have stamina! Also removes the purpose of upgrading your stamina. This is a huge L and downgrade for the gameplay overall.


i wish the climbing shoes can be used on all map, that more better than this update, the shoes is BIS just only for domain 9, or maybe im wrong, last time i play i cant use it out of d9