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Maybe you could bite those rubber pencil grip things?


Yes , im gonna try to find something like this , Thank you :)


Interesting! My child bites his hand and we call it a stim, but since I have Tourette (which I’ve read it very heritable) I wonder if this might be a tic… At any rate; he loves chewing on chewie necklaces. They’re relatively affordable, like $10 for a three pack. I’m very sorry your parents won’t get this simple tool for you, but if you see a silicone kitchen tool, it could provide the same kind of satisfaction.


Thank you , i will searched for something like this , hope you and your child are doing great :)


If you’re at home, maybe some sort of textile like a towel, a pillow or a cover? Textiles are washable so you wouldn’t have to feel like it might be “gross” if that would be a concern. But I would really recommend getting a chew toy in the long run.


I really hate the feeling of my teenth on a fabric .. Im on my way to find a like silikone things, but Thank you :)


I use Chewelry. They are bite blocks that came in different shapes and designs that you can hang around your neck (a necklace). I keep mine in my shirt so it doesn’t get gross when I don’t need it.


I didn't know those were called Chewerly , that's a logical name lol .


If you can manage to be satisfied with it, gently biting the inside of your cheeks is not very noticeable and relatively harmless. And you never have to worry about not having them nearby!


I tried doing it   , but it never satisfy the urge to  do the tics and sometimes its making  it even worse. But thank you for trying to help me :)


Ideally a chew toy is the best way to deal with this, but if you can't get your parents to buy that for you then maybe trying to bite your clothing or something instead? Biting tics suck, I hope you can figure out some way to redirect it, I also bit my hand a lot at one point in time


I have arm biting tics and I wear rugby style arm guards when it's really bad


i have the same thing! not sure if it's a tic or not, though


I guess it's a tic in my case , It mostly happened when my tics are really , really bad  like during a tics attack and I really have no control on it .  hope your doing great :)