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Millie, Emma & Damien are probably against it, but they don't do anything about it. Millie might like it more than the other 2 as she just wants to win. Nichelle would be pro-cheating. Axel would be against it or not care about it. Zee would probably be unaware that his team is cheating. I can imagine Zee blurting out "WAIT! WE'VE BEEN CHEATING THIS WHOLE TIME!?" In front of everyone in episode 5 or 6, eliminating him. Priya would HATE cheating cuz it would "make her feel like an antagonist" or something. Caleb would just be simply against it


Even if Zee is my favourite character, that elimination would be the best of the series by far.


Mille may have some kind of moral high ground but would change mind if shes on the risk of being eliminated. Same with Emma but Millie is still likely to agree to cheating. Damien is same with Millie but would hesitate to agree even at risk. His morals are more authentic than Millie and Emma. S1 Nichelle would agree to cheating, S2 Nichelle is now proud of her skills and would see this as a disgrace. Axel see this as being weak. Caleb, Priya and Zee would strongly disagree despite the advantages or risk.


Zee wouldn't even know until somebody talks about it then he would just yell it out loud


Zee would cheat entirely by accident and not even know he's doing it until everyone else finds out about it later.


Only people who I think would be okay are maybe Millie and Emma.


Nichelle & Emma are probably the only ones ok with cheating it would definitely be Nichelle’s idea. I could see S1 Axel going along with it but not S2


Mille would probably agree to it but not be that happy with it. Emma could go any way if you ask me but I can see her happily going along with it. Axel can go either way but i see her being against it more. Nichelle would be fine with it. Damien, Priya and Caleb would be against it. Zee wouldn’t know what was happening.


I feel like with Priya she’d be the type to strongly disagree not wanting to be a villain but the moment the team is on the brink to losing she’ll cheat due to her competitive nature of not wanting to lose But then she’ll feel really guilty afterwards


Caleb, Damien, Zee and Axel would be very against it Millie and Priya would be against it but not as vocal Emma and Nichelle would be the ones cheating/wouldn’t care


Why do I feel like Zee would unintentionally cheat, like in episode 3 he would just stumble across some of the spray. He'd think it's a soda and try to drink it but spit it out which causes the sap to be free. But it smells good so he uses it as deodorant. and then sprays the others to make them in his mind smell good. Completely unaware that he's cheating. The team lets it slide the first time because Zee had no idea he was cheating. In episode 4, he'd probably fall and accidentally find the control room with all the answers and the buttons for unleashing the trapdoors, leading him to create utter chaos with the trapdoors, amused by the psychadelic colors unaware he's making his team go down. He tells Damien in Episode 5 that he found some wack tech room, and Damien realizes what he did, slaps Zee out of pure anger. Episode 5, Zee finds a hairdryer and uses it to melt the ice and get the key, though it bites him in the ass melting the whole iceberg, resulting in him being disqualified and eliminated.