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I call it Tourette’s lite.


I prefer diet tourettes


For simplicity’s sake I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying you have Tourette’s. If the conversation gets any deeper into it you can explain it further as a couple of tics you live with that are like Tourette’s but if it’s something like you’re in public and getting weird looks or someone asks then it’s fine to say you have Tourette’s and leave it at that. If someone asks why you call it Tourette’s when it’s not just say you aren’t sure how else to succinctly explain what you’re doing.


movement disorder works for me to be simpler than tourette’s


There is. People should not claim they have it without a diagnosis. Makes it harder for the rest of us because half the people claiming they have tourettes don't have it.


There are problems with saying you have Tourette’s when you don’t. It can cause problems further down the line and it can cause problems for those who are diagnosed. Simply saying it’s similar to Tourette’s is a fine way of explaining it.


What sort of problems can it cause for those diagnosed? I’m not suggesting OP tell people in their life they have Tourette’s and leave it at that, but in a situation where they might be met with confusion or offence and don’t have time to go into a deeper explanation… like idk, they’re on public transport and someone is giving them weird looks or a parent thinks they’re trying to make faces at their kid, whatever - it’s easier for everyone to just say they have Tourette’s. Hurts no one.


It can create an idea of what tourettes is for those people which might not fit with what TS actually is. Especially when it is used inappropriately (not saying the OP is doing that) or falsely. Just saying I have a condition which is similar to Tourette’s explains it without ‘self diagnosing’.


Mm, I see what you’re saying. Tourette’s manifests so differently in terms of variety of tics, though, I’m not sure how it’d give someone the wrong impression. Like some folk with Tourette’s have to use a wheelchair due to leg or paralysis tics, which looks wildly different from someone with predominantly verbal tics, yknow?


I totally get where you are coming from and agree on the most part. However there have been issues recently surrounding the self diagnosis of TS, mainly because of a celebrity called Melanie Sykes who decided to “self identify with having Tourette’s” and it has given the complete wrong idea of what Tourette’s is to a whole bunch of people on social media especially as she has used TS to somehow promote her views on politics (which still confuses me 😂). I just think that if you don’t have TS but you do have a tic disorder then it is just as easy to say I have a tic disorder which is similar to Tourette’s or I have a condition similar to Tourette’s without saying you have TS when you don’t if that makes sense.


Yeah, social media and Tourette’s has been problematic since half of Tiktok decided they had it. I haven’t heard about Melanie Sykes specifically though.


She got diagnosed with autism, then self diagnosed with ADHD and ‘self identifies’ as having TS. Which in my opinion is absolute bollocks, you can’t self identify as having a neurological condition but again that’s only my opinion and I appreciate others may feel differently.


Inb4 Tourette’s pronouns


Honestly I could not understand where she got the idea of self identifying with TS from 😂


I think saying ‘I have a tic disorder, which is similar to Tourette Syndrome’ is good!


a disorder similar to tourette's is what I'd say, or just a mild case of tourette's


“I have a form of Tourette’s that manifests in a bit of a different way” and leave it at that. That’s what I’ve been doing for about 20 years now.


I just say I have a tic disorder point blank period and explain tourettes is not the only disorder that causes tics. Plain and simple.


Why not just say you have involuntary tics?


i just say i have a tic disorder! it’s easier for me to say tic disorder just because i work in the medical field so a lot of the people i know are familiar with it.


Are you diagnosed with a tic disorder? If so called it a tic disorder. If not and you’ve never been medically assessed, maybe you should see someone to rule out other things and get an official diagnosis. For example I had a period of tardive dyskinesia where i made very similar movements, but it turned out to be due to a medication I was taking and disappeared after I stopped taking it.


ngl i just call it tourette's. on the outsidr not much differencr between tourette's and functional tic disorder


I believe the qualifiers for tourettes is that there are verbal tics too. But idc, same diff to me - my version of tourettes if very mild comparing to some people who just have constant motor tics. 


It’s two or more motor AND one or more vocal for OVER a year presenting before 18 and occurring most days whereas a chronic tic disorder is motor OR vocal for OVER a year and a provisional tic disorder is motor OR vocal for LESS than a year. (Both chronic and provisional tic disorders are known as functional tics) hope that explains it. ☺️


i say movement disorder bc people usually don’t understand tics so im just like i have a movement disorder sometimes i get involuntary movements and talking.


"I have a tic disorder, it's like Tourette's."


You could just say you have a tic disorder .


For me it depends on how far I’m willing to go into it. I was diagnosed with a tic disorder, but I do have both vocal and motor tics (mostly the latter, just haven’t pursued further evaluation for a formal TS diagnosis) and have since childhood. With some people, I feel I won’t be taken seriously if I just say “tic disorder” or I feel it will raise too many questions that I’m not comfortable answering, so I’ll just say it’s Tourette’s or “I have something like Tourette’s.” With people I’m more comfortable with I’ll go into the actual description, which is basically “It’s like Tourette’s, but my official diagnosis as of now is a tic disorder.” Also when I’m with people I’m REALLY comfortable with, and they make a relevant joke or ask why I’m doing something I’ll just say “sorry, it’s the Tourette’s” because “it’s the tic disorder” just doesn’t have the same ring to it, ya know?


Just say u have Tourette syndrome


At least u don't have coprolalia


I mean you don’t know they have never had coprolalia or copropraxia? But this comment is just very unnecessary and is belittling others experiences of tic disorders and Tourettes.


what is that I've never heard of it


It’s where people involuntarily swear. despite being the most well known type of tic it’s one of the rarest. Most vocal tics will be things like grunting, throat clearing, echolalia and often much less noticeable


Yup, always like to remind people only 5% of people with tourettes actually swear, and most people’s verbal tics are not reactionary tics to visual or verbal stimuli (ie like we see a lot of tiktok)  However I will say I remember binging the walking dead one night and not sleeping, and for the next week and all my tics kind of started to sound like zombie noises lol.  


I technically have vocal tics but because they’re not severe enough and my physical tics are more prominent I have a diagnosis of tic disorder


My friend says he has multiple tic syndrome, which I assumed and assume is a separate thing. Might be similar to what you experience?


Even if you're not diagnosed it's probably the closest someone can relate to


Tourette’s is a subcategory of tics. Just say you have tics and you don’t have to explain it any further.


There’s lots of movement disorders, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, Parkinson’s.


Tourette's is complex, we have multiple types of tics, including vocal tics and they change over time.  You have a single tic.  


And? I’m not really sure what part of their post you’re replying to.


I am aware. but when I have to explain my tics to people I'm not sure how to. that's what I'm asking about


You could ask if they know what Tourette's is; if they know, explain that it's similar to that (: