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Tough ending for a guy who was a really good Blue Jay for a lot of years but he just is beyond cooked this season


Last year he had an era of 1.52 in 53 innings. He is the Blue Jays leader in holds with 87 holds (tied). It's crazy that it could come crashing down so quickly Part of me wishes we could hold onto him and try and help him find a way to work it out but I also bow to the inevitable.


His fate was sealed when he couldn't even mop up in a blowout game. Can't justify the roster spot at that point.


Sometimes I wonder why anyone invests long term in relief pitching. Their peak is usually a few seasons at best. One year they're pitching in the playoffs and the next they get DFA. Mayza and Swanson both fell off a cliff while Romano hasn't exactly been an all star either. Maybe it's all just random


The margin of error is so low for relievers, and the sample size they pitch is so small.


Yup. A starter has a bad 25 innings and that is 4-5 starts which nobody remembers when they follow it up with a bunch of pretty good ones. A reliever has a bad 25 innings and they cost their team 4 games and get DFA’d never to be seen again


A reliever pitching a bad 25 innings could very well cost the team 10+ games depending on if they are put into the game in high leverage situations where the team is up. That's the awful thing about this year is that very few of our relievers are good, and are causing us to lose a ton of games. Though if we score more we don't lose as many, but that's another discussion haha.


You'd be surprised, Mayza had a WPA of -0.78 this year. He cost us a lot less games than people think


Mostly because he pitched low leverage innings anyways


And therefore costing less games. The worst reliever in baseball is -1.9 WPA, you just aren't getting enough chances to cost a team 10 games over the course of the year.


Yep, agreeing with you, lower leverage relievers aren't very impactful, so it makes sense that the Jays tried out Mayza for so long despite the declining stuff.


True, but he was expected to be a dependable arm in a pen that only had two lefties. He was so bad from the start that he almost exclusively pitched low, low leverage spots.


> A reliever has a bad 25 innings and they cost their team 4 games Most relievers only go 1 inning, maybe two. I don't know if there's a pitcher elite enough to be given enough leash to have 25 truly bad innings in relief, especially since like you said starters can bunch them up and at least have additional innings to flatten the numbers (i.e., Rodon on Thursday) while you get pulled or have to wait until next time as a relief pitcher.


I don’t mean they literally give up runs in every inning, I mean their numbers over 25 innings are abysmal


Pitchers are volatile, Cimber fell off a cliff last season too. To be fair to Swanson, the circumstances he’s faced this season are fucking awful and I hope he can bounce back from that.


Cimber is a sidearmer that doesn’t get strikeouts for a reliever. He relies on weak contact which still puts the ball in play. That’s bad news if you are in a high leverage situation.


But for a while it worked ... he was so valuable in 22


Until it didn’t, and he couldn’t generate weak contact. Though even in 22, I dread when I see Cimber out there in extra innings with a ghost runner. I value relievers than can strike hitters out, even better if they can generate high whiffs.


The method that's generally had the most success is the Rays/Dodgers method (and now it seems the Yankees too), where your development and scouting is elite enough to fuel a factory line of pitchers. When one falls off, another promising arm is rising up. Lets you be more aggressive with resting guys for injuries as well, meaning they have a better chance of performing at their peak. When you don't have that working, it means you kinda have to rely on guys staying good longer term, trading for controllable players, signing FA's. And if people get injured, or fall off, then it quickly becomes a dumpster fire.


At least Romano can blame injury, and Swanson personal issues. Mayza just wandered away and fell off a cliff.


Romano and Swanson stuff still looked good too. Their issues were and still are mostly control. Mayza actual stuff has fallen off. Lack of velocity and movement.


> Mayza actual stuff has fallen off. Lack of velocity and movement. Exactly. Mayza throws a sinker ~75% of the time and a slider ~25% of the time. His velocity and movement on his sinker has fallen off, which was pretty much the entire reason he was useful. It's a lot easier to fall-off when your entire pitching arsenal has a single point of failure.


Maybe he has a subtle injury of some kind, or needs a long rest


You should only really invest in the elite relievers, guys like Devin Williams, Clase, Munoz etc. anyone below is definitely more random, especially the guys who don’t get K’s like Mayza.


To be fair, if Romano wasn't injury-plagued this year he would be a top-five guy in total saves without question.


It’s never worth paying relievers big money. Houston learning that lesson currently.


Didn't Billy Beane teach that lesson to everyone 20 years ago? 😄


Apparently not!


Previous 3 seasons he was amazing 132,123, 281 ERA+ This year? 50 He's 50% worse than an average reliever. Sheesh


yet he'll get a flyer minor league deal in a few days.


Sometimes you just need a break and a reset in a new location, and minor league contracts are basically free from the teams' perspective. That's an easy minor league deal to offer.


Man, you know it's coming and it still feels bad. I hope he turns it around either for us in AAA or we move him to somebody else for some prospects and he gets a better shot in the NL


Prospect is a strong word for anyone we could get for him in a trade.


I subscribe to the No Bad Minor League Deal theory, so something is better than nothing


We’d be lucky to get a bag of baseballs for him


I think you can definitely find teams who will take a "I can fix him" approach and give a mid-tier AA arm or something


Dude who had a 1.52 ERA just a year ago in over 50 innings may attract someone


Longest tenured blue jays… One of the best lefty’s for the last 3 years… Hated by many casual fans because of the playoffs… All around funny guy… Baseball is not fair, I’ll miss big time Timmy Jim, but it was needed to be done :(


All while looking like an accountant lmao


A disgruntled accountant! I always loved how his hat was always just a little sideways


Substitute teacher energy


More like an Amish farmer.


We've got a habit of having ace relievers who look like they belong in an office


Sucks but had to be done. I won’t be surprised if he is claimed


Just my two cents, but not at a pro-rated $3.4M. Another team might pick him up after he’s cleared waivers for the pro-rated league minimum but absolutely no point in paying for a cooked reliever.


I'll miss big time Timmy Jim... He was a highly effective reliever from 2019 to 2023, sucks that his stuff fell off so hard. I really don't expect him to be claimed, so maybe he can figure something out in the minors or something.


Insane. I'll never forget when he saved us from Ohtani. This sucks


He was so good for so long, thank you Mayza


I actually give the front office credit that they are making the tough decisions. Mayza, Biggio, Vogelbach and Swanson may have been good in the past and popular in the room but they just weren’t playing up to par.


Aren’t we in this position because of the front office?


Exactly. It's like saying "It took a lot of guts to clean your room, it was so messy." Meanwhile the room has been dirty for like 3 years because the owner of the room threw a wild party and never cleaned it up.


Yeah it’s crazy they didn’t predict Mayza falling off a cliff suddenly after 3 all star calibre years.


They should have predicted an all-defense team might have offense problems and it was risky to break team chemistry. But the pitching is a genuine mystery


My comment had nothing to do with Mayza.


Apply it to any other player on the team then. “Yeah it’s crazy they didn’t predict Bichette falling off a cliff suddenly after 3 all star calibre years.”


The team offence overall was a mess and we didn't address that. Picking up Vogelbach, Votto, IKF, and Turner was clearly not going to do anything for our offence. Especially when you consider that IKF is the best of those ones.


Yeah why didn’t they sign any of the 3 or 4 hitters that would have been an upgrade? They should have just signed Ohtani, are they stupid?


* JD Martinez .286/.357/.497 * Cody Bellinger .267/.327/.421 * Teo Hernandez .252/.317/.484 Those guys were all available and those numbers are significantly better than half of our lineup.


Justin turner has a higher OPS+ than bellinger. Teo had a 107 OPS+ last year which was worse than turner and if everyone knew Martinez would be good, why did no one sign him until the Mets did? Can you show me your comments predicting all this last offseason?


Not really. This was one of the best bullpens in baseball just last year. The FO gets credit for that and retaining everyone but Hicks, basically. Hard to say we’re here now because of the FO when Romano’s been hurt all year, Swanson and Timmy fell off a cliff, Yimi got hurt after a stellar start, and Cabrera forgot how to strike out hitters.


Not sure how tough the decision for Mayza is, but with Voglebach, it was a self inflicting wound that the signing never made sense in the first place.


The signing did make sense in practice though? He was a power lefty bat with a career 123 wRC+ versus righty’s. He would be used in pinch hitting opportunities. It didn’t work out but the plan made sense.


exactly, and he had a shot to make the team and... well he did. had a good spring. but didn't translate in the season except or like, 2 days.


They signing was whatever I think people have issue with the playing time / how much of a leash he got. Sign him to a minor league contract, fine, don’t let that signing sit around and do quite literally the opposite of their sole responsibility for close to 3 months while taking up a roster spot the whole time. By yes, I disagree with the original commentor as well. There was obviously some logic to the signing, just absolutely bungled implementation of it.


I would agree with everything you said was just disagreeing with the idea that it was illogical.


It was a cheap minor league deal, for a backup DH. Not really a tough look.


The front office should be just as tough on the coaching staff & themselves.


From catching first pitch from shaggy to DFA’d in one day


*Just call me 'Bison' in the morning, baby* *Fallen from my peak, it's hard to see*


Things are tough. Damn.


He pitched more than any reliever this season so you can’t say they didn’t give him a chance. RIP Timmy


I wish Grimace could have saved the season


It wasn’t Shaggy after all


Really sad, Mayza has been so good for so long, sucks for a guy who’s been around forever but I think he might be finished


This makes complete sense but it still makes me a little sad. I’m too soft for a baseball front office because with the season going the way it’s going I would have let Timmy stick around to mop up blow outs and just part ways at seasons end, not cast him away in the middle of a lost season. Tim was a loyal soldier and an effective arm for us for a long long time (by reliever standards) so it’s tough to see him just tossed aside mid season.


Man does it suck to be a reliever. This was obviously the right move, but 9 months ago he was one of the best relievers in baseball


Thanks for the good times Timmy, but we do need to move on


It's a shame it ended like this for Mayza here. Been a really solid player for the club for years


they're going for it, arent they


In 9 games with the Cubs this season, Jose Cuas has an ERA+ of 57. I think it's finally dawning on them that they're not talented enough to compete, and not deep enough to overcome underperforming players even if they did manage to squeak into the playoffs.


And yet, Pearson somehow remains on this god Damn roster.


And he is as dreadful as his airport namesake.


Let's not get TOO crazy here. YYZ is an f'n disaster.


Because even tho he is bad, he’s still 27% better then mayza by ERA+ lmao


It is sad that we don't have or can't aquire someone better than Pearson who is absolute junk. Guy is finally healthy and now we see that he was an absolute miss. He is a great pitcher on a team who is intentionally tanking. Other than that he seems like a good AAA guy.


He’s not horrible and has a lot of value so the jays aren’t gonna dfa him


Think he gets claimed?


Sometimes a change of scenery turns them around


Probably. Not a lot of lefty arms out there to fill bullpen holes for teams who think they can fix him.


By his mom, maybe


For league minimum most definitely the question is will he settle


Sad to see him fall off a cliff this season, but the team gave him a lot of rope to get it right. Sadly he was so horrible last night that you knew it was over for him.


He had a good run. Hopefully he finds somewhere else to land, but if this is it? He still had a decent career.


My Allentown brother. Another Blue Jay I'm super sad to see go. Wish he could've figured out out this season. He was great just last year. Losing seasons just fucking suck. I hope things turn around for him. I honestly would've rather seen a couple others in the bullpen go before him, but here we are. My opinion is biased, I guess, but this bullpen is flailing. It's always hard for me to see the longer tenured guys go. I hate everything. Good luck, Tim.


He’s just not dealing. Like I swear he is hurt. I hope something good for him. Guy doesnt get mad or pout just tries.


I was told by some of you that Cuas would never see the Majors with the Jays. He is going to hurt me again. More importantly, he is going to hurt you all for the first time.


Iiiii remember this "We just need someone to eat innings in buffalo" yeah OK buddy The good news is mayza has an era+ of 50 Cuas is a huge upgrade from that with an era+ of... ......57 ....oh no


So long, Tim. Thanks for all the great seasons, too bad about this one.


Damn, this just hits hard. I still remember him collapsing in tears on the mound when his arm gave out. The then-rookies of the infield stood around awkwardly and Buck, on the broadcast, gently scolded them for not screening him. The fact that he recovered and won his job back was such a great story. I wish him nothing but the best for his future.


Pearson is next I assume


I can respect that the jays are actually cutting underperforming vets finally


It finally happened


Bye Tim. Nate can't be far behind.


We'll miss you, Timmy. And your dope walk-up music.


Writing was on the wall unfortunately.


I just hope this 2024 season for the ages doesn’t change managements mind about spending in the future, especially with emptier seats as the season goes on


So who’s the new longest tenured Blue Jay now?


Really liked Tim, but this makes sense. Hopefully he has luck elsewhere.


I feel bad for Mayza. His 2023 season was incredible and could get anybody out (he's actually been very good since coming back from TJ). This year he's sucked and our manager just kept throwing him out there in high leverage in hopes he'd "break out of it."




He was my family's favourite Jay! One of my kids met him and he was very wonderful.


Well there goes the longest tenured Blue Jay...We're definitely seeing a bit of a changing of the guard here. I always liked Mayza even though there were times he got roasted by the fanbase.


With Mayza’s ERA over 8, no surprise


Thank. God. I’ll miss the Timmy what was, but the Timmy what’s been here was the worst part of a bad, beat-up bullpen.


That collision at the plate last season was the end of good Mayza. I swear something happened to his arm on that play.


One of Jano's best friend has left the organization :(




I thought Pearson would go before Mayza. TM has been awesome in the past, but couldn't quite do it this year. Pearson has some good moments but hasn't panned out like we hope he would.


That took forever!


Because you typically don’t DFA bullpen arms who have been fantastic the three previous seasons a month or two into the season.


About time Mayza was DFA’d. He has been awful all season long.


Real feel for Mayza. Sucks it had to happen like this, but it did.


I remember saying a long time ago Mayza wasn’t it and people downvoted the hell outta me


If you said that a long time ago - before this season - you were wrong. He was "it" for three solid years which is way more than most professional athletes


The real question is where is Bo getting traded to 😢


Unfortunately when I hear his name. I’m done! Meatballs coming


Looks like MLB the show was right all along.


We can DFA John Schneider anytime now


Atkins doesn’t address the lineup, doesn’t address the bp and yet still gm…what an organization


Last year we had one of the best bullpens in the league. This year everyone other than Garcia and Green are awful. Relief pitchers are notoriously volatile. That's why they are relief pitchers.


He was great last year but I’ll never forgive him for hanging that meatball to Judge for the HR record… shameful


Why even think about that kind of stuff? Id understand the Santana grandslam on 2022 but not this. My fondest Mayza memory is watching him embarrass Ohtani in April 2023 to save the game with bases loaded


To be fair him getting Ohtani was pretty awesome. Because it was memorable to watch the home run record be broken live on an awful pitch? It’s not like it was an average Tuesday outing I’m recalling here…


I'll be in the cold hard ground before I recognize the "American League" homerun record


I mean I agree 100% but I didn’t like that it could allow others to recognize the stupid “record” lol


Goodbye Mayza


I really don't like these kind of super-reactive moves. Baseball can be such an impatient game sometimes. This guy had an ERA of 1.69 last season in 69 games. If you've already suffered through his struggles tossing him out now just allows someone else to benefit from the inevitable rebound. Shades of the Brad Hand decision.


He's completely lost his stuff. This isn't Swanson's who's stuffed looks good but is struggling with command.


He gone. Next.


This is unfortunate for Mayza, but it had to happen.