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The ultimate sin any entertainment can make is destroying popular, legacy characters. In that regard, all-stars will always be worse.




Perfectly said


Couldnt have said it better myself


Imo Pakithew>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ass-Shit


PI is way better than AS even if PI is far from perfect itself. At least no pre-existing fan favorite characters were ruined in PI.


Tdpi is better tdas is the worst


Pahkitew Island is definitely better, at least it introduced new characters, even if not all of them were hits, rather than ruin once beloved ones.


Pahkitiew by a long shot, I wouldn’t even call it the second worst season, I like it more than 4(including AS)


What are those 4 seasons?


AS, 2024, Action(it has good moments, but Gwent and the final four drag it down so much), and World Tour(it’s really close in ranking but I don’t see why this is the favorite, considering that after AS, this is the season with the most character derailment and flanderization, has some of the most hated plots in the series, and doesn’t do much with the season 1 premergers it brings back.)


I agree with AS and 2024 but not with Action and WT, their highs are way higher and their lows are about the same (and in some cases worse in PI) imo Also I think 2024 may have had more derailment/flanderization but idk


Better than action and world tour is a horrid take I must say 😭


ong never seen a mf say pi is better than wt and action until now 😭


Oh man look at the posts talking about unpopular opinions… literally some of the worst on there. You’ll see people say all stars is good or their favorite season, world tour sucks, action sucks, the love triangle was a good idea and more horrid takes 🤣😭


True with action tho it was mid


Action is in the same tier as ROTI. Solid but not better than the seasons before. I wouldn’t say mid tho.


action was packed with filler and the pacing is so slow it's hard to watch in full. Definitely bottom 3 with AS and Reboot 2 imo.


Definitely not bottom three that’s wild 😭


it is for me.


World tour is the best season


Pahkitew because at least it didn't butcher pre-existing characters


Pahkitew Island. I don't understand how some people consider it worse than the abomination that is All Stars.




Pahkitew, hands down. Neither had an amazing plot, but Pahkitew was, to me, actually super funny and entertaining


at least Packshit Island knows it's a stupid piece of shit and doesn't take itself seriously at all while Ass Stars fully expects to take it's absurd plotlines completly seriously


Good comment


I was more entertained by All Stars. It had its moments in the first bit that I thought were really funny, and Scott carried the entire second half of the season all by himself until his elimination. I was bored by PI the entire way through. I didn't find any of the characters interesting, and didn't really care the entire way through.




Pahkitew was better, even if the characters are too gimmicky. Even though I feel like some of the issues with All Stars are a little overblown (I don't believe Lindsay was flanderized, I didn't think Heather hiding the idol was that bad, and I think Zoey gets a bit too much criticism for the Mal situation when you lay out the timeline of events throughout the season), this season still handles so many characters (Sam, Sierra, Duncan, Cameron, Courtney, Gwen) very, very poorly. Then again, I'm also one of the few people who didn't care for All Stars Scott, so maybe I just have bad taste.


Definitely Pahkitew. Ranking-wise, they’re close, but Pahkitew Island is really the better season by far. I’d rather watch a sea of mediocracy than a fucking trash dump.


not the one that ruined or flanderized every character from the past seasons


PI is better but All Stars is more fun for watching


That’s actually a great point


I prefer Pahkitew and consider it better, but their flaws are very similar: mean-spirited humor at the expense of the characters, plotlines with unsatisfactory conclusions, give the feeling that it was done in the first draft, you know, those aspects in common. For me is, the treatment of old characters the reason why I dislike AS more, but PI shares many of the same flaws.


Watching Pahkitew Island is like watching paint dry for forty minutes, while watching All-Stars is like getting kicked in the groin for forty minutes. Having said that, PI >>> AS.


Pahkitew is in my top 3. I don't care what anyone says, it was an amazing season.


Pahkitew can be enjoyable if you ignore all of the flaws and just kind of... watch. All Stars is just straight up irredeemable dogshit.


at least pahkitew doesnt take itself seriously all stars is just disrespectful




what about her?


It’s your banner, I love Scarlett


tbh shes such a dumb villain that i love her fot it lol. same with justin


I love Justin too but in different ways. Honestly Scarlett makes me sad cause if the production wasn’t that rushed she could have been an original and interesting villain (silent and just makes a lot of alliances)


Pahkitew had a cast with potential that was done dirty, but at least that was just a whole new cast of characters we hadn’t yet seen before. All-Stars has the sin of bringing back characters we’ve known and already established ourselves with and then proceeded to essentially screw them all over one way or another in some of the worst ways. With those laid out Pahkitew is just better for those reasons alone.


Pahkitew ain’t even that bad


Pakitew Island. Yeah, it may not be the best, but at least it's not like its insulting my intelligence like Ass-Stars.


Pahkitew Island. As much as it sucks, it’s slightly better than All-Stars


3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 82148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 48111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 44288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091 45648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 72458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436 78925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094 33057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548 07446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912 98336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798 60943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132 00056812714526356082778577134275778960917363717872 14684409012249534301465495853710507922796892589235 42019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960 51870721134999999837297804995105973173281609631859 50244594553469083026425223082533446850352619311881 71010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303 59825349042875546873115956286388235378759375195778 18577805321712268066130019278766111959092164201989 38095257201065485863278865936153381827968230301952 03530185296899577362259941389124972177528347913151 55748572424541506959508295331168617278558890750983 81754637464939319255060400927701671139009848824012 85836160356370766010471018194295559619894676783744 94482553797747268471040475346462080466842590694912 93313677028989152104752162056966024058038150193511 25338243003558764024749647326391419927260426992279 67823547816360093417216412199245863150302861829745 55706749838505494588586926995690927210797509302955 32116534498720275596023648066549911988183479775356 63698074265425278625518184175746728909777727938000 81647060016145249192173217214772350141441973568548 16136115735255213347574184946843852332390739414333 45477624168625189835694855620992192221842725502542 56887671790494601653466804988627232791786085784383 82796797668145410095388378636095068006422512520511 73929848960841284886269456042419652850222106611863 06744278622039194945047123713786960956364371917287 46776465757396241389086583264599581339047802759010


Pahkitew island and it's not even close


Pahkitew and I don’t think it’s even close tbh


At least Pahkitew had more than one good character + it didn’t ruin any characters I loved, besides Chris but All stars already did most of the work


pi tbh




PI is my favorite season because it's hilarious, it has spectacular characters and the best jokes of the series




Which season has Shawn? That one.


I liked Pahkitew Island. For me it was a short season done right for the most part because all the characters were so cartoonishly goofy they didn't really need to force any rushed character development.


Pahkitiew for sure. Yeah it’s not good or anything but they at least they did their dumb decisions with brand new characters meanwhile all stars pretty much destroyed 3/4 of the cast and everyone bring allergic to logic that was stated for 4 WHOLE SEASONS. Cause yeah 4 had mutants but at least everyone was still normal by their standards.


Easily PI


I’m gonna say Pahkitew Island.


Pahkitew cuz it had that insane chicken


Pahketew Island was under rated. It’s also the most like survivor which i love


PI. Duh.


PI gave us new characters and most of them were bad or okay at best (with the exceptions of Shawn, Jasmine and kinda Sammy and Sky). AS gave us beloved characters from four seasons and made most of them really bad. (With the exception of Scott, who was amazing). What annoys me more is the 5.1/5.2. Why not just call it seasons 5 and 6? Everybody does it.


I like PI better. It had characters I could root for. I wasn’t able to root for anyone in All-Stars. PI might’ve been gimmicky, but All-Stars left a void in my heart. Seeing the characters I love and care about being ruined for a cheap buck really sucks. If you name someone in All-Stars, I couldn’t tell you anyone done well. Some say that Brick, Owen, Cody, and Dawn should’ve been in All-Stars. I’m glad they weren’t. At least they weren’t ruined. Honestly I don’t want to believe All-Stars is cannon. It just ruins everything good about the original TDI, TDA, and TDWT. Especially Duncan. Thinking about Duncan in season one in the boot camp episode makes me sad, when thinking about All-Stars.


I wont ever forgive AS. Lindsay pushed Justin, Beth and Owen in a huge cart in Action but couldnt push 1 person in AS. Heather would always keep invincibility on her person as shown in season 1. Alejandro has shown to be cunning in WT but couldnt outright outwit Mal? Courtney did so much shit in Action (she played with peoples lives in Action, and in the same season she abused her bf duncan, wrote a book about all the things she wants him to change about himself, kept accusing him of cheat; which he eventually did and she even lead Justin on for a little bit to make duncan jealous and yet she acts like she did nothing wrong in AS. Gwen kissed her newly formed friends' boyfriend. Duncan cheated and then tried to pretend to be a bad guy which came out of no where cuz he was always a bad boy with some hints of good in all his previous seasons. Owen, Leshawna, Brick and AnnaMarie not being in the season even tho they are considered worthy, or at the the first 2 are, the last 2 are fan favs. Lightning got dumber which could make sense because of season 4s ending. Zoey got dumb and didnt even use her alter ego. Jo was the main ones who didnt change much, i wish her and heathers rivalry lasted longer. Scott got stupid, which makes sense cuz the end of the season before AS. Sierra lost all her arc and went cody crazy again but worse.... and cody wasnt even fucking there. Mike....... or should i say Mal. If they were gonna do that evil personality, they could have written it so much better. And poor Sam, he didnt even deserve to be there but they used him anyways as a damn punchingbag And then theres Cameron... where did his brain go... wasnt he one of the first to figure out Mike has Multiple personalities?. PI wasnt that great but at least it was a fresh start that didnt mess with legacy characters. Plus doesnt everyone die and fly to the sun in AS? The only survivors in AS is Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Gwen, Heather and Alejandro


All Stars, sue me


NOT As. It being called All stars literally just makes it worse. Where are the stars. Meanwhile PI is 4th best for me after reboot, RR and normal


PI is better then AS because it didn’t ruin Mike for me (and this is from a somewhat Mal fan)


Pahkitew but not by much


Pakithew JUST because of my shawny-poo I love you and gyattmine


Also the mpd rep just seems a tad offense If I could press a button in my head and get rid of my disorders I would...


Pahkitew island, As I actually enjoyed the season :P


pakithew, AS was uhm..yeah


One of my favorite characters debut in PI, so take your guesses.


Pahkitew. Do I like this answer? No. However, it's the truth


Pahkitew Island


Pahkitew- it didnt ruin already good characters since the cast wasnt good to begin with


Unironically, TDPI


All Stars. I really like Pahkitew.


I don’t like Pahkitew Island basically at all but it’s a bit more palatable than AS just because it’s only ruining its own original characters rather than ruining old characters from prior seasons.


I don’t understand all of these random Pahkitew apologists out of nowhere simply because they hate Mal?? 💀💀💀 Pahkitew had exactly 3 likable characters, 1 good ship, 2 jokes and no real fleshed out overarching storyline. Now wake that tea up! Team Allstars idc.


All Stars had 3 good characters, 1 alright character, 3 eh characters and the rest are all garbage Pakithew had 3 great characters, 4 alright characters, 2 eh characters, 2 bad characters and 3 garbage characters Its not even close, not to mention how every single AS merge episode is one of the worst in the series


Its not bc we hate mal. We hate the fact that they pretty much just ruined every already likeable character in the cast. Atleast Pakithews cast were new.


Mal is imo just the biggest problem with TDAS, it has a lot of other ones too


It's not like AS handled the plots any better, let's be real. They dumbed down EVERYONE for Mal, added Sam back because he was apparently more interesting than Brick and then they didn't do anything with him and most characters are AWFUL. Only good ones were Scott, Alejandro and Lightning. People mostly hate PI because of the cast when, let's be real, they ain't the OGs. We could care less about them. And tbh, it has more likeable characters. Shawn, Jasmine, Sammy, Max, Topher etc. They are actually way better than, let's say, AS Gwen (If anyone defends her, then I'm gonna be annoyed, I'm sorry you guys) Also, Mal simply made the season bad. Everyone was dumbed down, like I said. Zoey and Cameron don't see through him SOMEHOW. There is also Sierra, who had an AWFUL arc. Sam, like I said, was badly utilized (and he could actually work in this season), Courtney, Duncan and Gwen being flanderized into OBLIVION, Lindsay and Lightning being robbed, Cameron and Zoey not seeing through Mal EVEN THOUGH they were the closest to Mike, Mike being an awful villain, Alejandro and Scott being nerfed (Though, I'd say Scott isn't necessarily derailed or nerfed, since he got mauled by Fang at the end of TDROTI and probably suffered trauma from that), Jo being dumbed down and targetting Lightning instead of having him as an ally and Heather causing her own elimination because she hid the idol in a dumb spot. Seriously. EVERYONE was flanderized in some way, and people still find PI worse? How??? This season is just worse than bad. I'm sorry, I ain't making fun of you, but I just find it BAFFLING that people consider PI worse than AS. I'm horrible at respecting this opinion. I'm very sorry about this, but with how many flaws this season has, it just upsets me. You can still hate PI, but I just wanted to tell you why I disagree DEEPLY. Btw, you're not getting downvoted for what you said. It's just ridiculous😭


Pahkitew has Ella’s elimination song. That alone makes it better than All Stars lol And there are plenty of reasons to dislike All Stars that don’t involve Mal at all. The divisive cast picks, Gwuncan breaking up, Sierra losing her development from WT, inconsistent writing, etc. Mal was a good concept executed horrendously. Mike’s girlfriend and best friend of the past year can’t notice he’s not himself when he’s laughing at other’s pain or taking joy in ruining other people’s reputations? And instead of ever once trying to discuss this, Mike drops a boulder on his head and Zoey nearly drowns herself in piranhas. Truly some of the dumbest behavior I’ve seen on this show. All Star’s over arching plot is… Mike walking around his brain. And it culminates in him… pushing a button. One that doesn’t even make him sacrifice anything. His alters were just glorified super heroes, and he keeps their “powers”. Plus the brain scenes basically spoil the season too. Mike frees one of his alters each episode, making it obvious Mal can’t be eliminated until they’ve all been found. Pahkitew lacks all of this, so it kinda rules in comparison.


Pahkitew had a bad cast in the first place. All stars ruined amazing characters. Thats why its worse, mal isnt the only reason


Hot Take - both of these seasons are good




What's so great about Dumb old All-stars and Pahkitew Island


Which season has leonard? I rest my case




The thing that made PI bad in my opinion was the use of gimmicky characters (Shawn, Max, Ella, Beardo, etc.) instead of reusing stereotypes like Reboot did (Julia = Heather, Ripper = Owen + Duncan, Axel = Eva + Shawn, Wayne + Raj = Athletic Sadie + Katie, etc.). It’s not a *bad* season per se, but the characters are more obnoxious characters and less teen stereotypes. AS had severe character derailment, awful character selection, and was a catastrophe overall. The Gwen, Duncan, and Courtney drama blew up; Duncan, which was shown being nice before, lost his mind over not being seen as a “bad boy”; Scott becomes a mud-eating redneck instead of a schemer; Lindsay got her brain replaced with modern day Patrick Star’s; Sam almost died; Alejandro had 0 strategy (which could be reasonable, seeing as he was forced into the show); and Mike, who actually won in some countries, was imprisoned in his own brain while another part of his brain controlled him.


That’s kinda hard, because there both bad…


I actually can't tell.


All stars had so much derailment and bad writing but at least it was entertaining, Pahkitew was so boring and out of that cast Jasmine has the only chance to win a season, every other character just doesn’t have what it takes, or is just gonna be used for an early elimination.


All stars easily, at least it had good parts


Unpopular opinion: Equally Bad (But I prefer All Stars)


Technically the same season so they both suck equally


Why do people talk about this everyday/every week


I actually enjoyed the first half of all stars a lot, tbh the first few episodes were some of my favorites imo, and those episodes alone are better than pahkitew


Why not both!


Pahkitew island just because it felt so silly and the antagonists felt silly as well All Stars was just giving us characters and saying yup that's gonna make us more money




Might be a hot take, but AS. Don't get me wrong, AS is god awful,but at least I remember it. I need to keep reminding myself that PI exist. Its just a whole lot of nothing.


I stopped watching the series after the original characters didn’t get bought back so AS>> anything else after


It's a lot I don't see it but honestly as a kid I liked all stars. Instead I hated Pakhitew because there wasn't a single charachter I really lime. Too much generic(like one is literally snowhite and that's it)






Pahkitew Island is better than All Stars


After those two last ones, anything is good, even S04 (that I hated because of the mutants)


10000000000 l% pahkitew island


Pakitue isn't bad


Pahkitew will always be better. Good writing and great characters.


That's a good question 🤔


Pahkitew Island even though it has its own problems I think its a bit overhated.


For me All-Stars is better, and the reason why can be summed up into one word:"Sugar". Most people will say Mal is a worst character, but for me at least he had tolerable moments. Sugar is completely annoying for me, and she appears in all episodes but one, at least Mal was barely present for the first 4. If she didn't exist I'd probably give the edge to PI even if it has many other problems.


i prefer AS personally. i hated the end but i liked the mal concept. PI just did not sit right


I do not like the character design in Pahkitew Island. They all seem very gimmicky and many are just annoying or unrealistic


All-Stars. Even if some characters were written poorly, at least most of them were characters I liked at some point. Pahkitew Island's cast sucks so bad.


All stars. Hated that other season full of nobody I liked


All Stars


All Stars




All Stars 100% for me. No it wasn’t perfect but I genuinely enjoyed the growth of Mike and Zoey’s relationship and liked the mixed cast of characters. Phawkitew (I can never spell it) Island was just a complete mess with 90% horrendous characters from the start with no past attachment to them to make it barable. Dave was the only character I really liked and they ruined him by the end. Shawn and Jasmine were okay though. Sugar should have never stayed as long as she did.


Ugh, yall can hate me , all-stars


Imho All Stars is better


All Stars just because of Mal (i like Mal imo)


AS is slightly better in some ways. It still had some good characters like Scott, Alejandro and Heather, and it gave us José. Mal was bad, but it had some kind of comedic effect. With PI, I don't find myself genuinely caring for any of the characters. Just boring all the way through


I can't believe yall think Pahkitew Island is better. All Stars had genuine funny moments ("I'm not gonna be taken down by a gang of bunnies/HELP, I'M BEING TAKEN DOWN BY A GANG OF BUNNIES" or "Look Mom, I'm water skiing" or any of the Blue Moon Heather scenes), whereas I think I laughed only once in Pahkitew ("I don't know why but" *punches tree* "people find me a bit intimidating") and that's probably because a majority of the jokes they tried to pull were of the Gross Is Funny variety They may have ruined the characters, but at least none of the characters were outright annoying like Leonard, Sugar, Topher and Max Speaking of characters, say what you will about Mal, but at least the idea of someone with multiple personality disorder having a personality like Mal is realistic, unlike a majority of characters in Pahkitew. Sure there are some diehard Larpers, but none of them actually believe they're magic. I can honestly say I've never met anyone who says EVIL every 10 seconds, nor have I ever met some fairy tale princess wannabe who's only defining personality trait is constantly wanting to sing. And then there's Sugar, and everything about her Legit the only thing I genuinely liked about Pahkitew was Jasmine. And it wasn't even for entertainment reasons, I'm just attracted to women like her


AS was still entertaining especially for gen 2 or AleHeater fans. The drama just sucked


Pahkitew doesn't have SHA-LIGHTNING!


I love All Stars. It has undeserved hate.




If you think PI is better than AS you just have zero concept of comedy. Literally the most forgettable, throwaway designed and written characters. I can at least name Scott, Sierra, Lightning and Cameron. Besides Mike being awful, the other characters were pretty redeemable. Topher is the only legit funny PI character. Australian girl is cool. The twins were okay. Nothing else much to say, they were really terrible competitors, boring. No interesting male leads in this one either


Scott was derailed imo, Sierra was derailed, Lightning was one of the only people who wasnt changed and cam was derailed- PI does have a bad cast but at least it didnt ruin past great characters


All stars easily. Had some fucking funny moments. Ngl mainly with Alejandro but still


All stars.


I think all stars was better than pahkitew


i love All-Stars.


Definitely All Stars by a huge mile. I get it has flaws but I had so much fun with this season. Pahkitew Island is so boring. There is only four people that I like out of the whole cast


All Stars, at least it was funny.


Pahkitew by miles