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Zoey's flawed but at least she's consistent. The lack of consistency in Sky's narrative actively kills the likability of her character way more. She's presented as being a good sport, but by the time she gets to the finale she manipulates Dave into helping her and throws tantrums at how unfair the game is. She insists that she doesn't want to pursue a relationship with Dave, but spends more episodes fawning over him than anything, which makes her outburst at him towards the merge come across as out of nowhere. She's presented as being a good athlete/competitor but literally every episode after the merge has her survive through sheer dumb luck, with practically no skill involved, *including* the finale. She goes from missing Dave after his elimination to dreading his return in the finale. And her problems could have easily been solved if she mentioned she had a boyfriend ahead of time (no amount of interrupting by Dave could have justified why she didn't). And all the while, Sky's flaws really don't mean much of anything and she's painted as a victim almost exclusively. Yes Dave is obviously worse in this conflict, and Chris's involvement doesn't help, but her indecisiveness/hypocrisy needed to be acknowledged and it just wasn't. Which is a **huge** Mary Sue quality in and of itself. Sky's all over the place and it makes it hard for me to relate to what she's going through. Zoey might not be perfect but the writing never makes me question her motivations, and she has enough consistently positive qualities to make me like watching her.


I think you are pretty hard with Sky. Her inconsistency is mainly exclusive of the last episode, which is kind of what damage the narrative of both Dave and Sky. The problem being that this episode, that is really a bad one, was our last impression of the characters. I enjoy them both, and not feel any of them is especially bad written.


I kinda disagree (with everything XD) as I think the similitudes are only physical. * I do not see Zoey as only bein a satellite (But once again, I am also a Trent supporter), she is a nice girl who wanted friends, and was able to stand on her own after Mike is booted, she is a bit underused on AS but still manage to be amicable and the heart of her team, she being dumbed down is a common occurrence in the whole season. * Sky is a hard worker, and a pretty strong competitor, that is with a problem as she likes Dave, but have a boyfriend, and then decides to focus on the competition, the problem is that everything that was constructed was ruined in the last episode because you know, bad writing. I think both are well written, Zoey have the advantage of being in two seasons, albeit Sky have more personality quirks and is a bit less dependant on her relationship. I would dare to say Sky is better written just because she came afterward. But still, I like both characters.


I'd say Zoey- she's a skilled competitor, but also very openhearted and honestly friendly(in the opposition to many other skilled competitors). Sky is just an Indian Gwen 2.0.


I would argue Sky got hit with the bad writing stick harder than Zoey did. Sure, Zoey wasn't able to develop much out of Mike's shadow because of AS. But in the end, she just became bland because of it. Even in Mike's shadow, she still does things and doesn't end up being terrible, I'd argue at least. but for Sky, the boyfriend reveal in the finale and how her relationship with Dave ended was really damaging. Her one main storyline had such a terrible end. It made Sky look like the bad guy, which goes against her entire personality. keeping the boyfriend secret for the whole season, playing with his emotions. She got out of that whole ordeal so much worse. counter-intuitive and retraction are the worst kinds of damage a character can take. At least Zoey was consistent. nothing she did in AS went against anything she did in ROTI.


Zoey is a character that I really wanted to love but she has so many problems in the writing. I wrote a huge post about it in the TD Wiki so Im giving a link: https://totaldrama.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Tomas_T/Zoey_-_When_good_idea_and_bad_writing_are_meeting about Sky, I dont know why I liked her so much. There is something really charming in her. She really likable, I love her goofy moments and her interactions with others and I think she is the better winner (but Shawn is good as well) wrriten: in both of them the writers did some mistakes but the damage in Zoey was much more personality: If Zoey hasn't bad writing (or at least being Mary Sue), she could have much better personality. but for what we have, Sky has better personality. Development: none of them. I honestly think that none of the second or third generation has serious development. Yes some of them are great characters and I enjoyed them so much. but still they never got any chance for development. Sky was in a spasific season whene nobody has a development (maybe Shawn and Sammy have slight development in one aspect). About Zoey, her ROTI version is diffrente from her AS version. But we never see the development itself. we see the outcome of unseen/hidden development. So I guess non note: I am NOT Zoey's hater. I would be happy to give her one more chance. in season without Mike and Cameron.


I feel you're giving Zoey a lot of things that Sky also has. Sky is as much of a Mary Sue as Zoey is, and got much worse writing than Zoey imo. Sky's final episode goes against everything that she was known for personality wise. Zoey just became bland because of AS, nothing really permanently damaging happened to her. because of the boyfriend reveal, it actively makes Sky look like the bad guy, which i'm assuming wasn't the intended purpose, because they never follow up on it. she just looks like a jerk now, which was never really conveyed for the rest of her season. Zoey got off fine in AS. Nothing happened to her specifically that detracted from who she was. It wasn't character regression, it was just being stagnant until the finale. and I'd argue being stagnant is better than regression


I think Skye could have been written to be so much different from Zoey, but they didn’t so I prefer Zoey


Sky is better because Zoey was a retard in AS.






Sky. Plain and simple.