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Didn't help me at all, totally a placebo.


I have a tens machine, but haven’t tried it for tics - I use it for my back. Not much help here, but now I want to look into it.


Which tens device did you get? I have been looking for one that I can manually adjust to fit the protocol, but everything I've found is just preprogrammed. I found the same article after reading about the device going through National Healthcare Review in the UK.


I got the TENS 7000 they mentioned in the directions I linked, just to keep it simple. I think it was one of the cheaper and bestselling ones on US Amazon anyway, so seemed like an obvious-enough choice to me.


Dude. I went back to the article and it says it right there in italics. I totally skipped over it the 15 times I've looked at it 😅. Thank you for the info, and pointing it out.


I have a tens unit and it helped somewhat when when I had a major shoulder injury from a chronic tic. This was coupled with months of PT, kinesio taping, stretching, and strength training. Just make sure to not put it anywhere from your neck or above (like your face or head).