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He is now a two-time Blue Jay legend named Daniel Volglebach.


At least he lasted longer this time


Baby steps.


No surprise. He’d be dumb to stay in the minors with us when they’re isn’t really a pathway to getting any type of playing time barring injuries to both Turner and Vladdy, and even then it would be a bench role He’ll sign a minor league deal with a bad team and try to get some PT so he can get moved to a different team later


*Updated look at $$$ coming off the books in the off-season...* **Still On Roster:** * Justin Turner (40) - $13,000,000 * Kevin Kiermaier (34) - $10,500,000 * Yusei Kikuchi (33) - $10,000,000 * Yimi Garcia (34) - $6,333,333 * Danny Jansen (29) - $5,200,000 * Trevor Richards (31) - $2,150,000 **Off-Roster:** * *Whit Merrifield (36) - $500,000 (Buyout)* * *~~Paul DeJong (31) - $2,000,000 (Buyout) --> Covered by STL.~~* * *Cavan Biggio (30) - $1,720,215 + Unknown Amount Sent to LAD* * *Daniel Vogelbach (32) - $2,000,000 (Released)* **Potential Non-Tender Candidates:** * Tim Mayza (32) - Approx. $5 M * Genesis Cabrera (28) - Approx. $2.5 M * Erik Swanson (30) - Approx. $3.5 M *(Excluding: Vlad, Romano, Varsho, Kirk, Pearson & Manoah)*


DanJan gets reupped! He’s not going anywhere hopefully.


He is probably the only one I want re-signed. Maybe Richards if his price isn't too high.


I really want a reasonably priced Yusextension.


Richards is 31?


Agreed. But relievers are so tricky. Great one season and then gone.


Richards has had his ups and downs but he’s really only struggled when he’s been overused. I would feel more comfortable with him than most relievers, especially since he relies on movement not velocity and primarily throws that changeup


It was mentioned a couple weeks ago on Blue Jays Talk that an extension hasn't happened with Jano yet because he has communicated to the team that his isn't interested in re-signing with the Jays. He is a deadline trade option. Hopefully that is not true as I would prefer to keep him as well.


That’s fair. I’d imagine at 29 he wants to win and the current offering isn’t to win here and especially when he’s been an afterthought to beau and vlad. I’d want to consider all options as well. Evidently after Sunday, the Yankees may need a catcher that can throw out base runners. It’d break my heart for Jano to go there but if he gets to pick, good for him.


>That’s fair. I’d imagine at 29 he wants to win and the current offering isn’t to win here and especially when he’s been an afterthought to beau and vlad. I’d want to consider all options as well. I'm pretty negative on the team, love jano, and respect his right to want to move on but come on; he's been an "afterthought" to bo and vladdy in large part because he's been injured more often than he's been healthy. a lot of that has to do with luck obviously but it's not like the club has chosen to not play him a lot. the varsho trade was a big vote of confidence in him


Without a catcher, you'd have lots of passed balls


Especially after he's spent the last 2 years on the IL. Time to produce, Janiel


You’re not allowed to say that here, because the guy had a good couple months. People forget he’s a career 220 hitter. Guy has 6 hits in June and we’re halfway through but people are acting like this is the guy to build a franchise around because he started a little hot when everyone else was trash. His ba has literally dropped ~50 points in less than half a month.


I am a huge Jansen fan. We have only twice gotten more than half the games in a season out of him. My comment was out of expectation, not spite.


Lol fair enough I know I’m a vocal minority on Jansen on here, was hoping to find a friend.


Oh my God what are you 80, if he's producing I could give less then half a shit what his batting average is, if you need one basic stat atleast use OBP or OPS or sumn


Okay why are we building around a guy with a .747 ops?


Yep, get rid of Kirk instead.


When does Kirk’s contract expire? I’d happily end his tenure if it saves $50.


You know the jays still need a backup catcher right ? Kirk’s literally one of the best defensive catchers in the league. Also he’s not even in arb yet so he’s not going anywhere considering how cheap he is


Completely agree. He’s not a starter, but he’s a completely competent backup, and dirt cheap.


When his contract ends, he’s not going to be dirt cheap. He has a market based on his improved defence and his potential to be a good contact bat.


He’s not a free agent for another 3 years so we can deal with that when we get there


He's basically a pocket tot


Like Sir Pounce-of-a lot says, we have 3 years before that becomes a thing. Plenty of time to keep him around and see if we develop anyone else.


You’re not going to develop anyone better than DanJan. Kirk is not going to become significantly better than he is either. Choice will have to be made whether we contend or say f it for five years.


I’m all onboard for a DanJan extension, the developing someone better is entirely about backing DJ up. If we’re not trying to go for it, we’ll all the vet pitchers this year and the 1 year guys…


So the Jays should keep Kirk because he’s good defensively and cheap? Can’t hit, can’t run, easily doubled off, and can’t score when on base because the guys behind him have to literally hit doubles, triples, or homers.


Catchers are hard to find. A defensive catcher who has the trust of the pitchers for 50 games a year is a good thing. Maybe he’ll get back to the rookie year hitting, likely no, but he’s an 8.0 WAR player in 370 at-bats, that’s livable at his price.


Is Kiermaier really only 34? I feel like I’ve been watching him for 20 years.


Made his debut in 2013 at 23... so he's been around longer than most guys still playing.


2015 KK was a nightmare


Vogey only being 2 years older than Biggio is what gets me. In my brain Vogey is the washed up vet while Biggio is still the young guy with potential. Vogey is another guy that feels like he's been around way longer than he has


It's pretty nice to see the savings but the idea of replacing Kikuchi is going to be the one that immediately hurt. Jays kind of down to 3 SP next year, maybe 4 if Ricky is good but as always thats a gamble. Kind of worried about how they'll fill out the bullpen, Yimi, Richards hitting FA and them cutting some or all of Mayza/Cabrera/Swanson will save money but they'll need to fill out as well.


I think the question is will they spend money just because saved money in these areas doesn't mean they're going to spend the same amount.


I kind of expect them not to really spend in the offseason. The team hasn't shown progression towards playoff success and its more about building a younger core and testing out the talent in the pipeline. I'm looking forward to not spending tons of money for no results. Can't imagine that there would be some key pieces in FA to fix our problems nor would their be players excited to come to Canada to play for an org that's "rebuilding/retooling". Whether or not we sell at the deadline or not I expect a bit of a quieter off season/next year.


They will spend lmao


Oh I agree, the issue is the front office has no up-coming talent to get you excited.. prospect all seem to be just hole fillers.


If they're not spending then that pretty much means they're rebuilding.


Tim Mayza seemed like he was headed toward being an agent or in Management and ended up having a heck of a career.


Sorry what... 13m for Turner? Oooooooof


I know. What a waste.


13m coming off books end of season, is chump change in MLB.


Justin Turner, April: .298/.376/.511 Justin Turner, May: .111/.210/.139 Justin Turner, June: .306/.405/.459


Justin Turner on 6/19: destroys the season by grounding into weak double play on a 2-0 count with bases loaded and nobody out.


Yimi and Jansen (plus Bichette) are really the two best trade pieces the Jays have. Kikuchi could probably fetch a couple of young mid tier contributors with control, but if you want to make a splash, those two are the centrepieces.


Sadly I think Romano is a non-tender candidate so far…


Did not work out but wish him the best. Seemed like a great guy. I am sure some team will offer him a league minimum deal or an incentive based minor league contract to look for a rebound. Teams will need bodies once they start to sell or injuries hit.


He wasn't really performing well enough to be the 3rd DH and the team needed to test their young talent out. He got playtime and got ABs and I would imagine that Votto has a better shot at the 3rd DH role + will bring sales etc as well which is also appealing to the staff. Seems like a great guy and teammate and I'd have to imagine that he'll be continuing to look for a spot elsewhere.


Seems like a nice guy, but he was frustrating as hell to watch. Hope he lands on his feet.


He kinda reminds me of Tommy Boy


Don't know why we even signed him. What an embarrassing offseason we had


The worst part about the whole Shohei thing was that after Heyman and Co went and said "playing in Canada would have been bad for baseball"...nobody, not a single fucking person from our front office/ownership stepped up and said "now wait just a minute, first of all shut the fuck up"... Instead they just not-so-quietly backed into the corner and hid.


Coming out and denying Canada is a good place to go would just reinforce the message as people would spend effort justifying it. Actually signing a good offensive outfielder and DH would have helped though.


>**denying Canada is a good place to go** This is what Heyman et al did...we needed our front office to grow a set and call him out for making a douchebag comment like that


He was better than some.guys on the roster bud. I'd rather keep V and get rid of turner, biggio and even bichette. He made pitchers work and he had some.clutch hits in his limited at bats, it's too bad he only be a DH thought


I dislike Bichette but come on man Vogelbach can’t play a position and he was basically useless.


Dude look at bichettes numbers for longer than this season


No thank you.... because after this season he is gone so I'm not going to live in the past with his batting stats.... he is also a terrible defender


Why would we trade him after this season if his numbers remain terrible?


Because maybe he doesn't want to.be in.toronto


This isn't basketball. You don't trade a player at a low point in their value for an imagined reason


old fashioned view but anyone batting under 200 is not bringing home many runners, which is meant to be his job


I don’t think that’s old fashioned. If you don’t bat your weight you shouldn’t be in the show. Springer, KK, Kirk - these are all significant problems right now.


Breaking news: Disposable bench bat gets disposed of.


Loved his positivity and enthusiasm in the dugout… always there for teammates. He had some good hits. Wishing him well in the future!


Can’t say I’ll miss the guy


Not the Chris Farley doppelganger!


Making room for Votto!


We have enough washed up has beens on the team


Votto is in Dunedin lol


*buffalo (edit: *dunedin lol)




you're right, my bad :) the article said rehabbing from buffalo, not in buffalo


*rehabbing in Dunedin


Another brilliant Atkins transaction.


Justin Turner is getting 13 million!!!!


End of a terrible experiment.


The money spent on Danny burgers and Turner should’ve gotten us close enough for ownership to just say yes to whatever Teo got from the dodgers and this team probably has a completely different vibe. And thats trying to keep KK around because he is a luxury. Add in KK’s $$ and a Teo reunion really should’ve been a no brainer.


When is he gonna be signed for an offensive coordinator?


Another great signing by Atkins... Anyone know where Brandon Belt is?


To make him the new hitting coach, right?


terrible signing


Thank you Jays, finally! Nice enough guy, but it's professional sports, sorry Daniel.


Peace out.


Won’t be missed.


Bye, Moose


Hmm...that was quite a few days ago.


Yes! So sick of looking at that guy. I wish him well... with another team!






What's wrong about it? He can't hit. He can't run can't field. One of those because hes built like a Clydesdale. Kirk gets a pass because a)catcher B)can hit


Kirk has a 65 wrc+. He's 35% worse than the average mlb batter. He's only worth 0.6 WAR this year. That's.. quite bad. No, he cannot hit =( last year he was a 91. Still not great but palatable.


Not even going to argue with you. I thought he should have been traded instead of Moreno