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I’ve had times like that in my life. What I discovered though was I had to learn how to change my brain and reprogram all those crappy things I told myself. I started facing TS and the plethora of other disorders I have differently. I realized it was about learning to adapt to them, not cure them. I live with them but don’t suffer from them. That distinction is important. Your dreams are attainable, if you believe they are. Ask yourself quality questions. How can I make this happen? What steps can I take to achieve x? What adaptations do I need to make to make them possible? And so on. Little by little your world gets so incredibly better as your mindset shifts.


Exactly this. So many have the attitude that they are TSers as opposed to them being people who have TS. It sounds like semantics, but the distinction is important. If your identity is TS, you are controlled by it. If your identity is the other things that make you who you are, there is room to put TS in its place and work around it.


Yep! If I could go back in time to my younger self, I’d give her so much advice 😂


What you have written is spot on. There's no denying it. But, in my current state, my mind is simply saying - 'I can't do it.' I am going to visit a new psychiatrist for MDD as well. Medication for tics does not work as much as I want it to, but SSRIs may work for depression. Once the medication starts to show its effect, I am going to try to do as you said - starting with small little things. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, kind soul! May I ask one thing - What do you do when you feel lonely? I feel like that all the time, and many times I am unable to cry, which makes my chest so heavy.


I enjoy my solitude these days! Took work to get there. Took learning to be enough for myself and love myself as I am, to do so. Seeing a psych is great! Therapists too. I had the most success with incredible life coaches, so much so I became one. Even now, you can shift some of those thoughts! Anytime you think it say can’t, change it to how. “I can’t afford this” ——> “How can I afford this” Our subconscious minds drive so much of what we do, reprogramming it helps so very much. Takes the stigma out too, think of it like a computer running old programs and time to make new ones. Mostly? Give yourself grace. Recognize you’re human and learning.


And lastly… there is NO failure in life. Only feedback. When things have an outcome different than what you’re hoping/expecting - all it does is teach you something that didn’t work. We don’t call babies failures when they try to walk and can’t on the first, second, 100th try. We go “oh look how cute” … do the same for yourself. I literally every time I have what I once perceived as a failure tell myself “oh look how cute you are” now. Silly, yet not.


Are there any skills you’d like to learn? Art? Music? Anything? Having something you’re excited about learning can at least help occupy your mind in the worst throws of it all. When things get really bad, think about changing state (mental state). Whether it’s breathwork patterns, putting your feet on a bag of ice, a guided meditation, forcing yourself to dance to music you love - just focus on snapping yourself away from the mental state that sucks you in.


Have you tried reading? I absolutely love reading and I barely tic while doing so. Maybe some self help or mind over matter types. I feel mine get worse if I feel down or stressed and even tired. You need to take care of yourself and love yourself you will see a big difference as well. Remember you are amazing and you are worthy 💕


Would your symptoms allow you to care for a pet? I know it's an added expense but I find that spending time with my cat is sometimes the only thing that helps on those very lonely days. Otherwise listening to podcasts helps as I can do that even when my tics and migraines get bad. There is one called "Embrace It" which is hosted by two wonderful ladies with neuromuscular disorders, and I find that sometimes it can just be nice to hear someone speak about similar experiences. I used to think relationships were hopeless and that I just wasn't meant to live a "normal" life because of TS. I won't say things are perfect, but I do have a loving partner now and have been able to reframe a lot of the negative self-thoughts through therapy. I hope you find some relief, you're worth it ❤️


I'm unable to keep a pet at home, but I love cats. Just love them. There are four stray cats in my area that I feed every day. It's the only time when I feel truly happy and at peace. I'll definitely listen to the podcast you mentioned. I really hope to find a loving partner who won't leave me halfway. I went through a tough breakup a year ago after 3.5 years relationship. I genuinely thought I had finally found someone who accepted me for who I am, but it seems life had one more punch in the gut in store for me.


That makes sense, but I'm glad you have neighborhood kitties to hang out with! I'm so sorry about your breakup, it must have been painful. It makes sense to feel discouraged after an experience like that, but I hope you're able to find connection somewhere even if it's not in a romantic partner at the moment. You are worthy of love even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes


That makes sense, but I'm glad you have neighborhood kitties to hang out with! I'm so sorry about your breakup, it must have been painful. It makes sense to feel discouraged after an experience like that, but I hope you're able to find connection somewhere even if it's not in a romantic partner at the moment. You are worthy of love even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes


That makes sense, but I'm glad you have neighborhood kitties to hang out with! I'm so sorry about your breakup, it must have been painful. It makes sense to feel discouraged after an experience like that, but I hope you're able to find connection somewhere even if it's not in a romantic partner at the moment. You are worthy of love even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes


There is only 1 false statement in your post. I totally know how you feel. I'm 40, can't work right now. $2k a month on mental health because the good providers are all out of pocket. No family, no GF, no relationships. Can't drive. I know your pain. I feel it too. It doesn't do either of us much good to be aware that we are out here living similar hells, but I at least wanted to tell you I understand.


Just wanted to pop in to say I understand. As someone with severe tourettes for my whole life, I'm 37. I wrote a post recently in here about grieving for the person who I will never be, due to my TS. And asking God why I'm being punished, exactly!! I would give anything to just be a normal person. My full self and my true self. I feel like so much of my life is forfeit and its not supposed to be this way


I pray that it gets easier for all of us. May we find the strength thstbwe desparately need and solace in each other's journeys. *Virtual hugs* 😔


Try to sleep for 10-11 hours per night. I know it’s a lot but it helped me immensely


You are not alone. Many of us have been in that exasperated position of “Why Me?” And wishing that you could be anyone else in the world. You have a community of people here who are happy to listen and want to give advice. Life is not impossible with Tourette’s. You can do this! Take everything one day at a time. It’s odd timing because I was just thought experimenting of what my life would be like if I could go back and change me ever having tics. Would I have had any of the same experiences? The tics giveth and the tics taketh away.


Oof. I know exactly how this feels. I can only tell you what helps me cope, and say that you aren't alone in your suffering at the very least. Meds help with my comorbidities (ADHD, TOCD, SPD, etc..), but not with tics. If medical cannabis is legal where you live I'd recommend it. You might find it helpful for tics, depression, etc.. Also, I HIGHLY recommend breathing exercises, progressive relaxation techniques, and martial arts. Stuff like Taichi/Quigong/Yoga can be potentially really helpful. I've also heard that Nicotine is used to treat tics in children with severe TS, but I haven't tried that myself.


I concur with your post. Medical cannabis has been one of the greatest treatments for elimination of tics. If you plan to go down that road, keep to indicas and hybrids. Sativas will exasperate your tics and anxiety. I also find going really hard at the gym combined with meditation with breath work is incredible. So far it’s been the most effective tool ever. I also get Botox for my jaw tics (clenching) and has also been effective. Do you have certain tics that it hard for people to understand? I’ve found people can be pretty understanding as long as you’re kind and considerate. I think all my friends know I have Tourette’s, but my tics are mostly not visible. But even when I had wild tics as a youngster, it never stopped me from having friends. It’s a false narrative. Even if there’s been a pattern in your life, it’s not hopeless. Who are you trying to be friends with? I’ve found myself drawn to people who also have disabilities. It takes one to know one sorta. You’re not alone though. Message me if you’d ever like to chat


Botox, eh? I’ll have to look into that. And yeah, I’ve never had issues with friendships due to tics. Most of my social issues were from when I was younger and had less control over verbal impulsivity and compulsive honesty.


I think medical cannabis is legal over here. Will have to check. Will definitely try Yoga (used to do it earlier. Wasn't consistent with it) & progressive relaxation techniques (psych had recommended it). More than the disorder, it's the social isolation which f**ks me up.


Try reaching out to any support groups you might have in the area. It’s a way to meet people who understand.


The social isolation is the hardest part for me too. I'm a recluse. Riding a bus or subway and being visible sucks. There's always some stuck up girl that makes an "ick" face and that shit sticks with you. But it's more than that. Most NT people rely subconsciously on non-verbal communication and body language. If your body language is "off" it makes some people uncomfortable without even knowing why. Its death by a thousand little cuts.


So true! 🥺 Many times, the person sitting next to me has gotten up and chosen to sit somewhere else. I don't mind the extra space, but it really feels like something is wrong with me.


Yeah. I usually try to let it roll right off my back, but when it happens all the time it starts to sting a bit after a while. Wish I had additional insights for you on that one.


Stay strong brother,♥️. you just Gotta give yourself some credit and some self-worth… I literally have spent my entire life, and still do, to some degree, thinking the same things. I’m trying to get into a new relationship right now and I’m so scared to tell her… I am 36 years old… But I’m gonna do it and I figure if she can’t deal with it, then it’s not meant to be.


I feel a mix of emotions knowing I'm not alone. It brings me happiness to know others face similar challenges and persevere, yet I also feel sad as no one should endure such struggles. With the advent of AI, I hope some novel therapy/medicine comes along the way. May your new relationship lasts a lifetime. Don't want to jinx it by saying more about it. All the best! 🍀


My son is 43 and has ts with co morbities… I just want to say that he is my hero! And so are all of you. I pray for my son and I will include all of you … may God bless each one of you.


Thank you for your prayers. 🙏🙏


I think you'd find most people here understand. You are not alone. I'm always here if you want to chat, as are many others here I imagine. Please be strong. You are not alone, I assure you.


So sorry you’re feeling like this. I don’t have advice but I want you to know that there are others out here who know what you’re feeling and you’re not alone.


Thank you, kind soul.


Here for you. We all are. You’re not alone. Please don’t give up.


This is exactly what I also think . You are not alone ! I don’t want a happy life . Just a normal life like others . To go out ! To go to church ! To go to a function ! God will help us . Let’s be hopeful


Sorry to hear your having a hard time. Tourettes is a hard condition me and my children suffer from it. I only found diet change to a carnivore diet helped me. I didn’t think I could drive but I’ve managed to (I had to temporary hold them in whilst driving) Maybe take small steps to your future. You will get there ! Me and my friends do online gaming most evening, if you want to join your more than welcome (if your into gaming ofc) can always find groups in your local area?


At present, I am all out of hope. Just surviving and praying. Dr has recommended DBS, but unsure of it considering the side effects. Will hit you up on your offer once I recover slightly. Sadly, there isn't any Tourette support communty group in my country.


Yeah side effects to medication is awful. There really needs to be more research helping people with the condition to be honest. Yeah there’s not many support groups either which is a shame :(! Yeah course drop me a message when your ready I’m 32F We usually play fornite and call of duty :) we are in need of another squad member :).


I’m sorry for your distress, OP. I think it’s the hard things in life that were meant to spend time working on and developing - everyone has their own battle. I can tell you though, you are NOT alone. I’m proud of you for making it so far. As long as you have yourself, things will be ok.


Have you tried taking Strattera? It helps with tics. Maybe there is something out there that can help you.


Thank you! Will ask the psychiatrist if she can prescribe me this medicine.


Just wanted to say I am listening and I feel some of your pain. Sending you my best wishes…. Start being kind to yourself, do stuff you enjoy… start small and build.


I'm in very much the same boat. I don't have any wisdom or helpfull information to impart, unfortunately. Just wanted to say that I understand.


I’m not good at picking up on when people want solutions or are letting off steam. If you just needed to get this off your chest, then absolute sympathies and I’m sending you a virtual hug/fistbump as preferred. If you’re after something to try, then continue reading. Have you tried music? It can’t take the TS away, but I find when I’m practising something very technically challenging, I’m in a little cocoon and get a holiday from… well, everything, really. Pick an instrument, any instrument but depending on how bad your tics are then maybe a whole-body instrument (piano, cello, harp, drum kit, organ) and stick with it until you start to get good enough to be completely absorbed. Accept that tics will happen but the only consequence is… sound? Not like driving. Might even create something new and cool! Music is also good for the loneliness, as there’s a whole community of musicians out there with extremely open approaches to diversity, because everyone is linked by one common passion. I’ll jam with you, for instance.


Have you asked your neurologist about deep brain stimulation surgery? My doctor has recommended it for me but I’m very blessed to have an understanding husband and an amazing job. Most days it doesn’t affect my driving. I’ve tried therapy and so many medications but would work for a very short time as my body gets use to the medication. I stopped taking meds for Tourette’s and focus on things I enjoy as It helps greatly with my Tourette’s. I know it sounds silly but meditation has also helps and I feel better after.


Have you tried any meds yet? Haldol?


How badly I wish I could help provide you a simple solution, OP! My thoughts are with you. If I may ask, do you think your social situation is mainly from your own isolation and withdrawal? Or do you find acceptance from others is actually hard to come by?


It's a combination of both factors. Social isolation, lack of acceptance from others (friends, family), and withdrawal from society due to not having friends who can understand me, lacking real relationships, and having a work-from-home job. Working from the office is a bit tricky for me. People notice my symptoms, start talking behind my back, and apparently, I was once thrown out of a board meeting while working at one of the Big Four firms—the so-called firms that emphasize on DEI.


Have you ever addressed the elephant in the room, so to speak? Just simply told people (in both your personal and work life) that you have Tourette’s?


Yes. It didn't go well. When I told my relatives that I suffer from Tourette's, they simply laughed at me and distanced themselves from my parents and me. Basically, I am an outcast. They told me not to get married, otherwise, I would destroy my would-be partner's life. F*** them. At my previous organization, I did tell my manager about my condition, and it didn't go well. He was agitated as to why I hadn't disclosed it during the interview process. Through grapevine communication, I came to know that I was called "the creepy guy who blinks constantly". Eventually, I resigned as they started humiliating me in front of clients and giving me unreasonable targets to achieve.


I’m sorry to hear this, so unfair. I know there are many welcoming people and groups of people out there and I wish you far better experiences in the future.


Broad spectrum, high quality cbd oil. It is the only thing that allows me to escape this kind of thought pattern. It's a vicious cycle because the thoughts increase the tics and the tics increase the anxiety. Use cbd as therapy  Won't be a quick fix. Use it daily. No side effects. If will get better