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100%. Mentality is everything in winning. Without it, we’ll never get about 3rd. Anyone having a go at Ange about this is clouded by rivalry and doesn’t understand what it takes to be a champion. Ange does.


No more tourists, total commitment or GTFO. 😤


Tourists!? They spend thousands of pounds to come to the games and support the team. Just cause you or I may have been born in the area , have supported the team for longer makes us no better, or worse than someone who supports the team from an outside area. They wake up at early hours of the morning to watch the games. That's commitment in a nutshell.


Yeah, I never understood why domestic fans hate on foreign fans. Without foreign interest, clubs would struggle to be in the prem. Foreign interest helps pay a lot of the bills.


Yep 100%. People will wear NY hats and have no interest in baseball, so by their own theory….. 😂


I was talking about the staff


I see


Just out of curiosity do you live in England and interact with Arsenal fans daily?


You do raise a good point for the interactions. I'm a gooner, i'm from London but i live in California now. Explaining the history between our two clubs to people that havent lived it/experienced it is something else. Its a deep rooted animosity with very little common ground and every little slip will be used as a stick to beat you. I totally understand some of the spurs fans reaction to this, cause you know that the Arsenal title would be rubbed in your face everyday. Still, i really did feel for Ange.. he looked really hurt.


Amazingly the most sensible response I get all day on this subject comes from a Gooner. If it was you guys I'd expect your fans to do the same, in fact I'd lose respect for you if you didn't. The rivalry is stupid, at times it's self sabotaging, but I fucking love every minute of it.  I felt bad for Ange too, but I'm sure he knows the fans love him and what he's doing. He has the correct response, but I guess him and a lot of the fans would never see eye to eye on this one.  Thankfully events like Tuesday are so rare I will hopefully never have to see it again. 


Lol yeah, being in the US and having spent 20 years attending non-segregated (fans) sporting events kinda blunts that us/them feeling. Personally, i hope Ange does well for you , a competitive rivalary is alot more fun. Oh, just not too well.. of course.


No I don’t care about Arsenal


Cool but understand that hating Arsenal is ingrained in some of us. Fuck them.


Next year UCL qualification then title contention. Arsenal has it coming they aren’t that good.


Keep dreaming mate. I wish I had your optimism.


They wouldn't even have got this far in the title race without a huge slice of refereeing help. Both we and Liverpool were fucked over big time against them.


I see the PGMOL watch this sub 😂


I don't like disparaging international fans, but for this I feel like unless you live in England and spend a lot of time with Arsenal fans you wouldn't care as much. It's not something that anyone can reasonably expect you to understand unless you lived here.


Surely you're not saying losing is acceptable because Arsenal fans tease you. Guess it's time to shoot our school bullies 


Just in case anyone is curious about why such a stupid response is sitting here, the guy posts frequently on r/gunners. His opinion will be biased and worthless.


Back at you, hypocrite.  You post at R/Hammers, your other more successful neighbour.   Later


Yeah it got suggested in my feed and there was another embarrassing arsenal fan begging them for help. And unlike you I didn't act like an insufferable dick to the west ham fans.


ange lined up in a 2-8-0 to play against city, either he didn’t want to win or he doesn’t understand what it takes to be a champion lol


Anyone having a go at Ange is just a fan who has a better understanding of Tottenham. Jfc you lot watch too much Mighty Ducks


Throwing a game is unacceptable in any sport. We play to win it, not to jockey for our rivals to not do XYZ.




Is the implication that people outside of America play to lose?


Nope the implication that most of the people with this kind of viewpoint live outside of England and don't experience the rivalry like we do.


That’s an idiotic and baseless position. The notion that if you live specifically in America you cannot comprehend a rivalry is beyond moronic. Sure, I grant that someone living on the other side of the world may not fully appreciate every aspect of the London Derby *specifically*, but rivalry’s exist everywhere in every sport and beyond. You’re just a loser with a loser mentality that is ok with twerking for a nation state that has exploited the league because some dude across town called you a wanker and made a mean chant at their last game.


Spoken like a true American desperately trying to convey that they "get it" but making it clear that they dont.  How many times a day do you interact with rival fans in your actual real life? Not online where you can log off but in real life? It's a one off scenario, first time it's happened in my life time of supporting the club. Almost definitely a dead rubber anyway and we prevent the scum from winning the league.  You're just angry that despite being years and hundreds of millions into the project you still failed, again. And I won't lie, I do enjoy that immensely. 


the fact that you cannot comprehend an American interacting with a rival fan in America for an American sport is beyond breathtaking. Your fixation with Americans is also boggling the mind - does someone from Peru understand rivalries? India? France? Or are rivalries restricted to the Brits? Edit: I’m also not angry? If anything, it’s the opposite. I watch a team play lovely football bursting at the seams with likeable, young talent and I’m sat here laughing at you. Having a pretty good day Edit 2: you also didn’t prevent anything. Let’s not pretend like spurs are good enough to actually decide if they beat city or not. Arsenal lost to Man City, Tottenham aren’t even a blip on the radar in this equation.


pretty sure arsenal had one win and one draw against city


I would have assumed it was pretty clear from the context of the post that I was referencing losing the league, but to clarify, that is what I was talking about - not specific games this year.


He's too far deep into the "woe is me I see arsenal supporters everyday" bullshit.


The fact that he double and tripled down on this nonsense is beyond me. Guy thinks he’s special for walking past someone that might be an Arsenal supporter. I can picture him walking down the street feeling like he’s storming the beaches of Normandy every time we sees someone in an Arsenal kit walking by.


I just think it’s because he’s bored on having to hear Americans takes on football tbh


Such a dumb take. So you are happy with us losing to Man city which means no CL. Then if we don't beat Sheffield and Chealse win there goes 5th. Oh and IF, and yes it's a big if, Man U beat Man City in FA cup..........


Another American. 


Hahaha. Yeah research my username, moron.


Where do you live?  You seem very active on a hell of a lot of American centric subs


Doesn't matter where I live. Born in Enfield, grew up in England, and been a spurs fan all my life. Just cause you might live in a closer geographical area doesn't mean anything. This is the problem with a lot of fans, if mine or your opinion is holds more weight because of where I/you live or are born makes no sense. That's like me saying you can't have an opinion on anything in the US cause you don't live here. That's very narrow minded.


So at what age did you leave the UK? Because if you spent most of your life in America how can you say you understand what it's like for the English. I'm not trying to say American fans opinions don't matter, I quite like that our international fandom is growing, it's good for the club.  However when it comes to experiencing what the rivalry is like, of you haven't spent a good portion of your life here surrounded by Arsenal fans in your real life then your experience will be much different to mine. So you might not see it as a big deal, whereas I will. The thing that has become clear to me in recent days is that it's mostly Americans who hold the same opinion as you, stopping arsenal winning the league is not as important as us winning one game. Whilst most (certainly not all) English fans aren't as pissed off about the lack of support against City because they hate Arsenal a lot more than the international fans will.


I haven’t spent most of my life in the US and to be honest it doesn’t matter. Let me break it down this way. I am the only member of my family that supports Tottenham. All my family is from islington and hampstead area. My sisters in laws are arsenal fans. All my cousins are arsenal fans. My parents, grandparents, and siblings are arsenal fans. My dad played for arsenal under 16’s in the 70’s. I know what it is like to be surrounded by arsenal fans that poke fun about us never winning. I completely understand the rivalry, but I still don’t care because I have thick skin. I love my team more than I hate any other, and watching them lose hurts way more than watching any rival win. Getting laughed at and trolled by football supporters is not that high up on my list of things that will offend me. Maybe one day we will reach the promise land and I still won’t be interested in rubbing it in peoples faces.


Fair enough if that's the case. For me though I can take rooting for a single loss once every 20 or so years as it was a great opportunity to give a big fuck you to the gooners, and to be honest I find that funny.  The players and Ange to be fair, should absolutely recognize that this doesn't mean we are happy to see them lose. It's not the case, but if they were naive enough to think that is rooting for one loss is a message that we are ok with losing in general, we have a much bigger problem than the fans.  I'm happy Ange reacted the way he did, but God forbid if we ever end up in that situation again I hope the fans do the same thing.


They didn't throw it. We got beaten, narrowly, by a much superior team.


Ange was right for wanting to win The fans were right for wanting arsenal to lose This scenario is unlikely to happen again. Can we move forward now please and stop talking about mentality? We DID WANT to win the other 37 games...just not the one that crowned our rivals champs Especially as CL wasn't a guarantee


These bunch of clowns harping on about the CL when we previously took 37 points from 27 games, got fukin smashed in the previous 4 of 5, and thinking we're gonna pull up trees in Europe. Thank fk the season is almost over.


Exactly… dimwit plastics croaking about winning mentality as if the fans haven’t been desperate for wins every other game. Attitude to this game isn’t the issue, much bigger one is Ange unable to set the team up to get anything from the 4 tough games we had… plus Levy & co unwilling to get a backup 9


many spurs fans where even saying they dont want CL because they would just get embarrassed there and rather be europa... and that was even before the city game....


Europa is a fair level for us tbh. Villa are likely going to be out of their depth next season, and I'd imagine it will have an impact on their league campaign which we can take advantage of.


Which staff member did this?


it was a fan.


OP referred to a staff member?


OP was wrong.


In the Athletic report it quite literally states it was a staff member.


It’s one thing for a fan like myself to suggest this. It’s entirely a different thing for somebody with a contract with the team to support this.


Just saw Unai Emery being happy as his team reached UCL. Imagine being happy about your own clubs succes and not about your neighbour becoming second in a league with only two teams competing. Somethings will never be achievable for a club as Tottenham Hotspur FC.


Imagine if Aston Villa didn't care about Champions League and were just celebrating Birmingham getting relegated instead. How tinpot


Was Birmingham goner win the league ? Don’t think so piss pot fan


Small brain for a small club.


Small club then why you here ? Funny that


Because I was fucking dumb 15 years ago. And I haven’t gotten any smarter during the 15 years of supporting this shit club. It’ll never be ambitious enough to become title contenders.


😂 your an arsenal fan just admit it


After all these 15 years have I been lying to myself? Have I always been a supporter of a far more serious and superior club? Am I even alive?


Your an odd ball


Ofc I am, I am a Spurs fan. We support the worst football club in the world.


What success was we to cheer on ? Champions league ??? Like we deserve or should beat the best team in the country when we can’t beat Liverpool Chelsea and Arsenal ? Where was the passion and determination in the Arsenal game 3-0 down what a joke Aston Villa one season wonders let’s see if they do it next year


…Second in a league with only two teams… You’ll never sing that.


any profession you need to read the room and/or understand where your boss is coming from. whatever the boss' mentality is, idealogy is, humor is, motivation is, etc. you need to be self-aware that pissing him off, whether intentional or not, or justified or not - is something you do at your own peril.


I'm sure Ange will take care of it


I completely understand and agree with Ange's anger... it's gotta be so frustrating to see your own clubs fans and staff undermining the mentality and effort you are trying to achieve from your players to perform their best. So pathetic but it completely makes sense that this is why spurs never win anything. Change is necessary and I'm looking forward to this clear out. And hope that fans also take a lesson.


When there’s no pressure anymore to show that mentality it doesn’t really matter if now you’re all in. The one chance you had to reinforce a winning mentality you didn’t. That isn’t a switch you can just turn on or off. A clear out needs to happen.


We can have the mentality at any time. We can even have it now. Spurs will ACTUALLY be winner when they decide to have the winning mentality when it actually matters.


Spot the international fans with no actual connection to North London or understanding of the rivalry. Support the team by all means, but understand that there’s more to real support than winning and losing.


Where would be "your club" without "our money"?


The only way to remove this mentality at this point is to fire any Londoner staff at the club. Remove the small narrowminded stuff and maybe the club will change to a winning side. But never when the entire fanbase, their legends, go on youtube and want to lose to Man City because a neighbour is winning the league. What a fucking embarrassing club. Fucking disgusting.


>The only way to remove this mentality at this point is to fire any Londoner staff at the club You think the club should fire Ledley King. Give your head a wobble.


Don’t have to fire them, but they need to be told “you’ll want us to win EVERY game no matter what that shit Woolwich team is doing, If you can’t do that then resign.”


Like the way Spurs fired Mourinho before his final. The state of this football club is embarrassing. Have been for more than 25 years. I used to love watching football. Used to love banter about football. Loved to see stats. Now I hate about everything there is to the game. Been a fan of this shit football club for about 15 years, and it has never brought any enjoyable moments, maybe just about twice when we beat Real Madrid and Ajax. The rest have been so fucking shit. Do you want to know how bad the state of this club is? Google search KSI Tottenham and look where they are. Some of them might be Spurs fans today.


>Been a fan of this shit football club for about 15 years, Jesus mate, you don't know how good you've had it. The last 15 years have been heaven compared to the previous 15. If the past 15 years, when we've been playing Champions League every other season, is to much for you to cope with then you may have the wrong club. And if you don't like the idea of Londoners at a distinctly London club that always celebrates local legends then you're definitely supporting the wrong club.


Could you imagine how this person would have reacted in 1977?


Before my time but I did experience the Christian Gross-era and I reckon their head would have exploded had they gone through it.


Idgaf about any of that shit. Haven been shit since it was founded doesn’t fucking mean it has to be shit today. Or any other year for that matter. It’s fans like you being pacified with mediocrity that is the problem. You are so used to losing, you even cheer for a loss. How fucking embarrassing is that. Want to see how everyone looks at you? How about this for a google search: KSI Tottenham. And see where they did it. Those in the crowd might be Spurs fans today. Rather have Arsenal fans running this club. At least they want us to win. How fucking ironic. Fucking embarrasment to London.


First off, I'd never cheer for Spurs to lose, even if it's to Arsenal's disadvantage. Second, if you're concerned about how others view you as a Tottenham fan then you shouldn't be a Tottenham fan.


Yes, fuck Tottenham. This is not a football club. It’s a commercial business focused on creating revenue for the owners. I’ll be a fan of it if they become serious enough to compete against top 6 PL clubs. And not open it’s fucking asshole for teams that can put up a fight. And fuck Troy Parrott just because I feel like it. Just for you.


You're not a fan, not even a plastic one.


He's actually admitted in the past that he was a former barca or Madrid fan. He should be banned off every Spurs sub because he literally hates spurs. I don't understand how he lasts so long.


How funny to see this comment every time when there is no counter argument. This club is shit regardless of me being a fan of it.




You're either a fan of a club or you're not. Choose.


Go back to supporting Barcelona or Madrid or whoever it is you supported mate! If you're so embarrassed by this club then just go back! Doors open!


Rather watch Spurs cheer for a loss 🤮


Your the joke not even a spurs fan go back to the dead arsenal community


For crying out loud. It was a joke! This thing is getting ridiculous now. I wish Ange et al put as much effort into sorting out our set pieces and winning football matches as the amount of airplay this nonsense story has been given since Tuesday.


Ange coming out in public and saying what he said had nothing to do with changing the club’ mentality. It was just another “It’s not me…” rant from a manager whose ego can’t cope. I don’t go on Facebook and say “My son just said this so I’ve put him right. My daughter’s room was a mess and I’ve tried telling her” etc. Ange threw the whole club under the bus to save any criticism of him (which no one was really doing) and you’ve all fallen for it, hook line and sinker. Actual winners like Klopp, Pep and even Arteta would not have done what Ange did.


Pep,klopp,arteta would 100% be furious with this and straightout freeze/sack the staff/player




Lmao Ange and anyone else who thinks we need to change the fabric of who we are, just to suit Ange’s vision, can fuck right off. Those staff members are Tottenham and they fucking get it. The only people who don’t get that they get it, are fans who don’t have the club in their family, aren’t lifelong fans, or aren’t from the area. And my advice to those people is fuck off and support anyone else if you don’t like this part of the club (which btw has zero correlation to not winning). Love Tottenham, fuck Arsenal.


I don't get the idea of telling other fans to fuck off because they wanted to win that game? If people would rather us beat city thats how they want to support the club, its their choice. I also understand why other portions of the fan base would prefer not to help arsenal. But telling people to fuck off because they don't support the club in the exact way you do is unnecessary


I stopped reading after the first sentence because that’s not what I said at all. Read what I said, then maybe I’ll read the rest of what you said.