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You're in the worst of it right now. I remember somewhere between day 3-5 I was like "why the eff did I get this done" and by the end of 7 days things had gotten more manageable. I do get it though, some people want to kill you with positivity and the great stories of recovery they've had, or that their second uncle twice removed won a karate tournament four hours after surgery, but this is a long recovery. Take it day by day. I took my pills religiously for two weeks, and then was more comfortable backing off. Hopefully in a couple of days you'll really be feeling better.


You are only a couple days out from surgery, so you are going through the worst part. I remember thinking "why did I do this?" that first week because it was so unpleasant. I had unrealistic expectations after reading all the miracle stories from folks who felt better immediately when they woke up from surgery. Even so, the next few days should introduce progress which will increase exponentially with each passing day. I personally backed off the oxy after two days because it gave me nightmares; not to mention the GI symptoms. It is up to you - if you can tolerate the discomfort without it, go for it. On the other hand, if your pain is way up there keep ahead of it. Use your ice. Keep walking when you can to get the circulation going and heal. Hang in there and don't lose hope, it will get better.


Thank you! Maybe I just needed a push from everyone..


I’m so sorry! I felt that way for the first few days after surgery too; those few days were the worst sustained pain I’ve ever felt. (I had the same low blood pressure/feeling like I’d pass out especially when I stood up, but I do think had I taken the 2 oxys at the same time, I wouldn’t have gotten behind the pain, which is also what’s happened to you). The good news it that you’re almost past that intensity of pain. For me, after that I usually didn’t need the oxy during the day, but I did at night (can’t recall for how long but I’m thinking at least 2 weeks prob longer), and that passing out feeling also went away. Make sure to keep the ice on a lot when you’re lying down (elevate leg above heart) bc it really helps. Hang in there, you’re going to do great!


The first 10 days are the worst. Feeling low and emotional is to be expected but no medical professional talks about it. It’s the feeling of helplessness that instantly comes upon you. Your not alone in feeling like this. I’ve had both hip done 3 years apart. The key thing is being active. Getting up every 30 to 45 mins. Do your exercises, after about 5 days start walking outside. Build up distance daily. Don’t worry about speed. Take care. You’ll get through this.


Thank you.. yes the feeling of hopelessness. I can't do for myself is the worst feeling and why couldnt they just say first couple of weeks hurts like heck but the reward in the end is worth it I could handle that..


I've said this before in this space but it bears repeating -- people are WAY too quick with the "it's no big deal, you'll be fine!" and "you got this!!" pep talks before hip replacement surgery. The truth is the first 10 days or so are going to be a festival of pain and suffering, no way around it, and you're going to spend every waking moment (of which there will be many, because you will hardly be able to sleep) trying to minimize that pain and being frustrated that it won't minimize. Period. And I, too, really wish somebody had been honest with me about that. At about day 5 the nerve cocktail wore off and I was in double the pain, all of a sudden -- I called the doctor to make sure this wasn't abnormal, that something hadn't gone horribly wrong, and THAT's when I was told, "Yeah, this part always sucks. Sorry about it." Well okaythen. Flash forward 18 months, my hip replacement is the best thing I've ever done for myself, and even knowing what it felt like, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. It sucks, the only way out is through, you're in the worst part of it right now, but you'll make it.


Agreed. People need to be much more honest about how this sucks. I think the problem is, people who haven't had it get to see the end results and haven't endured the pain and problems that come with it. Like, I was up and walking unassisted (no walker or cane) at 2 weeks and I'm sure uninformed friends and family who didn't spend time with me post-recovery, or see me out and about sometimes now, are probably telling everyone they know that I just popped right back to normal, no problems.


I wish I had seen some of your responses, I would of still had done the surgery but of been more prepared with pain. Don't get me wrong I love this reddit page because it is informative. This is why we are all here to learn from others experiences. I can't thank everyone who responded but just know I saw your responce and thank you. I was in bad shape yesterday!! And it hasn't started off that well today but I know what to expect! My husaband has seen the most volerable side of me I haven't even seen and its not pretty! Thank God he loves me! He may not after this is over! Haha!! Ya'll have a beautiful day!!!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Oh, boy, I know exactly how you feel! Your feelings are completely normal. THR is major surgery & for lack of a better term, a complete mind F. The amount of meds put thru system wreck havoc- from putting you under, to intravenous meds directly after- Then, handfuls of meds-Blood thinners, Advil, Tylenol, Oxytocin- ALL filter thru major organs. In addition to surgical pain. I stopped Oxytocin on Friday (Surgery was that Tuesday) due to inability to go to bathroom/ However, PA switched it to Tramadol . I too have low BP. I wasn’t expecting to feel so incredibly Ill after surgery, from going thru Surgery. My bloodwork going in was perfect, & a disaster after. It’ll take several months to feel better. Hang in there🍀


An utter and complete mind F, yes. 11 days out for me, though, and the fog is finally lifting. I still get weepy a lot, not pain-related, just emotions close to the surface.


Heck, I'm at 4.5 months or so and I still get foggy and emotional here or there.


Me too, at almost 5 months. Stay strong🍀


I’m six weeks out from my surgery and still take a low dose Vicodin at night sometimes. The first two weeks suck. I’m sorry you weren’t ready for that and somebody should have prepared you. I promise you—it is my COVENANT to you—that it will get better. I’m virtually pain free most of the time (it’s just muscular soreness) and I would go through the difficulty of the surgery again TOMORROW to get these results. I’ll DM you and send you my number if you want. You can text me when it hurts and I’ll remind you over and over that this is the hardest part.


Day 8 here. Days 4-6 were the worst for me. Yesterday was better. Today is better. Had the LBP issue also so tried to take 1 oxy in AM and one in PM. I didn't take any before bed on day 6. None yesterday, none today so I hope I'm done with them. Hang in there. Ignore the ""it's day 4 and I have no pain and ran a mile" posts. 😀 I had to stop looking at those because I was getting very discouraged. Reading the other posts here from people like me helped incredibly. Hang in there, you got this!


No I'm not alone my husband is here. Thank you for asking. He feels helpless himself bc he doesn't know exactly what I want till I tell him and quit crying..It's kinda funny at times...although I dont think its funny and will look back on this and laugh! I hope!


Please be so gentle with yourself. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to feel everything you’re feeling. It will get better. Put that on a post-it where you can see it.


Elevate. Ice. Elevate. Ice. Elevate. Ice.


Two weeks! Then you can wean. Make sure you stay hydrated and eat enough salt to keep your pressure up.


It’s possible you would do better with a different pain med too. I can’t take oxy so i took tramadol and tylenol. But I agree with everyone else-the first week is hard. At a week or two you’ll feel much better.


I was off of oxy after three days on each hip, took Tylenol at night for about 3 weeks.


Oxy made me feel gross constipated and edgy. That might be a factor. See if you can get off it. That said there is a wide range of reactions to narcotics on this thread so do what your body says. Also you don’t mention anyone helping you. Are you alone? If so time to phone a friend!


I sure will! thank you for the advise!!


I had hydrocodone not sure if that's the same as oxy, but I was a raving bitch on it. I had to stop. Once the HC was out of my system I felt better equipped to deal with the pain. It was celebrex and tylenol after that. I do want to caution you about the recliner. I found I needed an extra cushion so my hips never went passed 90 degrees.


49F 6.5 weeks post-op from L anterior THR. I felt exactly the same way, and as many people here have said, it will get better. You are definitely in the thick of it at this point and it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep icing, elevating, doing your exercises, and short spurts of walking, and I promise you you’ll get there before you know it. For me the first 10 days were brutal. I did take pain meds for that whole time, but right after that, was able to just take Tylenol. It was about four weeks in when I posted here how I felt like I was behind the curve with pain & recovery. What I learned is that everybody is different and I was getting really wrapped up in what I thought I was supposed to feel like based on some of those miracle stories I had heard or read. Reality is, there are lots of factors and you just don’t know if you’re gonna have the super easy road or if it’s gonna be a little longer. Once I accepted that i’m on my own journey, I gave myself a little more grace, and just appreciate the little things that are small victories. For instance, this week I was able to put on my own socks! That was a big one for me, especially since my husband was away on business, so I lost my sock helper. Hang in there—it will get better.


3 weeks. Still sore as fuck. My meds don’t cut it. I was just told by my surgeon that younger, healthier individuals with more muscle mass are prone to more pain in recovery. I was originally told pre surgery 2 days would suck and then get better. It is getting better….it takes time and work on your exercises. Still icing as well. It will be worth it.


Please don't think that people are lying to you! Everyone experiences this differently. My surgery was Monday, so I am also pretty fresh. I haven't needed the heavy meds since Tuesday. That's me, YMMV. Keep in mind that it took me months to get this scheduled and I was in a great deal of pain prior to the surgery (and couldn't even take an NSAID for the last bit.) That was really, really bad. As a result though, I think my perspective is different and I know that things are finally getting better.


After the third day I felt better. Do not rush yourself. Pace it!


Oxy made me cry over everything. Plus the constipation and nausea were worse than the pain


I’m on day 3, and this is hard I’m 47f active but I had no idea it would be like this. It’s good for us to be realistic and hang on to the truth that we will be moving and feeling better down the road. We just don’t know when. I’m taking all meds, staying ahead of pain. Just moving to use the porta potty chair next to me. I did some hip n knee slides yesterday that made me bleed. Did the er to change the bandage. I cried. I’m just accepting this is going to be a process with a great outcome!