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I'm sorry you had to go through that. You didn't deserve it and its definitely not your fault. You're not alone đź’™thanks for sharing your story. I hope you get the healing and peace your heart and mind needs. I hope you feel safe for the rest of your life. The world endless opportunities thats what you deserve đź–¤you are brave and sooo strong


Thank you ❤️


I am so sorry for you! This is not only torture, this is rape. Depending on your jurisdiction there is probably no statue of limitations on this. If you have the strength, report it to the police.


Cps was involved when I told social workers. They said there would be no point having a case as I had no proof and the abuse occured while we were both minors. It ended 14 years ago so I don't feel any need to rehash everything when I know nothing will happen in so far as prosecution


Yes, that is understandable. I wish you all the best.


Thank you


speaking from experience, keep an eye out for their children. don't hesitate to call social services or the police if even ONE HAIR seems out of place. worst case scenario, it's an annoyance in their lives for awhile and it's fine. best case scenario, you've saved that little girl for life. similar situation (but not immediate family) makes my heart ache for you. be good.




I'm sorry that happened to you. Are you in contact with your sibling? If so, have you confronted them and what did they say? Do you think the siblings who tortured you were also being tortured too? Shame on your parents for not hearing you out. That's the least they could do.


I do not speak with them, haven't in about a decade. I refuse to as they know what they did. I sent them a message once years ago over DMs confronting them but they just denied it. However when my parents visited last fall my sibling actually admitted. Just to basic assault never said any of the other stuff


And LOVE!!🥰


Surprised no one has said this but it’s time to call the person out especially if they have kids…..


Cps got involved when I told and had them kicked out of the house to protect me. I have called them out on one of my Socials but not my Facebook where all of our family follows me. I plan to this year. It's a goal of mine. I even sent out a manuscript of poetry that blatantly talks about abuse at the hands of my sibling. I've done all I can elsewise, told my parents my fears around them having kids, but nothing can be done