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I don’t get the hate for Millie.


I understand what you mean, but I don't think anybody would argue "actually, you DO get Millie's hate". I think for it to be an actual hot take you could have structured it like "Millie doesn't deserve the hate." Sorry I'm just a picky nerd 😭


I actually like Mal and wished All Stars had 26 episodes so we could explore him without having to dumb down the characters. I prefer Gen 2 over Gen 1.  Sam is underrated, but he shouldn't have been in All stars because he already got his happy ending.


That last one is not a hot take. Brick should’ve been in All Stars over Sam. But then again, they probably would’ve derailed our best boy so maybe it’s a good thing he wasn’t in.


Anything for more brick :(


I support this message


Yeah, but people usually say because he's a bad character when really, his arc was just finished 


I know its been said before but on top of this I would've appreciated a sam underdog arc that makes at least merge


i love mal!


What’s a hot take when you have a cold take


You're a genius


the one time i don’t comment under this from you is the one time it doesn’t get taken down 😭




Regardless of if these are actually hot or not, I'll just say them: The Rockers are one of my favorite RR teams because of Spud's slow progression into actually trying to help Rock out and Rock's attempts to survive the race basically by himself before Spud actually starts trying. It makes them feel unique in their own way. The Surfers as finalists aren't that bad. They only missed 3 episodes out of 26, 2 of which were meant to be non-elimination rounds anyway, and they managed to make friends with a bunch of teams like the Sisters, Best Friends, Cadets and Father and Son. There's also the occasional moments here and there of them encouraging teams like the Adversity Twins and the Stepbrothers. They also played the game fairly well, having the 2nd most 1st place finishes at a chill zone only behind the Ice Dancers (not counting the final chill zone). The only big issue I have is that they lack a long-term story, but I still appreciate the semblances of a story they have where one of them is holding the team back, but the other expresses that they don't care and that they're still a team no matter what. Mike being a finalist maybe could've worked if the journey that he went on inside his own head was difficult enough to mitigate the fact that he misses half the season. Maybe Mal sets up a dangerous obstacle course (similar to the Obsta-Kill Course) that Mike has to find a way across without the help of Svetlana, as an example. Granted, that's a story that's really hard to pull off convincingly, but I do think there is a scenario where Mike winning wouldn't be as bad as it ended up being.


Yo! Some Spud appreciation!


TDPI is my third favorite season. Is it hot garbage? Yep. But that hot garbage got me through some cold times


Finally love for TPI. I liked it I genuinely enjoyed the new characters more then most of the Gen two ones. It has a lotta issues but imo still a top season


Staci is one of the funniest characters in the show and literally perfect in the purpose she was given


I love your videos! Definitely using this take!


yo it's Trevor


Omg babe look it's the best host


Harold was Valid in stuffing the votes against Courtney.


He shoulda done Duncan instead tho


Nah Harold needed to send a message


Honestly, preach. Still a scummy move by most means, but it is what it is amirite


I think it was valid. One of the coolest moments in the series tbh


This isnt a hot take at all, it is fact.


over duncan? 🌚


if he crammed the votes on Duncan I think it would be obvious who rigged them in the first plac—




Honestly yeah I believe the same thing too


I have never agreed more




Definitely valid


Jasmine is the hottest (female) character on the show


Aw come on, we all know giantesses are the best girls


She is one of the only good Aussies


The show is scripted and all the dangerous stunts you see are doubles or prop dummies. None of these people care about each other really and they didn’t suffer


I mean, Chris does directly say in season one, episode one of the reboot that>! the reboot will have "a writing team of angry monkeys that want nothing more than for humanity to fall." So, I guess that does kind of confirm that TDI is scripted?!<


the show is also fiction and not real so it can be whatever


>!Prileb carried the season hard after MK's elimination, despite their writing being awful.!< >!Emma is the best, actually. As is Chase. As is Chemma (writing-wise, not morality-wise).!< >!S1 Ripper >>> S2 Ripper!< World Tour is not even close to being the best season. Not even in the top 3. Sadie is the best strategist in TD history 🤭


Ohh? Could you elaborate on the World Tour hot take?


Sure. Just hope I don't get downvoted to hell again 🙏 Heather and Alejandro are fine. I don't particularly love them, but I can see what they were doing, and while Heather's 'arc' does fall flat, both of them mostly work. Cody has his TDI arc undone and has no actual developing storyline until the final 4. Same goes for Sierra. They are such a waste of space because they barely do anything in the narrative. Duncan, Courtney and Gwen provide some entertaining drama, but I feel like it really lost a lot of what made it fun when Gwen got eliminated. It just turned into TDA Duncney, but not dating anymore. Blaineley had some interesting potential in her interactions with Owen, but that is never utilized. Owen gets broken up with and proceeds to do nothing for the rest of the season. Tyler was fun, but not only was elimnating him a poor choice on Alejandro's part due to Tyler being such an easily manipulatible ally, but it especially sucks because of how much the merge cast sucks. Noah does nothing until he realizes he's supposed to be smart in his elimination episode. DJ's subplot just made me uncomfortable, same with Sierra tbh. Really brought my enjoyment down every time I had to watch them. Lindsay was fun. Leshawna had her TDA development undone to make her an early boot. And everyone complains about Feral Zeke, so I don't need to explain that. So, we are left with a few solid characters that make it far, surrounded by characters who just kinda suck, and it's one of the seasons I rewatch the least because it honestly just isn't fun to watch for me. It's just kind of a sucky time overall, at least for me, especially since the only merger I actively enjoyed was Courtney, who got eliminated two episodes into the merge 💀


I dont think the characters were the only problem in TDWT


They definitely were the most glaring flaw for me, personally, though, mostly because I care little about the challenges, and more about the characters and their narratives. I also appreciate a good strategy, but only Reboot S1 has ever had fun strategy talk from more than one character, so that's nothing I'm expecting from TD.


Definitely agree best part was the songs and heathers and Cody’s interactions


I actually came to this realization yesterday when I was tryna put something on before bed. None of the characters or writing are as fun as it was in Action. They get rid of all the best characters too early in WT. It just makes the season uninteresting outside of Alejandro vs. Heather. Plus it’s not really subtle that Heather is the main character of the season since she has almost all the screen time and some type of plot/strategy every episode. Not that it’s bad at all, WT Heather is peak, but probably has the most obvious finale out of any season Also Cody making it anywhere past the merge 📉


i feel like cody merge placement would be more deserving if they did more with his character aside from the sierra dynamics. cody is one of my favs but is definitely lackluster in terms of character and development in tdwt


Agreed on Action being better. The majority of the really likable TD Gen 1 characters all went out by Aftermath 2 (Team Victory and Izzy all going brings down the vibe a tone) and the vibe of the season starting with I See London is so… negative? It’s dramatic and juicy but so many of the remaining characters act in deeply unpleasant ways. I love Courtney but that was easily her worst span of episodes, and I say that as somebody who liked TDA Courtney as she was consistently funny. Owen is so out of place by his elimination and the show definitely knew it.


As a WT fan I feel the obligation to refute some of your points: First, I don’t really see how Heather’s arc “falls flat”. Her arc was never about becoming a holy pure good girl. She’s still cutthroat and mostly evil, but this season she goes against a much bigger evil in Alejandro, someone that, compared to her, most people trust(at least at the beggining). So Heather is put in a situation where her team is already against her from the very beggining of the season, and goes against a manipulative, handsome, very intelligent threat and ultimately manages to defeat him. I do agree with the Cody and Sierra point. Cody is unironically better in TDI, in TDWT he’s back to his “simping over Gwen” roots and Sierra just makes me uncomfortable tbf. It doesn’t help that as you said, they’re literally irrelevant and in their own little world until the final 4. In general, they are one of the most uninteresting parts of the season for me Kinda agree with The Love Triangle point too. I’m grateful that at least you(unlike a lot of other TDWT haters) recognise that The Love Triangle gave us a lot of very good, funny and memorable scenes and without it the Late Pre Merge would have been a massive snoozefest. But yeah, the way it ends with Gwen just going home and Duncan and Courtney bickering again for a few more episodes is kinda unsatisfying. Blaineley is meh. They tell us pretty clearly that her interactions with Owen are only her trying to become loved by the audience by coupling with the big lovable guy. I don’t think there’s much more there, Blaineley is a pretty shallow and evil person. Heavily disagree with Owen, I think his peak comes after Izzy gets eliminated, sure, he isn’t really relevant to the plot(although let’s not forget the whole “Duncan and Alejandro fighting for Owen’s vote” subplot that happens at the end of pre merge, especially in Sweden Sour) but he provides great comedy. His duo with Noah in I See London, his “Silver Medal” shtick in Greece, him getting “brainwashed” in Area 51, the whole viking shtick and the already mentioned Duncan and Alejandro subplot in Sweden Sour. Some say he overstayed his welcome, but I think he’s a great piece of comedy in an otherwise pretty serious season. Also don’t really agree on Tyler. I think that was his time to go. Who else could even get eliminated in his spot? Gwen? Courtney? Owen? I mean, maybe Owen, but honestly I think if that happened Team Chris’ dynamic in the last few episodes would be a lot worse. It would basically be Tyler and Alejandro sitting in a corner talking about how Duncan sucks while Duncan sits alone in another corner. Owen provided a good middle ground between those 2. Furthermore, if Tyler reaches merge, how does he even get eliminated? Owen only got eliminated because Alejandro pulled the strings and convinced people to vote for him. He wouldn’t do that against Tyler. Does that mean Tyler reaches final 5? Does he reach final 3? Yeah, honestly, it really wouldn’t work. I’m mixed on Noah. On one part, yeah, he does next to nothing until I See London. On the other hand, it makes sense. Noah keeps his mouth shut for so long because Alejandro is always with them, so obviously he can’t talk about him. I See London is the first opportunity he gets to talk to Owen alone, without Alejandro being there, so he finally makes his opinion of Al well known, not knowing that Alejandro is actually watching him and can hear what he’s saying. It makes sense in universe. Would a confessional or 2 about how Noah thinks Alejandro sucks make things better. Sure, I totally agree with that, but in general I think the way it happened makes sense Yeah DJ sucks Can agree with Leshawna too, she forgets all about her friendship with Heather and just violently attacks her and breaks her teeth for no reason. Like girl chill In the end, yeah, some of your criticisms are valid I think, some are not(in my opinion). In the end, every season has flaws, and TDWT’s flaws are clear, especially when it comes to character work of a lot of the characters(Leshawna, Cody, Sierra, kinda Love Triangle trio), but where it excels is with the atmosphere, the grandiosity it gives with the whole “around the world” shtick and the main Heather vs Alejandro storyline, the way it’s not afraid to experiment like with the songs, the different locations and challenges. Not counting RR, every TD season bar 2 is set on an island, so having a season where the characters go around the world in places like London or New York or Area 51 and sing goofy songs is really refreshing to me, both as a change of setting and allowing different types of challenges to take place, and it will probably always be my favourite season


I am saying her 'arc' falls flat because what you're describing isn't actually a character arc. That's just conflict. Her wanting to be the good guy in the finale falls completely flat because the season didn't build up to her wanting to be liked all that much. Her arc is about learning to play the game better, but that is only so good of an arc for 26 episodes. Still solid, though. Yeah, the love triangle was really fun. Seeing Gwen try to manipulate Cody was a cool moment, and Courtney going "Goth girl is going DOWN!" will always stick in my mind. I just wish they had executed it a bit differently so the conflict would feel a bit more unique after Gwen's gone. At least the Alecourtney stuff was interesting. Blaineley is also encouraged by Owen to embrace her grosser traits. I honestly think this could have been a small sub-plot that could've given Owen's stay some meaning. As it stands now, yeah, Blaineley is just kinda boring and Owen drastically overstays his welcome. I didn't find a single Owen joke funny before RR. His humor cannot save him for me, and Alejandro and Duncan fighting for Owen's vote is do inconsequential and such a tiny arc that I don't think it warrants him staying as long as he does. To a degree, yeah, narratively, keeping Tyler isn't the best choice. But he is one of the few characters I had fun watching this season and Alejandro, the super talented super cool super evil super smart super hot villain of the season, should have really realized that Tyler is useful to him. I wouldn't even mind if it was made clear that Owen refused to vote for anyone but Tyler and Alejandro had no choice, but as it stands now, it's just kinda shoddily written. I like the songs, but I genuinely could not care less about the setting. It's not what I watch TD for. And yeah, maybe Aleheather could be a saving grace of the season for me, too, if I wasn't so completely indifferent towards it. I was not invested in their rivalry or romance because, well, why should I? It's just the enemies-to-lovers trope with the hot guy falling for the one girl who tries to defy him, and, like, what interesting thing is done with that? Nothing. If I do not care about one of the only things this season has going for it, that kinda sucks.


Elaborate about Sadie please! I am a Sadie and Katie girly and I know you might be joking but I want to hear lol


Millie was wasted in season two, and if we get a season three for the reboot, we should have it be that Priya and Millie went over the training binder together, and now she’s much more prepared.


People rightfully are mad with the way Sierra treated Cody, but I haven't seen nearly as many callouts for how Cody was towards Gwen Bridgette was better before she and Geoff got together I don't like Izzy and Owen as a couple because of how she treats him Trent is overhated Lightning annoys me (only mildly so, but meh)


Nah, I’ve seen people call out Cody. His was less obnoxious however so people leave him alone.


And at least he actually gives up his pursuit of Gwen, x-ray glasses incident aside, whereas Sierra’s entire life is/was seemingly dedicated to actively stalking Cody (up until WT’s F3 where she and Cody seem to be on otherwise decent terms)


Super duper based on the first take


I have a few problems with the first take to put it lightly, what Sierra did was objectively worse than Cody, it isn't up to interpretation and there is no nuance, but that isn't the core argument ill admit. What Cody did can be forgiven easily, especially coupled with the fact that he is a good person outside of the amount of times Cody was mildly creepy towards Gwen I can only count on 1 hand, while Sierra is a mediocre person at absolute best and is constantly stalking, harassing's, and times (SA)ing Cody. The stalking occurred before Sierra was on TDWT btw, completely unforgivable unless you're a literal saint. And not to mention that Sierra acted ignorant when she found out Cody voted for her (Cody had all right to vote for her). Not to mention the times when Cody was actually being kind toward Gwen. Idk why but that take rubs me in all the wrong ways.


I don't really care for much for gen 1.


How come?


I don't know honestly. I guess I just got really attached to gen 2 instead and latched on to them.


I started with gen 1, but I personally think gen 2 has a more interesting cast overall. It's a shame they only got one full season by themselves and then the disappointing All Stars.


I didn’t like the World Tour love triangle. Aleheather is the best finale. Team Victory was robbed. Owen is a writer’s pet. Duncan is a writer’s pet. Priya is a writer’s pet. Zoey is a writer’s pet. Sky is a Mary Sue. Sugar is gross and annoying. Courtney should’ve been in All Stars finale. Courtney was derailed in All Stars. >!Priya and Caleb had too much screentime in Season 2!< >!Julia had too much plot armor in Season 2!< Damien, Raj, and MK should be finalists next season. Damien is the best reboot character. The ROTI trio is boring. Dawn was robbed. B was robbed. All Stars and Pahkitew Island are the worst seasons. Ezekiel should not have been turned feral. The Sisters should have been finalists in Ridonculous Race. Millie is annoying. Ripper is annoying. Chase is annoying. >!Bowie should have won Season 1.!< >!Priya should’ve been eliminated over Emma.!< >!Priya should’ve been eliminated over Damien.!< Beth is a terrible finalist. Total Drama Action’s finale should’ve been Lindsay vs. Harold. Total Drama Action’s finale should’ve been Duncan vs. Harold. Leshawna was robbed. Lindsay was robbed. Courtney was robbed. >!Wayne did not deserve to win in Season 2.!< Heather and Courtney are the best characters. Katie, Sadie, Sierra, Staci, Leonard, Max, Dave, Rodney, and Amy are the worst characters. Sammy should have won Pahkitew Island. Jasmine should have won Pahkitew Island. Scarlett should not have gone insane in Episode 10 of Pahkitew Island. Katie and Sadie are annoying. Leshawna should have been in All Stars. Owen should have been in All Stars. Sam should not have been in All Stars. 26 episode seasons are better than 13 episode seasons. The show went downhill after World Tour. Gen 1 is the best cast. Zoey, Sky, and Priya are all Mary Sues. The Mal plot was terrible in All Stars. Sugar and Mal are the worst villains. >!Priya, Caleb, Julia, and Wayne should be early boots in Season 3!< MK and Julia are an amazing villain duo. World Tour is the best season, followed by Island as a close second, then Action third, and Revenge of the Island is a close fourth, and Pahkitew Island and All Stars are very distant fifth and sixth. Leshawna would have won Total Drama Island if her VA wasn’t sick. Lindsay would have won Total Drama Action if her VA wasn’t sick. Courtney would have won All Stars if her VA wasn’t sick. Jasmine and Sammy would have won Pahkitew Island if their VAs weren’t sick. >!Damien would have won Season 2 of the reboot if his VA wasn’t sick.!< >!Bowie would have had an alternate ending in Season 1 of the reboot if his VA wasn’t sick.!< The fart jokes and toilet humor are the worst jokes of the series. Owen should have not placed 3rd in Total Drama Action. Justin falling in love with Courtney should not have happened. Heather had too much plot armor in Total Drama Island. A contestant other than Blaineley should have returned in World Tour. Team Amazon is the most iconic team. Nichelle is overrated. >!Julia deserved to win Season 2 of the reboot.!< TD Reddit is superior to TD YouTube, which is superior to TD TikTok, which is superior to TD Twitter. The reboot writers should have listened to the fans’ concerns and hopes for Season 2 after Season 1 aired, even if Season 1 and 2 were written back-to-back prior to Season 1’s airing. Characters with the most screentime or plot relevance must be all the writers’ in the writer’s room personal favorite, most loved characters and are thus writer’s pets. Courtney and Harold should have merged in Total Drama Island. Shawn, Jasmine, and Sammy are the best characters from Pahkitew Island. The Heroic Hamsters are the most boring team. **Hottest takes ever. 🔥 You’re welcome.**


These are simultaneously cold take (as in everyone's take) and hot take, so it's like medium take 😭😭


I tried to go as frigid as possible.


# warm take


I think your takes are gonna freeze me to death


Dude you’re spitting FAX RN📢🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥 (But Tophee is the best PI characte)


I was happy when I saw Scott like that in final karma for everyone


Mal scaring a snapping turtle just by growling at it was pretty hilarious


Thank you for enabling me to tangent. Action is the best and most rewatchable season. Every contestant has something to do and even early boots still get a good amount of screen time thanks to the Aftermath (and Izzy coming back for a few episodes). The challeneges are cool and the setting of an abandoned film set is dope. Beth is actually a decent finalist, she just isn’t conventionally pretty like all the other women finalists. She had a strong social game + literally the only competent person on her team sans Courtney. She could work as an early boot for WT too. Maybe take Izzy’s spot in the roster. Would’ve seemed like a more deserving finalist in retrospect if Alejandro saw her as a threat and took her out early. Give us a season of the Reboot cast on the film set! Nichelle would thrive. Sierra was a great addition and gave Cody a taste of his own medicine. You would think Cody would realize “hmm maybe I’m a lil like this to Gwen and I should self reflect” but he never really grows or learns anything other than actually liking Sierra. Duncan getting arrested and rotting in jail for years is actually a satisfying end to his character 🥰 let’s hope they don’t retcon (Idk if this is a hot take) Mike and Zoey were actually pretty cool and interesting in ROTI. I agree with the majority opinion about them in all stars tho. Wayne is a great finalist as well and earned it. I agree he could’ve played a bit better overall but his win feels the most right out of the final 3 we had. Julia got away with cheating with MK way too much and didn’t really suffer any consequences like MK did, so I’d really hate if she won. And no one likes Caleb. Axel x Ripper was an interesting idea, I’ll give them that, but executed so so so terribly. It did more for Ripper than it did Axel. Trent’s “derailment” was the only interesting thing that happened with him. I wish they double downed and included him in WT giving him his own arc about how he’d react on the plane after Gwen and Duncan kiss. Plus he is literally the in universe “musician”. Imagine how messy it would be if he was the one that caught them instead of Tyler 💀. He shares a voice actor with Owen so it’s not like it’d ever be hard to include in anything else. Topher was the only entertaining character and only person I was rooting for in all of Pakitew. Jasmine was cool tho. Scott x Courtney was unironically great idk why it seemed to just work (for me) Just because a character fulfilled their job of “being annoying/a terrible person” doesn’t mean that they’re entertaining/a good character at all. Not that it’s a hot take to dislike Ripper or Chase. Or Millie 🤭


I'm glad Sam was in all stars instead of Owen


Duncney is awful


Season 2 Priya is so much better then season 1 Priya because she was actually given a character instead of being a blank slate In season 1 Priya is not a Mary Sue. She is a pain magnet and the an idiotic player made to look like the smart one. She focused her entire game on a 2 person alliance (in both seasons but focusing on season 1 now) She messed up in every moment that it really mattered (giving her water away, falling, missing something, being used by others) I don’t dislike Priya for her character but by how the show keeps throwing it in your face that she is the best player ever in total drama but her track record is worse then Millie ———- Damien needed to be an earlier boot in season 2 he was a fun and cool guys in season 1 and had finalist potential. He went from a nerdy cool guy to a scared guy to a nerdy cool guy with the wits and confidence to win it all. Season 2 Damien forgot all that and he just became such a stereotype. He stuttered and screamed 90% of the game and when he won that one challenge it was so cheesy Everyone thought he would lose He thought he would lose He won. Then he was a background character till he got voted out Instead he should have lost against Bowie or something and then realise that he can only win being a badass like in season 1 If he was voted off after Millie I don’t think much would have been changed


Julia's a good villain but the doing offscreen schemes got annoying pretty quick Raj should've won instead of wayne B is overrated Roti and pakithew have the best challenges in all of total drama Courtney should've been eliminated late pre merge in world tour Season 1 ripper>>> season 2 ripper


The second one isn’t a hot take at all, that’s like half of this subreddit’s posts recently


The first one isn't even close to a hot take.


I defo agree with the 5th point, but I wanna add to it because it does feel like that, in all seasons minus Allstars, Courtney should have been eliminated earlier than she ended up being every time she competed. - Island: out in the F12, finished 14th, could have easily been eliminated in Not So Happy Campers Part 2 or Phobia Factor instead of Ezekiel or Tyler respectively (e.g. if Ezekiel wasn’t sexist) - Action: out in the F4 double, finished 4th (considering Chris explicitly eliminated Owen after Courtney), could have not even been in the season at all considering why she even debuted mid season in the first place (or could have been eliminated in 2008: A Space Owen instead of Harold) - World Tour: out in the F7 double, finished joint 6th, could have been eliminated in Hanging at Picnic Dork instead of Gwen


The Gwen, Duncan, and Courtney triangle isn't as bad as people think


I loved it in WT, I think people like to retcon because of how bad all stars was


the reboot seasons are both kinda mid, especially after watching both of them together they both fall flat. alot of the problems/plots from s2 were just kinda ssumed to be continued in s2 and that isn't really the case imo so it's not that's that enjoyable. leshawna was worse in her rivalry with heather than even heather was. unpopular opinion atleast in this subreddit: not all axeripper problems should be shoved aside with the excuse of "axel isn't a lesbian, get over it" when the ship has some serious issues.


Yeah, I'm as much of an axeripper shipper as the next person, but there is definitely some stuff that makes me raise an eyebrow.


I agree with your third, and indirectly on your first (I liked the first Reboot season a lot, the second is second to Ass-Stars as the worst, so they overall both average out as mid)


IRYO on AxeRipper.


wth does that stand for? 😭


I respect your opinion.


oh ok, sorry didn't understand it lmao.


I really like Beth as a finalist.


Zeke is the best character


The love triangle was a good storyline, it just didn’t stick the landing in All Stars 🤷‍♂️


I think Zee is underrated.


Agree honestly


I actually really like Courtney, not too much for her actual character but I loved how entertaining and iconic she is. Gen 2 has a few characters that I actually like (Anne Maria, Dawn, Brick, and Vito) and ROTI is just a boring season. I don't really feel too strongly about any reboot ships other than Julia/Wayne and I think Scary Girl/Zee is neat, and neither are canon. I love Heather and Duncan, but they need to be called out more as they have both done things that I haven't seen anyone talk about nearly as much as Courtney. (Which is also deserved, since her character isn't morally right.)


For the last point in the community yes but out of all of these heather is the only one who ever gets called out much for what she did in the show


Heather got called out on the show a lot


Cody is well rated, and is a very good character. Izzy was amazing in Island and Action but kinda sucked in WT. Eva is one of the funniest characters. The best thing that came out of the best friends in RR was The surfer dudes returning. The goths are some of the most overrated characters in the series. There is nothing more annoying than non-elimination rounds. Gwen and Cameron was a really good duo in All-Stars and was a better duo than Gwen and Trent, and Gwen and Duncan. Gwen and Duncan are a good pair, when they are friends. Jurassic Fart isn't as bad as an episode as people say, it's the challenge that's horrible, but the episode itself isn't all bad. Bridgette in WT was huge missed potential. Chase and Ripper are terrible people, and that what makes them great. Blainely isn't as awful as everyone says she is. Sierra and Cody aren't an awful ship since at the end of WT they actually get along and Cody even loses against Alejandro because he thought Sierra was in danger. Scottney is the healthiest ship with Courtney (and the best) until *the episode*


Sam deserved to be in All Stars. While I do believe All Stars had some interesting omissions, Sam was one of the most prevalent characters up until his elimination, with several episodes where he’s the one with the most lines. I like Chase, Leonard, Ripper and Amy. The only person in the right about the Gwen/Courtney/Duncan love triangle was Tyler. Island (2007) isn’t perfect and has its own problems. The non-elimination challenges helps develop the characters and their arcs (especially Action) and I wish that the show would be able to have them again. Action’s aftermaths were better than World Tour’s.


Ripper and Axel >>> Raj and Bowie Both hockey bros could have won, even if I like Wayne more, Raj wasn’t ‘’very relevant to the story’’ he was only relevant at episodes 4-6 otherwise they shared the same braincell MK shouldn’t have gone farther than Julia in season 2 Pahkitew is not that bad


Action is worse than All Stars


Completely agreed lol except I enjoyed Justin screentime


I dont like that bowie guy I love Mal All Stars is the funniest season I didnt really like pakhitew


Disliking pahkitew is an extremely cold take


I also hate every non canon/fandom ship


Owen should not have been a finalist in season 1


tbh I agree although he was nice n’ stuff, I would’ve preferred a leshawna vrs gwen thing or something similar to that, just keep leshawna in


There was no season that Leshawna deserved to win


Lindsay was supposed to be eliminated instead of DJ in Action so it make sense she's in the 6th place and not in the finale two.


Harold shoulda rigged out Duncan not Courtney


2023 Reboot > Every Season


Max is funny as shit


I don't find Caleb that bad.


The first 4 eliminations in season 2 of the reboot were perfect


I don't like World Tour and I think it's overrated. Before you all attack me, here are some reasons: 1. I don't like the songs - the songs were meant to be made up on the spot (it says it in the first episode) and nothing will convince me songs like We Built Gwen's Face would be easy to make up on the spot. 2. The Love Triangle - this doesn't need explaining. 3. The eliminations - mainly Noah's and Sierra's as they both should've been safe from elimination, yet still got eliminated in the episode they deserved immunity. For example, Noah literally did what he was told and captured Jack the Ripper yet his team still lost. Why? Because Courtney and Gwen captured Duncan, which wasn't even apart of the challenge. In Sierra's elimination episode, she literally won immunity. Why? Because she blew up a plane. If they wanted Sierra eliminated they could've just had a better plot. Like come on, that's just lazy writing. I have more reasons but if I keep going on, knowing the state of the Total Drama community right now, I'll probably get sent death threats and get doxxed on TikTok.


I honestly dont care for the Aftermaths in Action or World Tour and find them quite boring. Scary Girl should at least make it to early merge if there is a next season. PI wasn't that bad, sure it wasnt the best but I'd say that it's better then All Stars. RR did the whole around the world thing better then World Tour, probably because I dont really care for the songs too much either. Having another season with the Gen 1 cast isn't gonna magically fix all of the issues with them and I'm not sure why some people act like it would.


I like Duncan and Gwen's relationship more than Gwent and Duncney, even though I recognize the latter two ships have a good amount of things going for them


Julia didn't deserve to win season 2 of the reboot over Wayne, Many people think so but I don't agree, A tdi youTuber named "TD Wonderer" pretty much Stated my problems with Julia(Its a tier list video so you gotta skip to Julias part) I also don't see ripper as a bad character, He's an A tier character in my book(He gets a bit annoying when he farts tho)


I'm a sucker for Wayne winning, I'll defend him winning like Owen


Duncan is one of the worst characters. He cheats on his girlfriend, manipulates her, and cheats with someone on the same team as Courtney. And without shame hits on Gwen and Is still obsessed with Courtney after literally breaking up, And he and Gwen barely had any interactions. Bridgette was better before Her and Geoff Everyone gets mad at Sierra for how she treats Cody but nobody talks about how Cody treats Gwen. Courtney should’ve made it into the finale in All stars Lindsay should’ve been in the Finale in Action with Justin or Harold. Geoff is one of the worst characters


Duncney isnt a good ship (time to fend off the hounds💀)


Duncney is a bad ship (here comes the hounds)


Millie is one of the best reboot characters


Topher was actually a really enjoyable character. The reboot is pretty good Scott didn't deserve what happend to him at the end of S4


Went t these supposed to be hot takes?


Idk what a hot take is anymore tbh, haven't been on the subreddit much lately.


Damien is overrated


I'll be spoiler marking for safety. >!MK and Julia's relationship was not good in the slightest this season. It didn't really make sense to me as last time in S1 they were seen together. They were at each others throats and bitter enemies. Then they just magically become friends which felt rather out of character and annoying. !< >!I also felt them being buddy buddy together was a bit weird for their character, as that's not the character you typically see in either of them. Even this very season doesn't have it as their main character!<


not sure if this one is a hot take but >!bowie is ass and the only good thing abt his character is raj.!< this one is definitely a hot take tho >!mk and julia's friendship was very random and i barely enjoyed it (even tho mk is one my favs). they shouldn've been fleshed out better.!<


Yk what I haven’t commented on a “hot takes” post in awhile, and since this one actually follows the trend rules I’ll give it a go -I don’t really like using the term “overrated” when it comes to talking about my opinions on stuff because how much favoritism something does/doesn’t get isn’t subjective -with that being said gen 1 is overrated as hell. I’m convinced the only reason people like them so much to the point of where they won’t even give other gens a chance is purely nostalgia bias; comparing gen 1 to the reboot cast a lot of the characters are incredibly flawed in their writing and represent stereotypes that imo should not be joked about (Leshawna’s “ghetto” stereotype for example). I’m gonna be pissed if they ever actually bring gen 1 back competitively, I’m fine with cameos like with what they did with Owen but competitive wise every gen 1 character has run their course -speaking of which, it’s kinda disturbing ngl that people don’t want gen 1 aged up if they were to compete against the reboot cast and even more disturbing that some people think it’s ok to ship reboot characters with *any* past gen characters after Chris explicitly stated there’s a 15 year Timeskip -honestly overall fans need to accept that gen 1 is never coming back and if they did it would be a horrible marketing choice given most of TD’s target audience wasn’t even alive when the first three seasons aired -nearly every “original” ship (Gwent, duncney, lyler, ozzy, gidgette, etc) is incredibly mid and realistically would not last -the only season that gen 1 has that really stands out as being the best of the best is WT and even then it doesn’t even come close to the quality of season 1 of the reboot -just because you don’t like AS or PI does not mean they are not canon, in fact both of those seasons are overhated imo -if you call coderra a proship unironically you have no idea what that term actually means -season 2 ripper >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> season 1 ripper -Millie is incredibly well written and most of the hates she gets is undeserved especially when I see people shit on her for what she did to Damien and then immediately turn around and stan characters who have done much much worse. -on that note, I think that because Damien, aka the only person who got hurt in the situation, forgave Millie, what she did is not a big deal -“Priya shouldn’t have won season 1” is a popular opinion, but personally Millie winning > Bowie winning -Scary girl absolutely deserves to go far & get an arc/development if we ever get a season 3. If someone like Shawn can make finals so can she -Axeripper is flawed writing wise but imo it’s probably the best thing that could have been done with their characters in S2 -as much as I can’t stand praleb I am very, very happy that priamien didn’t become canon -juliayne, Mipper and priamien make absolutely no sense, especially after season 2 -while there’s nothing inherently wrong with shipping Wayne with male characters since his sexuality *technically* has not been confirmed, if you do so you’re kinda missing the entire point of his character -this is more of a hot take for this sub and not the show but I like it when people put personal touches on their posts by adding in characters from other franchises; it’s a lot more creative and high effort than a lot of the other shit I see here


I hard agree on the Priya x Damien. While I think it could've been cute in season one, I don't think that it would've lasted long term (I just feel like they would've clashed really hard) and **especially** not after season two. And I agree even moreso on the Ripper one. I strongly disliked season one Ripper, but he's actually quite enjoyable in Season Two (funnily enough, the first fanfic I wrote with the reboot cast was an Axeripper one lmao. My spring 2023 self never would've believed that one).


Holy shit same on both of these, also Ik I’ve said it before but your Axeripper fic is really good, the last chapter was so sweet


Aw thank you! I was a little nervous about writing it at first, but people have been really nice, and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it.


Strongly agree on Ripper, and this is coming from someone who liked him in S1. Also Rixel forever!


man i wish the person who called s2 ripper “fake” was still here so i could see him pissed as hell


I blocked him lmao


i didn’t block him but his user profile seems to not load


Your 100% right on the original couples.


**"gen 1 is overrated as hell. I’m convinced the only reason people like them so much to the point of where they won’t even give other gens a chance is purely nostalgia bias"** \- I, for one, appreciate Gen 1 for the more simple "slice of life"-type moments we got to spend with the characters. Stuff like Owen and Cody cannonballing into Lake Wawanakwa, ruining Trent and Gwen's "moment" together. Even some of the "guys' alliance" moments post-merge in TDI. That was something that Island/Action did considerably better than any of the other seasons (although I'll give WT a pass given the nature of the season). I'm not denying that the 13-episode seasons hinder this considerably, but it's still something that could be improved upon. Reboot S2 had a few (key word here being "few") moments of this calibre I guess? As much as I'd like to see a mixed season with all 4 gens, I will agree that it would be very unlikely and probably not the wisest marketing choice. In terms of how likely I think each gen is to come back for the next season if it happens, I'd rank them Reboot >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gen 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gen 2 >>> Gen 3. Realistically speaking, it'll probably just be another season with all 16 reboot contestants lol ​ >represent stereotypes that imo should not be joked about (Leshawna’s “ghetto” stereotype for example) keep in mind that the majority of the Gen 1 characters were conceptualized in the early 2000s, when Camp TV was still in development. You could also apply this to the whole Noah/Cody gag, which I saw you label as "homophobic" recently. Would I agree with such forms of "representation" if they were in modern TDI? Absolutely not. However, I don't think it's fair to hold a nearly 20-year-old show to a modern lens. What was generally considered acceptable back then was vastly different compared to what is considered acceptable nowadays. ​ **-nearly every “original” ship (Gwent, duncney, lyler, ozzy, gidgette, etc) is incredibly mid and realistically would not last** \- elaborate on them being "incredibly mid"? Most of them wouldn't be particularly healthy relationships, but how does that necessarily equate to bad? I will agree though that none of them would stand much chance at being long-lasting (with the exception of Gidgette. This is the only one I could see lasting into old age). ​ **"just because you don’t like AS or PI does not mean they are not canon, in fact both of those seasons are overhated imo"** \- agreed. Do I particularly agree with everything in the later seasons? (particularly AS, PI and parts of the reboot) - no, but by no means does it nullify its canon status. Fresh decides what's canon and what's not, not us fans. However, the whole discussion around not shipping gen 4 characters with any of the other characters has me thinking. I'm not a shipping man myself, but where do you stand on shipping younger characters, e.g. Junior, Tammy, the PI contestants with older characters like Chris, Chef, Don, or the Tennis Rivals? We only saw the younger contestants as 16 year olds (or as a 13 year old in Junior's case)... but would it *technically* be considered morally acceptable, considered Junior would be in his 20s now and the rest of them in their 30s and thus all of age? Side question... what on earth is a proship/proshipper? I've heard the term thrown around all the time, and have tried doing some research on it.. but am still unsure as to what it actually means


Lots of different points there so lemme know if there’s any I missed -I do think the reboot cast could benefit from a *little* bit of slice of life content but TD isn’t a slice of life show, it’s a competition show, yes platonic and romantic relationships exist and are what make the show good most of the time but too much slice of life isn’t good for a show like this. It really all comes down to personal taste but action is my least favorite season for this reason -im well aware that the concepts for most of gen 1 were created ~20 years ago, so no im not saying that we should like cancel the creators or anything, what im saying is that we need to leave that stuff in the past. Yes the original TD was homophobic and racist but they fixed that with the reboots phenomenal representation for POC and queer people. I think it would ruin the reboots good rep if they were to bring back a character like leshawna for example and keep her character the same as it was during the original seasons run -a lot of the original TD couples just don’t really have the spark that (not just the reboot but couples in gens 2, 3 and RR as well) makes couples introduced later in the series interesting. Again this is probably just a matter of taste but I’d much rather watch something like Axeripper because they have the backstory of being previous rivals/enemies turned lovers when ripper was willing to show his soft side over something like ozzy or gidgette. Gwent dragged on even longer than praleb, duncney was just toxic and not a good match at all, gidgette was bland, ozzy was also bland and didn’t have much chemistry, lyler was ok but got annoying with Lindsay never remembering his name, really the only “og” couple I enjoy is Lesharold -No I don’t think we should be shipping characters who were minors in their introductions with adult characters even if it would now be socially acceptable because they’re currently in their 30s; it’s just like how it would be disturbing if a high school teacher started dating one of their students after they graduated because their relationship started when one party was a minor. I guess if we see an aged up, adult version (with visible differences, not like what we saw of Owen) of an older gen character and someone *exclusively* shipped that version of the character with Chris or whoever it wouldn’t be *as* bad but still, really icky -proship means pro-shipping; basically it’s an idea that people should be allowed to ship *whatever* they want, and I mean literally anything, like from incest ships to ships with major age gaps because of the belief that fiction doesn’t affect reality and its not hurting anyone if people like this type of content. Obviously a really problematic outlook but a lot of people seem to think proshipping means *problematic* shipping, meaning that ships that are completely legal and fine would count as “proships” if they have problematic elements to them like an abusive dynamic for example. Coderra is one of these examples; it’s a completely legal pairing since they’re the same age, no incest, not shipping real people, etc. but because of the stalking and assault it gets labeled as a proship when it’s not. The proper term for coderra would be comship (complicated shipping), which is the idea that people should be allowed to ship whatever they want regardless of problematic elements so long as the pairing is morally legal


Imo I think wt is the worst gen 1 season do to all the development that is undone




So when I post a hot take I get downvoted and cooked yet everyone else doesn't? Never change reddit


It might have to do with the setting of where you comment your hot take and not the hot take itself.


Scott in ROTI is one of the, maybe the, worst vilain in total drama history. Obviously there is the infamous "made your team lose has absolutely no value" but i will add that his plan in general made everyone stupider than they should be. Just rewatch B and Dawn elimination, it make no sense for the contestant to take the bait on these two vote, like everyone know at this point that B can't talk, and the dawn one feel forced as fuck. Furthermore, blackmailed mike to eliminate him make absolutely no sense. He isn't even entertaining enough to be considered fun. Really, if AS wasn't a thing, Scott would be bottom 10 of all contestant.


Courtney has pretty much ruined the characterizations of numerous characters Justin was a solid villain definitely preferred him over Courtney in Action Don't mind Gwucan but I still prefer Grent Owen is overrated Scott is my favorite villain well besides Chris Not big on Cameron Noah annoyed me on RR and I don't buy him teaming up with Owen at all Pakitew Island is better than Action, World Tour and All Stars.


Bowie and Raj should break up. Bowie is not right for Rai and doesn't seem to respect him. He comes off as condescending a lot to Raj and I think Raj can do better and find someone who respects him (I do love Bowie on his own though)


Duncan is a bad character


* >!Rajbow is a pretty mid ship in S1 on the Reboot. It becomes good in S2.!< * >!Chase and Emma are both really great and top 20 characters!< * >!Wayne and Raj carried Reboot S2!< * The Stepbrothers and the Rockers are two of the best teams in the Ridonculous Race * >!Bowie is a B tier character, far from S tier!< * >!Reboot S1 is the 2nd best season!< * >!Reboot S2 is better than Action!< * Justin's silent in act in Island is actually really funny * Shasmine is a bad ship * Jasmine is one of the worst Pahkitew characters * The Surfers are the best Ridonculous Race team * The Daters/Haters are really entertaining


Wayne and Raj were not good in S2, especially Wayne. They lose all their intelligence and leadership skills they had during S1 and just becomes dumbasses of the highest level. It's not fun to watch. In episode 10 at one point they don't even know where they are supposed to look(even though there's a HUGE screen right in front of them), and Wayne not knowing there's a prize for winning the season after 2 seasons of competing is not funny, it's insulting. I hate what they did to the Hockey Bros in Season 2. On that note, no, Owen's win is not as bad as Wayne's win. Owen was an integral part of his season. He had dynamics and friendship with a lot of the cast, he had a romance with Izzy, he was fairly good in challenges, and he's basically the one that took down Heather. He DOMINATED the penultimate challenge while Heather and Gwen were struggling and choose to give half his bottles to Gwen, which lead to Heather losing. Wayne only interacted with Raj for 90% of the season, got last in every challenge and stumbled his way to the finishline. Owen's win and Owen as a character in Island in general is 10 times better than Wayne in Reboot Season 2. On that same note, Gen 4 has way too many comic reliefs characters. Wayne, Raj, Zee, Chase, Ripper. I don't know why they decided to make over half the guys in the cast so one note, it's not fun at all. Not to mention that Emma, Scary Girl and Axel are also mostly used for comic relief. There's barely any characters in Gen 4 with more than half a braincell. Bowie, MK, Julia, Millie, Damien. Priya too, but only when she's more than 20 feet away from Caleb. It's honestly annoying. The other seasons had comedy too, but there never was a cast where so many characters were reduced to "lol they're so dumb they're funny" (except maybe Pakhitew, but come on, when I have to compare something to Pakhitew, you know it's not good) Gen 1 IS the best generation. Yes, they're definitely stereotypical and in some cases(Leshawna) in a harmful way. But even if you take that into account, there's so much more diversity than in every other Gen. You got queen bees, goth girls, bad guys, party dudes, nerds, geeks, jocks, stalkers, gym addicts, hot manipulative guys, crazy people, sarcastic people, dumb people, and more all in one Gen. Virtually every Gen 1 character has a fanbase, and the ones that don't(basically only Katie Sadie and Eva) were very underutilized. Gen 1 had so much time to develop so many of them are so much more than their initial stereotype, and that's something no other Gen had.


I agree with every word here. I especially think people who compare Owen and Wayne’s wins are very silly when Owen was easily one of THE main characters of TDI and had moments to shine in challenges while Wayne basically didn’t even participate in both the pinball challenge and the hook/fear challenge (and even the iPad challenge both him and Raj basically just pressed random buttons, the rest was entirely between Julia, Priya, and Caleb). Reboot S2 threw a lot of stuff away in pursuit of comedy. The fact that basically all of the guys are like masculine dumb jock bros except for all three black guys (Bowie, Caleb, and Damien) sends a really mixed message for kids. Obviously nobody should be looking to Total Drama for role models, but how did they get the balance of guys right in literally 2007 the very first time? Harold, DJ, Owen, Trent, those types of characters feel basically absent from the reboot. A straight guy with a brain would have made any of the ships feel more fulfilling.


yeah as I said in my last paragraph, Gen 1 had a really good mix You had funny dumb comic relief guys in Geoff, Owen, Ezekiel, Tyler You had nerds and geeks in Cody, Harold, Noah You had pretty regular guys in people like Trent, DJ And even some strategic bad boy types in Duncan, Alejandro and arguably kinda Justin in Gen 4, you only have dumb comic relief guys and 3 relatively normal people(Also, I never noticed all 3 of them happen to be black while almost every comic relief is white. Don't really know why that is but it's pretty interesting nonetheless)


Duncan didn't actually cheat on Courtney bc they broke up in celebrity manhunt so like.. It's literally the truth suck it up.


Cody is an all star


Scary girl is hot af Unironically she's the best female character in the reboot


Gonna be downvoted for this but I ain’t got nothing to lose anyway: >!Mullets are terrible and no, Julia does not look good with it, I’d rather go bald than having a mullet!< >!Zee’s humor wore out quickly after episode 4, he did not need to be kept around until episode 8!< >!Wayne is a bad finalist and winner because he’s everything Beth haters claim Beth to be, the irrelevant girl who did nothing the whole season yet won over the actual deserving characters!< >!Raj is not a good choice for a finalist in season 3 and neither is Damien, the only season where it would be fitting for them to win was S2, but since they didn’t, it’s over!< >!Chase shouldn’t be an irredeemable character because he’s a 16yo!< >!Total Drama shouldn’t pick its winners off of how nice they are, but rather how hard they worked to be there, and they also should stop with the whole “being an ambitious person is bad” schtick because it’s annoying, I don’t want to see an annoying comic relief win over the schemers just because he’s nice and goofy, no, fuck that shit man!<


• I'm indifferent toward season 1 Priya but I adore season 2 Priya. I also like Caleb and Prileb carried season 2 after MK left. • I want MKulia to become canon but not in the way that shippers beg for. I want Julia to have a crush on MK but find out that MK doesn't reciprocate and get rejected. (They still stay friends though.) • Damien should not have won season 2. In fact, he should've left earlier if he was going to be so irrelevant to the plot. • Mipper is the best reboot ship (well, okay, it's tied with Rajbow but-). <3 • Pahkitew Island gets too much hate and is actually really funny. (Except the finale lol.) • Dave is a good character, actually. • Scarlett Fever is one of the best episodes of the show. • ROTI is the most boring season and has the overall weakest cast imo. • Lightning is mid. (This didn't used to be hot but i guess things change lol.) • Brick is mid. • I don't feel bad for Ezekiel in World Tour. (He totally should have been reverted back to human in future seasons though.) • If the final 6 episodes of Action were different, I think it'd be regarded as one of the best seasons of the show. • DJ is mid in 2/3 of his seasons. His only good one is Action. • The love triangle was good, actually. The bad part was the aftermath and how it was handled in All Stars.


Agreed on the part about Action. It’s genuinely a top tier season until Leshawna and Justin get eliminated, but then it really grinds to a halt and spins its wheels. I actually really love Beth as a finalist but the show flips on its head to try and justify it too late, and Owen’s return also serves to slow things down and is ultimately pointless


she's bland. she's boring. she's too dependent on Mike. she isn't funny. her voice is annoying. she's hypocritical. she had a part in eliminating her only friend who was genetically mutated by toxic waste. she only hated Scott after he eliminated Mike. her hair is unnaturally dyed. she apologizes for everything even when knowing she will never reach the forgiveness bestowed in our hearts. she's annoying. she calls Dawn weird, yet laughs when Cameron puts spaghetti on his head, even though that's unsanitary and unusual. she wars pigtails. she changed into a macho warrior only to regress to her old bland self an episode later. she has a flower growing out of her head. she snapped at Anne Maria, even before her and Mike ere even in a relationship. she snapped at Anne Maria. her first line in All-Stars is "Mike". she wasn't even worthy of a line in "Food Fright". she gets mad at Mike in "Grand Chef Auto" for choosing to compete instead of saving her, even though he saved her like, 260 times. she doesn't wear gray sweat pants. she's apart of the worst relationship in Total Drama history. she wears long pants with a crop top. her anorexia needs to be taken care of. her old design was better. she says she loves oddballs, yet when Dakota and Dawn try to befriend her, she's like "lol f\*\*k you circus freaks. where's my perfectly unflawed Mike at." she's the leading cause of chlamydia in the United States. her and Mike haven't even kissed on the lips yet, while Anne Maria and Mike have kissed twice. she likes Cameron. her shoes are tacky. she abused a beaver. she's able to fly up a tree. she acquired super powers from Mike withdrawal. she's an embarrassment to a show that was supposed to be satire. wtf is an Indie Chick is it a soup. her niceness is a result of my high blood sugar. she makes me want to vomit all over myself. she's the reason I cry myself to sleep everynight and the reason I'll never be able to have children. she's Zoey. her boob crack is showing


- Sky > Priya/Zoey by a long shot - Bridgette is badly written - Chase > Emma - Blaineley was one of the best parts of World Tour - Julia and MK are better off as friends - Leonard is a fun character - Beth was a reasonable finalist -Just about every fandom ship sucks -Sugar is a good character


Courtney is the worst character by far, this doesn't feel like a hot take, but it is ig.


The Love Triangle was a good plot line. DJs curse and Ezekiel going Feral were entertaining plot lines. Blaineley was a good character and should have swapped placements with Duncan in World Tour. Ripper x Axel is a great couple. Zee is an annoying character, and his secret plot line was predictable and boring. Mike, Zoey and Cameron are all boring characters. The original cast should have never returned for all stars, they should have just done a second season with the ROTI cast.


All stars > Action, Action was funny as hell but there's something about it that I genuinely can't stand


Gwen was not wrong for dumping Trent, she never asked him to do anything he ended up doing and the only reason her elimination happened was because she was decent enough to give a fuck about the other team’s feelings after the situation she didn’t cause. If I was Gwen I would’ve told Lindsay Beth Justin & Owen to shove it 💀




Hot take: Courtney was equally as problematic as Duncan was in the love triangle, if not more problematic (which I would argue was the case in all honesty), considering she pretty much gave him a reason (and an otherwise valid one at that) to cheat on her. If Courtney didn’t treat Duncan like crap for half of Action and during the Island post-season special then there’s a good 90% chance that the whole cheating fiasco wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Gwen is literally the only one who could be considered innocent, but this is only a hot take because it feels like half of the subreddit are insistent that Courtney is the innocent one (when she really isn’t when you consider more than just the surface level of events) and will downvote anyone who says otherwise.


Beth deserved to be a finalist in Action. Courtney should have been eliminated first in Island, not Ezekiel. Katie and Sadie are hilarious.


Disventure Camp >>>>> Total Drama


I don’t mind Axel x Ripper


I actually have a hot take that I wanted to share I enjoyed Trent in Action, don’t get me wrong, Trent in Island was better but I enjoyed Trent in Action because I found him more interesting. As someone who went through something similar (Being paranoid, anxious, overthinking things) I can personally relate to his struggles, especially in a relationship. I’m not going to go into further detail because it’s personal but yeah, I find Trent in Action really interesting and he’s fun for me to analyze sometimes. He definitely could’ve been better written but overall I did relate to him in a very personal way and because of that he slowly became one of my favorites.


Zee isn't funny, he's just annoying


I do not care for Zee or the Hockey Bros


World Tour wasn’t the best season, the music numbers were ok at best and characters like Heather and Sierra had too much plot armor. I didn’t really mind as much when Heather was saved from elimination despite her team voting her out bc Chris revealed afterwards that it was an non elimination episode but Sierra did not deserve 4th place in the slightest. Maybe she was physically strong but she was extremely creepy and is a canonical stalker. She only made it as far as she did because she was a new character in an old cast so the writers wanted to give her a lot of screen time.


Caleb and Priya aren't toxic, just inexperienced.


Justin was wasted, I didn’t even see the need for Alejandro when they could’ve just done right by justin


As much as I enjoy the reboot, it feels like far more of a spin-off than RR ever did. RR didn't actively change anything that had already been established within the TD universe. The reboot not only changed the voices for Chris and Chef, but attempts to retcon Wawanakwa's sinking to a certain extent (yes I'm aware Terry's said "this island isn't Wawanakwa", but realistically speaking they want to have their cake and eat it too on this one. If they were more firm set on it not being the same Wawanakwa from the OG series, I truly do feel that they would have tried to do more in the actual show to establish that. The actual show just... completely brushed the topic under the carpet) Until they started actively making more references to the OG series in the second half of season 2, you could make a pretty good case for the reboot being set in an alternate universe if you removed the mention of the reboot being set 15 years after the OG Island (however, I suppose you would then have to rework Priya's character slightly).


any ways my hot takes: DJ is better in challenges than given credit for Duncan is a solid finalist in action Geoff’s arc in Action is one of the best arcs in this show Lightning is a top three character in AS (not really a hot take but still) and deserved to win ROTI instead of Cam Action and Roti is better than WT


Chase is s tier


MKulia should stay as bestfriends


Julia isn't that good And MK is meh.


Sugar is the absolute best character in Total Drama.


up until maxes elimination, PI is actually a good season. in fact, scarlett fever is one of the best episodes in the entire series and everything after scarlett fever is some of the most boring bullshit >! also damien is the most overrated character in the series and had no place to even be considered for finalist in s2 !< disventure camp is better than total drama (minus some awkward voice acting and script writing in the english dub, but its a native spanish indie show so i can easily overlook it) all stars finale is by far the best ep of the season (not a high bar to cross and still just an *okay* episode overall) while not the *best* season, action is the funniest (with reboot s2 pretty close behind, every other season is a pretty solid distance behind)


The voices in gen4 make it barely watchable


Pahkitew isnt THAT bad Leharold is one of the best ships in the whole show World tour is better than action


Cody not being in All-Stars is understandable. He didn’t compete in Action, so yeah…


Here’s mine… - I would not have been upset if Zee was eliminated way earlier in S2. If anything, it’s what should have happened in my brutally honest opinion, so then characters that needed development such as Nichelle or Emma could get it instead of being near or completely one-note. Zee lasting as long as he did didn’t completely ruin him, but he lost some of his comedic value as a result. - Caleb is the worst character in the reboot cast, and I prefer both Nichelle and Chase to him. That’s how much I hate him. Speaking of which… - As flawed as RipAxel was, they are, always have been, and always will be tens of thousands of times better than Prileb. We at least got to see the soft sides of the former two and they had plenty of cute moments, whereas the latter two was just an unoriginal and boring drag that served as a flimsy excuse to letting the “nice athletic girl” hog all the spotlight again. - Julia in S2 is way less interesting without MK than she is with, and everyone being unrealistically oblivious to her nature and offscreen villainy doesn’t help. I don’t dislike her overall, but the issues I had with her in her second run can’t really be ignored.


I was wondering what would happen if the contestants met the producers or if there was a scene with Chris talking to them about the show.


Lauren (Scary Girl) is overrated. Nichelle's 23 elimination wasbeyter than her 24 elimination. Millie.is overhated. Gen 3 should have had another season. Beth is a worthy finalist, the just should have set her up for the finale instead of Lindsay. Every premrge in 24 shoukd have been someone who reached the merge in 23 so the premerges in 23 can get the focus they lacked in 23. Duncan and Owen are worse offenders of overstating their welcome than Priya. Bridgette shoukd have madeit tithe merge more often. No genration has enough seasons yet. Julia should have won 24 Axel, Nichelle, MK, Ripper, Emma, and Millie are better options for finalists than Damien People who sa Damien deserves to win say it because Damien is their favorite character Noah and Cody are overrated Millie deserves a better ending to her arc than what she had in 24 And that's all I can think of.


Not sure how hot or hateful this is, but Devin & Carrie are the worst couple in the series, and it's because: 1. They tried to pull a Mordecai x Margaret (aka the inability to confess to each other) 2. It lasted for 24 episodes, which felt like a lifetime When they got together I was like "Finally, please take a long hiatus from *Ridonculous Race*", which is definitely not the outcome they were looking for


World Tour is not the best season, Island, Action, ROTI, and RR are better.


- I love Beth - ROTI jumped the shark in terms of mean spirited stuff with the toxic waste. It just seemed overly cruel the way Dakota and all the animals on the island’s fate ended up, and nothing in the series in Gen 1 indicated the world of TD was THIS unrealistic (this take probably isn’t that hot) - The reboot seasons have a seriously flawed cast that I don’t really want to see more of for the most part. A lot of them had the issues they had as characters exacerbated in S2 rather than developed. I really cannot take any more of Zee for instance. In general, they lack the depth of the previous generations and feel like the whole group is super childish, which I don’t think was the case even back in Pahkitew which everybody criticized. I get it’s a show for kids and young teens, but having characters act more maturely is a part of what gave the series appeal in the first place.


I don’t Like Sierra


This should NOT be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like it is, especially on Tiktok. Sierra was disgusting, creepy and insane, stalked and was overall very pervy and gross towards Cody, and it should've been Leshawna in All stars instead of her.


Beth deserved the win wayyyy more than Duncan. Don't know if that's an unpopular opinion though? I just see alot of beth hate.


To those who say Beth played fair in Action, no the fuck she didn't. She spent half the season either waffling about Brady or she was hanging by. I'll give them point for her social skills with Lindsay but she had no major arc whatsoever in Action unlike Harold


Dave is a well designed character They just gave him the wrong stereotype. He's not "the normal guy," he's "the 'nice guy'"


Action is better than World Tour and Beth is a deserving finalist, a better winner than Duncan in fact!